The Wise .Man The wise man reads the clas-gificd advertisements and uses them whenever he needs to sell or buy, or rent, to find lost goods or to get a job. Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Daneing- Errry Saturday Night, 9 to It Dane Hall tor Hire Accommodations for Private Parties NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 V 4 Vol . XX , No. 154. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FHIDAy, JULY 5, 1929. PRICE FIVE CENTS Ten Bathers Swept GRANDHAVEN, Mich., July 5. A vicious surf and undertow of wind swept Lake Michigan and took the live s of ten bathers here yesterday, all drowning virtually simultaneous'.y within a radius of a few hundred yards. Hundreds of persons ashore watched horror stricken as the victims were whirled screaming for help out into the white-capped lake. The dead are: Mildred Fifield, 19; Robert Shindler, 19; Julius Tusol, 19; Leonard Kellogg, 20; Carl Rohloff, 21; Walter Schwartz, 19; John B. biddings, 21; Frank Pet-row -ski, 40; Rudolph Pitlulik, 22; Erwin Pitlulik, 21. INDIANDROWNS WHILE FISHING Ernest Wade of Kitkatla Lost Hi IJfe Between Lucy and Tugwell Islands on Monday Night j Krncvt Wade, Kitkatla Indian,' fi.-hmg ut of Sunnyside cannery, drowned on Monday rrfght be- j ii Lucy ami Tugwell Islands, j Wade was fishing out of his gill ! : .- Im.'tt and was moving his net j in rugh weather when he was drawn overboard and went down. ( r Wilson, a small native br, with hirtu but was unable to give &Kistane. Later the boat picked up by Howard Spencer ;uid tak n into Sunnyside. The ixxJv s. not recovered. Provincial .Constable .Harold n.i.vfmnf of district headquarters ' the provincial polite here re-' vr.'d t the city on yesterday . m train from Sunnyside "' i' nuking an investigation in tin., with the fatality. UNTIN BOWLER GETTING ALONG Chlrnm tn Itprlln RennrlrH In' Have I-andcd at Great Whale This Morning OTTAWA. Julv 5: The nlane Intin Howler, bound from Cjii-i 'tfo to Rerlin, is believed to be ff Great Whale, 260 miles north! "' Rupert House on the northeast j Mil l. t of James Hay. A Canadian government wlre-1' - unerator at Port Burwell related the radio man in the t'lutit- railing this morning. Dif-f" ulty was experienced in do- ii'lit i ing the message but It is I" li.'vcd to have read as follows: "landing at Great Whale. Weath-r md." CANADA'STRADE TAKESAJUMP OTTAWA, July 5: Canada's adc jumped $307,809,699 in List year. The total for the 12 months ending May 31 was J-.681. 492.305 atralnst $2,373,682,- 6 in the preceding similar P' nnd. Imports totalled $1,296,-"".8.954 an advance of $164,419.-817. Exports increased $143,389,-2 to at to:al of $1,381,753,351. 4 SEVERE EARTHQUAKE RECORDED VICTORIA VICTORIA, July . fo-Wi t wry Revere earthquake was reported this morning at Gonzales Hill Observatory, bpirlnnirir. at C.-OR VWL- ami still rontlnuing at 10 ciock. t distance from Victoria id onnn - - - " a ivvv inline, ' probably In the neljrhbor- oou or the Aleutian Is- land a MM Lost Lives v' by Undertow SEEKING TO HEAT ENDURANCE RECORD CONTINUOUS FLIGHT U CLEVELAND. July. 5: The monoplane Cleveland in which Roy L. Mitchell and Byron K. Newcomb, seeking the refuelling endurance flight record of 172 hours 31 minutes had been aloft 160 hour at 10:30 today though badly battered by a storm last night. 4 STOCK QUOTATIONS R. C. Silver. 1.10, 1.20. Bayview. 2 Vs. 3. Big. Missouri. 1.60, 161. - rv.f ten. ll,4447JRfc Duthle Mines, , W. George Copper. 10.00, 10.60. Georgia River. SS, 34. Golconda. 1.08. 1.09. Grandview. 42, 43. Independence. 8, SV. " Inter. Coal &. Coke, ST,' 88. Kootenay Florence. 1414, NIL.' Kootenay Kins, 82Va. . L. Si L.. 2, 3. Lucky Jim, 10, It Mohawk. 8, SVfc. Morton Woolsey, 6, &. Marmot River Gold, 4, 6. Marmot Metals, Nil. 4. National Silver. 12, 18. Noble Five. 614. 62. Oregon Copper, 25 V. 26. Pend Oreille. -55. 5.70. . Porter Idaho, 54, 59. Reeves Macdonald, 1.75, 130. Rufus Argenta, 28. iW. , Ruth Hope, 40, 41. Silver Crest, 5Vj, ' Silverado. 6. 75. Silversmith. 10. 15. . Slocan IUmbler. 10, Nil. Snowflake. 38. SO. Sunloch, 2.25, 2.S5. Terminus. 7. 10. Topley Richfield. 28, 80. Torfe Mines. 96, 1.05. Wellington, 8, 10, Whitewater, 85. 90.' Woodbine, 5, W. Illueblrd, 10. 11. Otis Advance. IBM 17.25. A. P. Consolidated, 4.20, 4.25. Calmont, 4.00. 4.06. s Dalhousle, 4.10. 4.15. Devenish. 47, 48. Fabyan Pete, 7, 8. Home, 23.30. 28.R0. MByland. 10.2Q... 10.60,,.,. . Mcleod, . 4.0Q, 4.10.. ,,i ,. Sterling Pacific. ,2.00, 2JX,, , Hnrgal. 1.48, t.SO. Freehold. 11 5, 1.20. Eastern Stock Sherritt Cordon. 7.95. 8.00. STORMS SWEEP w OLD ONTARIO TORONTO, July 5: Wind and electric storms which swept Ontario late Thursday caused damage estimated at thousands of dollars leavinK In their path ruined grain and fruit crops, flooded homes, wrecked barns and disrupted telephone, light and power services. ,iBERALSGAIN SASKATCHEWAN v uvni a anvil a sum iimr pendent by Majority of One REGINA, July C The Liberals gained a seat today by the recount at Cannington, giving A. C. Steele a majority of one over Dr. Arthur, Independent. Counsel for Dr. Arthur gave notice of appeal against the revised count. The standing of the parties In Saskatchewan now is: Liberals, 27; Conservatives, 25 j Progressives, 4; Independents, 5. It was also announced yesterday, that G. J. McLean, "of Cut-knife, hitherto regarded as a Conservative, was elected as an Independent Farmer, thus reducing the Conservatives to 24. STRUCK DOWN WITH PNEUMONIA WHEN ON WAY TO THE ARCTIC EDMONTON, July 5. Seized with a Mvprp attack nf nnpnmnnia while en route to Aklavik to act as i defence counsel in the criminal ' charges to be heard there against Eskimos, Ex-Mayor J. A. Clarke was taktn off the boat at Fort !SmT.h, according to word rceived here. He is being given medical attention and will be unable to continue the trip to the Arctic. i Recommendation that another barrister be seni north by airplane j t act in place of Clarke has been , seat w Ottawa. TO BE HELD HERE Doctors From Toronto, Victoria nnd Vancouver Making Post-Graduate Tour of Province To give poet-graduate lectures far local physicians under the auspices of the Sun Life Insurance Co., Dr. Norman B. Gwyn of the Uiivtrsity of Toronto; Dr. II. E. IWdewood, Vleto ia surgeon; and Br. D. B. H. Cleveland, Vancou ver dermatologist, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. They are accompanied by C. J. Fletcher, ex ecutive secretary of the British Co lumbia Medical Association, Vancouver. The annual meeting of the Prfnce Rupert Medical Association will be held at the same time M these meetings. Doctors from ouUlde points In the district are aleo here to attend the lectures, including Dr. Learoyd of Anyox and Dr. Brummit of Terrace. The party of lecturing doctors and Mr. Fletcher will leave Monday morning for Prince George in the course of their tour of the province. Dr. Gwyn Is a nephew of Sir William Osier, noted Canadian surgeon. MEMBERS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MADE TRIP TO GALLOWAY RAPIDS While the members of the St. Andrew's Anglican Sunday School were unable to enjoy their annual picnic na planned at Digby Island owing to the rain, the weather cleared as the afternoon wore on nnd at six o'clock, It was fine enough to take a trip,, which they all did in tho powflr boat Nnas, Riyer, going as for na Galloway Rapid. In the Parish Hall in the afternoon with Rev. J. B. Gibson and Superintendent E. W. Tucker In charge, a lengthy program of sports was carried, out nfter which gunner was served prior to the boat ride. An enjoyable time was spent and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to all who had helped to make the picnic n success. Secretary for Dominions Gets Busy Sidnoy Webb, now Baron Pas.;field of Passfield Corners, the I new British Secretary'of .State lor Dominion Affairs, ia here seen at his desk in the Parliament Buildings after taking over the i reins from Rt Hon. J. M. S. Amery. Joe Wright Wins Way V v to Finals at fWill'Row HENLEY ON THAMES, Ju'y 5.-Joe Wright Jr. won his semi-final heat in the diamond sculls competition here today, defeating F. Bradley of Pembroke College, Cambridge; by a length and a half In 10 minutes 13 seconds. The slow time is accounted for by extremely unfavorable weather conditions of half a gale and a rainstorm. L. Gunther, Dutch Olympic scuFer, won the other semi-final, defeating Viscount Tiverton by 10 lengths' in 10 minutes 40 seconds. The London Rowing Club that eliminated the Toronto Argonauts yesterday in the grand challenge cup were eliminated today by the Leander Rowing Club eight. . ' Columbia University of the United States lightweight crew was beaten by the First Trinity eight. Neville Chamberlain Declares Time Now Ripe for An Imperial Trade Policy for British Empire LONDON, July 5. An eloquent plea for a new Empire policy was made by Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, former minister of health, speaking at a luncheon of the Empire Industries Association yesterday. "Peoples of the dominions arc realizing today as they perhaps never have done before that it is possible to arrange their trade relations with each other and with the mother country so that those relations may prove ben eficial to all," he said. The former Conservative minister declared mat me eves of Canada had been opened to the great danger be- fore her U she turned her eyes soutnwara msieau in across the Atlantic "Today we find representatives of the great parties in Canada turning to the mother country with the desire to make some arrangements The moment has come when we should formulate a new imperial industrial poMcy not merely to protect ourselves from foreign competition', but to stimulate that imperial trade which will be our future . salvation," he said AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY r Thirtyrthree thousand, eight hundred square miles were covered In Canada during the season of 15)28 by oblique, aerial photographs taken by the Royal Canadian Air Force. Henley arid r the Dutchman DIED AT VICTORIA VICTORIA, July 5: The deAth occurred here yesterday of Henry E. Levy, resident hero since colonial days. He was born in New Zealand 86 years ago and came to Victoria in 1850. Jj QoVernOr BriWe ! Enthuses OverProsped i of North Developing In Address to Rotary Club Says Eyes of Investing Public Turned This Way and Results Will Follow Rapidly "My visit to northern British Columbia has been a wonderful inspiration," declared Hon. Randolph Bruce, lieutenant-governor of British Columbia, when addressing the members of the Rotary Club at their luncheon yesterday. "The eyes of the investing public are undoubtedly on this part of the country. Engineers are going about everywhere and the immediate future will, I am sure, see such development as will cure the pessimism even of the people of Prince Rupert. Everywhere were people prowling about looking at the ' -r- mines and investigating the pos-siH;,:Hcs of the country. Mr. Bruce told of his visit to the Yukon Territory, Of the rich mines at Keno Hill, where 8000 tons of ore he saw on the dump was worth $2,225,000, and where a large steamer is being built to carry 350 tons at each trip to get the ore out to the smelter. The Consolidaed also had valuable claims 40 miles back from Keno. He enthused over the work being done at At- lln, wr-e-e three companies are engaged in hydraulic work, and other people developing proper ties. "The most wonderful trip in the world is that up the Stikine to Telegraph Creek and back," declared his honor. I have never seen anything like it. The river boat fought its way up through the canyons, gaining foot by foot, nmdt the- most- magnificent cchery. and then coming back we 30 miles an hour through hose same canyons, and the skip- rr cleverly avoided the danger nnts and brought us safely through. There are all the thrills j nvone might wish." The mining activities at Doase I,"Vc w-e mentioned, 100 men be ing employed there jut now. I A visit to Alice Arm, the gover- "o said, was dually Interesting. What surprised him was the large motm of work be'ng done there, i The Granby Company had a lot of men in the ronntry and other big eomnsnles. Then there was the iripsntic smelter at Anyox, whe-e s town has been built around It tewrt. too. was full of optmism. -nd would since the announcement In regard tn their railway be even . orks in juries In New Ik ork alone m tn show that the future of the with the heat of Contrasting s ..ured." he said, "andj th' tM section of BrltUh Colum- last 'ear' thei;e wa ten-minute h- he rrt that will be devel- H"00 ?lJ at?r: N;Y ,S? that motorists stopped tn the Immedlste future, landing to avoid collisions. Aviation xv'll h!n in that ft b"ingsitncir cars Ve time much nearer than other-j w'se would he the case when the! j tpf pM llTTf I P r"!7.r:LbAr- ,u,rdnhLfcN WILLS for tremendous development." concluded hs honor, "and that right in the immediate future." PRESENTATION MADE TO MISS VANDEWATER PRIOR TO LEAVING Miss Marguerite Vandewatcr nf I Via fnrnatrv nf ihn . . 1 " . ! provincial, government service was the recipient of a valuable white gold and emerald ring from her fellow employees before leaving this week. The presentation was made by Robert A. Allan, district forester, on behalf of the staff and Miss Vande water expressed her thanks in a few words. Miss Mnrulcwater is . returning to her home at Rolls ,?Altav lit the Peace River country where her father is in business. She left yesterday on the Prince Charles and will remain in Vancouver a week or two before proceeding east. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. July 6 r Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today nt $1.41. ESPERANZAORE BODYISPROVEN Tunnel Being Driven at Depth Reported to Have Encountered Deposit Reports are current in the city of success of development opera-'ions at the Esperanza mine at Alice Arm. It is stated that a body of rich gold and silver ore which was opened up in the higher workings soma months ago has now been encountered againjn a tuunel below which was driven for the purpose. This Is regarded is proof tVat a large ore body has been established on the Esper anza. J;-A.' HInton,"TifeSdenrihe Esperanza Co., Is now at Alice Arm and it is expected that he will have good news to announce on his return to the city in a few days. TOLL OF UVES JULY FOURTH CHICAGO, July 5. The Fourth of July toll in the United States was 159, which was 46 fewer than last year. The reduction was attributable chiefly to the decrease In deaths from drowning and from heat. There were only seven fire-! works fatalities, although 500 children were treated for fire- LADY CHAMPION Surprise Sprung at Wimbledon When Henri Coehet and Eileen Bennett Defeated WIMBLEDON, July 5. I. C. Collins and Mies Joan Fry of England today sprang a surprise when they defeated Henri Coehet of France nd Miss Eileen Bennett of England, 2-6. 6-4, 8-6, in the quarter finals of the mixed doubles of the Wimbledon tennis championships. Miss Helen Wills detated Miss Helen Jacobs, a fellow C&llfornian, in th& finals for tho women's singles championship, 6-1, 6-2. INQUIRY WILL OPEN QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY VICTORIA, July 5: W. E. Fisher of Prince Rupert, who is nnntfd by the Government to investigate certain allegations against J. L. Barge, will open sittings of the Inquiry at Queen Charlotte City, Wednesday, July 17.