f t bsssVJIbU U7 LIONS' ROAR 1GIANTS EXPECT IS QUIETED ! WIN THIS YEAR New York Americans Beat Them' Manager McGraw Has Stronger One to Nil Last-Night-' --y Ctrfet Than Lasl'Tear Aiidy I Reese Showing Weil VANCOUVER, April lSiIn ah; ' 'iiiZ'Z, . exhibition hoekey.game here last! SANATONJO, Tex., Apri 12: night, the New York American 'VSh New lork Giants believe tft wl "ve up to. ineir defeated Lions aeieaiea the me Vancouver Vancouver uom(. J.. I gp 0 In a game that failed to prdii name ! Jduceihrilling hocke For tjvp ''jt!'; nenod onened the America tne only counter or the night, ir.e Lions shot badly and were unable tb solve the Americans' defense. PYLE GOES TO SENIOR FINAL Defeated A. A In Close Game in City Cham pions hip BilliardlSeries F. G. Pyle beat A. A. EassoR 500 to 493 la'sf1 night In the city senior individual billiard championship competition, the . match being the brat so far played in Scottish League, Division 1 .: Ayr 2, Falkirk 0. tr- Hibernians 4, Celtic 1. no; ft- ' 1 torts i Ml j llH3..,flJWVillliiiK . ,Lea"gne;wc;:l'The player periods no goal was eWed. hijh corOTdtntly.jlpect'to be the neao than two mtmiiAa nfthrtHiA..iViHMntl.I thaibaseball snow ana : 3 it' vVrr rur(.uwiij.,m. it ... j i " ! 1 1 . . ' V " Wl for their confidence. Manager John McGraw's outfit seems definitely stronger than the 1928 cast which was good enough to finish runner up to the champion St. Louis Cardinals. Perhaps the most encouraging singfe item in the Giants' new prospectus is a greatly improved Andy Reese. Last season the Tu- pelo flash hit well while serving Easson Last Night as outfielder, third basemarfnd second baseman but his defensive states wh undetermined at the end of the season. OVernight Reese has developed Into a eapable and possibly great second baseman and is hitting harder than ever. Ills almost j phenomenal improvement rounds) t .l. II.. f 1.1.1 ..M....! f ...Li.!. j- ..n i H" BIICCIIT l II I rem Linuunm- liC BCJ ICB, WHICH 1 MbtiMCtlllK . , - m Til considerable attention. The high " ""J"!?' JT Jek'i break of the mateh was 69. wMeh fn and. J UniUnm have, was rolled up by Easson, who tried and proven Standing, made an excellent showing In spite for emergencies will be Andy, of the fact that he was beaten. Cohen and Pat Cwwford and pos-, r p Rfa2nn rtn m.r ti lbly Baxter Jordan. Crawford Betting Was 8 to 1 Against Win ner and Third Horxe 2 to 1 OOD BYE TO TIRE TROUBLE Equip your csr with s new set of Dominion Royal Cords or Royal Masters and bid a long farewell to tire trouble. Theac two tires can't be beat Royal Cords are the finest moderate ly priced tires made. Royal Masters cost more than any other tire but they're certainly worth it DOMINION ROYAL CORDS AND ROYAL MASTERS S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 LONDON TRAFFIC COP PACKS A WICKED WALLOP P. i .. . heavyweight l ertca. . 1 1 j t- Mil MEETING OF ! RIFLE ASSN.1 NEWBURY, England, April 13 ! : Athford, owned by W. Bamett R. W. Cameron Elected Head of won the Newbury Cup today. I Regimental Marksmen Gang Warily came second and First Sheet, May 5 UA ... UI,I T..l. I Afccwuuc- uuiu. i ytctii; irei ftwi mil, i .i i.it..n 1 once, winner 01 in- i.u; ain.iii'.--hip, has ambitions for a protYssi.'iutl PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Daily News by the Sports Editor E. S. BARNARD President American League Althouch as a young man he socirrtion in 1901. He followed Angus Macdonald and William Manager McGraw has his 1928 ' 26 years of service with a major Mitchell, junior finalists will pitching staff intact and expects, received a training that particu- ciuo as secretary, business man- meet in two blocks of 250 points Carl Hubbell, wjio joined the j larly fitted him for that office, ager and president. p-unuea i. - ' - 4ft Portsmouth 3, Burney l.l '; 1 tw oneiiieiu veonsuay u, vesi-j --nham United 0. o I i. Trii..i 1 English league, Division 2 Barnsley 4, Tottenham Hotspu Blackpool 4, Portrale 0. Bradford 2. Notts County 2. ir'v Brtstol City 0, Readfng 0. Chelsea 0, Hull City 0. riflntnn Orlnt 2 flMham Alh. W letic 0. 'y' Grimsby Town 2, Wolverhamp- .ton Wanderers 0. , Nottingham Forest 4, Preston ;' N. E. l. v J Stoke City 3, Sothami)ton 0. 7 Shvaneea Town 2, JUllwall 0. West Bromwich Albion 1, Mld-dlesborough 1. emits with the end not vet in i .jh i .i v.. nku rwn. trhiu in ATHFORD WON ! NEWBURYCUP serve as a .baseball writer .-.snorts editor of the Columbus, jtunity presented itself organhed : osition launched into professwn- a league club in Columbus. Then nl baseball as an associate of HA. lirtf farcer -Ui Ugm- in Am- Sport Chat. A men's singles badminton tournament was recently played under the auspices of the Canadian Legion in Stewart. Harry Wilkinson was the winner, de- in tho finot mrw,titfnf. ntw.j. and Jorden. graduates of Toledo, ' -m hi n u- the Columbu team to the mere'feating Wge In the final. There n Play anywhere and hit iraPrtant American Aviation twelve entries. The Canad-two nesday and Thursday evenings in any : cominir nresident of the American were sessions of 500 points each. j"0"11"8 Pf"V.J.!. IT"! Z clrcuIt and thre fol,owed nwirly ' In ha bn ,n popularizing badminton at stew- art during the past winter and it is expected that more clubs each next Monday and Tuesday Giavts late in the season, to de-je wag actively associated with When Byron Bancroft Johasonjwill take Up the sport next sea- evenings, i clare dividends on his experience atheltics in one way !or another virtually forced, his own reaigna- son. OLD COUNTRYFOOTBALL t English League, Division 1 Arsenal 1, Leicester City 1. Birmingham 0, Cardiff City 0. " Blackburn Rovers 0, Manchester United 3. i . Boiton Wanderers 1, Newcastle United 0. "Derby Coiinly Z,"Liverpooi 5. n&erton 0. AstanXJJla 1. liuddersfield Town 0, Uury 2. -,4V Manchester City 3, Sheffield gained under major league fire. gjnce hjg eary school days, mt president of the Amerksn uuDDeii win De a starting pitcneri0f he time his interest being league Dy his numerous coaincis with Larry Benton, Fred Fitx-1 centred in baseball. Consequently w'h ComnJaoer Landia. the Tepley girls' and men's basktt- ball tHM iavadert.Teikwa recent Dutch Henry, a southpaw who the junIor major feague In 1927 ind. elected Win unanimous a ' and loet botharoe. The sc ore seems to have regained his earlier hl, MumwJ hi. duties luiien with wiin eon- cun- - Johnson's -.--w - jueewscr. , " . n ... gltH match i was il - to 4 form. Carl Mays, the veteran un-,fijtncR backed d by actual ex- Mr. Barnardnwas born July 17, 1 in , w" , La 1 Ti, Topley playef ShOWrd . UCK OI riMrhnnd nArfnrm.r mar Inln thp . -31TT . tool r.-i..ui. in ! :: ' " r. ' . . wifw .mi ui ..a .wy..-. 'r..vL"i-t. K.h suit. srroun as his arm has recovered i t , 1oUai rwvin w ttffc ' r uaKuail IIWIMIKVUrcill. Ill lac'Biura. iiu irviwni, ! inn , pnjinj . . 1 . j j ...UI -U a t Un.t n rwrt of it nlH mnninir . .t m.i..t .1 j., i .u ..Li.i j.n -j .ble indoor premHses, la which to . .loere wasiilllauout iae nsaronai 1 yuum at renvoi' aim cvurjic . . r ' ' l . I John Scott, another veteran. will'Kame with whiph h WM neTper- xvas half baeb and later coach, w,ork "ut 5rn. . gt?"l"f Trfpley s outdoor court P'ayed be-aaluable-man-in-relief roles ..n --i hina- of vrMin.n on and Curley Ogden has shown I iape a8 a professional player and of ' Ohio MeHcal University in 'itt p 'Ihe spring. A merry battle j umpfre .H808. About that time he became fofb'g Jought out by the re-' He ire g) as soon as weather permits. Whfle the end of the English soccer football is only a month away, the champions of the various divisions have not yet been he was electl president or a KODeri yumn, later preswent oi definitely indicated. Last minor league the Western As-! the Boston Red Sox. j thonirh. Sheffield remaln- ' ? ed safely at the top of the first ,.,.. dlvlalon of the English league, WOMEN GOING BACK TO Middle.boroUgh displaced Grlms-IICC AC Cinr CJinrtI C by Pac setters in the second UJL Ur dWLOAUDLfc division and Stockport county ' -ame up fn the third division. Custom of Riding Astride Being northern section. Northampton , Abandoned fn England Town led in the southern section Today i of the third division, but they are i 1 ! being bounded by Queen's Park i LONDON, April 12: Women Rangers and Charleton Athletics. ihorseriders are forsak'ng the Rangers, away out in advance of The betting wae 8 to 1 agakwt At the annual meeting of the m " for. th 0,d' T Ql th nfiA: haLVe Tg Awwi 7 4 i ..i n vi,. u.tuiu. r ni. iasnwnea siae saaaie. ine return since oeen a cincn in inc nrsi Warily and 2 to 1 against Re!- raeftt Rifle AssocTatlolTtn the ar- of ,lhe. fa"h,on """ged vision of the Scottish due. II. Uncoln of the C.N.R. returned yesterday from a two-day visit to Terrace on official duties. League Scotland Beat England Today in International Football Contest LONDON, April 13. The north triumphs over , the soutlu Scotland defeated England today in the f big international MJccer match at Hampden Park one goal to nil, in a closely contested match watched by an immense crowd of spectators. People came from all parts of England and some from Scotland tj witness the contest. A. Chcyc, the Aberdeen player, who was included in the Scottish team at the last moment, got the only goal scored throughout the match. By winning this game Scotland carries off the sea-son's international honors in both rugby and soccer. STOCK QUOTATIONS (OtMtrte? S. D. Johnston Co.) The following iUrtatIon were; ld and asked: i B. C. Silver, 1.00, Nil. 'Da-vfew, 5', 54. Big Missouri. 1.15, 1.20. Cork Province,1 Ift, 17 ' Cotton Belt, 66, 70. Dutbie, 50, 66. George Copper, 7.80, 800. Georgia Hiver, 40, 45. Golconda, 1.45, 1.50. Grandvlew, 484, 43. Indeiendence, 8, 8' j. Indian, 5, Nil. Intern. Coal & Coke NIL. 37, Kootenay FIoren Nil, 16, Kootenay King, 48, 49. , L. & L., 3. 4. Lucky Jim. 14, 17. Mohawk, 5, 54. Morton Woolsey, 3'4. 4, Marmot Kiver Gold, 7. 1Y4. National Silver,-1&4, 16.-i Noble Five, G9, 70 .; . . ; Oregon Chopper, 64, 05. i Pend Oreille, 9.85. IOjOO. Premier. l.GO, 1.65. t Porter-Idaho. 4C. 50. Rufus-Argenta, 26, 27. Ruth-Hope, 48, 45. SHvereup, ?fn, 40. Topley Richfield, 32, St. Toric, Nil, 2.S0. Wellington, Nil. 15. Whitewater, 1.06. 1.10. of herse fairs. The authorities of or Monen xor noners in tne sec- en and family left on Tuesdayj r.. .!.(.. .v, skill In horaerldlng exH-ees an- round bantamweiirht stmzirle In power service here, local mer ..j .u oreciatlon at the return to o d lhe New York Coliseum tonlirht thants and some dtiiens are wn- Woodbine. Nil, 5. Oil-. Advance; 0.50, 9.75. A. P. Ceflsxrfidated, 3.65, ::.C6. Calmont &04, 3.05. Dalhousle, 6it5, 5.99. Devenish, 18, 1.29. Fabyon Pete, 15, 15' .. Hemes Oil, 22.6, 22.76. Illlnols-Alberta, Nil, 175. 1 JIayland, 8.40, 8.C0. jlcDoug Segur Ex., Nil, 7 50. Milled, a06, 6.25. Ntnv MeDdug-gegur, Nil, 5.50. ftoyalUe, NIL 155.00. VuliO, Nil, 2.50. freehold, 1.80, 1.85. Hargal, 1.86, 1.90. Xew Valley, 10, 1.40. Umted, Nil, 16.00. Eastern Stocks 3herfUGerdon, 8.50. Nil Nranda, 02.60. Nil. ItlCOTIIEILS TO OIIDL'R An elderly man, calling at a girls' saheol to inquire after IdaagLter, wm ' greeted by beaming principal. "You mu.-' lc proud to be the head of sut h a large family." she said, "al! ReeTry!ncdoTOldr.88ra90.nberf'vJTih appear Is "Large family I What do j meiT he asked In amazcir.cr" "Why," the principal urw r ed, "no fewer than five of M. ' lan's brothers have been here iee her." Exchange. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. PRINCE GEORGE j NFW HAZELTON The mill rate here for the year! o. ii,rP, h. ,rn.,i luro 1929 has been finally set at .56 by ,fkr , Witka trf to ,rin,.e p i;1 the city council. Mayor Patter-. ert, Stwwt rM, A son In&aatesht h expects : W . another cut Mxtl there wjl. Mlaa Htftef' Mather of Pr.n e year. The 1928 mill rate was 60.1 ,MBt lhe pBt.r hndil)l Iwith her sfcteri. Misses Mary and Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Trlnk-Agnes Mather, at Klsniox. Lieut. Col. th "Whmond Jtejal Horse Shew, end Scottish dlen and Ar- for Lethbridge, where Mr. Trlnk MUa Jel Smith has been on one or the most pepolar eeat oroaui ana Mma Kangers, tiediiein will become Lutheran Chureh a trip to Smlthew this week President. R W Camoron oi the kind In the kingdom, have lor tniru rcav at in thelminlster. On the eve of tjieir de- so fond of one another '1 erettty faifter; - William ruwa lBal ,or l6e w ronaing. parture. .Mr. and Mrs. innwein, juik George is now h.ul.nf jjrass. June women must not ride astride were presented by the local con- cedar poles to New Hazelton fr m Executive, M. M. Lsmb . A. at tht Irdes;or in the claaaeaj jgregatlon with a well filled purse, j his limits baek of town, haung Wyile, H. B. Eastman, R. Wilson, of hnBlrs n1 ha1- ! A c, approach to a cham-, qolte a large quantity to bung eev ai women nowoie ler tneir pionnip oame win De tne iul i""1- " cuuiiuuuus oui. inr BMamaafi mvi inrMiiLBii anuw to-- Ing that It Jd been a successful W Chocolate, dusky Cuban yearf" ' - ! astride seat is not for star, and Bushy Graham of Utlca, i It was decided to hold the first Mwn" declare Mrs. Victor Ad- X.Y. as the principals. Choco- irf f (h. irii u.in nn th nmson, who holds many riding late and Graham, together with ' MeNfeholI Creek ranges on May 6. P1- MIt io eumberseme and Fidel Ia Barba and Al Brown,! -OOR LAMH Isn't' It tuittirfnd the -land lady, "to think this poor lamb many -women look well astride ready ha been finding it diffi- even the best of them? ,cult to make 118 pounds. As a "Women have not the same grip i matter of faet most of his recent 11. E. Pawson, commercial man- was cut down in it youth to a men, and to ride astride mean .campaigning has been done ! 7,7 ell that CZ his " ' i. is Zr." desirous W. satisfy our appetitesr apeelal muscle development and a! around 122 pounds. The clever : . TL- Cuban f t J V """ lll IWVUI Completion nf it l!o...nitl .-lit sldering the advisability of In-; o,f w tne mfln h, hwa. t0 stalling electric refrigerators. ,Smlthers will make a great Jm- u ' ,'provement on the road. Several it As a result oi exceptionally cold kills arwi and dry weather during the past wlll .i, " n7 0,7 very uncomfortable. Nothing generally are recognized as the week, the water In the Fraser win a lm, grade beIow the loo more beautiful than a wo- greatest of the present bantam- '" " """' railway mn riding side saddle, but how weight. Chocolate, however., all low. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Wood ..... .. . ' h .1 f w nrrltrul ir. ....... ....... f ager or tne rower corporation of V . . , ,u'" "-ue Canada, has advised the city coun-'v?,, hv,"K '0,n,d the 8tflfr of company ar"oriny store. "Yes." replied the unhappy tfret deal of practice. The aide, Negro Is growing and soon dr lectflc Dlant but that be-1 The Kc,lx Brlde cla ei ihii noaraer at tne ena or tne taoie, saddle seat Is far more easily ac-, win De a run fledged feather-' ' that info ' tlon mu,t l Mv. We,k at tne home of Mrs. John I m tAtnh " 'ii, n 1 1 f .I linn : i i r ..uth ' ...fjti.s r.s. i . i u i ai them to put FLAVOUR 1 (Uk and nourishment Into Soups, I Sauces, QravieaMeat Piea. fl Stewi and llaih'SaUda and f 1 baud Dreatinga, V quired, more artistic, certainly more womanly, safer and less exhausting." ' A LONO MEMORY The caller, after listening to the story told her by ber hostess's child, looked dubious. "But, dear," she said, "I really don't weight. Graham is a flash In the'ta,ned a8 to the cost of the sug- New,ck ,n lton. rmK mu u.e B,nB, aiinougn jested Willow rlror hydro-electric' mvunnK vnocoiaie, oeneve tnedeve0pment unea star win give tne uuoan the etif feet argument he has had think you can remember that; it once the exposition hall at the was such a long time ago." i Philadelphia Semicentennial 12x- Oh. y I can," said the child,, hibltlon, was transferred to New "I can 'member a long way baek i York in seetlons. It will seat I 'way baek beore there was ,18.600 at present, although the an' unduergh. uosion 'rlpt. Trans- the Yankee Stadium. The arena, (atlon. eapasity may eventually be in creased to 32,000. Tha death occurred this wppV in . 1.. l.i. Tk.l. k..,l ...in n .. . i. . " ... i.... iwiiu,. .i.cii uuui wiii D;, -aur nospitai, Vancouver, of; mark the opening of the Coliseum, 'Mrs. George Freeman of Prince a huire indoor arena not far from'r!Artr. riMih tnUnwA an nr,u..i The congregation of Connauaht the citv NEW PLANING MILL AT PRINCE GEORGE Thomas Austin Is contemplating the erection of a pinning mill t Prince fteorrv In Hi vlrlnltv of I Hill Lutheran Church here has ex. made overtures to the city council tended a call to Rev. K. J. Sal- for supply of electrical energy c,tieu 10 arrive, The lumber for the planing mill In I rlnce George before the end will be eut In a mill located on of the month. the Chief Lake wagon road.