F. tnrday, April 12; ID20 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co; Ltd. fritter Rupert O.C SELVIG BROS. X MEAT MARKET ;r ortl Avenue . ... .l'ljonc 7i5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES . -Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. LOGGING. AT HALF THE COST OF HOUSES Rigger Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR 1RACTGRS Make Rigger Profits Sole Distributor for It- C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. UrancheM: Kalowna, U C ; NeUon, II. C; Prince GiMirgc, B.C. nv Tinnni Of TinTCI r- p Ashmore, manager of the OvJi 1 U. ijUl 1 Ui Cranby ftore at Anyox, is a ps-j senirer aboard the Prlne Rupert MADE TO ORDER CulIng Workmanship, nn - AH 'Guarnnlced' rid Style SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANII PRESSED We Dtllver lo Any Part of Ihi City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 today town. returning to the smelter. 4.' Dr Alexander rilONE 57S nESNKK IILOCK DENTIST nimi sust John TO CIlMlBMAMrTOV. tprilfit .i-.,., ,MoaeU ,T OWy'XrAST-UVKHI"OOL 4prU . .( Dueh of Biohmood mail MONIIHUL TO (OHM -HSUI 0 - SO t TH, l PTOV May t Mm 4 May MM 17 TO IMMt-Uv j ! S ' C I' H Ouchaa FcisTEa. : il .Montalaf ':! Anent m VaiK-niivr FROM MONTREAL TO 1'I.Y .HH Ill-ir i Ui -I.UMION Anoaiiiu. Mny I .1. Itiiy 6. Aug 2. Alaunla. May 10. June 11. July 12. August 9. Aunuila. May IT. Jn il. July. 19, Au-uit 14. Auaenla, May M. Juno M, July Bf, Aug- uk at. FROM NEW YOi'K TO I'LV.MOl III-1HVHF-I.)V1V Auaonm, April 30: C' vrjni. April 36. TO jr:i:Hiovx .vm livkhidoi. ScyUUa. April SO: Samaria. April 37. TO rilEIUtOI KO AHU MltTTII MPTO Btreaaarla. April at. May is. June 6. Maumlul. 1. M. Mav May , Aqultanla, May a. St. June 12. June 1. July 8. FROM ROBTON T M EUMTOVN A I.IVt ItlMXIl Scythla, April ai; Laeonia. May S. ANCHOR LINE FROM NKW YORK ,iT i.ono'i)tKHY asu fiiAnnr Caledonia, April Mi California, April 37. ANCHOR DONALDSON FROM MONTREAL T UKI.F.ST-I.IVKHIOOL-(II.A4(IOV Alhanla. May 3. 31. June tS. July M.' Andanla. May in, June T, July ft. Aug . Itltl Mav 17. Jui'.a 14 .tiilv 19 uu a AnlonU. Hay 34. Jul 21. July 19. Aug! 16 Mmry Oruew Drr- and Traveller' ChiK)u at lewoet ra'ea Pull tion from local i(nti or Company I vii iwi, nnimniii oi w .. vi BC KiwAal Vanaouver, fns ijaivi news 8 tun. prompt. PresenthtioB of , Point on official duties. cups. Good hsk. Ten prises. Re freshments, ies 50c. Gentlemen 75c. Lad- ' The Baptist Church is to hotf ,un Evangelistic Mission commen-Jeing Sunday. Rev. F. W. Dafoe, 1)1). of Chilliwuck will be the Iniissioner; an ' impressive 'and powrful speaker, don't fail to hear bim, Sunday 'at 11 and 7:30. Wek -evenings at 8. ( Local friends have been interr, stea to learn of the impending marriage in Vancouver of Miss Kva Pitsaaa and Garnet C. Watt which will take place next Saturday. Mr. Wat, who i district manager of the Mutual Life As surance Co. for Northern British Colombia and th" Yukon and a brother of Governnvnt Agent Norman A. Watt of this city, is well known in Prince Rupert through l'rcui'nt visits here. Capt.- and Mrs. J. B. Colthurst of Terrace, who have been on a trio BOth. arrlvnt from Vntvruui. lis ac Aiice Arm. Under the deal which has been read by P. Burns Ltd. for the 7 1 ' , ::;:v v-;Local and Personal News In Brief Come in for Details of the $30,000 Prize Picture Mil Contest M : . i! Let us tell you bow easily you can qualify for a major prize in this Wg Baatman Content the greatest, in the. hieXory of photography. Kntry blanks and complete content information are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to oar store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of camera ami dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the moat of every roll of film. Ifie Pioneer Drttttyists THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST ' TELEPHONES 8200 4 afoxt PhoneV4; i tf i Dentist Dr. J. R. Cesse. Phone Bigger and .better. Gyro Hoe-f i Down, Auditsifcum, April 19. j No dudes allowed. Gyro Hoe- ! Down, Auditorium, April 19. Get four tickets bow for the Prlwe- Robert Singers Concert, Mrs. C. II. Sawle returned by April 9. thi morning's train to her home . ,1 at Titnv HaTolfnn I....: OW Frolicl stjjftte !Sair peat a couple of days in the city. POrVhestra! Gyro Hoc-Down, Audi-i torium, Aprfl 19. j R. F. McNaughton, C.N.R. dis- v jtrict paasenger agent, felt en this. Whist and Cribbage Drive and mornings train for a trip to Dance, Moose Hall, April 16 atiIrtflC George and other Interior Whoop-ee-ee-ee ! Gyro Hoe- Down, Auditorium, April 19. See Cupid at work in The Shop at Capitol Theatre, Ap ril 29. L. IL IHnton returned jo the city on tne i'rince Kupert fhi morning from a trip to Fred Scadden, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mary Agnes Sayers, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with op tion of thirty days' imprisonment, ver on the Prince Rupert this by .MaKltrate McClyroont in city morning and proceeded to the court thi" morning. George interior by train. .Powell, Metlakatla Indian, was similarly fined for having liqoor L J. .W Stewart, one. of the well I m 1,18 Possession. nown Mewart brothers whoi rounded the northern mining fH Wflich yt, named after them. ,seng;erl aboard, the Prince Rupert today 'going' north from VictoVfa. C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived In port at 11:15 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock tomorrow evening and sailing outh at 10 pjn. B. A. Latta of Edmonton, superintendent for the Canadian Na-nal Kxpiess Co., who has been in the city for the past eouple of 'lay on official duties, will sail thin afternoon on the Prince'RuD- vox and Stewart whence ho will proceed south on the ame vessel umorrow night. taking over of the creamery at:eagt wind, 84 tTtSii VandethooA the onh profit which OwehMi or Madford i Tm Uvsrpool oaty. kivi iii-nwc T ClKrlioari-'tlwiMptnw Mty T KaiprtM at BeoUiatt Msy 14 ..f Montroysl May tl yn of Australia AddIt Xn A7Pnt rvenr where or Joseph N. MePhee. customs officer at Rutedale; who has been spending the 'past week- in the city on business, sailed last night on hfo return down the coast. Mr. MePhee expects to soon be given leave of absence from the will fall to the company twill be were initiated. Grand Organizer. P. A. Miquelon of Calgary h&si been carrying on reorganization' vorl' foi the lodge during the past two weeks with such success hat he has been Invited to remain ovi'r here for another ten lays. Despite other pressing en-a;rements on the pruiries, he has decided to accede to the request. Another meeting of the lodgo will be held next Tuesday evening. Gyro April 10. - , a ANNOUNCEMENTS Iloedown, Auditorium, Moose Whist. Drive and Dance, April 2G. Th Annual UnT.a.ir in nid Moose Annual Picnic at Dlgbyl HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert . W. B. Smith, D. Bairi, Herb Day, J. C. Bardwell, B. Q. Johnston and Mrs. II. Brown, (Vancouver; George Ringstad, Port Edward; W. Laing and 0. R. Ellis, Victoria; R. W. Sinefahr, Inverness; Thomas H. Bnbb, Claxton: W. E. Walker. Naas. Edirar Tur- n. afternoon for Anyox andjgeon. A. Salvail and A. Delorme. Stewart, returning here at 7:30 Campbell's Bay, Que.; A. Johnson and E. Bostrom, city; Frank Smith, New Westminster. Savoy . Victor Isbister, F. T. Grant and C. Rock, Vancouver; P. Bjorfeeen, Port Edward. Royal A. Smith, Sunnyside ; Lars Sot-erea. City; G. Fomblad, Ooat Harbor. THE WEATHER southeast wind; temperature, 48. customs service so he may devote 'wind, 36. Prince Rupert Over, light Port Simpson Cloudy, calm, 88. Haysport Cloudy, windy, 42. Terrace Cloudy, northoast his entire time to mining Inter-: Rosawood Cloudy, calm. 36, Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 30. Alice Arm Cloudy, catta, 40. Anj'ox Cloudy, aim, 40. Stewart Cloudy to rain, north Could Not Sleep Heart Would Start Pumping and Pounding Mrs. Fred P. Ave rill, 136-12lh Ave.. Calgary, Alt., writes:"! was bothered lo much with my heart I could not sleep. I would waken up in the night creaming, and my heart would start I putnping and pounding, I . A neighbor lady told me to try tke Rwlley Home will be held on fgag tol T" i nursaay, iuay c so I itarted taking there and I ran truth together 1 only took two boxes." I Prife 60c a box at all druuist and of dealers, or nailed direct on receipt of - : s;aleapf charces Skin Sufferers Try This Test A Pure Antptic Treatment Ai ja tommittd with ttao r"0jr of a hunilur r lirklif iiitui akl Mia wth wkkk mmm mmm to orr T llfft lint i ruu Ik wrN, rruatl, tmvtlodf. lilrlUh, of ula Ikwl Tr 1km Mr rmiU IX liquid Dill), It mtrmtra ib klo. uiMlat " a-alta iht ttritatxt IImum. Blc botllr ! iti nwrll or rour ilmgrli rtT-a'rw nwrwr link. O.OJK mntU imIIA, lUMWiljrUJjJ).SwJ OKMCS tTI. W. J. MCCUTCIIKON, DHl'IKllSr. The following fa the scale of tharves made for reading notices: Rirth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, 12. Funeral Notices 1. Funeral Flowers 10c name. ner Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. I , And when millions like it better it must be so. TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' lurch Sen; to 1 PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Rev. T. I von Jones, M. A. Horning worship at 11 o'clock. "Alike in Name but Not in Nature." 12:15' Evening service at 7:S0. "Modern Atheism." T luiTisrtoiuRcri OLD RESIDENT HERE IS DEAD John Clark Passes -Away in Hospital After Illness of a Year; Survived by Family one cent pr pound on the output ; Burns Lake Clear, calm, frost. John Clark of 3S6 MeBride An agreement has been made that Vanderhoof Part cloudy, ' oast Strtet, a resident of Prince Rup all the profit over the one cent; wjn(t 42. ert for 18 ytrars, passed away last per pound wll be turned back to I Atlin Cloudy, north wind, 34. n'8flt in the Prince Rupert General the milk producers who are guar-! Whitehorse Clear, calm, 28. Hospital, lie had bean in failing ."teed Sc per pound for butter Carmacks Clear, calm.' SO. health for a jraar, bat had r.ot boen fat the year around. Stewart River Clear, calm. 21. teB ,B ih i Dawson Clear, calm. 18. I The late Mr. Clark was 39 Another enthusiastic meeting of ayo Clear, light north wind, ' B and a na"Uve of Scot the Elks' Lodge was held last 33, night when six new candidates ' la ad. He came to Prince Rupert in ID 10 froai tho old country aboard the steamer Prince John, in which be served as a marine fireman. He followed that work for many years and was formerly on the lighthouse tender Newing. ton, having to relinquiah his duties there on account of ill-health. During the past winter he was employed on car barge construction at the local drydock and more recently had worked as a longshoreman . Deceased is survived by a widow and five small children. His widow is the daughter of Mr. and Mm. Alex Jappy, 661 Fifth At-entie East. The family will have general sympathy In its bereavement. Funeral arrangement are in BLACKLIST TAX DODGERS There are a nurnber of Prince Rupert peOMe ' whose names arc likely to be published In the Government black list, according to information received here. They have not paid their income tax, and all those in arrears will appear h the R. C. Gazette. Those whose name are to be published have been notified in regard to the taxes and gjyen every opiwrtunity to pay, It is stated. Sermon subject, Sunday school at Sermon subject, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, trie First Chureh of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Are Sin. Disease and Death Real" Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clotk. The public is cordially invited. i! Rev. W. P. Price, Minister Evangelist Us Miasion. special preacher. Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.D.,'of Cbilliwack. Commencing Sunday, April 14, at 11 and 7:80 and each week evening at 8. Dr. Da-foe is a preacher of outstanding power. Come and hear bim. MVS f J H A av A little adventure on . , a tpar . . . juit a i question of balance! Anchor-DonaUton deck port put you in a wonderful frame of minj to enjoy the de-light! of Scotland ... and the aervice luggeat the hoipltallty of a great houae in the lilshlarui. Sail AnchofDonaldson Boei thrntk The Cunati Sltam Slip Ct.,jAmited, 6111 Haitimt M. Ir Vctwtr (. ."xymoitr Weekly Sallita From Moniteal 1 aud Quebec) to Ireland, Scutland I and Enfland in con-Ab Junction with Cunaril ySL eommtnclnc May Sid Cti'TeartHTWittC - rl " A4( LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartige. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialise in Piano and Furniture Moving. - -Advertise iii The New. 1 I 1 I