Page THs WAILY FEW! aoe ia eeeee ee eee een ene * od - ‘THE ‘DAILY (NEWS — ee tel mai SCHEDULE = * PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA IE tie). cen eeeee For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News « M jays, Wednesdays 4 at Printing and Publishing Co.. Third Avenue fi -R rdave at 9:30°s. m eee : « H. F. PULLEN, Maxacixc Eprror. Ve at ro oa Bank Money ES Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- [pole Btis rea? h days at 7 p.m. Orders f no SUBSCRIPTION RATES . ; ° 7 City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month Tic. Poi aa For Vancouver: For settling small accounts g G g Saturdays 2p. m a 4 : By Mail—Canada or Great Britain. in advance, per year %.%) esihitieen 10 . —where it is not desirable fF Vt To United States and other countries, in advance. $7.50 it | — rs ‘Tuesdays 5 p.m to pay by cheque— many m.| : well as if TELEPHONE 9 , Business Houses as | 1 From Vancouver ) svidual larly use the TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inci So ts weaias oom! | ee y Cudians tne 7. | NSIE: ADVERTIS 75 cents 5 Wednesdays 40-30 a.m.| | Bank Money Orders issue Cae j Contract Rates on application by ot Wasting, — >t rbursdays i0 ws says : - &. @ = USE ONLY Sat rdays : 10-30 a. m./ AINNDT ¢ } DAILY EDITION. ui = Saturday, Aug — - ! = —— | For Anyox: H. ST. G. LEE, 5 fanager, - Prince uper rar Sundays .... eee 10 p.m a ee ES ee Ved oe nerene OOS | Chautauqua Becomes Popular Institution. rears the Chautauqua s hee r ‘ ‘vom Anyox: Wee ea a aaa a a 3 ee 2 Tuesdays 7 Cepitel end Reserve. = 7 $5,000.41 vt : ee ee neon neath = 2 Total Assets, Nov. 20th, 191%, over $153,900,000 ao S WOES 2c ccccccssecs p. m enneneeeentnnemen J * - > ’ > ? + + nm ° : > + + > : é , : eeeeeeesseeesesee. 4. . a % : whereas the first year there were but 42. The idea ts largely|* Notice to Advertisers * ‘or Port Simpson and Arrandale, : seme iso enters € programs : lisements Fundays ad 10 p.m. are the largest money maker Br a, was originated by the I S being * % s n same day rom Pt. Simpson and Arrandaie. Colus , - > & the Dai : > esdays .. vente a Are vou the ler ¢ * For Port Simpson and Nass Rive heme me = ena . nt is 1 CSE as 3 : : points: Soin ; . : > : . « he © » fo a: ; nx Opes « serving nt no , allie ds ; ; . ; . ~~ t he« i@ mn previous days * From Port Simp and P= r prea New Zealand and Australia, « has bee k : > River Points: ee eeeeeeeeaeee UNION BAN 1K OF CANADA enthesiesa thee rme try. Prince Rupert « iad saturdays rere - & Ther PROMEER Mas CF WES HEAD OFFICE - WINNIPEG. MA? . Queen Chariotte Isiands: \ or Massett, Port Clements and jays i0 a. m : ' OOO a ’ , ww “ 5 = ’ ’ : , we 4 » # wn * ’ ; ; * - 4 > * Sw ” IE PRINCE RUPERT enya A. T. BR COSaKK, - - Upper island poiats: Wednesdays .. : 10 a.m rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper island pointe ~ : Las Bddressec : une | at lorsed “Tender a] aremage : ; ma jand end that more than half of it was along the line the ‘ = = ye neor wee-| * r Skicegate, Queen Chariotte THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ; Trunk Pacific Railway. If thet is trove, and there is —— ; ae ged Eee | City and Lower Island points to doubt i, the future of the country between here and Prince /" rit nici <« comet, t “*| From Suisepete, Queen Charietie MONEY ORDERS Or seems ry bright. NM takes tame Jeveloz ‘ ‘ —_— : “ag = : : eectuees ~ | City and Lower Isiand pointse— As a safe and economic: f ren tural community, but, where the clearing is light, as ii is hase | ‘ Eng “ie ' lr wrinightly. de eeees ia & ond Sour sm ee | paul - e10 THE SUPREME RT fF BRITISH : 2 3 ; " 7 . LUMBia Lota 5 in res . een es F Jiewing largely the plaz ‘ nies vide : . | . wars HE with a central demonsiration farm which will supply instructors | S.S. PRINCE GEORGE o the « ers the ana where impieme . ww r 2} owe Nn he a wil be ave lie ——— nahenienet ieee aia aii ~ LIN ) Ane cateona lificataor ed. The British sche : MINI ACT . , 7 an ~ 7 ; > THURSDAY and SUNDAY SIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OOEA® FALt * designed sete ranas prov hey are . € : ~ . WANCOUNER, WICTORM enc SEETTiC srt : a Da ror isé CEFTIF(CATE OF (IMPROVEMENTS 7 “ Bs . ' ; me WEDNESDAY end SATURDAY SUDNTRHT FOR anrox Allowances an ning to $725 « year are provided for res . \ : dential training with experienced farmers. A man who has ms Lake . . u 0. 6 CRESS CUE 16D FenSS LSet \ é fe & agriculturist is required put mm atl ieasi e seas nr “ X ‘ » c this way on probation before the Board will settle him i : ; - : : “DY \ longer period for less experienced farmers is provid com ; ame om AGmumistretor - . ” - t « The plan does not contemplate extensive credit to the o . ‘ ‘ Wath . \ THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH TRAIN SERWICE Teers of lapd wm soldver colonies 4 operative redit hank is] . w ; 7 Lone Passenger Glongey, Wenesdey and Getwrdey « ts to be established im parinership with the State and w extend | . oo 22a eee en en ae a a. : a ‘ : Maris : ol pole ces - credit for the purchase of stock and equipment lw , - . | and j | aa als ue} '*® THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE : “ Time to Think ; ‘ ; in af fmt ADALINE EWITH KILBURN. DECEAS# AGENCY ALi OCEAN STEAWENIF LINES ‘ - : NTESTATE for im [t ¢ amy : gi informat e at ary About the Winter. rm an la 9 eee ee 2 en ee Chy Ticket Office G2 Third Avenve Pon? 260 . 4 e a at i Tay ‘ Clee ret The autumn will be here very soon and it is time the px © 1 a . : m peer ot AD 858, Twas ay mir thes iw were comsidering wheiher they are g g Leni : tm i! -treder 4 Lilet estlale of AQe 1 : i ney re 4 taith Auburt Georasea, anc all partics through without a aking any provision for winter sports Las 1) ihe hs G£6nst the sald estate are : _ ; + in ‘quired 14 furtish sane : al sutumi e influenza came and upset all our This - Saat... nm | casted, 0 Gan, GR OF Galore Ga tal anol aa s tw 1 hoped ihere w be no such visiiat : )o September, 199%, and all parties : < bi | Gedvie : ie estate are Peguire : pre The iw ue proved tor s nimmer sports, bui there . ithe amount f thelr indebtedness 14 . - 7 cies : poy ie _ ccs WwW Gu astern i “~~ - maneie en and wamen an ee sa ° . : _VM@cial Admunistras : PACIFIC > I ’ : : men 3 Omen nate . - : ’ ; E> : : — ones - - na. deny via Stearmer t t » ¥ ancouver anc . : ™ have to be a manager or paid secretary who w £ = Fe pisteect 2 og Bp ay . ee a Sia ’ : bisTs 7 QUEEN CHARLOTTE Canadian Pacific Railwa whole time to the work. Now is the time io begin thinking ISLANDS - - 7 ’ ’ , . . = - His — « ; ar - + aw ¢ We hope have ¢ say on the subje ule Mick ~~ ‘ | TAKE A E that Neti McLeod of As Meals and Berth included on Steame we : t machinist, intends to apply f jperissan to prospect fer coal end pet x : aims] toum on the iene teen 40 Geateen Gee & & PRINCERS ALICE §& 6 PRINCESS marr - are by . mn the wicw [ West River dhiwencing For Vancouver, Wiserie enc Seattle from Prince Rupe 5 \ m i* 2 post planted St the southeas During Ju a eur > f : : f : 12 thence «ast 80° cham > 7 > Gant) aS Giaten @iaees eee 2 For Ketchikan, duneeu, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince * S16. as ‘ : ‘ | chains, thence meorth ©° chains te point of During July a : ' vs é Z “ . a i Tatil ootieent Ride in Comfort , : NEIL McLape 7 : w 1th Per Austin Brown, agent CANADIAR FROIFIC COEAN SERVICES 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your S MchOSTE Dated May 16. 1018 Bhoms And selling. apg E - — |) SERENA LAND RE ul VIN . c , Dy Service Dey or Night BEN N W. C. OROHARD., Genere! Agent. aa . . bis TH 7 ' : Ha rvs . \ \ : . ; > t “ ST Thurd Avenue anc : ROYAI HOTEL VAY rick ISLANE 3rd Avenue and éth Street Prince Rupe: : ie Sexth Stree eS : : _ 2 : TAKE NOTICE that Devis a . at aw. 4 x wheac i rea, 8. ebectricial % apply £ Lz ry « > tthe PeTissieh tO Prospect f “—) end pewr oa ws ¥ P : woe : Lake ii “a of the wre <> f rahbam island . a : i 23 olm@ the Vicinity of West River Tuten cig | . e " ab also} Gt & Poet Planted af the southeast commer! : v a‘ v ab v bh ftowsio : 10.312. thence north 8 hains | Prince Rupert Music Store caen Gea iaeete ant 6S ceomn eae as r ‘ i : * mouth] hain. theheor west ee ‘mine & polm af rg (). orrosiTe wi v i te stream | CGIDeRCement Post oFfrrrce . ; ; : mouthed EPGsh Davis 2 ary he 4 , bs sea fer} Per Austin Brown, agent x 163 ; WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor 3 ee PHONES 130 5 az3, i P. 0. BO MN Raleoe : ‘ ‘Everytuimg in Music [SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Largest Assoriment of Lumber in Central 8 © ‘ec F ne iMSIWCT OF © . ay : LATER) POPULAR SONGE AND DANCES. WICTROLAS PS - a. FISH BOXES & SPECIALTY AnD VICTOR RECORDS reat TAKE NOTICE Get Gliver Brows : Hepeire % Phemograpin, Viele, Bic. Bows reheired Loe nr " at . a . % on yf ~rmmenen . re . SPRUCE FIR CED AR c * “1 ry ' ” 7 bende gt) 7" peTamesion 4& onpeed | —- one © ome Boocwine metrument reped@ed and ef}: sied : ‘ | for ooal ent petroleum ap the Wert , ht Se khOwe The Prince Rupert Rostemy of Music in Connection may Bele! Grakam island mm the vicnity of Wes Consult Us. et © TS! weer : . wa mie ie 8 pe pee Oe ’ , Wa ‘ . mie south of the soutbeam corner of i - . . t wiih Bok, Chemce «ant &) chet thence sone ; The Largest Steck of Piancs and Organs erence ©) 50 chains, Thence west 69 chats thence) eee Nerth of Vancouver jnerth 6° Chaim S© pal of commprern . , eet * eae LIVER Bows ; met Per Austin Brown. Ages : | Lembere wear 18 ote . , tor cee | SERENA LAND REOORDENG DIVERSION a Se STRICT OF QLLEA CHARLOTTE For Comfort, Courtesy and Service = : 1s_ ARDS : | Al Higt-grade Gusrantesc lustruments Ft sem BOTICE Gees Gitte Trecen, ge he ' : CHES he : = las ~—. = GOrupebul BmeChimist ited ' oe SAVOY HOT | ; t t fre lout! ent prirmseum = the Tallow Ge eng ' Expert Pienme Tuning ond Tepaiving fee of | sorted land: op the wert coast of Graken — ~ — ' E. c. VAUGHAN Plevers « Specaatty ; ort bei iene. & Ge Ney f Wen river; ou FT. BOWNESS, Mw " ' > tonite 3 :* ‘thaw | [hing 8 6 Port plemied ot the Sout Fifth S$ enn y ; > ’ ‘i a comer of oe? theme wer iF ~ e. > » ’ e : chelee thence south 8° Chetme, Sheet a Fraser St., Prince Rup ? e ' Prince Rupert Music Store or rl ner ; beeen ire ’ . ey of AOE Cements upe and few " mm WiLiss TRADORM Heme Cooking Running Het ene \* bare ; her suse Brown, Agen ee ae heed! Map 16, 1908