THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SIX aterfront Whiffs Run of Springs Slow in Starting ; General Opposition to Fish Traps; Prince Rupert Cannery . Not to Operate This Season -.. Due to the cold and backward spring season, the spring salmon run has been slo win materializing to any great extent in Prince Rupert district this year, though trollers around Warke Canal have been catching a few of the fish. What may have been lacking, however, in the volume of fish has been made up for to some extent in the prices that have been paid. This week 22c was being paid for red springs and 5c for the less demanded though none less luscious white species. Captain Johnny Cla.sen with the Elmer Co. and Flewin & Brown with the Taplow II. have been again toward the end of next packing springs from Warke Ca- week. nal to Prince Rupert, the fish be- ing sold to the Canadian Fish & Toward the. end of next week the Cold Storage Co., Atlin Fisheries Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, and direct to the local retail trade, plans on putting out its first sal mon camp scow this year. This Judge J. N. Ellis of Vancouver, will be the one at Canoe Pass at Bitting as a royal commission in the mouth of Warke Canal, where Prince Rupert on April 18 to in- the run of spring salmon Is now veatfgate the advisability of al- commencing. The camp will prob lowing fish traps to be operated in ably be towed up by the Grier Canadian waters contiguous to the Starrett. The Dundas Island camp Alaska border, will find the fish- will not be sent out before the mid- ermen of Prince Rupert to a man die of May. , ,. opposed toany such concession be-, ing granted. The case will be pre-; Canadian Fish & Cold Storage sented to the royal commission on Co.'s packer Grier Starrett has behalf of the fishermen by Charles , been at the dry dock undergoing Lord, who received no uncertain repairs to her guards' following instructions at a public meeting damage which was sustained in held this week before the commis- the gale of three weeks ago. In sion convenes. The fishermen are the same blow the W. R. Lord also somewhat at a loss to find that the was similarly damaged, but not so fisheries department should even extensively and repairs were ef consider the matter -of allowing fected by the company staff under traps to be operated m view of Marine Superintendent Bob conservation measures along other Blance. All the Cold Storage pack- Jlnes which it Is invoking. The g flet, including the Chief Le-ftshermen are finding considerable Bald Chief Zibasa and Fredelia, support among local business men are or have been undergoing an In their contention that the traps spring painting-would not only be disastrous to the . fish, but also to the livelihood of The big Seattle halibut schooner the fishermen themselves. Allow- Dorothy, under charter to the in-Ing of traps Is, apparently, to be ternational fisheries commission, advocated only by representatives ws in port on Thursday afternoon of the cannery companies. ifflr a brief visit, taking on bait and ice at the plant of the Cana- ' , , . , . .l4 dian Fish & Cold Storage Co. The Having been completely vesse, came down from A,agka exl for focsle head, pilot house 0n her next sdentinc trip, tag- Iiv-i iD operational to be resumed el-, 7 , 1 i l i' boat SMI Oufefthe local halibut by the Dorothy F. k,BelIwho N; ancTS.. now renamedHhe Cape arrived from Seattje a !few d uace, win soon leave on ner iim ag0, joined the Dorolhy here i(A wp owl ?asv" 10 l"e "ke charge 9f operations from the me extensive jou on vessel . . .'.the. v&sel has included all such , Work at putting in of new keel, Zero Is Renamed new irameworK ana new planking, The Zero;ianotherlyessel of the .making a practically new boat; of joi halibut fleet thaiLhas taken her. The Cape Race is now to be unto itself a; new name. Capt-o.rrted by Capt. William Mar- Frit2 Pedersen has altered the sna" nomenclature to Drott and landed Changes on Ogden his first catch under the new title 1 this week. Cant. ,'J. W. Moorehouse has Halibut landings at the port of carried Out extensive Improve- Prince Rupert for the 1929 season ments at Seal Cove during the just topped the 5,000,000 total past winter to the fish packer mark and were half a million Ogden, formerly the American hal- pounds in excess of the record for Ibut schooner Lincoln. General 1928 at a similar date. The total alterations have included the put- on April 12 this year.was 5.02G.G50 ting on of a new pilot house and pounds, as compared with last decking. The vessi is also be- years 4,520,500 pounds at a sim- lng,ejulppedwltha75h.p. Atlas- lar date. Canadian landings Imperial deisel engine to take the stood at 1,210,150 pounds, as place of the former 50 h. p. Atlas ngainst 1,126,800 pounds,. while the gas engine. The Ogden will American total was 3,816,500 again be used this year in packing pounds, as compared with 3,189,-salmon f)r tWLpngajraFJUitof & ,300 pounds. Packing Co.'s cannery arNe Var'e's ng5tne week of April Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands. 6-12 were rather light, standing at ' 689,100 pounds, consisting of 210. 000 pounds Canadian and 478,100 rpi T. n ,:ti " e "kS Pounds American fish. Prices were fi?ie ",c 1 :r:i' at a rather low level throughout this season, it has been learned. Alex Sutherland, manager of Prlnee Rupert cannery last year, has bwn placed In cnarga of Sun-nysJde cannery In Skeena Slough thin season, taking the place of J. FieW Strang, who recently re- A'luu iltn ntvnAtnimant rf AAmtHA. this week. The high price for American fish was 14.1c and 7c paid the Slrius and Reliance for catches of 6000 and 10.000 pounds respectively, while the low bid was 11c and 6c. paid the Portlock for (lore of the B. C. Packers' fleet of " " " bea Ia'd. Temenl and Volllntpr pnnrv tn1p nnrVprs and other r"ft 0lherfor cttehes of 8000, 3800 and 5500 pounds, respectively, down to a low Steam boilers which were' used of 9.-5c and fwh,,cRhftAhe Ca,pc paid for 15,000 was pounds. in the Mid storage plant of thCi"I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, at Prince Rupert before the plant was converted last year to electric 19,000 pounds. Canadian prices Moresby Jo Nelson , The 46-foot" '..'Prince Rupert nnwirhnvo bepn rwentlv old and' selneboat .Moresby, which has shipped to one of the pilchard re-.been at Vancouver during the! duct'on Plants on the west coastjP8 winter,, has been sold by I of Vancouver Island. The old Jumes FIeId to S. M. Barnet of boiler room at the cold stornge Nelson and will be taken by rail plant is now vacant except for the to the southern B. C city where storage of equipment. . w'" be commissioned In ser- , (vice on Kootenay Lake by the Getting New Bottom jnevv owner. The vessel will be The seineboat Kathleen, belong- lifted by an electric crane at one ing to Henry Colllson of Kitkatla,of the large Vancouver docks and Is now at the McLean ways at Seal , placed on a flat car for delivery Cove, where a rather extensive re- Inland. In some of the tunnels pair job is being undertaken, In-'on the Canadian Pacific Railway eluding the tearing out of the old she will have bare clearance. Last and putting in of a new bottom, year the tug Radius, slightly The vessel should be ready for sea beamier than the Moresby, made A FEW FACTS ABOUT ' PRINCE RUPERT ' Prince Rupert is: - - The terminus of the Canadian National Railway. The Central administrative point for the whole of central and northern British Columbia. The nearest point in British Columbia to the Orient. The centre of the halibut and salmon fishing business. The centre-of an extensive mining and lumbering district. Prince Rupert has: One of the finest harbors in the world. The largest fresh halibut business in the world. The largest fish cold storage plant in the world. A large, strictly modern drydock and shipbuilding plant. A grain elevator leased to the Alberta Wheat Pool with capacity of 1,230,000 bushels. , A large, modern ocean dock. A new modern lumber mill, planing and shingle mills and box factory with capacity output of 60,000. board feet daily. Fish reduction plant. A new mill at Porpoise Harbor and another building alongside it seven miles from the city. Railway shops employing about 75 men. Several ship sheds for building and repairing small craft. Provincial government district offices and court house. Dominion government fisheries, customs, and other offices. Marine department central station. t Dominion government wireless station. ' : Canadian National district offices. Dominion fisheries experimental Mtation. B. C. Packers district offices. Consolidated Mining & Smelting district assay office. Several docks and wharves used by coasting vessels. Number of fish houses doing an export business. About twenty salmon canneries in the neighborhood. Several fishery supply and shipchandlery establishments. Several wholesale houses doing n large business In the district. Fine modern retail stores. Good steamship services to Alaska and south to Vancouver and Victoria and west to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Three large1 oil and gasoline distribution stations. Good hotels and restaurants. Prince Rupert has: Modern high school with first year university classes. ' Four public schools with over thirty teachers. - Seven churches representing the most important demorilna-tions. ' Paved streets and concrete sidewalks in the business section Well kept gardens and pretty residences. Number of clubs and fraternal organizations Prince Rupert has: No severe cold in winter. No extreme heat in summer. . No ntosquitos or other insect pests. - Great opportunities for boating, fishing and hunting. "Fewer climatic or other disadvantages than most places in Canada. The harbor never freezes. a similar trip. The Moresby has been a familiar vessel for many years In Prince Rupert Harbor, having been built here In 1919. He Do you think kissing is unhealthy? . OF EXG' LUMBER ACTIVE A PRINCE GEORGE She I don't know. I've never Several New Sawmills Going Up been ! ann- Bumper Production An He What! Never been kissed? ! tlcipated This Year She- No, I've never bfn ill af- ter it-Passim' Sh-v. engine;' regardless EVERY of lypc.Rives better results with Cliunipion Spark Plugs. There Is u typo speclficully designed to give Instler results for uvery operating condition. Consult your tUuler CHAMPION Wlulur. Ontario A CANADIAN M411E PHOUDCT LOG SCALE HIGH Pvospeeta are believed to bei good for a record year In 1929 in the sawmilling business in the Pr'nce George district. There Is ii good market at present for the i itpur of the mills in that dki-l irict which are operating at ca-' paeity. J A number of new mills are in. course of construction In the! Prince George district. The Galel & Trick mill at Hansard lake will; soon be a contributing factor to in-llhitry in the Interior dis-r'r . d the A'exander mill, just "utsido the city limits Is expected to y into operation before the end f ef June. The Foreman Lumber Co. is proceeding with the erecf tion nf Its mill in the vicinity of. J .the Nechako bridge and expectsl Wo have a considerable cut during' '" the present year. Martin S.j n-iir- hns secured title from the CanvllSn National Railways , for the mill he Is to erect on the Nech- nko river In the vicinity of. the bridge and thj work of erection wilt he pjceeded with at oncjel j' t i , There arrnBotvo other pros'-' ' "tlvp m'.lP wbfeh may get Into onerntlon before the end of the year. The low scale of Prince George for the fjrst three months of this year amounted to 21,259.306 board feef, which Is n slight Increase over the figures for the similar period In 1928. The scale for the month of March" was 8,399, Pi. j A ' .-&t... Saturda ' " I I I ,1 . The true purpose of a Budget EVERY year you spend a large proportion of hft,inone$you get. So much for clothing. So much for shoe; So much for things to eat for house furnishings, books. and what not. Here la the way to get the most for your' money. Keep a bdgt. Decide what you ean afford to for each itM, ami hold yourself within this n mount Them to get the matt, for your budget money read advertisement carefully. The adfertfccments you read tell you what in newest and best. They glvo you the latest Ideas and pre; entente. They help you. to get more from each dollar you have apportioned in your budget and so live better and dress better with the same income. . The true purpose of a budget Is to enable you to spend wisely ami only by careful reading of Advertising tin you hope to accomplish this result. " . '.' Read advertising regularly. It points the,, way to better living. H i " - - - - - I ssisssls. Get Tliis Fact Straight you eat at breakfast determines the kind of day you will WHAT have. Lack of balance in essential food elements results In heavy, listless mornings that unfit you for work or play. Eat Quick Quaker because it baa tbo perfect balance. The oat contains 16 protein, which is more than any other cereal, and protein is needed to build tissue and stamina. Carbohydrates, 05, for energy and heat. , Minerals for blood and bone. Vitamin 11 to help assimilation. Enough roughage to make artificial laxatives unnecessary. Only carefully selected oats go into Quick Quaker. The cream of the oat crop and the most expert milling give Quick Quaker a dcliciouiuess ' ' that every body relishes. It's a breakfast you never tire of. I J.'.. Be sure to ask your grocer for Quick Quaker. Packages contain coupons with which you can secure silverware and other Useful articles. .' ' Big, family package, wrapped and scaled. '( , 1 Make a Collection of Dainty Chinaware ''"I-.,.,' Each package of Quick Quaker Outs marked "Chinaware" contains a piece of pretty China. Delicate blue and gold pattern. China you will Iw proud of, Thesa pieces include cups, saucers, tea plates, slightly larger plates, porridge bowls, sugar bowls, children's mugs and other dishes. Quick Quaker Oats Cook In ZV2 to 5 minutes The Quaker Oats Company, Peterborough and Saskatoon X&IS11 If your News does not arrive before 6 o! clack Phone