'Thursday. October 31, 1029 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Special Special MALT EXTRACT, PLAIN 3-lb. tins , 75c Mb. jars ; t 35c 24b. tins ..; 55c Parke Davis & Co. . . .... ... . ' . ; . . ....... .... .$1.00 Anders, large .$1.00 Anders, small ...60c Pabst hop flavor malt syrup 80c yfw Pioneer Drugcists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?6200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Balllnfi I'riin I'rlncc lluptrt tar tANC Orvr.lt. VICTOltIA, war.on Imt. ilutrdale. Alert Ujr. He, Tuta. din-. J 3U P m. rur VIVWIKH. VUTOIJU. Ilulrdnl. tlrt Itajr. ttc. Frlilay midnight inr AUCE AKM, ANVO.V, BTKWAKT. Ka. Kim, furt MinpMu. bun-4j. P 111 !:. ,i Wtnut K M. SMITH Arent Prince Kuprft. II. C. 1 ' xiruutli M'krH told to VlrturU ni) brattle .and bitt chrfktd broal to destination. . .. B. C, Coast Steamship Services, SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT $ v To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skafway Oct. 9, 19, 30. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-r-Oct. 2, 13, 2a. Princess Mary Oceans Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. A tents I or All Steamship Lines W C Orchard, Central Agent, 3rd Ave., I'rince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Q7jc Lnrgel 1fiiway Syflem in America STEAMStfJP AND TltA IN-SERVICE Salllnn from IJfcf'CB; RUrKUT -ir'ANCOUVER, VICTOltIA, SLATTLrUnd IrfteftnetUafe points, each Thursday nd Sunday, WOpffjn. k '' I For ANYOX and SSTEWARTjeach' Wednesday. 1 p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. for NORTH and SOUTH OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, ltnlhtlynv ' ' ' 'Af;Nm:rt trains i.r.wr thim i i r;HT DAILY EXCEPT StMUY t ll:3U a m for I'ltlNCE (ilOIKIK. EliMO.N-TOY UIN'MFKU. all nulntt Kat. rn Canada. Lnltrd Matra. City Ticket OfUe528 TfiTrdjrtuperl-l'hnne 260 LUMBER 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow hay, Telephone 423 : - j The Season's Big Smash in Radi RADI0LA 60 1029 MODEL o $190 We consider these sets to be the most marvelous ever offered at this remarkable price. A nine-tube bupor-Hetcrcdyne Circuit employing seven UY 227 'ubps, one 171 and one 280. Theso sets have no equal as to distance,1 volume or tone. Only a limited num-bcrattll.. TOM BALLINGER 3 1 8 5th St RADIO AND BICYCLE SHOP Daily News Want Ads. bring quick 'Results 1 have something ypu want; you have something I vnt. Wc get together through the classified ads. i Local Items Read the Montreal Importers ad. Read Richmond's Louvre ad. Be sale. ,C80! sure to visit Jabour's 95c (255) Dentist,' Dr. Hi Gosse, Thone 95c Sale days Friday, Saturday and Monday, November 1, 2, and 4 at Jabour's, (255) Provincial Constable It. L. Me Kenney of Terrace, after a brief stay in the city, left by this morn tng's train -on his return to the interior. train to be present at the funeral or nis brother, the late F. O. Dawson. Randolph Brown, on a charge of drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of 30 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont tn city police court yesterday Another successful Scandinavian dance was held last night In the Boston Hall, music being by Hanson and Farstadt. Dancing was In progress from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. and there was a good-sized crowd in attendance. The local dry dock as well as other Institutions connected with the Canadian National Railways and many private businesses are closed as far as possible this af ternoon out of respect to the memory of tha late F. O..Dawsbn D. S. Cameron fisheries over seer for the central division, has arrived In port from Swanson Bay with the departmental cruiser Senena which Is txlng tied up at Dlgby Island for the winter. Mr. Cameron expects to sail tomorrow night on the Cardena for Van couver. laft Saturday's Vancouver Pro vince contains a picture of Miss Madge Murphy R.N. of Vancouver andf Ralph Terry Johnson of, Prince George who are to "be Hiar-, ried In Vancouver on December 11. Miss Murphy Is well knom in Prince Rupert, haying formerly been a member of the nursing staff of the local hospital. i Read Richmond's Louvre ad. COUGHS Apply Apply ovar ovtr throat and chMt wallow wallow rnu piacaa fx VICKS Vaporub Octr 21 Million J" VJ Y.rl Read; 'Rlchrfond's.Loxivre "ad; Read the Montreaf Importers ad. Read Jabour's advertisement today. (255) Buy your Xmas gifts at the Hill 60 Bazaar on Saturday, November " ' " 2. Coo rtn r mlnHnwfl frtr mfinnu John Dawson, C.P.R. locomotive coat. at sDeclal reductions. Wal- engineer from Calgary, Is arriving 'iace'g In tVio !,, 4V,I mivm.l " ... mis uu bins uuuu. Big Hallowe'en dance Friday. 9 p. m. in Boston Hall. Accordion Music by Andersdn. , (255) Special prices on all ladles coats, Wallace's, Friday and Sa turday. ' This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30. was reported this morning to be on time. : t . 83. Salvor has arrived with a full cargo of coal lor, Albert ti McCaffery Limited, pnane 116 and U7. ill .(256) ,st-.t A All our ladlaJcojtts on ale. your opportunlttlo suture one of these exSusly' wodeU at a sub stantial reduction, Wallace s. T. J. Shenton. Inspector mines, sniled .yesterday afternoon on the. Prince llmm for a trip ko stevfart on oiiiciai duties. Sam Murray, -night clerk for the Canadian National Telegraphs, who broke his leg and three fingers In an automobile accident yesterday afterndon,v 4s reported to have spent a restful nlc;ht In the Prince Rupert Cteneral Hospital where he Is a patient. Read Richmond's Louvre ad. Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWAN RON and BESNER Proprietors HOLT BEST BUSINESS AS USUAL Open roads in winter well maintained roads In sum-mcr "C utci.jiiur" Tiactjrs and modem road ma-chuuTy ic ij.it.b Ask F Booklet --"All Year Roa4s"Fir-E THE NEW IMPROVED Greater Structural Strength j GYPROC Takes Any p$M' . DccorationJ SW FIRE-PROOFl7 ' ' II Av v I VtfiA. HkJ ASA, JELL J!iS. SV toffX? Full 3g" Thickness New Improved Edge Fireproof Wallljoord For Sal. By Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Burns Lake Hardware - - - Burns Lake, B.C. The George Little Lumber Yard ' Smithers, Hnzelton and Terrace, B.C. R. S. Sargent, Ltd. - - Hazelton, B.C. 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Hallqwe'en dance, Friday, November 1 In Elks' Home. Hill GO , Ann Tresbytenan fresbyterian B Eagles' whist November 7. November 14. Gyro Hoedown November 15, Moose and 22. United ber 5. ; : LUX SOAP 6 bars ual Bazaar. Nover 14 Mil) drive and dance, Rupert East United Church ba zaar, November 7. , Premier- -Orchestra Whoopee Dance, November 8. Anellcan W. ber 14. A. Bazaar, Novem- L.OJ3-A. whist drive and dance. In Audjtorium, (tf) Annual Bazaar Nov. 21 Church Bazaar, Decern- ' V NOTICE Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act all persons de- siring to be entered on the Voters' List for the forthcom- ine Municipal Elections as Householders or Holders of Trade Licenses must register fthelr names with the City CJe'rk during the month of October on a statutory form to be supplied by the City uieric. The City Clerk's Office will be open from 9 ajn. until 5 pm. each and every day dur ing the month of October with the exception of Satur- day, when It will be open from 9 am. until 12:30 p.m. E. F. JONES. Oct. 5, 15, City Clerk. 28, 29, 30, 31. 1 i n & cam DAMJN; SWTFT'S OR OAINER-S Fancy side, machine sliced GOLD DUST Per pkg CLARK'S SOUPS Assorted, TIF Suds in a Jiffy. Per pkg CREAMETTES "Quick" macaroni. . Per pkg. CORNED BEEF Libby's. is. Per tin UOWNTREE'S COCOA Per tin fJABOUR BROS.' 95c. SALE 50c 45c Days are Going Better and Better I WE ARE HOLDING OUR 93c SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS ! Bazaar November FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, NOV. l, 2 & 4 4-.PLY SCOTCH FINOER1NO WOOL in black, brown, grey and Off-. wnrte. saie, 4 lor vu Shh-iLANU f LOSS All colors. Li(-o PORK & BEANS Clark's Q C n 1 brand. Large tins. Each3dVs McCORMICK'S SODAS Pails. Per tin 354c 34c 19c 10c 23c 25c ST. IVEL'S PASTES Meat Qff and fiati. (2, Jars ttJL ' Butter! Butter!! 1 SIT YOUR BUTTER BY THE 14-LB. BOX IT IS ECONOMICAL IT.ESH BUTTER 1 4-lb. 4 boxes. Ejch U.iLu HORSESHOE SALMON OQn Best sockeye. Vs. Per tinui SILVERSHRBX) MARMALADE iS'iST1.. 48c ORANGES Good size; (?4 -f fi sweet and Juicy. 3 dot. $ A" i Sec Us For BROOKFIELD SAUSAGE REID B AYRSHIRE BACON COOKED TONGUE, HAM, PORK AND VEAL LOAF Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHOtfE 53 PHONE 56 a SUITS! SUITS! ' MADE TO ORDER I'utting, Workmanship ancl Style ; All Guaranteed '.HITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED j IVe Deliver to Any Part of Uu City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 6 skeins for vv DOUbLifi KNITTING WOOL Regular 4ic a skein. Sale, 3 skeins lor PILLOW TUBING Very good quality. Regular sac. Sale, 2y2 yards for 75 YARD3 ENDS SHEETINO All widths. SlxK). Sale, Z yards' GINGHAMS Regular 3Uc a yard. ' Sale, 5 yards for WHITE FLANNELETTE Regular 30c a yard. Sale, 6 yards for WHITE COTTON Special sale price, 8 yards for - WHITE COTTON Regular 35c a yard. Sale, 4 yards for '. GREY COTTON Sale. 5 yards for Sale orlce Regular from v5c to 200 YARDS ASSORTED PRINTED MATERIALS Regular price up to 85c. We are sacrificing at 2 yards for HUCKABACK TOWELLING Regular 35c per yard. Sale, 4 yards for . READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' HATS Regular up to Q-i QCJ $350 to clear for iyl.mVO 2 DOEN LADIES' HOU8E DRESSES up to 81 .50. U f To clear 57Jl LADIES' RAINCOATS Regular $7.50.. SDeclal Sale Price 4 ONLY, LADIES' COATS Regular up to $27.50. P4Q 4 DOZEN BOYS' SWEATERS All sizes and colors. Regular $1.50. Sale price INFANTS' SILK AND WOOL TOQUES Pink, white and blue. Sale price U5C 95c D5c 95c 95c 95c 95c 95c 95c 95c $3.95 , ?J.U,7tl 7 ONLY, LADIES' COATS Up to $35.00. 29l 01 Sale price tJa-JJt 3 ONLY, LADIES' COATS Regular up to $25.50. Of C QC Sale price :. yXOUO FOR THE COLD WEATHER LADIES' WARM VESTS Regular $1.35. Sale price ..... LADIES' CEETEE COMBS Pure wool Sale price Regular $5 50. LADIES' TURNBULL'S COMBS-r-UnlCn Wilts. Sale nrlce - 95c $395 $1.95 95c 95c A LAROE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE QCp Reeular un to $155. Sale VO LADIES' BLACK. CASHMERE ONLY, HOSE Regular 95c.. Sale. 2 nairs for - i..t GIRLS' RAINCOATS Hii . Special Sale Price SHOE DISMlTENiE: Jft 95c $2.95 29 PAIRS LEFT, LADIES' RUBBER BOOTS Regular $fn5j"Sale $2.75 GAYTEES. OVERSHOES Regular $ ' Ta'wr- ife?- $2.25 A LARGE ASSORTMENT CHILDREjFELWBei 5 t 2. Special Sale price I .'. 95c IJVDIES' SHOES Regular ud to $750 Assorted styles.. Sale price $35.1 LADIES' KID BOUDOIR SLIPPERS 1 to each customer. Regular $1.65. Extra Special Sale Price 95c 5c TO 95c DEPARTMENT FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF THE NUMEROUS BARGAINS IN OUR 5c TO 9e DEPARTMENT ALUMINUM ROASTERS These caruiof'be.pectarreil lead than at $1.75 anywhere. Special Sale price ...jta.1 95c COFFEE PERCOLATORS Alumintmi.-'. "Bale- -p'rloe' 55c 1 MED. SIZE ALUMINUM ROASTER AND 1 SMALL BOWL-All for 95c 17-PIECE TEA SET for . V !ttc 1 EARTHEN BEAN JAR AND 1 EARTHEN MIXTNO BOWL AU for 95c ALSO A NUMBER OF OTHER ASSORTMENTS SEE OUR WINDOWS THESE SALE PRICES FOR CASH ONLY JABOUR BROS. LTD. PHONE 615 3RD AVENUE AND 7TH STREET s It enjoys a l!! You cannot k& brtuyakfcr I tor quality. zirastss: I the money ' y ; This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia, S'. Mr