Saturda August 2, 1919 THE DAILY NEWS Sr WEXCEPTIONTO. - A RESOLUTION D. W. MORRISSEY WILFRID KELLY Ce A NEGLECT BY — INREGARD 10 Prince Rupert Grocery SCRIBBLERS THE FISHERIES BEES Good blood makes firm tissue, strong nerves, am sand clear brain. Keep your blood pure and ay |Board of Trade Takes Exception full of healthy, red corpuscles ; i i ‘ : I al ‘ t cies nc Tompany Resolution Passed by Board of to Megtect of Fichine tas ~ nesta ee Pills oa ‘el he 1 your liver active, by i Trade Asks Members to Look of ishing Industry An S £1NS, Which remove poisonous matters Having more stoc! ny ero . ‘on oO , \ . aT hy a a Out for Publicity By Minister. from the : vstem, assist the stomach to assimilate its no gz ing t mie Tikit gerade ue or » . a ' : aa : rh "brides beh Seth 600 elatin ' until Features. AL 4 eting of the food, and the food to nourish the body. 2 for 35c. der the auspices of the Dominion \e he fisheries | and Beat tomato sauce 2 for 25c. Government, will not be eive il nd ! ‘ eem that he | lite beans ae ene : 5 Ibs. for 50c. opportunity of making a trip t egar, per gallor ‘ — Prince Rupert and obtaining firs this rict ft : ! hold rmes imited ney Biscuits, all jetlies, per ib ; 30c. hand information as to the valu- tt i i f cor i yn. | Strawberm, 4s $1.26. Blac { rant, 48, $1.00. Reg ! ii able industries and resources li¢ fisheric therefore rrant, $1.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and jnortherg and Central British ¢ Be it resolved that this, the te o BW ple $1.00. Green gage, 4s, $1.00. lumbia In wording this resolu-| | ; Rupert Board of Trade, | Rexall Remedies y Flour, 49s, $2.80. 24s, $1.60. 10s, 70c. jtion we are not solely prompted] pet hie i John Oliver, | Pomatoe ys, per Case $4.50, per dozen §2.40, per can jfro n a residential point of view!|Premier of the pr nee | s- | sai 2 for 45c. bul more particularily through tor s, per case $3.76, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 3Be. Faations sentiment in order that ; lieth act While our stock lasts we will vl sses, Domol s Bsa 40c. 5 60c. four fair Dominion as a whole may t t existence or ah shi] iv, 18 lb. sack for . e% : $2.00 | undeveloped natural resources.) he i ‘ ed that in o r| an . No portion of Canada can con i n the vy th depart ; . : “ leers favorably with this section! ment pra ' to the with every purchase of Rexall Preparations Prince Rupert Grocery Co. of the country in this respeet and] eo & of data, from year to . value One Dollar or over. | iwhat will help us will help o | d as ‘lished being \ mele leountry in general. irgely a ape ion of previous ° | “We know'no greater medium reports, the only real chanzes be-|{{ Come early and take your choice lof advertising than the press ai a} figures, and Be ee cmon Sathered will] “Be it resolved that the provin- Phones 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 be spread broadcast throughout! ¢ia} Government take stey Lo 3rd Avenue and 6th Street EVERYTHIN¢ IN Canada and the United States welcompile data to lay before the » honestly believe that our Domin-|Hon. Mr. Ballantyne. on his pro- . : } ; : \e. ion and more particularly our ne eit this eit in Septem- sa @ ) province will have suffered an rT, in effort to convinte him|2 —_ — irreparable ‘loss through this as- f the abuses that exist in the rere es ul S sociation not having been given} {ishing industry of this provinee. |¥ EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE REA ERE EEE ERE REE EERE Seale of coming to Wi] ~The tate eboxtd be compteg La Casse Bakery Be it therefore resolved that «I es staff. . . ]@ copy of this resolution be sent] We would recommend that a Another 200 Ibs. of | Also alll kinds of Pastry See Us First | to our em cur ayy Se Lieut yy of tl - tion be sent t Lol, U, eck, and a copy to our P ’ | ; Potty oe eee Oe ne Genoa and Wedding Cakes | a Special lthat they use therr verw best ef peci ty Joris in our bebalror tore mot) Land Act Amendments Fruit Cake In rounding up your morning Phone 45 Phone | | “e rs pertaining to such valuable sat Gare publicity and suggesting tha } aa! : 2 ULLERS . | D |more sympathetic consideratio neMinimum of first-class land to be disposed of this Domestic Bread i listrict ju to $6 an acre; second-class ish i be given a new distri ‘ ny aed r Ib. The Bread with the Label 9 ° pst eling for its bare ey ‘ Pre-emption now confined to sur- week at 30c pe and making superhuman ef : = lands only. - 4 2 — rd i be ted covering o Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 |towards edvancing with the sole| jand suitable for sericultural pusposes 717 Third Avenue Phone 190 eet of shoulde ng more of he and which is non-timber land. Partnership pre-emptions abolished, ai ob | intry’s burden and ma {| but parties of not more than four may | ey : arrange for adjacent pre-emptions | — ) Heater for others. with joint residence, but each making We 1 id is respe : \ neeessary improvements on respective ‘ Would a ‘ ve iu claims. irge upon both our Federal and Pre-emptors must occupy claims for | a ; ed five years and make improvements to | Provincial Governments that they value of $10 per acre, including clear- } 4 , ‘ ‘ j + workin svstem ing and cultivation of at least 5 acres | . ~ . adopt a close orking before receiving Crown Grant | 5 @iosk.s Section4d G ..... $3,000.00 cash with reference to what might be Where pre-emptor in occupation not | Lot 5, OCK . Sues ++ sss 690 Oe : ws ar in ar ec rl i reh w less than 8 years, and has made pro- Lot 6, Block 414, @eotion 4.@ ..ccesseeue< 3,000.00 rope . ed research ork as — 7 s | perly termed re i I portionate improvements, he may, be- oe : 600.00 ” nly this way can Canada as : cause of ill-health, or other cause, be 4 0. Biesk 4, Gestiot = © ..4caccaeuees 500, LIMITED — = . scala granted intermediate certificate of im- £40. Biosk &. Section 4 @.... 2. 600,00 whole reap the benetit of such provement and transfer his claim } ont » SIQOA s Electric Engineers and Coxtractors oihdinilaant Records without permanent resi- FISHERMEN, LOOK |! dence may be issued, provided appli- . nt Se 1h sas de, Bleck 60, Mevtion © @ si... ck. cas 100.00 ; cant makes improvements to extent of 6 tlock 50, Section 8 @ y a full line of Electric Kanges, Washing Machines $200 per annum and records same each Lot 16, B 5 ril year Failure to make improvements Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates. Gi ilis, Lron ée 9? or record same will operate as for- Poasters, and Fixtures i feiture. Title cannot be obtained in | ; less thar fir ; . 5 years, and improvements s iles furnished on House wiring and Motor installation of $10.00 per acre, including 6 acres cleared and cultivated, and residence > > o> of at least 2 years > required ies A GREAT FILM) “eee gents for | DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. ; may record another pre-emption, if he Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Cailie Perfection Motors. Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Plug requires land in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro Spectacular Production Shown at} Vided statutory improvements made and residence maintained on Crown For the Salt Lakes Last Night granted land ry i _ h . r tl lransatlantie fliehts Empress Theatre 8 Unsurveyed areas,” not exceeding 20 Sundays - 10 a.m. and & that was chosen for ‘ a Sie _— To Large Crowds. acres, may be leased as homesites; every 40 minutes. ’ . rfmant ; elp vou to plan you! titie to be obtained after fulfilling resi- vice department will h i} pia - ° dential and improvement conditions, Wednesdays — 2.15 » Lighting I guipment A full line of Dynamos Che Whip is the thing I For grazing and industria! purposes m. and every 40 min- : 5 ereas exceeding 640 acres may be t Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable ‘ hown last aht ta o —— ~~¢- , : utes. ; Vas shit 1 las nigtt leased by one person or company Lamps, Searchlights, ete. . arot 1 the eatest Mill; factory or industrial sites on Fare-—-Return- - 50c By : crowd and aroused e timber land not exceeding 40 acras Children - 25c We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat enthusiasn It is a picture may be purchased; conditions include Se payment of stumpage pietures During its secon Natural hay meadows inaccessible . x ‘ by existing roads may b ‘chased allery is being charged, we have one at your disposal n Vaneouver and Victoria 7 « SAPFE ’ a6 Eres ’ _ time within which the heirs or devisees aC 7 See ALBERT @ McCAFFERY ) Lor tes 2° Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost whil J. Myhill Jones Red 391 POP OCOR DOPOD LOOP LOLOL PIECO PS ore ; > , . 7 . an enn ous expense ‘ of a deceased pre-emptor may apply } b } al an en a u 7 ; s for title under this Act is ‘extended ——— P » ( as ifor this. offering. na re from for one year from the death of , efore you purchase ” ey wre et such pePson, a: ormerly F unt Tm one ! “= —- e? . . bigest and best tran year after the conclusion of the present ' ‘tures t y This privilege is also made re LAT » } en in motion pict \ war. sue 5 ~ He ‘ A | one ; ‘ : , (roa ive | WwW ae ED NYTHIN MoMmM-~ mio e race and wrec! No fees relating to pre-emptions are | rape m ’ oh thy ‘ due or payable by soldiers on pre | , z | Jusi BORROWED epee si See a ivivid as to hok ! emptions recorded after June 26, 1918. | To You . ans — ng is another big | f Taxes are remitted for five years SUMievy pUGA We handle ;Raspitie : Provision return of moneys ac i But. of course, th hegest ' : erued, due and been paid since August Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber jof all the tremendous scenes an = conte tes idre 1 s-emptions. ridi« re-emptions ‘ : ‘ mu Interest on agreements t« burch ; ‘vents Is g#iganti I ' purchase sii? : jevent in th : ‘ town ey city lots held by members of . . 1 $ Ir Phe scenes] Aitied Forces, ot or dependents, acquired tion is the horse race Lim for thi splendid event wer ve ee. eenen pee from en- e Cement Plaster } or! » Laken | fiatment to Manel o. taa it Saratoga, where the | | d A , Brick Shingles Laths es ing events of the Wo fa ‘| nis meme eANGS —— | Provietur mad for i of pulled off, and the ex¢ Crown grat to sub-purchasers of ssuance === — oe SS one Soy ‘ vill | Crown Lands, acquiring right eine } | Lhe enjoyment of ara : Crone Sands, cullen Fights "trom | er c a er lstriking fidelity rhe W WS) purchase, tn @ fertelture on bul , ? | int Hiiment of cx ' : i ‘ tition f rehase, in — PN agi. — - ; . : - : jnot one star but six terest and taxe Where sub-purehas it finish it has bee! Lilt i 4) ers do not claim whole of original par | i ‘ _— LoOLLNProP FoR A MINIT AND HE DIDNT secm “O LAKE \v ( | eel, purchase price due and taxes may remarkably elaborate Phe be’ Sitibutel nrametienen’ om ' been mad y that] whole area Applications must be }production has bee i i mate by May ee jgoniue of the soreen hau’ GRAZING rourneur, and he has exct ed at i Grasing Act, 119, for sysetemati e Omeet oms | w | geQenming, dh 2010, for, rtaman | eeton Tea, Ro Totenour, ond be bor, | orate ee semenete | ! Lion. | ninistratio under Comrmiasione “Sr erernsuresececucs 309 SECOND AVENUE weecueecececncncucece mendously suecees | A qamin oe ~~ de ‘en oman louer, TI i ® iy all means, see The WEP. | On numbers rar priority for eatab 1¢ Business Man’s Kestauran : ee eh ais 9 tat | Havel! overs.” lock uwnare anap REAL HOME ” . oa Lt is mw 0 a! —— amelie oe —— Ho. E COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH you cannot afford ' — eottlors, campers or travellers, up me Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. oe Pog os Advertise in the Daily N¢ °