PAUE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, October3L i929 your kitchen BEAUTIFY by giving your 6love the blackest, brightest and most beautiful polishing it ever had . . . the quick, clean way, with Zebra Liquid Stove Polish . . . and, as if by magic, that stove becomes as radiantly bright and glowing as the day it was new. ZEB LIQUID "TOVE POLISH RECKITTS (Orerseaj LIMITED MONTREAL . TORONTO - VANCOUVER 4 If you wananylnirijitry a classified ad. i gg SAL ADA is plucked in the world's Sisiest gardens. "SALAM" T tUs (Fresh from the gardens Til so "iih;iiiiP"iiiffrnHii 1 1 flip iPurTTTT-pp-fi RoMnHnod FIjOU. R For All Your BAKING JJeitev value for votir monev in footwear matkedwith the BUm Bar JUST a bar of blue rubber bearing the name "Dominion," affixed to rubber boots and lumbermen of superior quality. It is an assurance of longer wear that will save yo u money. Not just good-looking footwear, but built of finest materials even in the parts you cannot see. There is extra reinforcing, extra wear, I .v-.v.-.v.yi .in the sole and heel in the toe, instep and liipper. Extra strength where ordinary kuiMnCaritk '.WSb 1.1- fi. 11.. ruuuei luuiwear usimuy gives way. Ask for "Blue Bar" quality when buying heavy rubber footwear. It means better value for your money. A Product of Dominion Rubber Company Limited ON WORN THE WORLD OVER JtK REMOVAL SALE AT MONTREAL IMPORTERS A bargain ha Jfn Inflatable attraction tor most p&pljU-fqr everybody, as a-SrauerRpf 'fact. But as no two people think alike, o dUferent people have different rieas usually as to what Is a bargain. But at the Montreal Importers Removal Sale, thpre can be no two Ideas as to their bargains. Just imagine Montreal Prices prevailing in Prince 'Rupert and cut to sale prices at that! The Montreal Importers are out; to beat the mall order houses who are doing too much business in Prince Rupert already without any real cause. For on the whole. Prince Rupert prices are fair. But he Montreal Importers prices are better than the mall order houses You don't nay any more at the! Montreal Importers store. Yon don't have to buy a money ordsr "nd go to all the trouble and then wait until the goods arrive and .hen find them maybe what you expected and maybe no By buying at the Montreal Importers. yo:i ndge the ouallty for yoursrK vhir.h you cannot do from a nrettv o'cture. And yo-i don't have to wait for two weeks before petting the goods. The Montreal Imnor-Ln can beat the mall order houses everv time. Just try them 'or yours'!! By- hntfrti for cvh and taWni very discount available by kee "'uvln? they car soli t the keenest prices. If the Montreal Ira-v-!" rou'd seH as much aa thev o"M b"" the mail order houses I v. ould soon emit sending their i catalogues to the Prince Rupert , district. I Why lend your money out of t-vr to build up the prairie cities i wb.n you can bny at as nood and ! better prices right here In town? Rath.r let your motto be "Build Prinoe Rupert" and buy at the Montreal Importers where you can get the best prices going. Advt. (255) The Bible has been published in 23 dialects of English. Hallo we en APPIB TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS VERY LOW BRICE Mcintosh reds Per box ORANOE MARMALADE 4s. Per tin . ECONOMY COFFEE Per lb PINEAPPLE 2. 3 tins BRUNSWICK SARDINB8 5 tins PICKLES Per quart PEARS 2. ir un :. t PEACHES Del Monte. 3s Per un .-. BUTTER' 14-lb. box OAINKR'S BACON Midline sliced. Per lb $2.25 45c 44c 35c 35c 48c 25c 24c 86.00 48c WE . BELIEVE THESE ARE VERY GOOD PRICES ON CANNED FRUITS. Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, 11. C. in gold, silver, lead and zinc. Durine the construction of win ter camryi which is progressing very rapidly, the mining crew has been cut to a minimum In Na 3 tunnel which is being driven alongside the ore to the- Inter section of this and another' high grade vein. The shipping ore In No. 3 tunnel samples 0 08 ol' told 130 ounces silver. 50 per cent 'lead and 15 per cent zinc, it is the in tentlon of the company ' lo con t.'nuc this tunnel all winter ex tra-ttn? this high grade ore tot snipmrnt. CLUB CONDOLENCES Out iTSnect to the memory of a former membr. the late' F.I O. Dawson, the Rotary Crab iminated any form of entertain -ment program at its regular week-, ly luncheon In the Commidore afc today. A vote of condolences 'o the bereaved family was passed, i Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Alber-tolite, Capt. Mountain, arrived In Efficient W are sprclallsts In Ford Service. Specially trained mechanics, special Kurd repair equipment, and genuine Ford parts are your assurance that your service work will be well done. We give clean, careful, courteous service. S. E. Parker, Ltd. . FOUD DEALERS Third Avenue Phone 83 mill miiiiii i i,n THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TWO SHOWS I ' 7 and 9 p.m. 100 TALKING AND MUSICAL PROGRAM Colleen Moore In ' Smiling Irish Eyes' A GREAT COMEDY-DRAMA Comedy "THE STAR WITNESS" Musical Novelty BROWN BROS. Singing Novelty MOTHER PIN A ROSE ON ME Admission, 20c and C3c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30. Admission, 15c and 40c SHIPMENT HIGH GRADE BLACK HILL Ten Tons to Oo o Selbv. Calif., From 'ew Shipping Mine at Stewart STEWART. Oct. 31. The Crawford Transfer Company this week delivered to the dock for ship ment to the smelter at Selby, Cant., by the Coastwise Stcam-shlo and Bars Co- the first ten tons of ore from the Black Hill property. This was ore that was bro'iaht down and accumulated us horses sent up to the mine with MipDHes were loaded witn ore com Ins: down Tt is stated that this ore on sampling ran well over one hundred dollars per ton Week-End Specials ORANULATED fi- tm 8UOAR 20 lbs. t?lli)d QUAKER OATS with new in style china. Pkg. 1UC WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR 10-lb. sack OARDEN PEAS 2s. wSleW 4 ff tlns 55c MCCORMICK'S DOLLAR rj(n SODAS Wooden box lUt MCCORMICK'S LEMUN C'AK! GRAHAM BISCUITS Q QC Wooden box v-a0D HEINZ CREAM TOMA- Q4 Art TO BOUP 9 tins ?1.UU BROOKFIELD CREAM- Q4 ! ft ERY BUTTER 3 lbs JJL.1U MALKIN'8 BEST TOMA- Q-n TOES-Ss. 6 tins OUt QUAKER CQRN 2s. 'ff'-tlns.' 95c 95c KLtpOOB ALL-BRAN 2Q( MALKINJS BEST SPINAtU S)ln 2s. Tin UV JAPAN RICE No. 1. 7'Ibe.-.- MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE '-i-lb. tin RtiSEDALE suced :PHACHES 2is. Tin EVAPORATED PRUNES--60-70. 2 lbs BORDEN'S MALTED MILK 1-lb. tin port at 10:30 last night from loco; FINE JUICY ORANGES with a cargo of fuel oil for the 5 (joz. Every purchase of B.C. Products HELPS YOU n.c. PRODUCTS nuitEAu Th VnHur floanl of Trad 50c 60c 30c 25c 65c 95c 1 uii.witu v o iuci vBii&s. 111c vessel was Dieted up the coast by Capt. PEARL WHITE NAPTHA CAn Larry Thomson. SOAP 11 bars tfvt Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Slreet. Phone WS Mine Head Coal HARD, HOT, CLEAN AND DRY This coal is recount all who have used it as the best Alberta coal into Prince Rupert H no rock nor slack and u deliver It In any slz; sire. Ere:, 1 Inch to 3-Inch Stove, 3-inch to 6-inch Furnace, Lump sr'.o si:'3 $13.50 REMEMBER Our coal Is fcept under ' and you are not payu I !r water. We Can Supply Tclkwa Lump Wellington Lump WOOD Mill Ends, per load sir.o JlliO C. C. KETCItrM & CO., LTD. PHONE 771 II LINDSAY'S Carlage and Storage Phone 6a Cartage, Warehousing n(1 Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.