Page THR DAILY NEWS. TREASURER TO A , | GUARD AGAINST FIRE Auction Sale : LEAVE CITY! t £0. sonnson ais importan| ol TY LOTS Post Under the Provincial Government. TORTURED BY RHEUMATISH The following lots will be of- : fe red for sale by Public Auction, ©. D. Johnson, city treasurer,fon Wednesday, August 6th next is leaving at the middie of th 7 ; a €lat / p.m, 1 cil C month, He has already resigned], sie Si : ee in order to take the position of cITy LoTs secTr ion TWO. inspector of revenue in the finance Sectior ; ‘ ion Block Lot department of the provincial gov- I 7 24 ernment, with headquarters at : ’ 53 Victoria. ; c Mr. Johnson came to Prince , .. as a : ; i 11 Rupert over nine years ago in the 1 is 12 employ of the G.T.P. and six : 27 , years ago he accepted the posi- ; sa tion of city treasurer. Previous + - ® to coming here he had been with 1 ot is tn. P. H. MCHUGH I o. TF. ‘. five cee in the east. pad 44 a * was born and educated i oe ‘ “ st i i n ‘ 03 Church Street, Montreal. Gloucestershire, England the : ce : v9 36 ’ 2 December 10th, 1917. jcounty known to every cricket 2 2 $3 7 oa cat sufferer from Rheum. \|piayer of the world. . s 46 Ba ag Mtr ; asm for over 16 years, I consulted The position which Mr. Johnson ’ . 51 Wl (pane we ty e ves eae! : eC iAil ici : . ’ . ; a rt took miedicines, used [has held so successfully will be ) : a oH \Wan a Th _ we ouons: ) i i . 3 ; : y mod ; . nothing did me good. | difficult to fill, for it is not every e 12 le it ree er begs ‘ £ li 2 9 . a me w gan to use Fruit a- |man that has all the qualities 5 7 sed = - Bg wien days, the pain was |which go to make a successful 2 8 8 ° One Reason Why sie ‘ Se , : 7 : ' ahtos ; ina meee. wip finance man. His training in : : 7 ie t ° T% , ’ -a-tives’ : , , — eaabilibned Senda fe ga municipal work and in dealing 2 9 ; nO for five years, I have enfor eh with taxes will be a great aid to : : . rae r ive years, , o retur . : _— of the trouble. Also, I had ieee him in his future career. ° ss = me ae Ps foun of an eppticotnn fer bd I e 7} ™ 2 : ‘ _ 2 5 20 e issue of a fresh certific uward L at reside rry Eczema and Constipation, and It is needless to say that Mr. 2 s . pa 45 and 46, Block 1. Section $. city ved ~ “ nana ae in a , . ; ‘ : ze : S : “Truit-a-tives” relieved me of these Johnson will be missed here and 2 10 28 ; NOTICE 1S MEREDY “GIVEN ” that it is eet at ee eee e mplaints ; and gave me a good that the best wishes of the com- - 10 24 4 on ana an” er the expiration ° oF y nae ae 2 . 0 ne On rm , Bi appetite ; and in eve ry way restored munity will go with him in his . = hereof, a fresh coruhente of diis to tee nni in me to health’”’. P. H. McHUGH new work, . > = . gag — oe name of ipse - ul a ; L . ion = 5 ’ 88 t ober. MacKay, which 0 50c. a hox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. 2 11 17 i015, and is eoeee aod "Vath of January, sittin imi r eles eb cant sub oeld en x~- — 2 11 18 : i. FP. MACLEOD, LIMITED ———- ; receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Ss po rt 2 a 22 DATED ae oa of Titles 9 . ; ts ne ; 2 5 13 teinem Tee we egistry OM Limited, Ottawa, Ont. 2 15 14 hm we B. C., this 25th day “ot Re, ee ee a ANE 4 eet ee ere - - ae) : 4 . sshinileiiiis aitiahimeennieainadiia Steamship Supplies, G In the sport column of a recent ; . 7 WATER NOTICE wien wt Tt sn Abate, eptn ahd Gerange, __in the sport column of a recent i 3 ae eee ng, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Jimmy Wilde was called t . 9 ; g se Kent. 2 . : y he Ke nt 2 16 20 TAKE NOTICE that M. R. Lill oe —e ish flyweight, and now the Welsh- - 16 25 Gitawa, Ont, whose address is care Win. pyre SELL - men of the city are up in arms to : 17 1 S. Sood, Ame. 5. C., will apply for : Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office : “A B e aD S B ps y claim this nifty boxer who won 4 : per second of water out of Spruce Crees. OS Water Street, Telept > by points over Moore a rece Z 17 " which flows east to west and drains into Vane ; ye oy § Mo in a recent 2 17 1 Pine Creek, about two and one half miles ancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 169 twenty-round battle in the old 2 17 15 othe water. wi — eden country. To them Jimmy is the ; 17 18 stream at a point Pabour 130 ft. below — “Taylorstown Ter ” , 17 19 Cassidy Group on Jas. Nedved's ‘ground 2 } Terror and hails : ‘7 se and will be used for placer mining pur- Guseneys. commences’. mak- rom the Rhondda valley nea! 2 19 a poses upan the Calder Bench Lease de- . ¢ peaheumne. 7 e - x aay, ydraulic Placer Mining Lease ing shoén ta 3 ; Still in ‘ i * 2 19 17 This notice was posted on the ground 843 F on the 27th day of May, 10919 pen a of business In the recent race staged at . - = pu eel Stee Retin ons 60, gpuattensen al ; ‘ ei , 4 19 yursuan ereto and to the “Water i . tx tos fn Edmonton between 40 pigeons . “ a. 1914," wit be nied in the office of “ne are . ‘ aw ROR ew -corder at } 2 rince Rupert. 2 were brought away 525 2 19 27 Objections to the “applicat For the G miles from the city, a one-year 2 19 45 fied with the said Water Recorder or with NOT - =. - : ’ " a « 2 20 “ the Comptroller of Water R , : ICE OF CANCELLATION u ON SALE AT old bird was the winner. They aes Cae ‘etoria, “Be Ce, "withh ea ° ) 9 " ‘ es, Vict ; . | tally Suited for YT were all released at daybreak on ® a ” thirty days after the “irst ‘OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that Ri Jt abe | ’ tot oll ' 2 20 21 this notice in a local newspaper re rve existing over certait Or wt nd ~—— ar oe _ r or Ss S¢ day morning and the first 2 20 22 ! LILLICO, Applicant, on Porcher Island, Range ala a aay . - SORT Se PR TR Te OTR one to arriv sached E 2 20 ’ we Ottawa, Ont novice of which ‘appeared ' in ti : . he ive reached Edmonton 9 20 - _ By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B. C., Agent Columbia denn ite om tee th M: red " For the ardware at 4:15 a.m. on Sunday. The . - _ The date of the first publication of this|!s cancelled es ‘S SECUND AVENUE leading pigeon must have been ; = 27 notice is June 23, 1919 6. R. BADEN : r 0. ter daybreak that it could only 2 20 46 erly and. draips into" the ‘kitsault hiver, p PuGNE SS R } have been a short dis : 2 20 47 ebout $7 miles from 1 _ aees acmeaall 2 : sbous 3° ts mouth at head of P. 0. B 908 the city limits. " o “ The 2. “oe ye from the a - ee ees : “ « hn ge 4 point about 20 chains easterly ! ; ates 2 2 52 rom 5.E. corner Lot 3196, Cassiar Dis | Final arrangements have been . 7 dd upon the mine de ovine Ite the Nomh bier ; oo R oom completed for a boxing bout be- ; = ra Mineral claim, ‘Lot "sea4.‘caasiay District. ‘ 1 | we c ji i 0 61 This notice was sted 4 tad aan tenia eae . moved to tween Jack Britton, welterweight 2 20 62 on the S0th Gay of Tune, 1810. on | renerve existing over certain crown ats e N f : of the world, and Johnny Grifliths 2 20 65 osc obY SE this Botice and an, application en > eee, Se ee or 0 ooms . of Akron, Ohio, at the sn: acini 2 20 Pareugas Serer and to the “Water Act,| River 6 ee eS So Te 6th A ir Vv , , at the stock yards 66 p14," will be Bled in the office of the . pemee wee = Sepseres em th Ave. and Fulton Street § e. stadium August 7. The contest 2 20 : Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.c. | Sritis® Columbia Gazette on the 2nd July, comet ae « ast 7. yntes : Pi ap ata to the applicat “+ “may be $008, is concelled. ; r ppo xe for twelve rounds. 2 20 69 the Gan ne, Soe eee eee Duty Ministe The EmpressjHotel . * . 2 20 70 ment ee tiidines Victoria! ae Sine Lands Department, aes of Sane Nice large Furnished Major Bill Gor , ‘ 2 20 ‘ thirty days after the first appearance et| *'°toria. B. ¢ ne . ill Gordon announces : . whe this notice in 8 locel uewspaner. 15th July, 1919 Raomne Gir Gent CIGARS SODA that he has arranged and obtain- ° = ws M. P. OL SEN. Applicant. ei : 2 20 16 The date of the first publicati or Married C @ government sanction for a os ‘ notice is June 26, cation of this rile oupk 8. my 2 : * 1919. Two per cent. Beer fifteen-round boxing conte : > we Peeen 2 i est to " 20 90 ee aid te Bidens Ue tied ond ul 2 20 91 LAND ACT Every Convenience : this month betwee ac , ; c - ‘to Appl _ JOHN PELLICANO sie War thids toma’ Was be oe + a ate: candi tank aon . a ; A’ ka agg aie 2 20 se IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND pemrnintaes—ccennace oreee Ee will be for the Army and 2 20 121 situate in the vicinity. OP SREENA and , et call cy we ' : $0 . situate in the Vicinity of District Lot 792 the bout will s’ Association and 2 20 oe on Massets Inlet, Queen Charlotte islands NOTICE OF CANCELLATION TS See H | P i R : yut will be held in the open 2 20 131 tes, ‘Mimlted, of Vance iver, brities Colum, | NOT (EB) — se ot air. ° . 3 -s, Limited, of Vancouver, British Colun OTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN ‘ , e rince upert 5 * 30 133 bia, occupation canning company, inte ~ 4 reserve existing over certain . oe tae it ! nm * 5 32 1 to apply for permission to lease the fol- |?" Graham Island, Queen Charlott« istas ' bas provid ‘cen aimee Away dow : : 1 . as lowing deseribed lands: District, notice of whieh appeared in th ose den m Applied ‘Gelomes EURCPEAN PLAN : y own in the wilds of ° 3 32 Commencing at a post planted at the] 8ritish Columbia Gazette on the 30th July whe eulenak Guang saa Gatentele Mexico J, Arthur . : ’ 38 2 southwest corner of the northwest quar-| '%°8, and the 3rd July, 1913, ts N course or dueliig. their, matricula. $1.50 1ur Johnson, forme : 3 SN pres: Mh -50 per day and up. k son, fopmer s 4 23 ter of Lot 792, Queen Charlotte Islands G. R. NADEN : and. have. lutentions. o ing of the heavyweights, and $ 15 as District, thence west 20 chains; thence Deputy Minister of | proceeding IM Tall, may’ resume Charles Cutler are t x 36 north 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains|/4"ds Department, ul pdies during’ the summer FIRST-CLASS CAFE 8s U are busy teaching 15 36 more or less to the high water mark of Victoria, B. C., Up nibs, this ‘provision fas. beet Bob Roper for . aa . 16 33 Massett Inlet, thence southeasterly and 15th July, 1946 . “suggestion of returned A La © ; mer amateur r y an y 9 mede he sug a Carte. heavyweight champi fA 8 16 a4 aie ee y = es tales at ae er mt iro are “desir bee 1pion i Anu. . ee 3 oh ” more or less to the point of com u cot Gaae teed cook wheat nerooreoee pooes os — : 2 13 mencement and containir ye 2 wee Weeseranesd ta catiaten - - ica, how to de fe at Jack Dempsey. 8 26 1 acres more or less. 1 = «6ttwenty 20 > = re interrupted by onitaanne a a Thus will Johnson do a second- 8 26 re THE WALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITED tin 1 Withe S undue diteuly. iS hand come back Roper weigh 8 26 18 Dated 3 ard rd day of June, i919. L. 8., Agent eee cree ares HERE 208 pounds and st 5 ; : “LAND ACT LLP eae ' ands 6 ft. 4 in. 5 : tall. Johnson has ¢ p 3 . oe | . ' s a whole stall 8 31 ‘ ; es : gical 2 POLO OL AED APOC ODPPOD DE ‘ ‘ arr y ar 7 . oe i } ; ; YOUR RECIPE “ ot eueteing partners and trainers ; z ‘ THCT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE LaLANDs ‘i | “ I ching his proxy how to beat : 33 15 TAKE notice that E. M. Lauder, of Queen NOTICE OF CANCELLATION e Gur h Dempsey. - em 16 Gare City, occupation teacher, intends x vic So : . or permission to purchase the|, NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN 8 following described lar reserve r corte > lands Mrs. FORBES It will be of interest to the local A 6 Pe south ‘bare of bis 4 Dost planted on the om we Naas River, Cassian. Disirict. mothe | ase ay ‘ aude Island, abou of which appeared in t sh Col ns er Brass base ball players to know that the : . 40 naps ones of tne 9.5, commas post Ph. Ag Gazette on the 25th Fe %.., ; " oee. ia : | ee ' lo kn chair . canceiled, ls A a eer dd world's batting pete nis Gy Mit, = ; _ a 20 chains; thence south $0 chainer thence G. BR. NADEN : : secure y Joe Wilho -entre 7 2 wes chains to point of commencer Deputy Minister o Put a smail tin in water and heat) flelde t pte it, centre s a9 83 EDITH MAUD LAUDER, ment. |i ands sane mister of Lands, | Phone Green 548 tian heli eeiet Shen pet am feo r of the Wichita Western 5 39 84 Date June 14, 1919. A. 30 Victoria, B. C., i$ Po. : and child thoroughly. League Club. He secured pits in . 8 % MINEH s et ia ere | noe oe ie Have a bow! on the ice getting ¢ 46 oe seuti T , ; ° + Ste on NOTICE 8 . s cold. msecutive games. The Wi- | When the tin is chilled open it and|chita fans presented hir cy . ~ so CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEME PUBLIC ROTICS W e Ss ] ] pour milk into the cold bowl, placed| purse of , mn with a ‘ ay 90 . : oF IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MATTER OF THE I e: e oa — aye ee prec inti ‘aan aa $600 in ap- NOTICE. ere C, PERGUSON, bECE ets oF} ea the ordinary way and in les ciation of the feat. This ought Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, J ealed tenders will be received by th = — re See Oe im wel be a very happy; incentive for TENDERS WANTED Fraction, Rob Roy, and Nephin Bay er non - A aes noon of the} : . ate in st, , for the purchase « < whipped cream. some of the heavy hitters wh SEALED TENDERS are invited for Division of Cassiar District. Naas Mining }lots eight (8) and nine (9), Block thirty. if it is not too much trouble we! play t ; : 1Olereetion of 4 Hall at Smithers, B c the Where located:—On the west side of pe See Section five (5) ‘in the City of} FOR ELECTRICAL WORK enthd bd pied to knew how you like 1.1"... he market place every | Rall of the Smithers Hall Con , OD} Granby Bay, near Anyox, wince Bupert, in the Province of Britt Go : eu other eveni nn : Plans and specifications may be ahi a CABS Ro tioe shes |}, WN. Ch : Tender : = DUET gometll daw ether’ toaines ing. The boys ought|on application to the eee may be obtaine d|the city of Duncan, B. ¢., acting lague of Tenders must be placed in an envelop upon request. to take note of their plays on an | °xMyps., Smithers, B.C. t. 8. H.|for the Granby Consolidaicd Mining, Smelt. |marked’ “Tender Mennnenned to 1m i official score es al A marked chequé for 10% of the a ing and Power Company, Limited, Meee | marked (‘Tender = Ferguson, Estate aud EE al score card so that they can of seater must accompany all te Se aman ws Certificate No, 32188-( ‘intend a ure : 4 . pee a. a bie €0 a e » ; lowest sixty days fr b » oon eB Smithers fo 25 pe Pacific Milk Co have some idea when the season | ne censarily - oaatte tender will not|lto the Be fee me Gav hereot, So pen of the amount - i pode» 25 per cent} e eo jis over as to where wy Ome tenders to be 4 of Improvements, for the purpo patti le eanentel : Limited TI . herein they excel.| secretary at Smithers "et, hands of the | iaining a Crown Grant ™ i te gf ob- | necessarily be accepted ee re 888 8nd Ave. 1ey could make a record of ali |t 41 days of Augusi, Noid, on a before And further take notice aot tat claim The cheques of all unsuccessful tender. | FACTORY AT LADNER, 6. 0. the special plays, error hit noon, o'clock | der seetion 85, Inust he commen: ed. befor Ohne. en ee ee ae a . m 'y’ ; ors, its, Tue cheques of all unsuccessful 1 the issuance of such certificate of i TERMS-—-Cash on acceptance of tender BLACK 367 - GREEN 304 ees 850 stealing, etc. iaers, "S retureed to them 7 Prated this ard a ex lal Admini | + : oun ‘ une 14th, 1919 HN, CLaguE. 6, & p f0r0 Smithers, B. . lelal Administrator : Save Money in Lamps be duly’ 47, 1009, A ~ eee