tier laicum rowuor, 35c Doth for ', . . . ; S.DJchr.slGnCo.LttL Representatives fojv w MILLER COURT & to... Limited Through our connections w an make prompt execute- of buy'ng and selling rr.lnv., on the Vancouvor. Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges . ''losing prices from these cx 'laiufcs posted on our il v board twice daily. ' ! ders from out-of-town M' "r.t.s, by wire or letter, wiU rc -ivp our prompt attention S.O. Johnston Colid. 610 2nd Avenue Phone ISO Prince Rupert, li t LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Car tigc, Warehousing, anu Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialise in Piano ano Furniture Moving. PiONORS DIVIDED IN H. MI.U4MTOURNM. M S Cclomlm Won One f"Hie I ast Night, While Ch- , ndian Legicn Took the Second j ' M S. Colombo and the T-rton pretty well divided ( ( ..' t 4i... ut.in mo llll.'II IIIMII ': .-" I K ' -ans; C. V. s. i-'w- K'i: , " M.S. rolombo. boat C. tJ., -T'.-imn. Canadian U'-'i-.n. w '.) . i ...um. , wniF4lWUrti!" ''' SA1- .. .... t U ini'sTZibo io X' grim'ei,' Will be pi. yd 'h, whenG . P. Tin- 4nP t" C nl.. ,lll rutin.. ' "lauhin Legion. Jlui L 85c value,. IClonzo Shaving Cream, 60c, Genuine Gillette Blades, 50c $1.00 value. Both for our Bathing Caps have arrived New, fresh stock Value'sfrom 15c TO $1.00 tones ltd. Tfzc Pinnt'cr THIIJD AVE f. SIXTH ST QMesf' GoodHecipes Metier ' 50c! iJrttucistn TLIUPMONF.S l,20Q Here's Wcith While Watch The make is Qmega, a j well known and first-class i old country make 16 jewels, in the modern this model style, gold-filled case. I These watches are well made and durable. We guarantee them to give j good .satisfaction. Bought at a. bargain, wtsi havt. ony seven left at the' price . , k 20.00 ' 1 . . Mrr CJEWbLLfcKo Tll.f STOKrWITH THE CLOCK M. S. COLOMBO OPEN TO PUBLIC Many CUben Taking Advanlnie af Opportunity to Insjiect , Mslting Warship J " ' H'M R. Ci'ombo h iieing throwii for, ".S " jjT sr iM'fn.- th tmjm tie since oKnai.fl hi warshin huve , been uii - . '! J . ... ...nntvllMttlV ttle VISltOrS I . ,,,, rmira a n targe we " - " nnV ho.t no nts of tnteiedt on iMaaal The Coiombo Will be open to the Thomas McMeekin returned to Pitv on yesterday afternoons c f Viis nelinilical - iness trips to Hie im f oca and. Personal News In m m a m a it mi "4,m ffimm .uali nr., imr. vTTT" " . , SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream, GOc, Laven-., 4 n Taxi Phone I, Dig 4 Taxi, tf ' Dentist Dr. .!. It. Gosse. Phone! C8C. ' Note the dress goods specials iat Jabour Bros. sale. 125 ' Ewart Dyne, piano teacher, 5 Summit Apartments. Phone IJlack 345:' 128 It. E. Allen, district forester, I returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to ; the interior on official duties, i - ' Don't forget Elks' Flag Day Dante, Moose Hall, Monday, June 3. Ladies 60c, Gentlemen 75c. 124 A. D. Matheson, manager of i Carlisle Cannery, arrived In the jelty on yesterday afternoon's train from the 8keena River for a brief ' business visit in town. i ; A public dance will be held in the Exhibition, Bidding on Friday night at 9 o'clock in honor of tin- ship's company Il.M.S. Col-omlx). Admission free. Everybody welcome. 126 Miss Catherine Harvey of the Htudent nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital returrred to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smithers where she spent a two weeks' holiday. ANNOHNCBMKNTS . , Birthday Tea United Cburfb Hall, May 30. Moose Annual tPjcnic at INgby June SO. ,,: ' 'J'T ', : i! iv Cinirham Dance to be held at Port Clements some trine in June. So be prepared buy a bowl.. K. of C. picnic, Sunday, July II. Ditfliy Island. Demonstration ' . In Our liux' on Friday and ' I-:!',' Saturday of ST. CHARLES MILK PHODUCTS Hy Mm. Hhojea of Vancouver Come and see the many uses of these made in B. C. products. 'SPECIAL PRICES Evaporated Milk, 9 tins . . , S.I.W Eagle Brand Milk, per tin . .20c Choc. Malted Milk, pes tin SVG&M 0 .V.V..v!. ....toe iCHEDLET CHEESE English Cheddar. Per, lb. ... ... .40c SWT'BAt'tCNW UAM8 Aver age 4 wi ike. each. Each $1.18 NABOB SLICED" PEACHES 2'2s. g.tina 55c aiae Navels: sweet and juicy. 3 dos. $1.10 BLUE JAY RaOOjaS-ietriag; m.irf)yijieblind.- Bach GOc FINESfbULK BUTTER 3 lbs $1.80 HOliNPB CAKE ICING Choco late an4 lemon flavors. Tag. .10c je.J All tHi-'rulis nnd VugetiiMea , inKon' "tp'!"! ttir Vn..r i.Requirenicnts tit HOIiiQUSE TOMATOES '".aWiVM----, i ,35c t AROELLOGAIa LETTUCE- Head 10c Fresh Rtniwberrles,. Expected' On Wednesday; Cantaloupes Expect I ed on Friday Walts' Grocery quality lllght-PHONE -Prices ltlght B5 PHONE 56 Awful Pimples On Face and Neck For Four Years Mrs. Mary Rail, Eaimlle, Ont.. writes: "I am writing to tell you that I Buffered terribly with awful pimples, all over my face and neck, for tout years. 1 had tried everything, but got no rwici until one day a tnend told m ' about I . and advi.-wd me to use it. I used four bottles and my face is now completely i etear of pimpu )les." I Manufactured only by The T Mil- burn Co., Ltd, Toionto, Ont. Three day sale at Jabour Bros. Ltd. continued Saturday and Monday. . 125 L. W. Patmore returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Smith ers on legal business. The Stirling," under new management freed June 1. Home cooking, light loaches. Afternoon tea a specialty. Cakes made to order. William Ranee, president of the Canadian Legion, occupied i the chair at the tnfdker given on Tuesday evening in honor of the officers and men of H. M. S. .Colombo. A NEW STORE HAS OPENED THIRD AVENUE Men's Furnishings of AH Kinds Including .Master .Mechanics Line Carried A new store has! opened on 'Third Avenue opposite the Empress Hotel in the old Montgomery stand to be known as "The ; People's Store" under the man-lagement of J. E. Dyer. The feature of the business will be that prices just the same as .those charged in Eastern .Canada will prevail on everything. The People's Store will handle a lull line of mens furnishings, their special offering being Mas ter Mechanic shirts, trousers. overalls, sdiocks. eie. Also a (complete stock of high class un iderwear, boots und. .shoes, rub- oers and clothinu. won i iorget, mere will be no exorbitant prices, chftfgM. Ea. tern rates wlllftreWl mt this . L.,vrr ill and talk "to Mr, Dyer and look the gonads over. Heart Palpitated Nerves Bothered Her Sleep Was Broken Mrs. Fred A IMfHw. Bast Southampton, N.8.. wriuu: "1 was bothered very much with tiiy nerves and palpitation of the heart, aud my steep was broken at night. I decided to tn 1 f"0 I bad tak. i six boxes I found "JT.1 ' 1 r wn.gw will gladly ret'oiiiinend tliem to all these who are troubled with ill spliii mail caused by tlieir heart and tervea." Price GOc. ier lox at all druea-iala ami deakri, or mailed direct on jjloeipt of nriw by The r. MUtmra, Co Tnrmitfl. Ont. ' J ' 'Pfii.cc Kupert Fei;S f o. Reeeie.l fresh supply Prakts' Daiiy Chick Food. BulWey Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood 'Flour, Spratta' Dog and llird Supplies and COAL guaranteed to please you . PHONES 58 AND 538 Girls' dresses going for 95c at Jabour Bros. sale. 125 Moose Whist-Dance June 7, 8.80. Cash prizes. Last of season. 75c and 50c. This afternoon's train due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Mrs. Leslie Skinner of Copper, City is a visitor in the cityt hav-i ipjf arrived from the interior on i yesterday afternoon's train. Inspector James M. Tupper R. . M. P., returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from trio to the interior on official luainess. ; Provincial Constable M. Martin tln 01 of Queen Mueen Chi Charlotte Citv ir rived in the city on the Prince John last night from the Islands, Brief having in his charge an insane patient who will be taken on to Mrs. J. M. Smith of Port Es-Essondale. 'sington is sailing tonight on the Alex Rogers and Jack Edwards, both well known old time prospectors of Lockeport, arrived in the city on the Prince John last night from the Islands and will spend a couple of weeks ir so here. Miss E. Dobbie and Miss F. McLaren of the student nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Ho-iulta! left on this min ing's train for their homes at ' Terrace where they will spend ' heir. annual vacation. j i E. H. Kfmrmon. manairer of the Langara Fishing ft Packing Co.'s amery at New Massett, is a! visitor in th; citv. He arrived 'aat night on the Prince John and ill return to the Islands on the same vessel Saturday evening. ! Evidence was being taken all morning today in the case of VLA. W L : i . ohur-mA 4K d-i " Ch001-meat, Act with making a false state- j and at noon adjournment1 ' was made until 2:30 this after-1 Alverto Guererro, examiner1 noon' ' f iom the Toronto Conservatory I 'if Music will be in Prince Run-Ensign R. Boys, divisional fin-"rt on Monday, June 3, to exa-aacial offieer of the Salvation mine the students. The examiner i Army, who arrived in the city will give a recital on Wednesday his week from Prince George June 6 in the United Church at I here he has been on relief duty. 8 o'clock. He is one of the finest sailed yesterdaV afternoon on the pianists in the Dominion of Can-Prince George for Anyox where da. Tioketa $1.00 can be obtain-he will pay a brief visit before ed from the Convent, Miss Way. proceeding to his headquarters Ormes Drug Store or Heilbron- at Wrangell. Union freighter Chilkoot. Capt W. W. Mounce. arrived in port from the south at 6 o'clock last night and, after discharging a arcel of powder, sailed for rvles Ts'and and the Naas River whence she is expected to return "i-iv tomorrow morning discharge a cargo of coal b before roceedintr on her return to Vancouver. This is the first vovage north this seeson for the Chilkoot. BENNY WENDLE LOOKING GOODIKr388 G00DS-Rr 93c Main Event in Boeing Tourna ment Tonight Should He Lively Tilt U.ny Wen-lie. who will meet Marine Venahles at the Exhibi- ton Hall tonight in the headlines-i nf a boxinjT tournament between H":o,,?Wigh?1n u & nre,- soriti Club and showed a vast improvement as a result of: vecent sojourn ifi the south. lov,nv nWavs was a tough and der boy and he is much more so 'fiU' nw Man inn ever. 'it Marine M A Finn Vaanainleksi venables also worked out again und proved hat he is going to be a worthy op- ,nnonT' Judging from their appearance n work-outs, the Colombo men -hniiM put up keen competition tor a,l that is offered locally. There are three t ryinn periods in a woman's lit.-: when thu girl matures to womnnhiH'il, when a woman gives birth ti her lirst child, when a woman reaches uiiddle age. At these tuiur l.yih.i .. Puikhiun's Vegetable Coniiunnul hell to restore normal iie.dth und vigor. And your dispels all 'Fresh from Football tonight at 6:30. II. M. 1 S. Colombo vs Prince Rupert. Dance in the Auditorium Saturday evening. Bang! Hang Bhe goes at 9 with H. M. -S. Colombo ten piece orchestra. Admission 1 50c 126 (Prince George for Vancouver en-route to Charlottetown, P.E.I., .where she will visit her old home. Mrs. Garnett Watt, who has been the guest here for the past two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Watt, will sail by- the Prince George tonight on her return to Vancodver. Father Leray O. M. I. sailed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon on his return to Stewart after having made his monthly trip to Terrace to conduct Roman Catholic Church service. Father A. Vallieres O. M. I., late of Smithers. returned to the city on the Prince John last right after a two weeks' trip to Port Clements and other Queen Charlotte Island points on ec clesiastical duties. Shortly he will be leaving for the Telegraph m? district to open an iadus- er s 124 iJabou rs' Fri., Sat. and Mon., DRESS GOODS FIGURED WOOL CREPE Regular 05c. Sale, 2 yards for 95c FIGURED VOILE Regular 65c. Sale, 2 yards for 95c FIGURED VOILE Regular $1.25. Sale, per yard 95c SILK AND COTTON GEORGETTE Regular $1.00. . . Sale, per yard 85c FIGURED COTTON DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, ETC. Sale, 3 yards for 95c GI RLS' WHITE, PINK AND PEACH BLOOMERS Sale 35c and 45c GIRLS' COTTON SUMMER VESTS-Salc 20c and 35c 12 ONLY, GIRLS' DRESSES Regular up to $2.50. gaje nr. V.'7 J J ' MISSUS' ISKUAUULUrti CHILDREN'S . FANCY THREE-QUARTER HOSE Sale, 2 pairs for CHILDREN'S PURE WOOL Sale GIRLS' AND MISSES BROADCLOTH OVERRLOUSES Sale $1 95 DRESSESSolc ! .$l!l5 LADIES' VESTEE BLOUSES dm-., -i -On sale from : .$2.75 to $5.25 LADIES' SHEER CHIFFON HOSE On sale, per pair $2.95 WE ARE ALSO GIVING A FURTHER DISCOUNT OFF ALL LADIES' HATS We have manv other bargains nut listed hire. Come in and see our tables. Jabour PHONE 015 ix$t trial argument. Bviru n 129 IS, Mk. the gardens' Jim Kay will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancou- er. Dominion Constable A. J. Wat- kinson will sail Sunday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver with an insane Indian in his charge. II. C. Fraser, Inspector of schools, returned to the city on the Prince John last night after a two weeks' trip to various Queen Charlotte Island points on official duties. Arthur Robertson, Massett sawmill operator, arrived in the city last night on the Prince John from the Islands and will be hre until Saturday evening when he will return home on the ame vessel. "Bight tere tn British Columbia loan are aeveo iMfytittmrr manuIaoMHUia tent .ccaUa. abirto a amocko. . "You Son't any." "Ym, and tliat meani -jm-ploymertt Tor 172 people good steady and profitable employment Why Mtelr annual paynffi amounts to 146 tnouwud doUara!" "WeU. they must torn out an exeaUent product." B.CPRODUCTS BURfAt) Specials Hay 31, June 1, June 3 Sbll'S Sale 'JaC 9oc PULLOVERS .$1.95 Bros. Ltd. 3RD AVE. AND 7TII ST.