(i: r "1 i,it ni wnjtL whm inrmpr v i c no fflf the quake quite dia- GOLD REPORTED , NORTHERN B.C. r t !.f any strike I...'! 'f ion of Mrs. n Jones 2000 KILLED ;DON. Mnv 30. A Jcrusa 1 patch to the Express today ' -rt runners brouirht word crut that two thousand Arabs !?1 hern slain at El Sarar Nejd In a af.t.le hlwinn Aimann ana fclwah trlbct, . . ki tiM 1 ot rjcHcrt hospitnllty. 4 Mm; GEORGE IS ILL IN BED AT WINDSOR CASTLE . LONDON. May 30: King (,,':qito ha. had a feverish attark and Is confined to ! ' bed at Windsor Castle. ' ' ". learned here today. T Over, Beach Goes Into Sea in Quake Many residents of the Queen Charlotte Islands, more jvrucuiuny uii inu Buuui enu, were nign terror-stricken at tlic first of this week, when no less than three earth-,.akc-H on successive days rocked Moresby, Graham and ?:.. smaller islands. The steamer Prince John, arriving in port late last night, brought stories of several rather .startling occurrences during the tremblors on the islands. At Lockport, the top of a high mountain is reported to have virtually toppled over, and, near Sandspit, five hun- :lsca intaine unwuuiai w m tnere wan a rniir-fnnt tlrial -. .-d in Prince Rupert on Sun- wave. At Rose Harbor whaling fternoon wai felt on the Is- station and elsewhere brick chim-and, besides that, addi- neys fell off buildings. . quakes on Monday ami on Sunday afternoon there were cko were reported. three severe shocks, one alter an- o mountain, 12 miles from other, the first being the most port, has been causing much marked. 'Kin recently and from It low Men at Morgan's logging camp, ling are said to have eman- Moresby bland, were thrown on quite frequently of late, their feet when etandlng on open j are some who even believe ground. All the dishes in the cook a volt ano may be coming In- house were shaken off the shelves If a . m there. and many broken and one of the point on the islands report buildings was thrown down. At South Bay cannery bricks from some of the chimneys were shaken down and wild birds were flying in ail directions, evidently terrified. At the time of tbe qnake the oock pheasants kept up a steady crowing. Pollen from the f.r trees shaken out gave the appear- ance of a forest fire. It wm a W TftRIA, May 30. A report ge sigh ytt yU" i , . r, mrivtA hur. that a froM oust nwnRvtn irge nw inmrr, t n is attracting attention the mountainside, Mrs. L. J. Palmer, wife of the h r-r northern part of the prov- , at the , The location is not sUted, superintendent ! believed to be somewhere Morgan camp, had a large mirror which weathered the trip across ' rwe River and Casslar f boundary. The report say. ecie nan "v wall of their home It was struck e, s are going in from the down and broken into bite. Mrs Half-way Hiv.r country by the m H?' he to not Others are going from :o direction from the vi- tiUpu. i Th earthquake on Qnlfltf Sunday t na Ijke Part Srsare avsikbleand .fternoon did no damage around artment of mines has re- yon ww jw information and has no "! roes larro. n mi numin FUNERAL TODAY OF (UHMBJlifi w . mm MRS. GEORGE PLACE GRADES IN tLtVAlUKo Kfv Ivon Jones Officiated and .. w Vrt 7J . Urge Number . . of ..ii I riends j iiameniary JJ utTlood coramum to have reached '" ere Present , agreement with respect to mix- I"". ' wheat in the nature of a corn-funeral . i... tu. ing f took u this . place nPovides that the mix- o'f f&g It te j be forbidden by law in . statu-. m...i tu torv irades Nos. 1. i ana s, anu f Funeral Chapel. ung were "Lead, Kindly and "0 God Our Help in st." John Davey sang Saviour. Pilot Me." and tor spoke words of comfort iCfT. pall bearers were James Jnhn Bremner. John Mil- Matt Murray, T. Boulter Keith. T . re were a large number of c 'o present. ARARQCirHT- ...i-J l lhip crrnriBU be permnieu m MORE EXPLOSIONS OF SEWER GAS AT OTTAWA YESTERDAY OTTAWA. May 30. Mm. Anna Hayden, 73 years of age, who was injured In a sewer gas explosion here yesterday, died later occurred late In New explosions Altogether score he afternoon. and the of people were injured streets for blocks torn p n the Edinburgh and Sandy Hill districts. HEAT WAVE IN EASTERN U.S. May 30 -Three t&ondied fidiaa.? tho heat wave, nwwimrm rising to 90 in the shauc. BOSTON. May 30. -Two people nrcdcHd and a score or more were .... u.. tua irrat heat here. The thermometer atood at 90 ur- ing tho hottest part oi me uj iiiitTir born to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dow"1" Shames on Tuesday. Mav 1929. TROLLER IS SEIZED BY THE R1VIDIS Claims To Have Been Getting Repairs Made at Tow Hill Fisheries protection power boat Rividls last evening brought In the American trolling boat Mary C. Fischer of Ketchikan, the craft having been picked up yesterday morning at Tow Hill. Graham Island, Queen Charlottes, where it was claimed she was In for repairs. The fisher-man on the Fischer was A. A. Filllon. The boat Is rather a small one of eight tons reenter. It Is assumed that this case will follow previous ones before the admiralty court. FISH ARRIVALS Only Three Boats Sold Halibut at Local Exchange This Morning The Wise Man Boston Grill The wise man reads the das- Wmln LARGE CABARET elfied advertisements and uses Bprolal Dinner Tbundaji and Saturdays them whenever he needs to sell Ptndnf Et7 Saturday Night, 0 to 12 or buy, or rent, to find lost Dance Hall for Hire goods or to get a job. Acoommodatlona lur Private Partita PHONE 457 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XX., No. 124. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, MAY 30. 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS Mountain Top Falls Only three halibut boats sold catches at the local fish exchange this morning. Arrivals were: American Franklin, 18,000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 14.0c and 7c, Canadian Joe Baker. 10000 pounds, Canadian Fish & CoM Storage Co., 15.7c and 7c. Velma C. 9000 pounds. Fisheries, 16.4c and 7c. Atlin CTSAUNDERS MOVlNGSOUTh Agent of Marine Department Here fcr Seventeen Years to Take Up New Post Having received the appointment of superintendent of pilotage on tbe British Columbia coast, Capt. F. T. Saunders, for seven-cen yearn local agent for the Marine Department and prior -to that master of the steamer Prince Union Steamship Co., in which .service he was skipper of the Cantos un and other vessels in the ;arly days, will sail tomorrow 'sight on the Princess Maquinna for Vancouver, where he will make his future headquarters. Mrs. Snutiders goes south with ' him. Many friends will regret the departure of Capt. and Mrs. Saunters from Prince Rupert, but will be gbtd to learn that his official iuties may occasionally bring at leant the captain back here. Following Captain Saunders' departure, W. L. Stamford, su perintendent of lights, will take I will be made later by the Civil Service Commission. VOTINGTODAY GREAT BRITAIN LONDON. May 30: All England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Ulster are voting today to elect a new House of Commons. Fccllnrf Is running high and all parties show a good deal of confidence. This being the first time on which women between the ages nd 30 have had an.oppor-to vote and there being. in the kingdom, more women than men voters, the outcome Is ery much In doubt. FOOTBALL TEAM Following Is a rpvlsed list of local players for tonight's football game against H. M. S. Colombo: Spiro Gurvich; Hnig nnd ErsklneS Howe, Currie and at Woods: J. R. Murray. F. Russell, 28. C Baptle. D. Jack and C. J. Nor- 1 ri ngt on . mttti-t "' "i nnr- w m i Will the; People Take the Medicine Premier Baldwin's fate is In. the balance today in Great Britain. OPPOSITION IN SASKATCHEWAN Election Nominations Took Place Today for General Election "T RfcClftA, May i50. "No 'fuar-: ter" is the battle-cry of the warring factions in the Saskntchewan general election campaign, nomin ations for which were made today for the general elections on June G. There are G3 seats to be filled. Sixteen three-cornered fights . j exp.-cied and one four-corner ed fight. Forty-five Conservatives, the most united opposition yet offered . Rver WASHINGTON, May 30. No Hon of the Eraser River sockeye salmon will he taken at this session of Congress. TWO CONCERNS AFTER POWER STEWART, B. C. Power Corporation Application Being Opposed by Van- iCPuyerjaiHllWii in mi H HJ VICTORIA, May SO. The .truggle for water to develop power in British Col umbia.j continues. The scen.hfa ehanged, however. frm Ciimpbell niver to the northern part of the province ml the water board here had a MtHng tb hetr the elaims of rival, applicants for water in American nr")c, trbutary to the Bear, to the perennial Liberal regime. The applicants for American' vere expected to be listed and 19 j Creek privileges were the North-1 Progressives and 15 Independents. ern R. C. Power Corporation. 6p- BIG PROFITS B.C. LIQUOR VICTORIA, May 30. The profits on the Government's liquor business for isix months ending March 81, it is understood, were the greatest in tho history of the business. U. S. WILL DELAY ACTION ON TREATY TO PROTECT SOCKEYE erat'ng at S'twu'r1 B.C.. and Hy- dcr, and Samuel Dechamps of. Stewnrt. B.C., representing the Vancouver Mines, which holds a Mimber of elrlnr along American Creek and which desires to utilize tr" wnter for carrying on the work there. No decision was given by the board. DECORATION DAY IN THE STATES WASHINGTON, May 30. Throughout the country today tho graves of the heroes who have , f nught for their country were dec- i "nporary cimrge of the local sta-, action looking toward the ratifica- jomtcd and memorial services were ; Hon. A permanent appointment! Hon of the treaty for the protec-1 held. At noon there was a brief. silence when salutes were fired. The grave of the unknown soldier was piled with flowers. NAVAL BOXING TOURNAMENT Tonight 8.30 ' Exhibition ! Building Main Event 10 Hounds AIAKINK HILL VENAHLES VS. HEN WENDLE Scmi-Final G Hounds STOKEH EVEHARD VS. GUS GUSTAFSON Five Other Good Houts Agreement Reached on German j War Reparations Under Which Yearly Payments to be Made PARIS, May 30. German experts and their creditors came to an agreement last night on the revised reparation annuities as proposed by the chairman, Owen D. Young, of the United States delegation. These annuities average 2,050,000,000 gold marks, or about $492,000,000, for 3? years; 1,700,000,000 or $408,000,000 for 21 years; and 900,000,000, or $216,000,000, for the final year. The annuities will run from September next, the Dawes plan to continue in force until that time. PARIS, May 30. The allied creditor experts today reached final agreement among themselves on German reparation payments. The general impression was that matters would now "move along very fast." Si'JCK tlUOTAHONS Bay view, 3, 3 V. liig iuisouri, 1.35, 1.40. Cork i'rovince. 10, 13. Cotton Beit. Nil. 50.' Duihie, 51, 60. George Copper, 6.75, 7.00. Gtoigia Rtver, Nil, '3. Coiconda, lili, lHo. Grandview, -35, 35Vfc. inuepenaence, 7, 'J. lncian, 4, 5. Kootenay Florence, 12VX, 14. Knotenay King, 38, Nil. L. At L., 2A. Nil. Lucky Jim. l'A 13. Mohawk. 4, 4. Morton Woolsey, 6, 6Vi. . Marmot River Gold. 5, bVt. Marmot Metals, Nil, 5. National Silver. Nil, 14ft. Noble Five. 62. 63. Oregon Copper. 26,7. . l'sncl Oreille. 5.10. b.'A)i Premier, ripwrttlilrt ReeVes Macdonald. 1.67, 1.70. T Rufus Argenta, 21, 23. liuth Hope. 31, 33. Silverado. Nil. 70. Silversmith. 15. 16. Slocan Rambler. 6t. 10. Wnowflake. 63 V4. 64. Topley Richfield, 26, 2$. Toric, Nil, 1.25. Whitewater. 75, Nil. Woodbine. 49i. Nil. Bluebird. 12. 12 ft. Oils, Calgary Dallas. 2.05. Nil. -Mercury, 1.34. Nil. 1 Mid West. 85. Nil. Mill City, 10.00. Nil. Model. 80. Nil. Regent. '60. Nil. Spooner. 2.25. Nil. Richfield. 1.10. Nil. Advance. 16.00. 16.50. A. P. Con., 4.27, 4.28. Calmont. 3.55. 3.70. Dalhousie. 3.95. Nil. Devenish. 1.05. 1.06. Fabyan Pete. 8. 9. Home. 21.80. 22.00. Illinois Alberta. Nil, Mayland, 8.25. 8.50. McDoug.-Segur. Nil. 1.25. 6.00. MtLeod. Nil. 4.90. New McDoug.-Segur. Nil. 2.30. Royallte. Nil. 150.00. Vulcan. Nil. 1.75. Hargal. 1.80. 1.84. Sterling Pacific. 1.90, 1.95. United. Nil. 11.00. Eastern Stocks Sherrltt-Gordon. 7.05. Nil. Noranda. 60.00. Nil. RAY KETCH RACE WINNER WITH LEADERS j IN ELECTION Macdonald, Baldwin and Lloyd George Given Great Recep-' Hons in Home Constituencies Today LONDON, May 30. Rt. Hon. Ramsay Macdonald, Labor leader, was almost mobbed by his ad-.,iert waen he made a tour this morning of the poll ng stations in constituency kf Seaham, which includes extensive coll.ery i tricts in Wales. Prem'er and 'Mrs. Ba'dwin left this morning on a cross-country lourney to' vote nt Bllesbo-ough In.. Aylesbury Division.. Bucking-. Committee rooms in his conatitu- ift of Csrnsron Dlvhion, Rt. Hon: David Lloyd George was given n. tretriendous recept'on as he drove aton In his decorated automobile. Busy scenes marked the early hours of polling throughout the 'country. PRESENTATIONS : ; ; LAST NIGHT iRev. W. F. and Mrs. Price Given Farewell by Members of Congregation Members, adherents and friends of the First Baptist Church turned out in large numbers last evening to bid farewell to Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Price. The Lecture Room of the church was filled to capacity, testifying to the esteem in which the retiring wstor and Mrs. Price were held. The proceedings opened with the . ..Rjug of several well known hymns, after which' Mr. Trice conducted a brief devotional service. The second part of the proceedings was under the chairmanship of P. H. Llnzey. who in a few opening remarks stated the reason for the occasion and expressed regrets therefor. Miss Hughes, president of the Baptist Ladies' Aid. was the next speaker and in a happy vein tendered to Mrs. Price on behalf of the Ladies' Aid a pair of hand-painted pictures of "Sunset at Trince Rupert." Mrs. Price was 1 visibly affected by the warmth of SPEEDWAY. INDIANAPOLIS, feeling conveyed in th address May 30: Ray Ketch, the daring of Miss Hughes and responded 28-year old driver, won the 600- eltnirly in an expression of mile motor race and a prize of thanks and gratitude for the $100,000 at Indianapolis Speed- (Continued on page two.) wav today, while record breik- . ling crowd of 160.000 looked on. rtrif iiri IirpI J The time was five hours, seven lrlUYIErlT minutes and twenty five seconds. ULtLttH LIllLilil Louis Mover of Los Angeles was; I second. AUTOMOBILE RACER LOSES LIFE TODAY SPEEDWAY. Indiana, May 30. William Spence, aged 24, was killed today when racing In a five hundred-mile international motor race at the Indianapolis Speedway. Spence. one of thirty-three drivers competing, went over on a turn, fracturing his skull and dying while en route to hospital. SALMONTREATY OTTAWA, May 30. The statement from Washington that United States Congress would not ratify tho treaty with Canada for the protection of sockeye in the Fraser River may result in the Government here putting off the ratifying for the present session of Parliament. Hon. J. A. Car-din, minister f marine and fish eries, expressed disappointment that the United States would not ratify tho trentv. 1 J