TIIE.DAHjV NEWS Thursday, M: v PAGE SIX Wise Babies Select Intelligent Mothers Safe PKODUCBD la CANADA jfrom TTiflAy TStaJtJ- I really marvel at the young mothers of today. 1 heir wisdom is nothing short of estoundine. No child ot theirs is per mitted, in spite of the most doting of rrand parents, to play trie role ot new toy for the diversion of the family. The rights of the modern baby are firmly respected, his routine sternly maintained. His baths and feedings and sleep follow each other in the most orderly precision. No wonder he is a calm, healthy, good-natured baby, easy lo rare lor, steady in gains. I admit that there are exceptions, because not every baby gets a, perfect start, u nen tnere are teeatng prob lems to be solved, the mother s respon utilities are heaw. But hcbv srac iaSsU today have such a broad knowledge that it usually takes but a little whue to discover the right food for any infant. The beat milk for your baby On one thing you will find that all doctors agree. For the baby just starting out in life, breast-feeding is a great advantage over artificial feed ins. If your baby must be artificially fed. let your doctor be the one to advise you. With his wide experience with many babies, he can guide you to the right substitute for mother's milk. Ik may advise you to use Carnation Mill: in the feeding of your baby. If he doss, you can feel well satisfied w(;h his choice. He has selected it for very definite reasons. The first is that it is soft. Milk for the feeding of a tiny infant must be of the purest quality, produced under the most sanitary conditions. It must be whole milk, sufficiently rich in butter fats. Even If you can find svch qualifications in bottled milk, the quality is almost sure to vary from day to day. Carnation Milk is the purest of tehoit milk, produced from selected herds, under strict sanitary' regulations. The quality is of controlled uniformly; the butter-fat content is never less than 7.8 per cent. In addition to its purity and uniformly high quality, Carnation Milk offers another advantage. It is so carefully sterilised, so free from germs and bacteria, and sealed so perfectly against contarrinrHon that no fur tber pasteurisation is necessary. You merely aed pure water to replace tliat removed in evaporation and you have pure milk. A verv imncrtant advantage whkh Carnation otters in tle feeding of in fants is its easy digestibility, due to the "liomogenixation" which breaks up the fat globules into extremely minute particles, verv reioily assimilable even by a baby with a weak digestion. Of cnurae the feeding of babies is but one of Carnation Milk's important It is wonderful for all cookie?. better in results, economical, conven ient and depen-lable. Send for tree Carnation Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. For Babies In the feeding of infants, Carnation Milk is a safe choice. It is whole milk of high quality pure, sterilized, uniform and available anywhere. Because it is "homogenized", it is particularly easy of digestion. Ask your doctor. AT "H e"M Contented low s onthtlabtl mean EVAPORATED MILK of high$t quality V- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED sailings I rani Print Itapert rw VANTOI'VEIt. VICTOlll l, Swsiuon llaj. Ilatedsfe. Alert llay. etc.. rue-day, 3:10 p.m lw V.WOLtKK. WtTOKIA. HutnUlt. Alert Itat. He.. Friday ntlunlsht I Of ALICE ARM. AN'VO.X. XTKU ART. NAAK RIVER. Sunday. 1:04 .IU. I M PORT XIMPXON AMI WALKS ISLAM. Tnvrsdar. B m. ItS tad -une II. M SMITH ntt llinre linpert. II. C. II rough ih M Mid to Victoria and ltl .aM baftaie cheeked through to destination. UCANAOIANf MCIFICX B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Krtchlkan, Wransril, Juneau and Skagwav J one i, in, 11, n. "I To Vaniouvrr. Vli torU, Muttle- lime 5. VI. 1.1. 19. i, , 28. I'KlM Uss MA(1 INNA (X.nn lull, rlr.. Yaniiiutrr and Vlrlorlu rvrr I'rldnv 111 p.m. ArimiI for all Nteamhli Lines W. Unt'llAlill, .t. Kltl. AtiKM Srl Ave.. I'rlnrr Kunrrt. 11. C riione 31 Canadian National Qfte Largefl Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE rollings frM 'MtlXl'i: mil'KIIT for VANWH'VBR. VlfTOMI "HKVTTJ.K. alHl Intrfmnllntf points, rarli TliurMln.v and Numlny, ():m p.m. tor ANYOX and BTLWAKT, radi Hrdnrda) and Saturday. 4:00 p.m. Inr SUH I II AM) fULTII CJtKK.N ( HAItLUTlK ISLAM, torllllghtl) l'ASSI:li:u TRAINS LEAVE l'l(lf'K Kt'WtMT DMI.V HV( tiHT M VDAV at 11:30 a m for PHINfT, (II.OIUIK, LD.MON-lO.N. WISMI'Kl. all points La-Urn Canada, (tailed states. AOLM'Y ALL OCEAN 8 TKAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, l'rinrc Itupcrt 1'hone 200 Try a Daily News Want Ad. District News was a visitor here at the beginning of the week. II F.. Gregg, assistant distrkt forester of Prince Rupert was in this district early in the week. L. Uethuren of Usk was In town on Monday. Jas. McConnell. who went as lay delegate from this district to he United Church conference in Vancouver arrived home on Mon- Week-End Specials SWIFT'S PURE LARD 10-lb. pail $2.00 MALKIN'S COFFEE 1-lb. tin ,G0c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Pkg. .vrr.i 10c . OST'S BRAN FLAKES Pkg ...l&c .iEINZ PORK AND BEANS Small sise, 2 tins 2Ac IEINZ POBK AND BEANS Medium size, 2 tins 8frc J. C. L. MALT EXTRACT 2V4-lb. tin 00c B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR 10-lb. sack 59c .INE GOLDEN CHURN BUT TER 8-lb. brick ;.$1.40 NABOB RED PLUM JAM 4s. Tin 46c NABOB MINCE CLAM&-H. 2 tins 36c C. &'B. SOCKEYE SALMON 1-lb. tin 40c ri'AOLE LOBSTER fta. Tin 50c COLUMBIA PEARS 2V4. 2, tins 5Sc .10YAL CITY RED PLUMB 2'3S. ,8 tins 70c PICKLED PIGS' FEET Hone- less. Jar Me- FRESH EGGS Extras. 8 doz $1.10 SWEET ORANGES Last chance for navels. 5 dos $1.00 FINE RIPE BANANAS 3 lbs 50c i''rcih Green Vegetables Arriving Every Boat Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor i'ifth Street. Phone Z0f MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. day, JiaviHg motored through from Vancoufwr to llazeltoo in a lisrht tUvewj- truck purchased while in4h fputh. TERRACE M. Allard vnu in from Kalura Lake at till) ginning of the C. F. A. Green left on Monday week. ' on a short business trip to Prince -Sat Rupert. A. C. Mo&p&l of Prince Jlup- - ert was a vftfar here on Mtm- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lowray of day. Usk who have been on a trip to Prince Rupert returned to Terrace on Monday. R. J. OotttJC. E. Imespn and R. A. Mesiifc were Vancouver v'sitors in- tovra during the first Rev. A. W. Robinson received! of the was, wrtrH nn MnnHnv that hi ann. 'Pi Theodore, who is a patient in the i Geo. Prince Runert hospital with a on a Lfttfrfcift on Wdnejri. businea uaineiflHb-ip to hia lirMbcr dislocated elbow has contracted vrrda at Smlthers and Vansler- peptic poisoning and will be con-( hoof, fined to the hospital for somel time. Mrs. Robinson is remaining in Prince Rupert with him. Mrs. Jas. Farquhar arrived on Monday to visit at the home of her parents. Canon and Mrs. T. J. Marah. Mrs. Henderson of Usk, was, a visitor in Terrace on Monday prior to leaving with her family on. Tuesday for the eastern states. C. R. Gilbert left on Monday for Interior 'points on a business trip. S. Jabour of Prince Rupert ASSIZE S ill? i'.- Ml One Criminal Cn-e an-) a Number f Civil Action to Be Heard Kttt Week With Mr1. Justice Gregory to paaaMc, the spring ses-'on of the flnpreme Court Assises will open here next Wednesday. There is on criminal cam on the 'ocket, two "civil actions two hamber applications and one livorce case. In the crimen ul caw, Jackson on. son, iqantu native, is harged with committing a atatu-iry offence agaiost a tet-year-ld girl. A. M Johnson, K.C.. vill arrive fn tht- city on Saturday uorning from Vancouver to ad as rown prosefetftor. On the same -oat, inspector William Spiller will be bringing the accused to he city. Patmorp & Fulton are cting on behalf of the accused. Civil actions will include the S. ?. McMordie vs. Cliff Ford case n which a 4um of some $3000 is in iispute over repairs to the West-solme Theatre. E. F. Jones has .he case for the plaintiff, while Milton Gonsahts will act for the defendant. An aCtion-Billings vs. Cana-uian National Railways is also xpected to bft, heird at the As- L , ie. Defendait, for whom Pat-(' LAST NIGHT OF AL JOtSON IN SINGING FOOL World's Greatest Entertainer Will Be Smi Again Tonight at the Capitol Theatre Al Jol:on, the world's greatest entertainer, will be seen again tonight in his greatest triumph, Ttfe Singing Fool." One of the finest pictures ever shown here a human, laughable, lovable story, combining joy, sorrow, triumph, failure, love and 'Ottg. Jolson sings his three great song hits, "It AU Depends on You," "A Rainbow Around My Shoulders," and that never to be forgotten "Sonny Boy. Have you heard Jolson sing hese songs? Hear htm tonight ,-ou'll be delighted. W8KK At Til BATH H ... Tuesday, Wednssda)' and "The. SiMinH Fool" Com- eoy, OtiwUi, uad Paramount iteWS. , ' Fridav aisd SalurtlHy 'Th- Tr;.il of '98,M Com- c'y, ( Qllej'lr.ris, No. 4. i 4 more A Fulton rt acting, claims 1 from the defendant $2000 as dam-! w, w;sh to introduce to the ages when he was bitten, by a hor.se t ubiic wane a passenger on a u. ."i. K. n. steamer. ' Willjams, Manson Jongnles will act for the defend uit company. , One of the chamber applications will be certiori proceedings rf Mr. Tilbrook, of Vnncouver, who Ivatsu Osawa, Queen Charlotte i we feel confident will come up to v-ity Japanese, against a eonvic- your expectations and give you lion under the Government Liquor satisfaction Act, Patmore & Fulton. acting for he appellant . The other chamber application under the Workmen's Compen sation Act. E. W. MARENTFITE IS ILL WITH PNEUMONIA TERRACE. May 80: E. W. Marentette was taken suddenly II on Moiuhty with pneumonia, nnd is confined to his home here Mrs. J. Johns of Prince Rupert .rrived on Wednesday to act as nurse in attendance.,, Ernest Al-listone of Prince Rupert is relieving temporarily in the bank until a relieving manager arrive'' ronv Vancouver. OnrNewButcher VEAL STEW Per lb 20c LOIN VEAL Per lb 85c BRISKET BBEF Per lb 14c HAMBURGER Per lb SO: POT ROASTS Per lb. 18c to 26c FUNERAL AT TERRACE "E "i!! BEFr," " ? OF PETER T011SIfflS0KlsHoGLroRK-P.rib. Z i LAMB STEW Per lb 20c TERRACE. May 80: The fu-' LOIN CHOPS Per lb 40c neral of the late rete Torsten-i son. who died, on Sunday in the! Prince Rupert GeneraP Hospital as the result of a broken neck received in a logging accident here, took place following the ar rival of Tuesday's train, Kev. Mussallem Grocery Co. I.im'teJ Wm. Allan conducting the burial t',17-12.1 5th Ave. E. Phones 18484 service. The palll'carerp were G. West-man. Geo. Little, E. T. Kenney, S. Kirkaldy. R. Beecher and G. II. Dyson. Tha deceased man fought in the irreat war and re-eoglntion of nti was made by the sounding T "The Last Post" oy 8 N. Kirkaldy. Those Languid Eyes They quickly rtfleet your With, and phyiical condition rdi eyes indicate the tesnperoment of the Momach. Watch the eyei . . . tfS that the whites are clear with a healthy bluith tinge. The minute a yellow tinge appears it betrays constipation, sluggish liver or bil-ioutneu, you need a lasative. Bring back your , Vigour, Vim, Vitality with Bnih.m's Pill. the Mite wf to ton.ni. jojfuui. iunauig a) t Mtlui. I Ttr e rarular vrular dalfr V ' t.ll the llury. Kiwi ii ' i' C Product hi Irr Irvm Ike Fpt In ,im I'.'.'' niirmcnli. )irolil V. Kiifliie K C' mnir.l, Tomnio 1 . P. O. Box 575. Dr Alexander PHONE 57 s IIF.SVKK IILOCK ENTIST SUITS! SUITS! ! MADE TO OKiWK Cutling, 'Wnihmnnhli and Stylt All Gunrnnleed SUITS STIJAM CLEANED AND PItlJSSKI) We Dillvir to Any Part of the City. aeaaM Lin?, the Tailor Phone G 19 lie dmm WEI). AM) THUR i Two Showi Each ASw'vA. AL JDLSON IiN HIS GREATEST Sl (( f; s g Fool" The Greatest Entertainer on Stage or Screen With a Wonderful Cast COM E I) Y COM PAN I ATE SERVICE NEWS AND OSWALD No Advance in Prices Admission, 15c and 5:v Coming Next Week "The Californian Collc ia-- Well Mannered Service to Motorists Wo M-ant to m.Ml f ami hojd them. By c ;n. teous service we : i this. Let us take .n : your gas, oil an r-neI. Guaranteed v of l)Utfing tire Utdfea. Let us you today. lh' DOMINION TIPTS They Are Good In mX S. E. PARKL ( jtfi$irZ? I.imitrrl ; I BOX CUTTINGS $3.50 per Large Load TRANSFER PHONE 580 71 3rd Avenue East Heated Storage I have something you want; you have ant. We get together through the classified r