For richer flavor and finer texture use Borden's St. Charles in place of ordinary milk. The difference will surprise you. FREE RECIPE ROOK Th Borden Co. Limited , Drpt . A 1 kjmcr ArcaJ. lMtig., Vancouver Ttmmm wnf irtsSf. Ci.r.. In Knip Book. Rupert, Waia NAME ADDRESS C 71 British a Two Sizes: j !of Tall 16 oz. I cnains; Small 6 oz. the i more THE Dated Lnrie' 3 In on South VY Oil llurr I Var I of Coast East East , i lCt m;ul a speedy trip Water : Viincouver via the Queen Water Site Islands. C.N.R. steamer John. ('apt. E. Mabba, ar-i in port at 11 o'clock last i i ium the south and will be until 8 o'clock Saturday eve-whfn she will sail on her mi south over the same route. LAM) A CI Notice of Intention to Apply one on to I.eae land :. Prince Rupert Land Recording .f Prince Rupert, and altuale .: Smith Weat coast of Wales It-. the .nf. Boston Islands. ve that AjikIo British Oolum-Company Limited of Van-I mile ( . occupation. Salmon Can-. Coast ',dH 'u apply lor a lease of the East :. described land, foreshore: :.-n nig at a pent planted on the a , , rvt of Wales Island facing :) extremity ot Boston Islands; nost: : chains following high water en r South o:ie chain to Low na-K thence West forty etMtlas low water mark; Uwaaee North "ne p:. and containing Ten Doled (J HRI n 8irCOiA)MrMA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. W E Walker. Agent. May 22nd. 1929. LAND ACT on Notice nf Intention to Apply mite to l.eue l.and '. Prince Rupert Laad Recording f lr;i:ce Rupert, and aRuate s uih West ooast of Wales Is- the mile South East ot BarUett east i ,:ir that Aneto British Ovlttav r n Company Limited of Van-ti ten i occupation, Salmon Oan-ti'iidi to avply lor a leaAe of fbe uM'ribd lands: (onshore: back .:..-i: ug at a post planted oft the Wbi coast of Wales Island half th East of BarUett Pom I; h mt h Bast forty chains ftfuow-ii . h water mark; thence South .1- riialns to low water niark; Nurth Weat forty chains follow-' water mark; thence North East . iKt:'and oontalnlng Vnnaty r. rr or leas. ' ' BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. V E. Walker." Agent. M iy 22nd. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intent Ion to Apply to l-rane land the ' Prince Rupert Land Recording if Prince Rupert, and situate i; South East of Salt Point on : shore of Portland Canal. t nit ice that Anglo Brltlan wuum-k,,ig Company Limited of Van-U C ., ocoupatlon. Salmon Can-ciKii to to apply for a lease of the devrlbed oev'rioea lands: isnos; ik foreshore: iicnring at a past plant' planted one nth East ot Spit Point ant on ine ic ot Portland Oanal; hen hence East lollowlng High water mars; : s.nivh B chains to low water hence West 40 chains following r mark; thence North 0 chains iiik pwt; and containing 30 more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED, "W. E. Walker," Agent. J Mity 33nd: 1929. LAND ACT ' Notice of Intention to Apply Leone Mud , H r ' e prince Ituport Land Recordtag Ll df ITInce Rupert, and altuaU South East of Bartlett Point , , Houth West coast of Wales ! tmt ice that Anglo Brltlah Colum- 1 nii? Company Limited of Van-Be, oooupivtlon, Salmon Can-' iid. to atply for lease of the Mi rlAicrlhrwl lAnd: forcMlhOcret in iicinn at a po piamea one cih Enat of Bartlett Point on the , VVc it coast of Wales Wand; y .it forty chains following high I 'mirk: thence Bouth West five " low water mark! thence West i citis following low water mark; i N.irth East five chaUis to loca-' and containing 20 acres, more - BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. i-ti.l 1.,-. .. "W. E. Wajker." Agent. May 33na, 1929. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS TITP. PAHW YVTIffUT MHCT PPAPT.P TIP A nH UPP A TTQP IT TC 1?1TF T HUMAN TTTTXTAXT miaTMdodKlfrvtam VAtTTn a tvtta nrn WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE A Good cash register. Apply the proprietor; The People's Store. Third Avfenue, opposite Em-press Hotel. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to lawt land Land Recording Dir.rlct of Prince and altuate south-west not of Inland. Take notice that The Canadian Platting Company. Umlted. of Vsnoouvctr. B. occupation, a Oorporatlon Incorporated under the lawa of the Provtnoe of Columbia, intends to apply for lease of the following described lands: commencing at a post planted on an unnamed point on the south-west side Wales IMand. opposite Proctor I-'lands; thence northerly S chains; thence westerly 20 chains; thence southerly S thence easterly ao chains along shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 10 acres. or lets . CANADIAN Fisnmo CO.. LTD. Per W. W. Trotter, Agent. April 20th. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to 'Apply to l.eue Mud the Prince Rupert laad Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate Uvs coast of Wales Island bait mile East of BarUett Point. Take notice that The Anglo Brttlah Oo- moia racking company, umiiec. oi ncouver, B.C.. occupation, Salmon Canners. Intends to apply for a lease the following described lands: commencing si a pust piaoMm wi'vcw of Wales Island half mile South of Bartlett Point, thence North tea chains; thence South Bast fort chains: South West ten chains to High mirk: thence following High Mark to staking post, and containing forty acres, more or lees. THE ANOIO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKIKQ COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th, 1M9. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leae land In the Prince Rupert Laad Reporting District of Piince Rupert, and attaiate mate South East of Barttett Polat Uu ooast nt Wales Island. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Compan; Vancouver. B.C.. oocusal Canners. Intends to apply for a learn Of following described lands: j Commencing at a post planted one South East of Bartlett PMnt on the of Wales Island: thence North fifteen chains: thence East forty chains: thence South West fifteen chains to high water mark; themr following high water mark back to staking and containing slaty acre's more or pHE ANOIO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. Per -W. E. Walker," Awt. May 17th, 192. . LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lrae land la the Prince Rupert laad Reoordteg ' District ot Prince Rupert, and situate the East shore of Portland Canal one 1 south-east of Spit Point. Take notice that The Anglo Brttlah; Oahunbta Packing Company, UmMed. oX Vancouver. DC. occupation. Salmon Canners. intends to apply for a leae of following described ltnda: , I Oommcnclng at a post planted on the shore of Portland Canal one mite south east of Bolt I'OUk; mmwcw n chains: thence East forty chains; thence South ten chains to High Water . Mark; thence following high water mark to staking pout; and oontalnlng, forty acres, more or teas. THE ANOIX3 BRITISH OOLUMBIt PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. , Per ' W E waiaer, " Agsssv. Dtd May 17th. 1920. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l.rue Ijinrt In the Prince HurtJ-ad noordtr District of 'Prince Rupert. nn naiase csTthe South Wast Coast of Wales Island Boston Islands. IM2 .' facing U...ii2.h.t The Anclo BrMlch pu-kins Comtwny. Limited, of vTnoouw, B.C . occupailon. Salmon 0.nWa. intends to japply tor a leaw of following dwrlbcdlend. S21t- Si Wtnds; thence North u-n Ik.m. thence East forty cnains; wtot S.h,.n,,. "h.iTto Hlah Water Mark; VaiiowM Hteh Water Mark Wast suklng 'and containing 40 acres, 1 more or lew oor tiiLtniA THE ANOLU .f"TrNV-iiMiTED. VtT "W. E. waiser, -o Dated May 17th, 1939. BRINGING UP FOR RENT F. W. HART'S Office, Kmad Block. 124 FQR RENT Housekeeping " rooms. Phone 427. 128 FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR HUNT Pive roomed bun-Dock. galow near Dry Phone Blue 34C. 123 FOR RENT Furnished apart ments and furnished shack. Apply Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR RENT Furnished modern four room flat, Clapp Block, Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR KENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07- tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and single rooms. Palmer House. Phone Red 444. 140 FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf FOR RENT To responsible party, five roomed flat, completely furnished,, with piano. Available June 1. Apply Box 102, Dally News Office. 125 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC ELECTROTHERAPY You can make no mistake-In adopting these scientific methods, J ns their use is now world wide in all cases of disease. Our system of drugiess therapy does not leave your recovery to chance, owing to the certainty of the methods adopted. Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL ; 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 211 Phones Biark: 2&3 Open Evenings CHIROPRACTIC Gets results where other methods fall. i Consult R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR G23 Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 83 Residence Telephone Red 589 Bstablished 1924 GOODYEAR TIRIS Raybestos Brake Lining ttAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealer Reliable PolIolJn wrecking VWl-lnir Runpr-Rervico Ruper-rervice .,.. . HO.Mh 1 1 AB 0 - - -1 Daily News "Classified" ndver - tislng brings results. FATHER THEM MA,T 6ACK-OO fENO YOU TMIINJK I'M THE OrvllTBO TA,T65 MINT? OVJUU HAVE M !l E 5 mmm : FOR SALE FOR SALE Large range, good as new. Phone Red 444 12C FOR SALEf-mechanicall udebaker coach, guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd tf FOR SALE Lot 11, Block 20 Section 2. What offers? M. 1 Murphy, 17cJ5; Davie Street,! Vancouver. Bjt 12C , FOR SALE "Seldonlnn Cabin," Salt Lakes, camp furniture, row boat. Quick-Hale. $125.00. Apply Garage, 127 FOR SALE Thorough bred Alsa-tlon German Police pups, from the famous Kriminalpolizei and Riedekenburg strains of Europe. Make 'good cattle, sheep, sleigh or watch dogs. Don't reply unless you want a good dog. Mrs. E. Hyde, Hazelton, B. C 127 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room 85 per month. Phone Green 21 G. tf FURNITURE I offer, subject to prior sale: THREE PIECE MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITE Used and in splendid condition. Also one only, Buffet MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 775 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 CITY OK ritlNCE BI PEUT Tenders will be received by the City of Prince Rupert for the carrying out of the garbage and night soh collection in the C from July 3 to December 11. 1939, according to the contract and apec- iftoationa prepared toy the City Bnglneer and City SolieHor which may be seen in the Office of the City Engineer. nHaM ,A In (hA Of tll CltV Clerk aot later than 13 o'clock noon June 10 and marked "Tender ror o-ar ftase and Night Soil Collection." The lowest or any tender not neces saruy accepted. E r JONES. C4t cerk. May 30, June 1. June 5. ' . IN THE MATTER OF TUB "COMPANIES At!T" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned wlU apply to the Registrar In. ivinnuiiM victoria. B.C.. after the 'publication of this . Notice for four wwka. to ohsnse lUjjiame to that of MCvMiiery, urooons ot uvum k lumwu. fiirrn Prinze Ruoert. B.C.. this taut day Of May. A.IXf 1939. McOAFTERY As OIBBONS, LIMITED. "(10VCKNMENT LIQUOR. ACT" Notice of ADOlleatlon for Consent to Transfer of Beer Licence. NotMe is hereoy given mav, on me seventh day of June neat, the undersigned Intends to apply to the LfSMor nnntmi Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence Number 1268 and Issued In respect of premises oeing part oi a buUdlng known aa Tourist Hotel ettuate at Terrace, u.v.. un me abilu. described as Lou 1 and 2, Block U, Du- trlct Lot S89, Map 972. Prince Rupert Land Registration Dlatrtet, in the Prov- II nee of British Columbia, from Urbano Oolbacrtnt and Angela Euataochlo, (Uewi9f. John Allen McDougaii. of ITerrace. Brltlah Columbia, the trana- Iferee. Dated at Terrace. B.O., this 30th day 0Appon1t9n'a transfers, (lis) john allen mcdouoalu AM' fcENlO THl-a VMTIQUB BACK THAT Bw A a tr en r- . a law a ac-la a I BE BUST&D ON Mf i-ry. -TWO OACVb OLD BUSINESS1NTEREST TO BEAUTY OPERATOR ahss MAiiy MAqnn , Experienced operator, motion methods in all lines of benuty culture and hair dressing. .Make appointment by phoning Red 339, DRESSMAKING. .. MISS E. S. SMITH Experienced dress and coat; maker. Room 5, Exchange Block, i SALVAGE AN P . TOWING ;. . !.. "If it's on or under the water we do it" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for DlvlDg and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpl- tions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Easthope, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 561 P. O. Box 1561 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors . When travelling between Port Clements and QueeJ Charlotte City, hire cars and trucxs Trom YOUNG BROTHERS,-. , Skldegafe.'D'.C."11 AUCTIONEER PRINCE! RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or fgrniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etic. General repairs, . crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block A. L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer and appraiser. Cash for all goods and furniture. Emad Block. 124 Auction SALE FRIDAY. MAY 31 AT 2 P.M. IN THE FEDERAL BLOCK Instructed by the owner, who is leaving town I will sell by pub- lie auction: ' Reed Table. , Chesterfield set. 2 Dressers. Wicker Set. Kitchen Table. Sewing Machine. Dining Room Suite. Beds and Rugs and other miscellaneous articles, CEO. -J. DAWES Auctioneer Phone Black 120 124 WOMtM IS A.WFUL.MO 'Thought of rvroKiE-V- VOO'O TWlMKTHtTO REA.Lat.tT'i VALUE- At trivial expense Gyproc will convert space now wasted into one or more extra rooms. fSYP v, ay I - " oof Wallboard For Sale by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. DEMAND "Rupert "T11E DAINTIEST Smoked Canadian Fish & Prince Cist alfei (foe; Qiildrcn's shoes-just like those of growhups can be kept scft und pliable, and brightly polished, by the daily use cf Shoe Polish TUB "NUGGET" TIN f -- By 5 JOT OAOOV- 1 THE Brand" BREAKFAST POOD." Daily by r-i Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Rupert. B.C 'cfr.cBBtaH II "P. OPENS WITh TWIST! VOOR C fiMH CVE. AMO HERE. Blt-U rOR.THO.M-TWO HUMORED Dov-URT I bt'MOTHKM YOUjyND OLD , u George McManus taACKop?.