LEVER PHERS TORONTO, ONT Saturday, August 2, 1919 Office workers should use Lifebuoy Soap Think of the hundreds of justy, germ laden things you must touch every day ! Think f the danger to your skin You need the best soap ind more—the best disinfect- sat. You get both in LIFEGUOY HeattH SOAP healing, soothing olis and grateful disinfectants thor- oughly cleanse and disinfect particularly useful tor bruises, cuts, wind sores, ete he carboite odour in Lifebuoy és a n of its protective walities, quickly vanishing after use rED en ee ee a >t >No = | Sirloin steak | jeet, pot roasts, lb .25¢ to 28 B Lamb, leg Lamb, loin SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING Phone 174 ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. ess, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. AND HEATING Avreshire bacon, sliced .... 60¢ | Bacon pesos, DOP TOs «ccks - 67¢ P.O. Box 274 eerrrre FOR SALE med house with nished basement. iinted. 8th Ave., W. PPR CP Om UNDER ee eee Cigars and Tobaccos Ctoroeroooe ata ttn | Pam Office ere. OPPO CROO me $2875. 00 isy Terms. DO UGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. ES DROME 62s de tebe tse dats 45¢ Cnsenen, PO TA oss bs ices os 50¢ FOWL, POP TR. dacs ci ccccse 45e |Pickled pork, per Ib. ....... 450 oe a ee ee re 30¢ Heag Cheese, per Ib. ...... 30e¢ iCooked ham, per Ib. ....... 75¢ iSpare Ribs per Ib. ......... 25¢ Dairy Produce. Putter, OOP Ty 5 ikidcescdss 65e¢ Butter (cooking) per Ib.... 50c¢ Bowling Alley THIRD AVENUE I Healthy Exercise ) Keep You Fit TOM LEE CO. second Avenue, West. } VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail neral Contractors and Labor Exchange Prince ener B.C, ne 547 > 76 heeneowe j P, Box 72 cocccncensubiamane ental OFFICE HOURS: DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Phone 454. Oe me ee ouses for Sale Lots for Sale Lumber for Sale ener ‘4’ furnish you with ‘hough for a house * OD @asy time pay- | have a splendid house F. W. HART PHONE BLACK 451. Saeeeee, Dh. ves i sc cane dea i5e |Limberger cheese, per lb. ... 50¢ ces COROET sis ¢ cnt ess cess - 60¢ iStrietly new laid eg@ms ...... 7 de A uke sie Gh ie vss ide Fish. SOOO GOIMIOM G8ik oc isc cias 25¢ I Se a A reo 35e¢ ‘Cod fillets, smoked, ........ 20¢ | iFresh black cod, 2 Ibs ...... 35e /Finnan haddie, Ib. ....... .- 200 I. ED, “an beddosseedede 20c NEW MANAGEMENT jilerring kippered, 2 Ib. for 35c |Norwegian sardines, per can, 35e ;Unions, dry, per Pins eae dine 10c Depeene. BOOP cc cece scvees 1 de SERMRRASD 22s cee reee GOK Grapefrutt California: roe iCarrets, per bunch -......+«+e8 uc ES PE 35e iEnglish walnuts ........--- 50c ‘Australian Currants ....... 30¢c Pome BONE «0c ccces veces: 50c¢ DENTISTRY to 12; 1:30 p.m. te 6:30 pm. Smith Block, Thirg Avenue. NC eins « oats oe es 5e iptoemsian Ie. .. wg 1s es 98 iCantaloupes cia e eked ibe wo 25 EE SS re 25e to 40¢ |Apricots, per 20-lb, box .. . 82.50 Sn ys 35e Figs, cdoking, Ib .......+>+> 24 ecresnneaneore Houses for Rent Proposition ivlinent house PRESERVING TIME IS NOW ‘Berries Will Be Gone Soon, But Other Fruits are » Revevtng. Now is the time to buy fresh |fruits for preserving. The mar- ket for strawberries is rapidly on the wane and local merchants are not sure from one train to an- other as to the possibility of getting a further supply. The up river berries which have been in’ } n fine condition so far are now vecoming less firm although still fairly plentiful. Apricots are now arriving in twenty pound crates which is a very convenient quantity for preserving. (here is very slight fluetuation jin the prices in the more staple lline of goods, Dry onions are j}down to ten cents per pound otherwise the vegetables remain | the same, Meat prices have been |falling steadily for the past few! ;} Weeks and veal and mutton are jnow at a considerably lower value. | Cooked ham has climbed the scale to 75 cents per pound, Meats. eer, chuck roast, ib........30¢ poe, Pip Foest, 1D... ; 32¢ to 35c! seef, boiling, Ib .. ..22c to 25e} Hambureer,-per Ib., ........ 25¢ Stewing beef, per Ib. ...... 25¢ cobs costrticors OBS c i | acees ot -ynie SOI Peuston, stewine isis iver 25K | Mutton shoulder roast ..... B2e | | Veal, ee Se 25e P | Veal shoulder roast ........ 300 Pee WOOD 4 6s an ks cies 35e Dripping, POF Wisi. cit css 25¢} Pork SQUSAMOR .i...... ee: ae Tomato sausages ........ . 35c.| wy OO. 6 dc eaeiis vcawneta 45c¢ | Pork COO cosa ve’ reed eed - 5b5e Pork, shoulder, ..... coovce S06 Bacon, sliced, ge a 70e jam, sliced, Han smoked, ee ere Th toe senewk eee bao 10c ne. ss kiko wade +46 04%4 2 Ibs. 25c¢ alt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 60c Fruits and Vegetables. Rhubarb, 3 Ibs for .. .. .. -.20¢ French peas, per can, ....- 35e Dates (Grom) ..cerecrerees 35e Cucumbers, each .. .. .. .. 20e Strawberries, per box ..... 20e |Strawberries, per crate, -. . $4.00 | Spinach cw hee.ons 3 Ibs. for 25e Radishes, ..... 3 bunches for 10¢ Green Onions, 3 bunches for 10¢ Oranges, Valencia... 50c and 60« Whits Currants ...« +. .> $3 Black currants, per box .... 206 Goseberries, 2 Ibs for ...... Oe | Pa EE Peaches, per dosem ....-++- Boe ee tet 25e and St ily by J. D. MeAuley, were shown |Auley for his work was passed. | sixty-eight (968), “The Plato,” and | Mineral Ciaims,” all in Group Une i | Cassiar District New potatoes, per sack .., .$3.50 Beets, per bunch .. .. .. -» Se 2 rr .3 Ibs. for 2be reee DORB ..oo>>> 2 Ibs for 25e Pineapples a ee eek 50e¢ OE. MOP GOR, . occas secss 60¢ Green apples, per Ib, ...... iSe Oe. Oo betes 3b5e Casaba melon, per lb. ...... Se Gireen peppers, per Ib. .... HOC Just arrived, a car of Beaver Board, A. W. Edge Co,, distribu- TH DAILY News } te ee ee ee ee ee Pt Be rer ee eee pte ~~1 | Daily News Classified Advertising | Ge ts es ee te te Et GE re ree ore eg ee pe re ey WANTED. shellac litical dimmentiiiegisiaiodelel REQUIRED BY LOCAL BANK services of coMpetent stenog- rapher. Apply post office box 1714. Previous experience ne- cessary. tf __ MALE HELP WANTED IF y you are out of employment and want to make some clean, honest, quick money, write at once to box 12, Station ‘‘t South Vancouver, B.C, 76 RIOTING CEASED (Special via G. T.P. Telegraphs.) Chicago, August {.—HRioting ceased With the mil ing the blaek belt. rhe total deaths now number 34 killed and died from wounds. The total in- jured number 400, itary patroll Advance copies of “The Board of Trade Journal,” which is being issued by the Board and the mat- ter for which was prepared chief- to the members of the Board at the meeting last night, and a resolution of thanks to Mr. Me- Advertise in the Daily News. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of @ fresh Certificate of Titi for all minerals, precious and base save | coal and petroleum) under Lots nineteen 19), Engineer No. 1, twenply 20), Northern Partnership No. 2, fine hun dred and eighteen (918), Northern Part nership No. 1,” one hundred and six (ivt ‘Northern Partnership No. 3,” two hun dred and nine 209), “Northern Partner ship No. 4 Fractional,” nine hundred and seventy-two (972), “Northern Parthersiy No. 5; hine hundred and sixty-seven 967), The Mickey; nine hundred and hundred and seventy ¥70), The Daisy Notice is hereby given that it is intention to issue after the expiration one month from the first publication hereof, a fresh certificate of title to tne above mentioned mineral claims in the name of James Alexander, which certificate of title is dated 3rd July, 1918, and is numbered 778-Rh H. F. MACLEOD District Registrar of Titles Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. « rhis 22nd day of July, 1919 NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of @ fresh Certificate of Title for Lot nineteen (19), Block twenty-three 23), Seetion five (5), City of Prince Ru pert, (Map 023) NOTICE is hereby given that it is my intention to issue after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a fresh Certificate of Title to the above mentioned land in the name of Kristian Skjillum, which certificate was issued 6th December, 1912, and is num- bered 2658-1. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C., 19th June, 1919 425 MINERAL CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE Iron Bug, Blue Jay, John Bull, John Bull No. 1, John Bull No. 3, and Drum Lummon Fraction Mineral Claims, Situat in the Naas Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located Approximately tw miles up Falls Creek, Granby Bay TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague ¢ the city of Duncan, B. C., acting as agent for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt ing and Power Company, Limited Free Miner’s Certificate No 32188-C, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of ob taining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, Leghorn hens Alder ; FOR SALE MONEY AT’ 8 PER CENT on build. Apply Prince Ru- Ltd., Geo. W, Secretary. tf ioe, \ ery SCAa~ Remington shotgun. Gy ey ti ioroughbred Cuban Apply 821 82 , each Apply 627 Ninth Uf newspapers, ten FOR RENT Housekee ping rooms month. 627 Ninth| . With or with- > Red 589. ti keys with small Finder please News office tf MISCELLANEOUS McGOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO, * Cycles and By- keys cut by machine. No mis- Gramaphones and Sewing machines repaired. 135 Second 489. tf The place for Hairdressing. Scalp irth Street Dy appoint- tf L AND Choice settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; pay; irrigated improvements Tuesday, August ‘5, and in accordance der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of im provements Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D. 1919 H. N. CLAGUE, B.C.L.S STIKINE DIVISION CASSIAR LAND DIs rRICT—DISTRICT OF CASSIAR | TAKE NOTICE that I, Robert Hyland f Telegraph Creek, B. €., oceupation trad intend to apply for permission ; the following described land Commencing at a post planted m the W. corner, about 250 yards below b ( Creek and 2 miles westerly from Teles creek, fronting the Stikine River; thet | north 7% chains; thence east 20 chains; | thence south 7% chains; thence west chains to the point of commencement, al | containing fifteen (15) acres, more r less. } ROBERT HYLAND Date, May 29, 1919. IN PROBATI } IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH] COLUMBIA | IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMIN | TION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATI j FREDERICK RR. GIERTSEN, DECES> | INTESTATE | rAkI NOTICE that in ord Honour | MeB, Young, made day of July, A.D. 1919, I was a \dministrator to the estate of | R. Giertsen deceased, and all pa having claims against the said estate 4 hereby required to furnish same verified, to me, on or before the f August, A.D, 1019, and all parties debted to the estate are requ red 1 the amount of their indebtedne rorthwith JOHN H. MeMULLIN OMecial Adm irat Dated this Sist day Of July, (9t9 St. James Hotel The “Garand” Boarding House ~~ ae t Sixth Ave nue nue Bast Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 24 > tors. tf | So engines, logging ¢ p and materials, cold storage launch, amall boats COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA THE ‘ADMINISTRA (LATE “QUEENS") FIRST CLASS ROOMS Hot and Cold Water. amount of their Southern Al- of 82,000 in to assist new now they are free booklet information write H. General Land Hastings St. West, TENDERS FOR COAL addressed 1 the yrsed QYuotation Buildings British Colum received until 12 o ciock noon, 1919, for the supply buildings throughout British Columbia ciication and forn i from the Pu Department of Public from the aretake Dominion parang considere ess » forms supplied by the "Dep are with the conditions accompanied by on a chart i bank the Minist and ‘ odd amount DESROCHERS Secretary rks, 1919 » 1919 ‘tol RT OF BUITISH COLUMBIA, A. KELLEY LO COMPANY LIMITED DUNCAN, as tT tee Plainud LOGGING AND LUMBER and JOHN hEN . olde r in trust of the the Defendant Col Defendants private Tender pur the Honourable Mi the 8th day of action, the above company, Charlotte Islands, sent to W, FE ’ appointed in the said Bank of Ottawa West, Vancouver, than noon on the 2uth day and conditions of sale may be obtained on W. E. Hodges, or Co., his Solicitors Bldg., Hastings St 87 THE ESTATE 0} JOHANNSSON Di INTE STATE in order f his made the 24th I was appointed estate of Gudtaund and all parties bay said estate ure vired to furnish same, property r befere the tst day 1019, and all ' estate are required indebtedness MeMULLIN OMeial Administrator of July, 1019 Page 5 -WRIGLEYS The Greatest Name In Goody-Land (oom ToIPnen See hs WRIGLEY’S mata iil Lo Laks Teh N ROO NN NN \\ \ WQ NNN SEALED TIGHT — KEPT RIGHT The Flavour Lasts PUR LLLELLLE LL ™ i . ltl MI MI A Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency” = = 3 = = ayne = OFFICE HOURS:— z Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 s = = Dental Nurse in attendance.® Phone 109 for appointment Section One Lots for Sale Lot 13, Block ¢ $476. Assessed O6 ...... ccs -. $1,000 Lots 13, 14 and 15, Biuock $1 Biman bk ae. ee ee 6,900 Lot 5, Block 4 575 Assessed at cachees ons’. Lot 2, Block 7 485 Assessed at .. PS RR EG 2,600 Lot 7, Block 7 425 Assessed at ner 1700 s 16 and 17, Biock 26 2,75 Assessed ‘ . ‘ ‘ 7,800 THEO. COLLART REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK CHOCOLATE AN Reo AN GREEN EGGS AN CHICKENS KIN = EAN WHITE Onl