CLASSIFIED HABIT trtrjont tt$.i the Ctiulflcd Ad. It you Iom, sdTertlM (or it. If you find, tocata tb ownr. Wbttmr you need, tdvertlM for it GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. Bennett Criticizes the Dominion Government Objects To Appointments to Railway Hoard and Interference With Industry Through Legislation OTTAWA, Feb. 12. The Hon. R. B. Bennett, speaking to the address in reply to the speech from the throne, described the speech from the throne as a "document of flittering generalities." In the commons yesterday he C. N. R. PENSION BILL IS READ OTTAWA, Feb. 12: Two bills isned to establish a general c heme of pension for the Canad- i-n National Railway employees &long the lines of the Grand '''runic pension scheme were given a first reading in Commons yesterday One effects the former employees of the Canadian Northern and tho Grand Trunk Pac-ric at present discriminated a;:ainst. The second amends th deal with Mr. Bennett said the prosperity of Canada was largely due to the , richness of the resources of the. country."- The government was doing nothing to assist or make .rmaneBt that prosperity. In speaking of the railway coro-rnlsiovi, Mr. Dennett said that appointments were being made to that body of men whom he thoof bt were not capable by ability or ex perience to fill the positions. He said the government had not really grappled with the immigration question . Mr. Bennett asked the government to point U . ... . u .t- V. I trhon a single instance hi "'"" land Railway employees provid- Canada, which was now irn.wrwuK ent fund act large quantities of Duwer, w...- MANAGER OF ASIICROFT BANK IS COMING HERE H Carson Will Take Charge of Rank of Montreal Succeeding I). C. I'aterson A. H. Carson, manager of the branch at Ashcroft, will succeed N C Paterson, who is transfer-Jed to Trail, as manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, Mr. Carson is a married man. There is no definite word v when these transfers will become effective exept that they wi'l he in tho w-nr future. as belore the intenerence Dominion it had been a large exporter of butter. OILS FEATURE STOCK MARKET Minister of Fisheries will be Appointed Soon Quite? Stper ate from the Present Marine OTTAWA, Feb. 12. Premier Mackenzie King in-j formed the house of commons last night that the gov1! crnmcnt proposed to create a separate portfolio of fish cries with a minister in charge of the deparnicnt entirely separated from that of marine. This has been done in response to numerous requests from fishery interests on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. In answering the leader 'of the opposition, he exprcsed the hope that Mr. j Iknnett would allow the administration to chosse its own time for taking such action. Mr. Mackenzie King also disposed of election talk by j saying that there would be no election before next year. He was satisfied that the government held the confidence of the country and unless the session produced some rea son for a change of mind there w ould be no election this I year. j The premier, like Mr. Bennett, favored the participa-; tion of Canada in a day of rejoicing at the recovery of His Majesty the King. VANCOUVER. Feb. 12:-011sj were a feature of the market yesterday following the coming Into production of a number one we 1 on the Home Oil in Turncy alley. Home operated at $6 against c.,....i.. .u i.r i:i.50 -,t.oo but closed at $5.24. Mine showed strength. ;from that f Marine. mpt .. i EXPLOSION AT BIG MISSOURI; STEWART. Feb. 12:--Johnj Ktnlhart a nntiVH of Swpdi-n was BRITISH MEMBI.R DIMS LONDON. Feb. 12: Another vacancy was created in the House of Commons today by the death of Captain. C. Talbot Foxcroft. Conservative .ryethver for Bai. ... NORT1ICOTT MUST 0 mmit fitUUl i SOS Messiare Seal Ont From Islands SEATTLE. Fb. 12 The steamer- Melyo . Maru -Is1 asreuni at Ugamrik Island in t'.iQ Aleutian uanfe. A less was intercepted by the Brenertr.n navpl ststicn this re rning. "Save Our lives," a p: rl allv deciphered message rei . of t ie communication was in Japanese and unintelligible (o radio men. TJ'.e steamer Nanko Maru is reported procc-3ny to their af X- i t. H.'s 250 niles di; Uir.t . The locution is in-di.r.lcd in the vicinity of wicre the Mcr.tauk is towing the Alloway, Other mes-spires indicated that the en- g:-e room of the' Melyo Maru wes flooded.. The wsselrKall. ed from Vaneoarttf on Feb. FAMOUS ACTRESS DlESJNfEUROPE MONTE CARLO. Fee 12. - l.iliv Lanjrtry, Lad? de Bathe, famous actrans of long ago, known us the JerseyLilly. died here, tb-luy from an attack of bronchitis, ,ged 77. ENGLISH TRAIN : 5 HIT FREIGHT, IS WRECKED UlU ne QIQ nOt nrOPOSe Oil HWS WWSiun w rav mv AT.FHETOV Dorhvuhlri. jnar Chesterfield. Locomotive and baggagt ceachrs were derailed. , No passengers were injured wltit&e express messenger and vvman were missing and be- i lieved' to be under the derailed locomotive. MAN KILLED .HIGH PRICE WHEAT ON EXCHANGE TODAY killed and Frank Norman, a Fin-! VANCOUVER, Feb 12. -lander, probably faUlly injured VTieat reached the higheet price by th explosion presumably of u,r WW monihK when No. 1 ... "missed hole" in a drift of the northern sold on the exchange to- it had lnterferred by legislation nf MUsourl Mine. The accM.1 for 13 1-2 a'lot CRQ-the prosi)erity of that particular ,etit haiipened as the men were' ' ' industry had noi uecre-u. COmlf oft the shirt at o p.m. n .T irT 1 aTTI in instanced the dairy industry of yesterday. J AN A3 II A N T ! All ISAGAINURGED OTTAWA. option of a Feb 12: The Canadian flag PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper LIKE CRAZY' MAN IN COURT Denis W. Barclay Formally Char-. gcd With Murder of Woman in Vancouver rmun m the superior .r"T." r " .i.::' '.. but ..;m we'll hae .i,, to cenb . issues also' HANG FOR CRIME come before .tarnament during the prevent session through a resolution placed on the order! . j paper by C. R. Mcintosh. Liberal i "' 4.1meralitr fer North Battle ford, i A II1S ICWIUUVK Ui -I. ..IbtllVVOIl calls for. the appointment of a special committee for the pur wuminivu as an vtuuiuy jiariner yia? VANCOUVER Feb. 12: A remand of on? week was ordered when Denis W. Barclay appeared Boston Grill LARGE CAIIARET Special Dlnnen Thursday and Saturday! Dunrln every Saturday nl(ht from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire Accommodations for Private Parties Thone 457 " ' VolXX, No. 34. '' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS . BENNETT SPEAKS IN THE DEB imiTISH FLEET RE-ASSEMBLING General view in Portland harbor at sunset where the Atla itic fleet re-assembled prior to leaving on its Mediterrane n spring cruise. MInteme Cold in Europe Causes Suffering and Many Casualties Severest Weather in :JM Tears , FIRST' .3SPRING SALMON OFSAgOV IN TODAY 4 Port Simpson natives brouxbt into a local butcher shop today the first salmon of the season. It was a lim- ited quantity und was rapidly snatched up by local con nolsseurs in spit' of the fact that ttw ratjfil mice was J rather high at 40c per pound. p.h The first fresh salmon is a by discussing abstract questions. The Conservative party RJ ht on w , Mackeiule King; 12 .Passengers on the night ex- Kood deal earlier this year V.OUld not move an amendment tO the Speecn. ine L On-, rremier of Canada announces I press from London to Glasgow than it was lasi. amaii - i: ..1.1 -J1 nAi'iirnmDnt Innrialntlnn wllPfl i li !.., ,.r L'i.h ri. In tu an. I had narrow Aurnrw. nt B;3S o'. quantities for the local trade LONJiON. Feb. 12. The deatolLfo)Jn.the, Arctic conditions thr6ugh'out -Europe werej? mDunfing ! today . Deaths occurred in all the larger centres of population and rural casualties apparently will run to high figures. A capsized lifeboat at Antwerp cost "five lives. Forty-eight passengers were saved in lifeboats caked with ice when the channel steamer City of Liege sank with mail and cargo off Dover. Germany was one of the worst sufferers from the weather conditions. Three children were frozen to death at Breslau, while two men died of cold in Berlin . Grave diggers at Berlin had to use dynamite to break through the frozen soil crust. Twenty-two degrees below zero in Berlin is the coldest they have had in 130 years and it has Mrvauves wuum umi vwu. ........ - - -r - - - it - vm,.h f.m . i v. -tu i there was sometning concn-ie 10 pointed with purtioiio seperaie . ciock mis morning wrren met - -""vv y , wvn inucii uuiuei ui umet ijuitus. Im k nli f froicrht T on. On. T T-l 1 , it . il 1 -1- In England the weather has changed frora jnflderately cold to intense frigidity. ' ' j j ' ..''. The Balkans were hard hit. h In Greece four women were puiedSjiv'the. snmv in Tricala. 7 1 In Jugo-Slavia airplanes took food and blankets to destitute people in the villages. Wolves decimated the flocks and herds in Albania. SHORT DEBATE ON ADDRESS In the police court today and was formally charged with the murder of Pearl Baglole. art teacher OTTAWA. Feb. 12. Without on Monday morning. division and after one of the The court attendants were for-, shortest debates in many years, ced to carry Barclay from his celMhe house of commons last night I adopted motion for an address to the court room and a detective a supported him while he was in in reply to the speech from the the box. Barclay continues to th one. Somewhat over five hours babble Incoherently in his cell. required by the members In Scottish Humor SOMETHlMi' RIXKilOUS An Aberdonian who had the misfortune to be shipwrecked j mnnagetL to get away with three j - nna nf rnn.iilprlnc thp AflvUflh-! other survivors in one ot the! UtHhJl I nity of opting a Canadian flag ship's boats. A storm arose and JLii i ll I representing Canada as a whole.) the Aberdonian was asked to of-j t teig en April 15 by Judge . . , . nofry- he relieJ. " 1 canna x in ine cuniniumv uim ui miusn iiuhk - "" - -i- - ttt tt nations." collection." aisM)ing oi it numoer oi buujku on the program which often takes three weeks. Eight speeters in all. including move:' and seconder, contributed tofthe .debate. Six speko; jiertertiir. inqludjlbg the prtme mtnikWR: B. BeTirWfata! Robert leader. Gardiner, U. F. A. ANXIETY FOR FOCII PARIS, due some- passed a i .l. .liu ri.:.t. u:.. ...... I II Tnk iin a Feb. 12 Marshal Foch poor night and it was k tujv.-n this morning that his doc-tur.s felt sonic unxiety for him. WOLVES ENTER TURKISH CITY Constantinople Suffers From Cold and Snow Recent Weeks Badly of CONDITION OF PANIC Boiy of Man Found Half Eaten, by Wolves on Shoreof the Golden Horn CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 12: Phenomenal cold and eleven days of heavy snowfall have reduced Constantinople toa condition bordering oh panic. Six persons have been froien to death on the streets. Wolves which been terrorizing the suburb have entered the city and one man was found half eaten on the shores of the Golden Horn. This afternoon's train, duo from the east at ' :'0, was reported this morning to be on time.