Vofivnarv 19. 109(1 n cjunj' ... TIIE DAILY1 NEWS PAGE FIVE IT Radio roadcasting and Reception , t AN VIDIAN MUSICAL FAMILY INVADES LONDON ft .l yr v. j 1 - If . Lit &WW VJ ii m ray v. waar :. i:n-ls. formerly KCHESTRAD AHS WILL N IKK IAIN WI I n llllli I Vi - t rorn .... I i 3 . i1 their hither to k tek fame ani fortune. Ida, : i n . .-1 ; Sar.ih, aged 10, the 'cellist, and Anna, .nl-1. 1 "f Vinriueir. mripeg. we; wcit the w rld's aged aged 'The S6-piee dance orchestra is under the direction of lltUR) MatvJ 11UIS a vwca.aw i a ; . .. HALF AN HOUR TONIGHT for the broadest. m n,id in ".Moon cf My Delight" from Rodger' Kodgors' "Cbee "Ghee Uftec," Cher," a a current current i"f Your Heart Desire lrim ' to it listeners as the h 8ytW., , f dance numbeg l , w i.- broadcast thrdugn; . m tonight, including; ENEItGY IN THE WHONG .Mi ning at 7:30 o clock, PAUTY Milliard time. . : .L .aiiy arrngtd.mtidle-, 'radians wlKf pwyf "Sim, are you ever fired with I Kvfrywlnir.r. DPRl enthusiasm I n the DarkMDrigJit' "Yeyah, from every job 1 Don't Be Lika-That." Uckles." Camera Fun. THE HtW VICTOR iRADIO STCAKER ; i deftly mloui (n t KatAy troim vilnut ttUntt. W' IrJW it to you to;uJgt tK Victor amimiion iKat iW ton cf rlii i tptarr mil fUiu till hio httt it. Recpm tnenicd or um tuth Vor tM Moid. '32.50 )UTH0lII0NIC VK'THOLAS AND KKC0UDS McRAE BROS. BUYING RADIO KOMO RADIO RECEPTION WAS I?" RECEIVERS BY PROGRAM FOR j NOT SO GOOD ! MAIL FOOLISH' PRESENT WEEK1 DURING WEEK That the city is being flooded wi ,h catalogues trying to sell I V ince Ilupert radio fans instn:-m"nts which will be delivered by j oxpresn, in reported. Some of I these sets acem to be much cheaper, than the ones offered locally, but' l. , .t 4-1.1 U 1 . I UVIU1C IU1WII& BUCJI a BLCJ ilQ uiuei ing, it might be well to think it ever carefully. i It is pointed out that the lines by reliable firms and the local dealers stand behind them and in many cases give service that carj-uot possibly be purchased by mail. If the sets are unsatisfactory, they take them back or exchange them. It all comes down to this, that fn buying from local dealers Ideal people can dgjpend upon getting the best instruments,' that are. oil the ma ket and thetike no risk By buying with firms not represented here, they are taking I Stances and mrss a good deal of , local servicing. I It might also be mentioned that the standard makes are sold at exactly the same prices here that are charged elsewhere. CHANGE IN PROSPECTS, Though the barometer was still climbing and stood At S0.72 at the Digby Island meleorplog-ical station at 8 o'clbok tlihl' 'morning, a change of weathertJebn1 i unions nere aner vns iwowmm tne h , .1 r som, .nmr k. : popular Bfoadw tuccers, and in Anjr- cold snap seems eerUin-.Oday. u.-iiiH luuoivmi . tt . n t TU. !-. I. m.u mitJ.. 1' feels Hke there mfghtbe "Tal soon, f, , A lit, thtmk i INTERNAL DISTURBANCE " fl in Victpf Jin instant Hit ! .a brilliant success throughout the Dominion. Flashing like meteors across an enkindled sky; these sets have the stuff, maintaining Victor's quarter century of reputation. Regardless of the money asked, the New Victor Radio wins out on tone quality, beauty, and general performance. Authorised Victor Radio Dealers are showing this beautiful walnut-designed table set with a full set of tubes and "plug-in" cord for only IC)0 "Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada.liinite! lMmui unit frntmi of lln RJiO Frtoutucr Libomtontt 1. VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS ,1 Tuesday. Feb. 12 0:00--Eveready Hour. 7:00 Clicquot Club Eskimos. 7:E0 Fresiimen Kadio Orches-iUdians. SiOO-Pacific Statei Electric Program. I 8 :30 Don Amaizo.' j 0:00 Correct Time. ueing nanaiea locally are an 01. 0:00 Dance stands d makes. They are made!,i ,ii. 12:00 Late News Flashes. 12:15 Vocal and piano Wednesday, Feb. 13 G:00 Concert orchestra; vocal. 0:80 Palraolive Hour. 7:80 American Wire Fabrics fco. Program. ' 8 ;fo floods to Romance. ' 8 :30 -Concert Orchestra, vocal. 0:00 Correct Time. 9:15 Totem Male Quartet. 9:30-Pacific Alaska Hour. 10:S0 Totem Slale Quartet; "Something about Everything." 10:45 Totem Kynco-Ehyth-mists; vocal. 11:45 News Flashes. 12:00 Vocoli and jilano I Tl...-.1.... G-ibeMhc mmn-gjiiBouSf 10 n; KTORcJiTf mis 11:46 Fifth Ijndlailv rlwpnHlnir Rtniml ffan Recft What's the commotion in the drawing room. Mary? i MaryIt's the boarders, mum, I 'olding a hindjjiestion ttng (o&4? Punch. .j :v 'Mstk '-'f i KGf, Tortlai :Wftin. ) fenestra' Symphon(Nr e Trio; news. ' , Ave. Trtatrt Or- ' Local Receiving Sets Vary a Good ; Deal From Various 9:00 Totem Little Symphony;'" v good most of the time. Mai The e were one or two off eve- Orchestra: Pod. 'ninga Causes The week ending last night has not been as good a one for local reeep'tion a the previous one, but yet good results have been obtained. Last evening reception 8:00 R.C.A. Hotff: 9:00 Correet tUt. 9:00 "A Night In Jinan." 10:00 Trocaderans. 11:00 Fifth Ave. Theatre Frolic. , 12:00 News Flashes. : 12:15 Vocal and piano solos. : i Saturday, Feb. 16 i . 5 i90 Marimba OrtheWra wllh Mildred HunA?i '1 j ' 0:00 -General Electric Cora- ' ny fijm phony (hrohestra. 7iat-UUetr Strike Hottt vocal.. ( . 9:00 Cerrect Time, i ! j 9:00 Puget Sound Nnftgation Progrsra. 9:80 "When You and I Were YounK Msggie." 10:00 HI Show. 12:00 New Ftaalves..,. 12:15 Piano "and vocal mm In jrcur hm jRMJJLCQ radio wNatrtrM'Plaa, YES, a free trial in your own hornet No obligation no charge. If satisfied, a imall payment down and easy monthly paymentt. Alto, trade-in allow tne on your old act. Come in or chone for full detaila. t-Call Look Hear-J lSAKKIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS Third Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. not seem to be much music in the IRADIO EXPERT i air.' Sunday night the big Seattle stations came in well every where and some sets were hearing other points. ItMs remarkable what a differ ence there is between local sets, as a result, it is thought, of location, inrte ference and installation. Some places are certainly more highly favored than otherft, but even so, by experimenting with the aerial and ground wires reception may be much improved ii a poor location. A good deal of excellent wo k has been done in cleaning up the local interference, but it still it pretty bad at times in the down town sections. Last night some the sets brought in an immense 'ot of noise, but, happily, some of it could be tuned out. Some sets do not seem to be installed with sufficient care. Often a loose connection will cause a lot of trouble. Insrtruc-tion books and experts state that all connections should be bandT'nd noldered . 'erythlng;- Pj "Sne Brans Band. fect.ons;' Jfpv- i i sssejbmt liiiori FrfuiPeb. "13 I .tat W BSIu IVt. last week When there did IS AT DIGBY to Be Made to Get Advice on City Rtcepiion local Radio Association, staled oy one oi vs o: - leers this morning, will tike ad-; antage of the opportunity of! he present visit to the city of I , W. Stephenson, divisional engin eer for the Radiotelegraph Branch from Victoria, to seek advice and nnnsikl. Mnf 7lnn4i'nn est mfra. v thrnEnT" di"icUlti" iDi Mr. Stephenson arrived from the south on Sunday and will be here for the next week or sr checking up operations at tli Digby Island wireless 'station. lPMWWfon? VALENTINE SOCIAL HELD LAST NIGHT Intcreetint; Event at Catholic Hall in NVhich Cards and Dancing Were Enjoyed , 1 the' The Valentine Social at Catholic Hall last night was a very enjoyable event, many people being present. Bridge and whist were played during the first half of the evening after which delicious refreshments were served. Dancing was then enjoyed to music by Charh-s Bal-agno. ri he w'nners for bridge were ladies' first. Mrs. Dore ; setoiu A. is A Johnson; gent's first P. Yyer: second A. Johnson. ' "he winners for Miist verc u ies' first, Mrs. Fred Hiffou; -.erond. Mm. Palmier gent's firet .f. J. Gillis second C. Morgan. The entrance prise cushion w:i won by Sophia Johnson with :i' !t number 7G. The social was in chi.rge ' of Mrs. .1. J. Gillis assisted by Mine M. Astoria, Mrs. Couture, Mis Polly Astoria nd Miss M. Comu-riina. Harry Astori was master of ceremonies and Mrs. Tbeo Fortune presided at the door. A 1'LEA FOR NEATNESS The Hoyal Automobile Club of England, is issuing a leaflet giv ing hints t motorists. One sug-gest'on will he (hat used pedes-tr'.ms should be stacked up neatly In the gutters. Auckland News. I in vnm i Mm 11 The r.ew Kolster models have .created an entirely new set of standards by which radio quality and radio value are being neasured today. Kolster performance pure, natural tone rare distance-getting ability precision of program selection reaches new heights' of radio excellence. Kolster reproduction is so realistic that it brings a sense of actual presence. Lovely cabinets, conceived in the mode of to-morrow, make Kolster a plcas'ng to the eye as to the ear. See Kolster hear Kolster there's . . . a . . . delightful . . . treat . . . in . . . store . . . fcr . . . you. The new Kolster All-Electric sets are'etfuipped with phonograph plung-in Jack which, with pickup unit! will glre electrical' reproduction of records. CANADIAN. URANOES LIMITED TORONTO CANADA. S. E. PARKER, Ltd Radio "B" Powet in its highest development power that gives continuous, hum-free reception from both local and distant stations. Economical power, too. You'll be agreeably surprised how long Eveready Layerbilt MB" batteries will operate your set without replacement ' Ask your dealer. He will tell you that his customers come in and ask for Eveready Layerbtlts. Canadian National Carbon Co., Ltd. Ctlfary TORONTO TORONTO Montreal Vawolrer WinnipeI Owning Evtready Battery Station CKNC, Toronto R211 EVERFATtv eitiember K1 ' ' sssssssssssssssssaaBBi BUI PREVENTS THAT "SINKING" FEELING Sj!u Apnts : Harold F Ritchie Co. Ltd, Toronto n