'pact. rwj DAILY BU1TION inBood FJDOXJR For All Your BAKING The Daily News PItlNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Tbild Avenus H. F. PULLEN' - - Manajrinjr-Edltor Corp. Cameron R.CAIP. returned to the city on the Princess Loue, yesterday afternoon fol-, . lpwfna.brif Jfrlp to Skagway. Rev. W. H. Pierce. United Church clergyman at Port Es-i .jsington. Is paying a brief visit to the city, having come In on yes-: terday afternoon's train. Mrs. Jones, wife of the watch-! man at Shannon Bay cannery,! Massett Inlet, and child arrived : in the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the islands. The case of John McKay, charged with vagrancy, was further ad Journed for eight days on coming up before Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning. Provincial Constable Andrew Grant of Massett arrived In the city from the Islands on the Prince Charles this morning and will be In town for the next few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. . Sraedley Vanderhoof who have been visiting in Massett, arrived In the city on the Prtrtce Charles this morning from the islands and will be Here norm . nay-r ro before-re turning to the interior. O. W. Taylor, chief cleric to the local auditor, Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this irornlne after having made the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet and will proceed south on the Prince Rupert luiu&nt. Rohert rtnlrri In municipalities, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon lr the course of an tn-SDectton trio north and, after spending the day here, proceeded bv train this morning to visit Terrace. Burns lake and other in-tcior municipalities. . the best millc for the best cooking. Twice as rich in cream as fresh milk. Name., RECIPE BOOK FJIEE f if Uae'Coupont Thb Bsrdim Co. LtutTEo. Ilomer Arcade Dldg., Vancouver Dept. A 71. PleaMa $end mm St. ChmtU Kbcj'p Book. Address TJ Thursday. Sept. 12, 1929 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS B. F. Messner, well known Smithers mining man, arrived in the city from the interior on this afternoon's train and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupe.rt Fisheries Experimental Station, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning after having made, the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet. CJLR. steamer "Prince John, Capt. E. Mabbs, is expected about Saturday from Vancouver via ail Queen Charlotte points. It is expected the vessel will then enrage in tramp freighting along, me coast ior a jew weeks.' . ! Archie Morton, master mechanic for the Granby Co. at Anyox, and Mrs. Morton arrived in the city on the Prince Charles this morn-Ine from the smelter town and I will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vanceuver. Mrs. W. O. Mitchell, wife of the manager of South Bay cannery, nrrivpri In thp ftv mi tVi Tr4n Charles this morning , Xrom the L islands -'and Wifl mil tnntirht' nnP me fnnce Kupert ior Vancouver. J She is accompanied by her son I uitu aaugnicr. i Completing her final voyage of , mc ciuun un summer scneauie, CNH. steamer Prince Charles, Cant. Nell Mrlin rrHvArt In tport at 8 o'clock this morula : from Stewart; Anyox and Massett xiupi ana win ue nere over untn Saturday nteht at in hvirv n.hor. I she will sail for Vancouver via an tw4i uianu ptiixiis, re lieving the Prince John on that route. Free! Free! Demonstration- OP CARNATION MILK BY THE "CARNATION LADY" Here is your opportunity, ladles, to exercise the secret of Carnation recipes. The demonstration will be held at our Slh Avenue store this week beginning Tuesday, September 10, and until Saturday. September 14, Everyone Is cordially invited to call and sec. For the benefit of the consumer we5 offer an extra special price on Carnation Milk for this week only.- CARNATION MIXK-Tall; 48 Una for l CARNATION MILK Tall, 8 tins for CARNATION MILK $5.35 95c or oe Baby size; 90 tins for CclsOtl CARNATION MILK Baby size; 12 tins for 75c Also All Preserving Fruits of the Season at Lowest Prices CALL OR PHONE 18 Oil 81 117 and 42J, 5th Avenue East Mussallera Grocery Co. Limited P. 0. Box C75. CLOCK SALE RICHMOND'S LOUVRE Faced with Innumerable expressions of regret from so many ot our recular customers that they hid been unable to take advatnage of the Clock Sale which took place last Friday, Richmond's Louvre are putting on a complimentary Clock Sale tomorrow (Friday). Usually Clock Sales take place only once a month. But this Is an extra. Last Friday our store was thronged from 9 until long after 1 nx.7 VICTOR KAOIO-ELECTROLA RE 4 k-t $375 Compltle .liith tubtt THE DAILY NEWS Tc;:rsd:'7, Septembrr 13 o'clock and the great bulk of the bargains then offered were secured by fortunate purabiaers. Tomorrow, from 9 till 1 o'clock, most of these bargln prlees will berrepeated net all of them, for Once, such goods are sold they cannot be duplicated in price anywhere. But there are othei new items this 'week .offering equal values. Just read Richmond's Louvre ad on another pape in this issue and ?ee th: amazing price values that will be offered tomorrow forenoon. But, remember, Clock Sales are secerning so .popular that you will have to came early if you wish to eet yttor share of what is going.' Trrt narmlA lilr a Karcpalvi Thtr . " f. t, (.-. v UW. QUI... l.b are here far you tomorrow. Rememberat 9 in the morning. Advt. Halibut Saks American Tatoosh, 29,000 pounds. Cold! Storage, 12.8c and 8c. f , Canadian Drott, 600 pounds. Atlln, 13.1c, and 8c. ' 1 ' musical ruuuitAM A musical urogram, arranged by T. H. Johnson was enjoyed at the regular weekly luncheon of , the Rotary Club in the Commo-' dore Cafe today. There were solos, by J. E. Davey and M. II. Blottj President O. A. Bryant occupied; the chair ana a lew Drwi remarks i were made by Joe Greer, pre!; rkmt of the Gyro Club, who was a; guest. 1 Actors V N ORTIIOPIIONIC VIC1JROLAS AND RECORDS CHILDREN HAVE TO CHEW H AND THEY LIKE THE CRISP SHREDS u ewest FSCTh Hfl Bam, Hafe. siflb. a n m i m ii h gfflfl.LV LP E.U sa m at cn rm n m Sp55. With oil the bran of the whole wheat iwo superb instruments !n (IMF BUM VICTOR FILL VISION 1LL1 MINATEU 7 PL'R A t ' TOM A TIC STATION SELECTOR-AIL STATIONS V5Bti- J VST HUDi. KNOB ASD TVRX fOR HKRO-EXACT ADJUSTMENT. The New and Improved Electrola with-Micro-Synchronous Victor Radio before has music from a radio NEVER matched so perfectly the marvelous reproduction of the new V.E. Ortrwphonic records. Never before have you heard a complete radio-record playing instrument thar gives you at the mere turn of a tiny knob, music from the air or records music from each so beautiful it is difficult to tell which you are getting. All this in one charming cabinet. Startling clarity warmth richness tone color they are all a part of this great instrument. An invention that crystallizes in one supreme cabinet Victor's thirty years of musical experience Victor's world famous craftsmanship li I ""Aw HZ ZZ Victor's engineering leadership. An invention that bears the famous mark "His jSfaster's Voice," known the world over. An instrument easy to tune and operate incorporating many exclusive features; a simplified full vision station selector ... a marvelous new Victor electro-dynamic reproducer . . . two new type R.CA. power Radiotrons 245. New power, new volume. But now for the big news! The price of this wonderful instrument is only $375 complete with tubes . . . And only $255 for the new Victor Radio alone in its own beautiful cabinet on convenient payments, at all Victor Dealers. .1 1 ictor-Radio with ELECTROIA VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OP CANADA LIMITED. MONTREAL McRAE BROS. You don't have to coax children to chew Shredded Wheat the more they chew it, the better they like it and that means sound teeth and healthy gums. Just the food for growing youngsters. So delicious and so easy to serve. VICTOR RADIO CONSOLS R-32 $255 CempUtt tcith tubei Features of VICTOR'S Greatest Instrument f A temttkablt new and im proud A ClfdreU that tr products V. Of tbapbonie Records with thrilling "htw poutr dtptb color. O Mjcro-iymhrtnoMt bdlanct: ntrj element in micro-exact resonance at anj frequency. Seltctite and ttmn tire to a supefJegrte. "2 Improved ntdio-chcuil developed bf Victor unprecedented fidelity. A, Two nev Radiotrons 243 in the c'tf cuit; increased volume no distortion. Quality over the entire scale. 5 Exclusive super-automatic full vision station selector as illustrated. d. Three distinct units all sxienti- fically shielded. Quickly removable for injpection. , f "7 Marvelous new all-Vtctor Alettrl ' dynamic speaker re-creates musk from the air or record beautifully! . . . True trebles true bass notes. Q Exquisitely designed compact Victor O cabinets in walnut. Q Trademark ed "I lis Master's Voice." The world's most famous tnar-antte in three words and a picture, VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS