Thursday, September 12, 1929 J r" No. 1 A Folding Kodaks from. $12.25 No. 2 C Folding Kodaks From $18.50 Ird Arc TIM. Browhleij fr6m $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 MftBjPUBinB Kodak- ': ' ,P iW ,.-511.25 No. 3 'A Folding Kodaks Prom $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), F. 3.5 Lens $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. Developing and printing for amateurs, Dally service. Quality finish. Orm JLILCIL Ztfie Pioneer Druejcists THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONF.S 8?o200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnji I'rum I'rlncc Kupert lor VANCOUVER. VICTOUI.V, anon Uy. llutrtliJe. Alert Hay. He. Tuta-da). S:3U p in. lor VAMUUMI. VICTOUl.t. Ilulrdtlr. Alrrt Hay. Me.. Friday midnight tor ALICE A KM, ANYOX, SlEWAUT. Naaa Klver, Iurt &lnipuu, bun- day, 11:00 p.m. jr rOX'f M.Ml'fON AND WAI.EH 11,1X11. murJT. p.m. 113 li"' Avrnur It M SMI I II Agrnt rrlnr Kuiwrt. II. C. Ttroutli lrltet kuld to Witorla ami Krattle .and baggage chetkrd through tu ilrtllnatluti. - .. .. 1CA.1ADIAN, iPACiriC. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES HAILIM1M KKOM IMUM K HU'HiT To Krlrlilkun H rami II. Jumuu and Skngway September ", IS, 2H. To Yu in outer, Ylrtnrht and KMttle September 7, 11, St. I'KlNrKrlX MtKV Oerun tail, rlr.. Vaneoiivrr and Victoria every ttldajr 10 p.m. Agrnti (arull teamtolp Unci tv. c. oim.-h.iru. (ii;M:nL auext Prlnce Kb pert, II. C r hone 31 Ranadian National QTic Largeft Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKINCE KUI'KKT ,for. TUItlA, SEATTLE, and Intefmedhtr VANCOUVER, lor ,vmu. ana stkwahi, each VUtJAlay, p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN. eaBTSaturday, 4 p.m. "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." -Smoked Daily by VIC- Mnts, rath Thursday lor NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHAULQTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. -r (Ansr.Micii TKAiMt i.i:avi; riiiyt. ni rtin DULY EXI.T.IT StMlAY at ll:SO a m fr'HIN(E (IKOIUIE. EDMONTON, UI.NMI'Ml, all imliiti CaMrrn I'aidt I nllrd Male. AOEM'Y ALL IHES STRUfuir LI.Nr.Si; City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, fl'rlrfit ltuperl-I'hone 2C0 LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S IS Dimonsion and Boards. KILN DRIED :eand and Cedar Cedar Finish Finish, Sitka Spruce Coiling, and Rustic. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and T Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and G" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, R. C. Hcntl Office. Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Retail Yard, Cow Hay, Telephone 123 DEMAND Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PKINCE RUI'UKT, 1J.C. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf Read Richmond's Louvre ad. F. O. Dawson left on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief business trip to Prince Oeorge. ' Quite a large crbwd attended a Scandinavian dance las; night in the Boston Hall. There was ac-cordlan music by a visitor from Vancouver. There were 131 passengers, HIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE KODAK I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Dentist Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 686. Read Richmond's Louvre ad. St. Andrew's Society monthly meeting tomorrow nignt. Charles P. Balagno, teacher of Pianoforte, has resumed teaching. 212 ness trip to Vancouver. (tf) Big Harvest Festival Sale in the Salvation Army citadel Monday, mostiy Yukoners going outside September 16 at 8 pm. Every- ior me winter, aDoara me steam- thing for everybody. Come. (213) er Princess Louise which was In C7r,fihr.T li Albert & McCaffcry Limited. ver. Five disembarked here from Phone 116 and 117. Try our s0ot the vessel. .Jess stove coal. We guarantee : Rose, Cowan & Latta have mov- 8at,sfacl,on I tUAa .UAH I r T. w mu win-1 M1Uon Gonzales returned to the moaious premises m tnc oasement clty on the prlnce Rupert yester ui uie new unu uiuLfL, mu 01. entrance. day afternoon from a brief busl Albert & McCaffery, Limited. I Miss Mary McRae of the Prince Phone 116 and 117- Two scowb Rupert General Hospital nursing of. Nnnalmo-Wpllinplnn In mi. cta "turned to the City On ye teraay arternoons tram irom i. j i i w i arrived today. We are now pre- Burns Lake where she has beeb i pared to supply you with your spending a vacation. winters coal. tfi I Mr. and Mrs. George G. Bushtiy Mr. and Mrs. Allan Forsythe of returned to the city on the Pjflnce Vancouver are passengers making Rupert yesterday afternoon fol the round trip north aboard the lowing a trip to Vancouver and steamer Prince Rupert this week. Victoria. Mr. Forsythe was formerly loca-, . J- ted here in the service .of the Ca- Bishop E. M. Bunoz O.M.I.. who nadian National Coast Steam- has been on a month's trip to the ghlpg Yukon Territory on ecclesiastical i duties, returned to the city from the north on the Princess Louise At tne meeting or the scnooi yesterday afternoon. board last night. Chairman Thos. McMeekln welcomed principals of the various schools following their Eileen Mrs. E. G. Osborne and Miw Osborne returned to the V. "oliaays 1C" " eiclty on the Prince Charles this hoped had been enjoyable, fitting morning after having made the VieJ? Ior ? 8UPcess,ul wo.. rouiiii trip to Stewart, Anyox and ' vvv..vvv. Masseu miet. to D. H ILvtness, new principal of the high school. Preserviiii FRUITS per lb BRAID'S BEST TEA per lb BRAID'S BEST COFFEE per lb REOAL TABLE SALT carton SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs BONELB88 CHICKEN tin ENOS FRUIT SALTS per bot Quaker (John per tin CEYLON COCOANUT Long Shred, per lb. QUAKER CORN FLAKES per pkg a BAKER'S COOKING . CHOCOLATE Cake WAX PAPER-RolU. each 7c 60c 60c 11c 25c 40c ALUMINUM SAUCEPAN SPECIAL One 3-quart Wear Evr Aluminum Lipped SAUCC PAN, 4 Q4 A A pkg. Rlnao, All for ? J. U OR One saucepan as above, 1 pkg. Sunlight Soap, 1 pkg. Lux, Q 4( 1 bar Lifebuoy Soap, V This Is one of the best deals that we have ever had. Order early as the supply Is limited. 90c 15c 22c 10c 25c 10c HEINZ TOMATO CATSUP QQn bottle SL'E. US. FJDU FKESII FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Pickling Vegetables are Now in Season. Phone us Your Wants. Watts' Grocery duality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 50 Miss Helen Calderone arrived in ,thc city on the Prince Charles this morning on her way back to ner home in Anyox: after havlni paid a visit at Port Clements wiu her sister, Mrs. George Clccone. . i n a f An application from W. L. Merl- lees of Vancouver for a noH--, ia assiranf to the manual train-ting Instructor in the local schools was read at last night s meeting ,of the school board and ordered! filed. I Mrs. Donald nosaitnd two sons, ;who,bjiYe Jri:yjftlae for the i past three or fotf J ( )nonths In We believe that Peaches. Pears Vancouver, returned to the city and Prunes are now at their best ?" the Prince Rupert yesterday for preserving. Oactrigyiarltjtternoon. Italian Prunes-crate .. crates Mrs. Joseph Cook and Mrs. F. C. Bishop of Terrace arrived in Q-f 4A.the city on the Prince Charles tAAI ; this morninsr after ha vine made SI nil nna Inlel and proceeded VUI w I to the Interior by train. Dr. W. O. Alexander, visiting phrenologist, gave an lnt"tln-nddress before the Oyro Club at '-" regular fortnightly luncheon In the Comodore Cafe yesterdav ralln ortncipallv with mental development in children. Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and two daughters returned to the city on h Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon after having spent the summer at Quallcum Berjih, Vancouver Island. Miss Margaret McCaffery is remaining in Vancouver to attend convent. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Two heaters and fire guard: Phone Oreen, 244. FOR RENT Five room modern house, close In. Apply McCaf-fery. Olbbons & Collart. (214 T FOR RENT Two roomed furnished modern house with garden 741 Sixth Avenue West, suitable married couple or lady teachers. Apply M. M. Stephrns (214 HELPED DURING MIDDLE AGE Woman Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound SarnU, Oit. "I am willing to answer letters from other women, to tell them the won- diTiul good Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did me. I cannot be thankful enouibfor the benefits I received during tho ( 'hange of Life.' I do housework and my troubles made mo unfit to work. A friend advised mo to try the Veg etable Compound. I felt great rvlief at once, ln-gan to retain my appetite, and my nerves got beitpr. I will recommend your medicine to all with troubles like I had." Mitf. John Hknson, 1C2 N. Christina St., Sarnla, Ontario. 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS United Church Banquet, October' 7. Moose Annual Bazaar and 22. 1 I ' Premier Orchestra's opening dance. The fiance of the season. Moose Hall, September 20. A whoopee! Catholic Bazaar, October 2 anr 3. ,. 15 Anniversary tf Presbyterian Bazaar November Nov. 21 R. G. Cunningham of Port Es-slngton arrived in the citv from the Skeena River on yesterday af ternoons train ior a oriel visit. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER ''tilling, Workmanship and Styli All Guaranteed iUlTS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED rte Dflivt-r to Any Part of th City. Ling, the Tailor Phone R49 Fall Schedule of ' C.N.R. Steamships Fall Schedule Canadian National Itcamshlps is -now effective, with steamers arriving from Vancouver ach Wednesday and Saturday at 00 a.m. Sailir .re each ThurM 0.00 pjn.; for Ahypx and 'Stewart, ffednesdaj's 4:00 p.m.; for Stewi STOMACH PAINS? Get rid of them Permanently with "Fruit-a-tivei." "Fruit--Uves" will rid you of gas, flatulence, or pain after eating, and malt ings for , Vancouveri. worth living again. Mrs. Annla WaJlS' and rgun3ayGiovcjr TOM? wntca: A i- ..-- J J ' a-t A. Jt . :vrtT it m liKllfMttafi, cMwtip4loa. -'clrdful.atefl1ch, pini, 1 tried FrulW4lv. Soon th.M ill tr thiflf oi U put, ind Ketchikan Saturdays 4:00 p.; "Fruit-a-tives" acts naturally on the y. m.; for North and South Queen I tem- Gnl'y nd quickly it strengthens Charlotte islands fortnightly Full, Information City Ticket Office, I r.rt a Zr r 50r hot t rour rfrur.ri.fa ; Phone 260, , 212 today. End digestive troubles 'oi'G Biead& BcM1 BmocI. mm FLOUR 1 ' Faced with so many requests from such a great number of our customers who were unable to take advantage of our Clock Sale last week, we are having an extra Clock Sale this month, starting tomorrow morning at 9. See the prices mentioned below and get " " your pick. CLOCK SALE Friday Mo niing at 3 ONLY, LADIES RAINCOATS Clock Sale Special, . Oo each 18 ONLY, LADIES' CREPE DE CHINE DRESSES Different colors and sizes. Regular values up to $18.00. QC Clock Sale Specia! .... V.t7tJ 1 DOZEN ONLY LADIES PYJAMAS Clock Sale QO Special UOf ONE ONLY, LADY'SvQOAT Navy blue with shawl fur collar. Clock Sale CCJ Off Special ;.9D.5Jt ONE ONLY, LADY'S NAVY BLUE COAT Regular value $35. s,e. 53.95 9 o'C ock 100 LADIES' NEW FALL HATS Regular values to $8.50 $Q QC Clock Sale Special . .. . 12 ONLY, LADIES' COATS - Pure wool with shawl fur collar and cuffs. Regular $39.50 value. 517.50 G ONLY LADIES' TWEED COATS With fur collars. Aft Clock Sale Special VAW'VU LADIES' CREPE RACK SATIN DRESSES All sizes and colors. gST. 512.00 LADIES' PARTY DRESSES Regular values to $35. A C A Clock Salo Special . . VJLt,t,v NO DEALERS NO C O. D.-CASH ONLY Richmond's Louvre THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. I