TOMORROW'S TIDES Boston Grill Friday, September 13 LARGE CABARET High 10:39 a.m. 15.1 ft. Special Dinner! Ttiursdaji and Saturday 22:01 pjii. 18.6 ft. panclng Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dane Ilall for Hira Low 349 a.m. . 8.1 ft. 16:01 Aooommodatlont for Private Partlea p.m. 11.9 ft. PHONK 457 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XX.. No. 212. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1929 ritlCE FIVE CENTS ACTION ON LOCAL WATER DELAYED BUT EXPECTED TO BE ADJUSTED SOON VICTORIA, Sept. 12. An application of the Northern British Columbia Power Company for a water licence at Falls Riycr for the purpose of supplying power to Prince Rupert is before the controller of water rights, Major Macdonald. Before any action can be taken on the app'ication, further particulars have to be filed. Some objection has been raised by H. L. Edmonds, rep-r. jentintf the timber owners, who desire certain assur- ancc In regard to the moving out FISH BOAT . frovindal Po'lce Asked to Search Tor Chasm No. 3 Hound For Lagoon Day VANCOUVER. 8cpt. 12: The pnilnrlal poWce have been asked to carch coa-.t waters for th fi i -n vncl "Chasm No. 3," owned by the Marine Transport, rn nf North Vancouver, which I has been missing with Capt Chri, Brrc nnd wo iisncrmcn since irff. the Frascr River on August M for Lagoon Bay cannery, Queen C!.:ir!o?tc Islands. It is presumed that the vessel experienced engine trouble and Is icing repaired In some Isolated pure VANCOUVER, ScpL 12: Th ' i"k boit Chasm No, 3, overdue t LriTjon Bay cannery. Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived nt t.s ' nation this morning, aeeord-;i ti word received here today. WINS RACE WITHDEATH fOot Gilbert Delivers Injured Mining Engineer Safely to Vancouver V'.'TO!?VFR Sept. 12Com4wfW Avjpre dismissed by Magistrate ;. ,;ri' a 1000-mile air race with fMcCIymont In city police court i a western Canada Airways :vn!j boat piloted by Walter E. G'ibert arrived In Vancouver last r!i with H. C. Hughes, supcrln-"r.drnt of for the Consolidated Mtn-m fi Smelting Co. on the Emcr lid mine at OoUa Lake, who was seriously mauled by a grizzly bear roar Burns Lake last week. Infection made Hughes' removal np '.irv He spent a Rood night mi thre was a slight Improvement this morning. Successful Tea and Sale Is Held Function Given By Fifth and Sixth Avenue Groups of Tres-bvterian ladles' Aid A vrry successful tea was given T" '.tfrctay afternoon by the Fifth nd Sixth Avenue groups of the Pre bytnrtan Ladles' Aid In the Clnr.:h Hall. Mrs d. C Stuart, president of hs aid rm'Hvrvl thi miosta. Mrs. Millar vas cencral convener as assisted by Mesdames Bremrtcr, Rcld, Fuller, McNaugh-N and Munro. Mrs. D. McD. "untnr and Mrs. B. Dalgarno poured and Mrs. J. Simpson was 1 :tnrcn of the home cooking. A delightful musical program rendered by Mrs. J. H. Me-'it' Mr.. J. Waugh, Mrs. E. V11"! rind Miss M. Macdonald. Ac ampanlsts were Mrs. J. Black nd Mrs. c C. Cullcn. WHALER GRANT TO DOCK HERE Coming Today From Naden Harbor to deceive Repairs to Damaged Tail Shaft The local dry dock has been ftd-A 'wa that the whaler Grant is due "'fe todav to eo nn dock for rc- Jal" to a damaged tall shaft. The "i left Naden Harbor last night jof Prince Rupert In tow of one of Consolidated Whaling Corpora-'ona other boaU. She should be ftCfe by this afternoon. ' " i ail w i ii VANCOUVEIt WHEAT Vancouver. Rent 12- Whrovt tori-tlUotcd on local exchange of timber in the event of dams be lng constructed by the power com pany, but thia appears to have been "ww.j innvM ij ktll, tnu b ICO this respect Is anticipated. FIRST HUDSON BAY GRAIN OFF TODAY WINNIPEG, Sept. 12: Packed in a thousand tiny canvas sacks, one ton of prairie wheat Is scheduled to be shipped today to Enp- land from Fort Churchill on tnc Hudson nay steamer Un- gava. It is the first grain to no exported through Hudson Bay. Will Argue On Appeals Friday Validity nf Actions Against J. Dahl-berg and F. Bruno to Be Settled Tomorrow 4 There will be argument In county court before. Judge F. Men. Young tomorrow morning on grounds for appeals that have been entered by the prosecution in the cases of J. Dahlberg and Peter Bruno, both of some time ago on charges of keep lng liquor for sale. If the validity the appeals Is sustained, dates for their hearing will then be set. Sir Henry Thornton Director of Bank Is Now Member of Board of Royal Bank of Canada MONTREAL, Sept. 12: It is announced that Sir Henry Thornton, nresident of the Canadian Notional rtnllwavs. has been ap riblntefl dlreivr of the Royal Uahk of Canada. MUSSOLINI EASING UP Ita.n Dictator Relinquishes Seven of Eight Fascist Cabinet Posts ROME. Sept. 12. Benito Mus sollnl. Italian dictator, today re linquished seven of the eight cabinet posts lie holds In the Italian Fnwist aovernment. He remains nnd minister of the in tcrior. which Is the most important cabinet post. BOAT OVERDUE SEATTLE, Sept. 12:-The cannery vessel Grlazly from the north Is ovcrduchcre. Ontario Election r.M iir'-vTlir,AviL' liext monin Dale Is Set For October 31 With Nominations Week l.arucr Iindon Paper Hears t amham rint. Serjt 12: The Free Press' statea today that thedUkd hop In the flight from Mos- Ontarlo general ele"0" w0,u.!,cow to Nsw York will be Petropav-k h.M rn netobr 31 with me.. ..... ., ,... nominations a week earlier. J CHILD IS KIDNAPPED Billy Sherman, Aged 5, of This City, Alleged Removed by Mother's Family at Seattle SEATTLE, Sept. 12. A small black coupe believed to be carrying Billy Sherman, five years old, al legedly kidnapped here yesterday, la being sought by the police and by Immigration officers at the Canadian border. The boy disappeared while returning from kinder- artan trt the home of his aunt Mrs. WJllltm Morrish. she told th- pollce. The child, in SeatUe on a visit was placed in the custody of Mr.; Morrish's mother, Mrs. William Sherman of Prlnco Rupert, by or- ler of a Canadian court followin" iiio separation of .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sherman, neatly two years ago. Mrs. Morrish said that an elderly lady, whom she did not know, appeared at her home and thrust into her hand a note, reading: "Wc have taken Bill and gone." The note was signed "Mrs. Lancaster."' This woman, Mrs. Morrish said, was the child's maternal ' grandmother living In Revelstokc. New Supreme Court Judges Appointed Charles fiarrow of Torontwand William Patterson of Mont real Are 'Elevated' ' OTTAWA. Sept. 12. Charles otfK.OtrrmiiS. hSS been" appointed a judge of the supreme court of Ontario. William Patterson, K.C., be comes a Judge of the' supreme' court of Quebec. ... ,, . United States On Disarmament American Position Redefined So a; Accord May Be Reached With England WASHINGTON. Sept. 12 Revi sion of United States' position on disarmament facilitating an agree ment with Great Britain and bringing such accord very near Is believed to have resulted from a rotracted series of conferences between President Hoover. Secre tary Stlmson, Secretary Adams and the general board of the navy. Secretary Stlmson announced today. A communication on naVal dlsarma-nent has been despatched to Ambassador Dawes. DEVELOPMENTS ARE EXPECTED Important News on Disarmament Negotiations Due Within Forty-eight Hours LONDON, Sept. 12. Highly Important developments In the Anglo-American disarmament negotiations are expected here within 48 hours, according to well-informed circles. RUSSIAN ACE ON WAY HERE Plane "Land of Soviets" Making Progress on Moscow-New York Flight vVik61oayevsk - on - Amur, Siberia, Sept. 12. Equipped with pontoons for her trans-Paclflc flight to the United States, the airplane "Land of Soviets," piloted by the Russian ace, Shcstanov, landed at this far Siberian city on the Tar- I tar Straits today. The next sche- lovlsk, Kamchatka. BRITAIN! WILLING Government SendsJ Note to Russia SuggcslingTRrsnmp- tion of Relations LONDON,. Septl 12The British governmenttoday sent to the Norwegian government for transmission to jhc Russian government a note expressing the view that the tune had arrived when it was desirable to resume conversations interrupted several months ago in re;anl to resumption of commercial and diplomatic relationship between F.ruland and the Soviet Republic. 1 MOREDOUKS IN TROUBLE mm. li"y-Mnc k-1 SaskaW c..u.i,J,. Sons b. of Freedom Sent to Jail I CANORA. fter.k.. feept. ia Ninety-six members r lh Hons. of Freedom DoMVhobors sJ'mt nn-jc:taea to think that the King dcr guard last nicht nd SI were! government will leave the qucs--entrnceH n six -non hs in thi'.u-jn of election undecided as long Prince Albert Jail as a result of as poosib'.c. It has been polnteo a nude parade near mikado "es-'out thai there are questions tcrday. Othnrs. hoys and tln-rhteh rcny within some months 'r o ho hand'Hl ov t.a thi,have eflcct upon the polltloU 'hlld Welfare Bureaa at TVn-r, rituatlon. Among these Is th Albert. Tie parade nmr Mivadi. HawtrySmoot tarllf revision of mr- the first sinr.f that staged at' the United States., not yet put In-"outh Flnran. U" followed the ar tn effv.t. Hfst of eltht Doukht'bo' leors. , nrv which r.t'rm'Sfl the hrldee Lji. Kamrvir 1t FrJdav arc t b' oispcrsra Dy ine wounwa ronce Rlnre then they hajc been wan- irrins alonr iti highway sleen-ni out nlehts by th road. On Monda? they started sf rnar-ii on fSancr? hnt leijdjrlriee fallen. Of -the 50 -adnTTlnrf ctrstody: 34 iw women Thy all pleaded guilty of indecent exposure. Two other women and 23 men were ar rested nn vagrancy charges, DANGERTO CHILDREN Accident Avenue .In Traffic Thoroughfare on SS? s,x,h. Feared Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of rionth Memorial School, again brought to the attention of the school board last nignt tno nan- gers from auiomoDiie iramc which children attending her school arc compelled to face In travelling on the narrow roadway of Sixth Avenue between McBrlde Street and Hays Cove Circle where there is no sidewalk. Hardly a day passed, Miss Mercer said, hut. some child or children did not have escape from hurt which made one shudder. She feared that some accident might happen, particularly around the busy noon hour when there was much traf fic over the street crowded with rhllrtrrn. Miss Mercer made a plea tnat something be done to remedy the situation. If the city was not In a position to put in a proper walk, perhaps something In the nature of a temporary expedient might be provided. As a last resort, the 'feet, mlaht be rlosed to vehlcu-lar traffic at certain danger periods. Chairman McMeekln stated that the board had cxhfusted every means at Its comand to urge upon the city the danger of the situation. Premier Macdonald Sails On Sept. 28 To Visit United States to Have Discussion With President I Hoover I)NDON. Sept. 12: It was of-! flclallv announced this afternoon' that Premier Macdonald would sail for the United States on Sep tember 23 to discuss tnc matter or disarmament with President Hoover. Rochester Cinches International Flag TORONTO. Sent. 12. Rochester inh v rnt.mtinnni Tjhdiia pennant v.VrrfVv yesterday bv by dunlin defeating Toronto 5 tn 0. ELECTION 15 MONTHS Hon, Robert Forkc Does Not Antl cipate Federal Contest - . Within Year WINNIPEG. Sept. 12 "A general election In Canada will probably be held within the next fifteen months, said Hon. Robert Forkc here yesterday. He said he felt quite sure an appeal would not be made within a year. ; "Stricter examination of lmml- grants would be put into force in the future by his department, Mr. Forkc declared. In addressing the Wlnntpcg Liberal Association He expressed his Intention of cutting out some of the assisted lmmlgra- noil, which jiau preyiuusi; uccu . extended. I WINNIPEO, Sept. 12: The didiou made yesterday at Win nlpcg by Minister of Immigration Forkc that a general election would probably be held wlthh the next 15 months has been ta kcn a'1 explanation of personai opinion. It has been point-d out that, there Is no statc- mcnt. from the government re. ;arding the date or election. Political ocrvers here arc in TORONTO; STOCKS (McCtfrcry. Olbbon tt OoUftrt, tld.) Amulet, 3S, 3.27. Falconbrldge. 9.75. 10.00. Holllngcr. 5.85. Hudson Bay. i7i5rl7.75.,ThreIIw1rrdMor- Soviet CI t- International Nickel, 54.45. 54.95 lAkrrhore. 22.50, 23.00. Mining Corporation. 4.05, 4.15. Nlplsslng. 2.35, 2.40.-Noranda CI. 00. p2.25. Ahana. 1.73. 1.75. Sherrl.tT Gordon. 7.05. 7.15. Sudb.iryl Basin. 8.25. 8.30. Trrdtfell Ynl on. selling at 9.00. Ventures. 7.15, 7.25. Home Oil. 19.80, 19.85.-: Teck Hughes. 5.90. 5.95. Missing Pilot Is Now Found Atiator C. F. Mews Lived On Ber- ries for Two Weeks In Northern Wilds THE PAS, Man., Sept. 12 C. F. Mews, northern air mine exploration pilot, missing for nearly three weeks In northern Manitoba, was found alive and well by a fellow -pilot last night, V. Patrldge. Mews lived on berries and felt no 111 effects. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert Foggy, calm, temneraturc. 53. Port Simpson -Foggy, calm, 59. Haysport Cloudy, cairn, ou. Terrace Clear, calm, 58. Rosswood Clear, calm. 54. Alyansh Part cloudy, windy, 58. Alice Arm Showery. ca.m. 38. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 50. Stewart Cloudy, south wind. 51 Hazelton Part cloudy, calm. 60 Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, 60. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 53. Vanderhoof Cloudy, calm. 68. Qucsncl Part cloudy, calm. Eichth Cabin-Cloudy, calm. Atlln Cloudy, southeast wind, 55. Whltchorsc Cloudy, south wjnd, 52. L. D.TAYLOR WAS HERE Havlnc fulfilled a hope he has cherished since the days of '"98" I ; to visit the famous mining camp of Dawson and the creeks of the. !Klondyke, Ex-Mayor Louls D. Taylor of Vancouver was In Prince.! board the steamer Princess Louise returning to Vancouver. WILLINGDON IS 63 OTTAWA. Sept. 12: Viscount Wllllngdon. Governor Oeneral of Canada obserVcd hU sixty-third, birthday quietly today. Holding of Imperial Trade Conference in Dominion Is Urged by Commerce Chamber EDMONTON, Sept. 12. A resolution endoHn-r the holdinp of a conference of commercial and industrial lead-ms of the Empire and authorizing the appointment of a :nmmittcc to take such steps as may be necessary to brine: 'out the conference with the Dominion government and ther interested bodies was passed unanimously bv the Canadian Chamber of Commerce convention yesterday, ne re.soution was hai'ed by the convention as the most ,mnnrtanl .., vet t-ton bv the - - - - - ,J(yi furthcrlng Empire Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery. a vis- itor at the ccnventtorii that usJnM3 men aIone could fully . lllM lne dlffIcuitles of building up .in Empire. The problems to be faced Included those of differing conditions, wages and, in Tact, a commonwealth was not n iini!lc political unit. It was neces- ary to show that any step was not mly good for the Empire as a. vholc, but for partners Indlvldu- illy. A politician would either : tones to cmch the American ignore the difficulties and his League pennant following thetr de-hemes break down, or he would feat cf Chicago White Sox yester-allze the immensity of the prob- i day. A like number of victories are oms and refuse to act. Buslniss ; icn alone could see the whole slt-tation and present policies which jolltlcal men could safely follow. "The country to the south Is but mere Indication of what we can build un. Our resources are In finitely greater and our ability no less," Mr. Amery said. China Interns Russ Citizens irens Captured During Forty- eight Hours in Manchuria OARBINN, Manchuria, Sept. 12. Chinese Manchurlan authorities during the forty-eight hours ending at midnight had completed the irrests of three hundred more So-rlet Russian citizens. All were Interned. MUKDEN. Sept. 12: A Chinese official communique today stated Uiat fighting had been resumed this morning at Pogranlchnaya and the Russian forces had been repulsed. It was stated. PtlORE BRITISH COMING HERE Total For Four Months This Year 41,051 As Against 27,982 Last Year OTTAWA. Sent 12: That there has been an advance In British Immigration to Canada In recent months Is shown In figures pub- isned dv tnc Department oi im migration. In four months ending July 31. British Immigration to-! tolled 41.C54 as against 27.982 In1 the corresponding period last year. DOUKSlF JAILN0W Arrived at Okalla Safely Yester-day Afternoon, Chanting Strange Religious Songs VANCOUVER. Sept. 12: Chanting wlcrd Russian songs of their religion, 104 men and women. members of the Sons of Freedom sect of the Doukhobors, arrived from Nelson yesterday afternoon on a special train and were de trained near New Westminster nnrl tnfcm tn DVnlln 1 All where, they will begin serving sentences' of six months' imprisonment for, Seven children accompanying i the party will be placed In schoolJ i Jl OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League Division "1 Arsenal 3, Manchester City 2. Evcrton 1, Leeds United 1. Manchester United 2. Leicester City 1. Portsmouth 1, Orlmsby Town 1. English League "suc "" Division 2 Bristol City 2. Swansea Town I Chelsea 2, Barrisley 0. ATHLETICS SAFE NOW Almost Sure to Cinch American Ha;; Likewise Chicago 'In National NEW YORK, Sept. 12, Philadelphia Athlctlss need but four vie- neeaea Dy t-rucago uucs in ins Na- lonal League, who beat Philadelphia. Chuck Kllen and Hack Wilson each hit their thirty-eighth homers remaining in tie for the National leadership. New York Giants opened up their batUe for second place by taking a double-header from the Pittsburgh Pirates. 'Yesterdays scores: ' v National League , New Yorh 2-10, Plltsbufgfi 1-5. " Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia tzChkazi uasiorr ii: American League St. Louis 6, New York 0. Detroit 7, Boston 8. Chicago 4, Philadelphia 7. Cleveland 2, Washington 5. DROWNED ON WEST COAST Capt. John Roydell Lost Ills Life In Barkley Sound When Forced to Jump From Fire VANCOUVER. Sent. 12: Cant. fJohn Boydell of Victoria, owner and operator of the speedboat "Sally No. 1," was drowned in Barkley Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island on Tuesday afternoon when his vessel toos (ire and he was forced to jump into the water. ISLAND SUIT IS DISMISSED Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald Finds District Men Have No Claim to (Juarry .VANCOUVER, Sept. 12. Litigation Involving Haddington Island quarry, which has been before the British Columbia courts and the Judicial committee of the privy council for twenty years, advanced another stage yesterday when Justice D. A. McDonald, in supreme court, handed down Judgment dismissing an action of claimants to the property. Suit was prosecuted by heirs of Aldeft Woey Hujon, : a Henry Hudge and Samuel Gray,. who owned Haddington Island thirty-six years ago when they mortgaged it for $35,000. p., PI- VOmmtCiai LmSS. lf anual Training Depts. Congested At the conclusion of regular business last night, the school board discussed reports of congestion In the commercial and manual training departments that had been presented. It was decided that nothing In the way of putting pn extra teachers wguld be done for the meantime i aHeast n t I