—OO— G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public Victory Bonds during the past fortnight, them at highest market price, have declined and may go still lower. in value very materially We buy No delay. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Estate Bonds Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Several section, making fees 4 boats can te docked light. materiéls is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine aud Boiler Work of all kinds small repair together on one Large stock of Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. M.li.Stephens NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SALE — 6-Roomed modern house and lot English Hill, $2,625, terms. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Ave., East, built in buffet, fireplace, ete., %$3,500— terms. 8-Roomed house 5th Ave., $200, M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE W.. modern, $3,250 terms. Double Corner Sixth Avenue and Tatlow St. $1,750. One nice lot near Drydock SALT LAKES j | The launch Narbethong will jleave Cow Bay on Sundays and | Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and every half hour thereafter, leaving the lakes at 9 p.m. for last trip of day. Fare 25c, pay as you enter Bring change. Narbethong will! attend to the Salt Lakes business Phone Blaék 400. ti jonly. | | Special prices for go-carts and |buggies at Barrie’s Furniture Store. 180 . . 7 | At the Board of Trade meeting last night it was decided to in- crease the salary of the from fifty to one dollars a month. comimis- hundre It was explained sioner that he gave most of his time t« ;the work of the board. 7. . . A letter the , ing from the secretary of Atlin Board of Trade regard- the securing of a piece of For that Wedding Occasion You'll be looking for a suitable present, You don’t want to pay such an awful lot for it—still you would like it to be dainty and to heip to do hone to the wecasion, Now there is nothing like getting among a nicely selected § jawelry stock for this purpose “Such a stock for instance as this store has to show you, We've a splendid array of suit- able presents not only for weddings but for any other occasion. Look in on us some time. John Buiger Jeweler The Store of Worth and Beauty. iiby the | } Atlin by territory from the United States to give an all-Canadian route t way of Taku Inlet, was referred to the mining committee Board Of Trade at its regular meeting last night. . * * There will be both and pictures at the Theatre next week, jday, with a complete change of program Wednesday and Friday. | Four acts of Pantages’ Vaudeville | big feature vaudeville Westholm: starting Mon- picture ow “pi- j ode of the “LightentWfe Raider. At the Westholme Theatre. 174 Choose your own materials and style when you have corsets made iby Mrs. Director. Phone Blue 92. } — | What | Eye Glasses FOR SALE 4 Room House Sewer connections Avenue, Section 5 $1600 2 Lots, 6th Ave., Sec. 5 5th on the Sewer $600 each Terms McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance - Real Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. : Are For. LASSES have many only ope purpose tion of the dition, uses, Dut the restora sight to a natural con vy" were intended to see well and easily. If you do not— then you should make haste to dis- cover the trouble and apply a remedy” HE want of a pair of suitable glasses may be all that prevents you having visual perfection, health and comfort ET us examine tell you is 80. your whether or eyes and not this Fred Joudry [Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - + Prince Rupert Opposte Post Office ‘|tary wall finish. THE DAILY PRESERVING APRICOTS This is the big week for buying this line, They are arriving in fine con- dition this year Our Price $2.50 per crate fuper Table Supply Co. » 212 PHONES 211 GERALDINE FARRAR AT THE WESTHOLME Popular Drama in Which Monte Carlo Gambling is Featured rhe romantic and dramatic at- mosphere of Monte Carlo supplies the environment of Geraldine Far-~ rar’s first Goldwyn Pictture, the ‘Turn of the Wheel,” which is to be at the Westholme tonight. The only operatic star who has brought her high estate to the world of motion pictures and held it is provided by Goldwyn-with a powerful drama. Geraldine Farrar is Dean, an American, the great gambling tables a young manfeverishly watching the turn of the wheel, She cannot tell why she is attracted to him more than has ever but it explains why her sympathy goes out to Maxfield Grey when he sees swept away. , Rosalie halts his hand when he is on the brink of suicide and her humane act brings the young man back to himself, The story is a tense the ae type. Rosalir who sees at any man she seen, his stakes drama of you seen “The Whip? . . 7 Have Barrie's Furniture Store has a great selection of floor oil cloths. . . >. Whip” is the biggest fea- that has been here for many a day. In many respects it is the greatest picture made. * . . Nora has re- with a larger improvement will this “The ture picture boat screw the motor placed her one which shorten her time port and Stewart. . . . between At the rade read meeting of the Board of last evening a letter was from the secretary of the Fishermen's Union advising that the close season for halibut be from November 15 to Jaguary 31, a period of two and a half months during which the fish are ing. spawn- 7 . . Gooderops are reported from Terrace and other districts up the valley. Last year at the’ ex- hibition Mrs, Bohler carried off most of the prizes that went to Kitsumkalum and Lakelse, bul this year a wood deal of interes! is being taken in the local exhi- bition and it is expected that the prize money will be More distributed. MURESCO, / j evenly Use the great sani- A. W. Edge Co, llave ‘The you seen Whip? Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf est ee eee eeeee anaes ® TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ‘fee eee eee ee eee FOR SALE—One Cases, safe, two show- counter shelving and fixtures, Harper, store Kirkpatrick & 80 Phon® Green 5607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS eee acer fae er oe First Class Staircase Work and Finishing Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS + rhe E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Oflice and Shop Fraser St, Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior tinish lumber al. ways in stock, Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood, Estimates Given, REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. NEWB. Oe er eee ee er Local News Notes at et et et ee ere ret | ; | Have you seen “The Whip? | . * . Pure dripping, 25¢ per tb Atkins’ Meat Market. tf CG. P. Bussitfger was among the arrivals from the south on the Prinee Rupert this morning. . * . The Celtic with a large ship ment of canned salmon is unload ing at the Grand Trunk wharf to- day. . * * Miss EF. A. Barbeau, the local milliner, left for the east on the train this morning on a month's vacation, . * - The motor boat Nora will leave Government Wharf for Stewart and way points at eight o'clock Monday morning. 79 . * . Rk. H. Chestnut of the Forestry Department here returned from down the coast on the Grand Trunk boat today. * * . Mr. and Mrs. M. Alberts and family were from the Trunk boat among those arriving south on the Grand today. > . . G. B. Hull of the Public Works Department was among the ar- rivals on the Prince Rupert from the south this morning. . * . Melich of the Prince Rupert Pool room arrived baek in the city this morning after a brief holiday in Vancouver. George . . 7 The Fishpackers’ Cnion_ will meet m Carpenters’ Hall at 8 p m. Saturday, August 2. All inem- bers and non-members are asked to attend.—Fred Shaw, Secretary > . * A resolution endorsing the re- quest for a rebate to municipali- ties of fifty per cent of the raised from motor licenses was passed by the Board of Trade last night. money . * * Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Fisher and Louise returned from Vancouver on the boat this morning after a brief holiday in the south. Whil« there they saw Raymond Fisher who is attending the University of British Columbia. . . ’ In regard to a letter from C.F. Law asking the Board of Trade to endorse an application for a concession to prospect for oil in the Peace River district, the Board last night decided to take no ac- tion until the Provincial Govern- ment had undertaken a prelimin ary survey and reported. * * . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell en- tertained last evening at a danc ing party in honor of Miss B Moore who is here on a visit and Miss KE. Stuart who is leaving for the east for a three months’ holi- day. A large number of young people were present and the fes- tivities were continued until 12 o'clock, . * >. The Prince Rupert visitors at Terrace are enjoying brilliant weather, the temperature being around 80 in the shade. The young people spending the holi- day there are enjoying strawberries every day. The latest reports received indicate that it rains in Terrace only during the night time. season Have you seen “The Whip?” ‘ H. C. Manuel, travelling seere- tary to H. McCall, general supe: intendent of the G, T. P., has ar- rived in town to take up his duties. Mr. Manuel has just re turned from chasing submarine overseas, where he has been since i9i6. Before joining the forces he was employed with the G.'T. P. at Melville, Sask. . * Have you seen “The Whip?” . * * Among those passing the city on Thursday night was A. A. Tisdale, assistant to thy vice-president and general man- through Mr. Tisdale who is also purchas- ing agent for the company was accompanied by W. Sturgess, the general store.keeper. The party left for Vancouver on the Prince George and will return on the same boat next week, spending a few days in Prince Rupert before returning east, Spec-al for Fishermen, Swivels, 50c, dozen; hooks 3c each. Ful- ler’s, Ltd. Phone 45. tf When you have cead the news look through the classified column on Page 5. Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. Agent J. F. Maguire, Smith Block, ager of the Grand Trunk Railway. While this advertisement runs we will sell the following articles at these very Special Prices:--- 8x 4 Hemmed SHEETS, made of good quality cotton, pair $3.75 PILLOW SLIPS, hemmed, good quality pair 65c. COMFORTERS, filled with pure cotton good floral designs, full size, each $4.00 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, size 60 x 80, pair $9.95. GREY WOOL BLANKETS, 7 pounds pair $9.75 WINDOW DRAPERIES all specially priced See main window. CRETTONES and other House Furnish- ings specially priced. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. H. S. WALLACE CO., LID. . SS Eee The fishing boat H and Rh, is i INFORMATION WANTED port this morning with 13,000 Ibs. | halibut and the Onah has 22,000] Information as Ibs. It is net certain yet whether ja ts of Axel H they will unload here as there is ilias A. Anders a marked scarcity of cars to look! Aasgaard (alias A after the fish and the ice supply desired by Norw is very low. late, Prince Rupe NEW ARRIVALS IN Now showing at the FAMILY SHOE STORE 4 PEEL POLLO OPE PPELOLPR Special Values in Children’s Shoes | Ladies Colored Shoes OOOO ODEO REN §) ; ; ood Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen GEO. HILL The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 E. R. TABRUM sa eee ee FOR LITTLE GIRLS And up to Sixteen Years Old. These Dresses are made up of fine quality of washable Ginghams and Chambrays, and give practical service. In white, plain colors, stripes and checks, you have a wide selection to choose from. These dresses are worth seeing. We have them in all sizes to suit the young ones, from 2 to 6 years, and from 8 to 14. Prices range from $1.50 to $5.50 We also have a good line of Boys’ Wash- ing Suits for ages 2 to 6 at $2.50 each Third Avenue New Washing Dresses Jabour Bros., Ltd.