PAGE SIX Whipped cream desserts at plain milk cost by -7?lany. ; Isn't that interest Ininews! Just think of- aty.' the delicious fluffy bavarians and charlottes and creams that you can have, without a bit of expensive wrap ping cream! This is what you da Buy a few cans of Carnation Milk. Take off the labels, put the cans in a pan of w-ater and boil the water five minutes. Let the cans cool, then put them in the refrigerator to get thoroughly chilled. Whenever you want a dessert with whipped cream as a basis, simply open a can of Carnation, pour the milk into a chilled bowl, add K teaspoon celatine (dissolved) to cup of milk and whip! Carnation makes wonderful desserts, rich and smooth and creamy. It has a double portion of cream, you know, broken up into the finest particles so it stays distributed all through the milk. Its richness and fine texture make candies and ice creams, cream sauces and soups, puddings and cakes exceptionally fine-textured and delicate. And when you think that this pure whole milk evaporated for convenience and sterilized for safekeeping costs only one-third as much as whipped cream, you will surely want to use it for all your cooking. Send for free Cook Boole Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, 13 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C Carnation Chocolate Charlotte m tbsp. gelatine, 2 tbsp. cold water, ) cup sugar. 1 yi cups Carnation Milk, yi cup water, 1 square bitter chocolate, U Up. vanilla, H dozen lady Sneers. Soak granulated gelatine in 2 tbsp. cold water 5 minutes. Melt shaved chocolate in double boiler, add sugar, ti cup water' and yi cup Carnation. Let cook 5 minutes or until smooth; pour over gelatine and stir until dissolved. When cool, add vanilla. Whip cup Carnation which has been chilled for a couple of hours, gradually add chocolate and gelatine mixture and stir until it begins to thicken. When well thickened pour carefully Into mold Which has been lined with lady fingers. Chill for hour or more. Turn out. cover with whipped Carnation and garnish with maraschino cherries or nuts. Carnation Macaroon Dessert lyi tbsp. gelatine. ) cup water, 9 macaroons, crumbled, 1 ( cups Carnation Milk, 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten, cup sugar, 1 Up, vanilla. Soak gelatine 5 minutes in yi cup water mixed with yi cup Carnation. Scald yi cup Carnation diluted with K cup water: bout over sightly beaten ecu yolks to which the sugar has been add- ea; cook in aouote doikt uiiui uuxiuia thickens slightly (about 3 minutes): pour over gelatine and stir until dissolved. When cool, add vanilla. Whip 1 cup Carnation which has been chilled for a couple of hours, gradually add gelatine mixture and stir until it begins to thicken. Add crumbled macaroons and pour into mold. Chill for hour or more. Serves 5. Rich for Desserts PRODUCED IS CANADA jrom Contented Cows on the label means EVAPORATED MILKof highesf quality Keep LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Carnation Milk is doubly rich' In cream. It makes the most delicious desserts. It is dependable, too. Pure, whole milk, sterilized for safekeeping. Youll find it more convenient, more economical than milk in any other form. (See recipes above) Your 1 Youthful figure You are sure of being nourished; you will be more vigorous and energetic and able to resist illness, if every day you Eat a little Less Heavy Food and Drink a little More Bovril OVR1L Builds Strength Without Fat DENTIST it Dr Alexander rilONR 873 BESNER BLOCK Week-End Specials Granulated Sugar 20 lbs Quick Quaker Oats pkg Kellogg's Bran Flakes pkg. : Quaker Corn 2s. tin Malkln's Tomatoes 2s 2 tins - Old Dutch Cleanser- tin Sunlight Soap 2 pkgs Del Monte Pflchards In tomatoe sauce 2 large tins Crown Norwegian Sardines 2 tins Nabob Asparagus Tips- tin 2-lb. pkg Eggs Fresh Extras doz. Brookficld Butter 3 lbs Mazola Oil Quart tin Remo Turnips 8 lbs Remo Carrots 8 lbs Preserving $1.35 25c 55c $1.40 70c 25c 25c 81.60 Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 THE DAILY NJWS . Thursday, September 12, 1929 PRINCE RUPERT PARTY THRILLED WITH VISIT INTO PEACE DISTRICT , (By II. F. Pollen) EDMONTON. Aucr 0. The whole delegation has been thnTed by the visit to the Peace River country, and csnc- 30C c,aNy kv their little dip into the British Columbia section I of that huge district. There were fairly good crops every-15c! where, but the crops around Rolia In the B C. block seemed 15c 25c 10c 45c 35c to us to be heavier than elsewhere, bo enthused were the seven men of our party that it has proved difficult to keep some of them away from the land recorder's, office. So far as we were able to see, the British Columbia block is the choicest part of the Peace River district. Also we got) coast outlet. Also they want reports from those who had visited j branch line extensidns, but the the more distant parts of the block ; coast outlet seems to be the one and all agree that it Is a wonder- : subject of conversation. They aro ful country and demands lmmedl- hoping that the visit of the Cana - ate transportation facilities. The dlan Chamber of Commerce will iuC British Columbia section will forward their cause, and It cer-rtA thresh a million bushels this year tainly will do that. Not a member 20 C and next year the residents say of the party but was vU'bly lm-thiv will have three million, so pressed and enthused at the deve! Campbell's Vegetable Soup ZLp rapid ts the growth of . populaUon , opment of this vast wheat grow-. fin tin "V .. ... , Seedless Raisins mere, settlers are pusning on mw. " empire. the west and north and there seems; In conversation with a high rail no limit to the distance they may, way official yesterday, it was intl-to. Wheat. lands are everywhere, mated Ur.t the railway would be This year grain will be hauled over built to Pouce Coupe next year, ne hundrefl miles to rail head and and that, of course, will relieve the next year It will be worse. " ! situation somewhat. There is al- ,.,... . in ho PParo! ready a railway grade so that the whether it be In Alberta or British Columbia, the demand Is for a Auditorium SKATING Afternoons 2 to Evenings 8 to Competent Instructors teach bejjinners. Phone Iilack 419 Greater Amplification is only one Feature m SENSATIONAL amplifying power . . . marvelous tone quality ... far keener selectivity . . . these outstanding features are offered you by the screen-grid circuit of the new Kadiola "44." With knife-life precision you can tune in stations far and near. A slight turn of the volume control gives remarkable volume, free from distortion. And both tuning and power enn be regulated simultaneously with one band. Other refinements of Kadiola "44" include a magnified tuning scale to facilitate dial readings ... and a local-distance switch for reserve power. Come to our show rooms today and bear Kadiola "41" with the new Kudlola Loud-.speaker 103. .. Radiola $ 150 V V 00 i 60 t t l - (With Radiolroiu . $176.75 Radiola Loudspeaker 103 - $42.50 Distributors in Prince Kuncrt Power Corporation of Canada CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 4 10 to LIMITED sost of extension will be small. Prosperity Everywhere Possibly the most outstanding feature cf the whole Peace River country is me evidence or prosperity everywhere. Houses and , 3arn3 are painted, every farmer has a car. usually of up-to-the-minute I make; there Is a ready sale for the 1 latest In farm machinery. All I this Indicates wealth. Large wheat fields stretch In every direction. We saw a solid field of 300 acres that we were told would thresh forty bushels to the acre and grade not less than No. 2. That field Is worth at least $12,000 as It stands. But there Were also failures. Here and there we ran across fields that nbsMbfy would not yield more than ten or fifteen bushels to the acre. 'Some farms were not as rooH as others and some farmers did not cultivate as well as others. The re sult was evident In the crop. All the wheat had been cut and was In stook. Only a few fanners were threshing. Some of the oats were cutp but, others were standing In thfe field and many small acres we're , quit green arid were being dut grelj for fodder. There was a remarkable absence of hay lands and oats' bad to be used as a substitute. Later alfalfa and clover and timothy will probably be used a good deal, for we saw one or two plots thai were doing well. The condition described applies to both Alberta and British Columbia tlons of the country. We saw more of Alberta and consequently know more about it, but we drove for forty or fifty miles on the B. C. side of the provincial boundary and conditions were very similar on each side. Everywhere we found the resi dents enthusiastic about the coun try in which they lived. We did not meet a knocker or even one who was half-hearted. It was a happy change from Prince Rupert, where the stranger visiting the city always hears some disparaging remarks about the home town and home people. There is a spirit of expectancy in the Peaqe. Every one is looking forward to greater things. They object to efforts being made to in dtiee Immigration. They say: "What we need Is improved transportation and other facilities and lmmlgra tion will take care of itself. Make the conditions right and the people will come." Former Rupert People Everywhere we went we met for mer Prince Rupert people. Right on the platform at Sexsmlth, the first lumping off place on the route, was Miss Vandewatcr, for merly a stenographer In the for estry department at Prince Rupert and a brother or uuy vandewater, for some time manager of the B. C Butchers. Mr. Vandewater took J C. Brady, M.P.. Aid. Collart and my self In hand and we rode about 250 miles In his car, including visits to Hythc, Pouce Coupe, Rolla, Beaver Lodge and Grand Prairie. Then he drove home that same evening from Qrand Prairie, a distance of 100 miles. Mr. Vandewater runs a lumber yard at Rolla and his son, who was in Prince Rupert, is making a great success in the farm machinery bus iness as agent for Mastey Harris He had just set up a new "Com bine," which cuts and threshes at one operation. Sometimes the grain WEDS. & THUR. Two Show. 7 and 9 p.m. John Barrymore In 'Eternal Love Comedies "Four Faces West" and "Manchu Lov PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission, 15c and 50c. m Your Summer Home Can Look Twice as Attractive Simply cover die walls and ceilings with smooth, tight-fitting sheets of Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard then decorate. Gyproc will also make it cooler on hot days warmer on cold nights. IYFHOC Fireproof "Wallboard 117 For Sate By Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Burns Lake Hardware - - - Burns Lake, B.C. The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers, Hazelton and Terrace, B.C. R. S. Sargent, Ltd. -' - Hazelton, B.C. rwaths and then picked up by the ame machine and threshed. This I particular machine had the, pre-! vious day cut with the swatfier 52 j acres In seven hours 52 minute J ! and this will be threshed by the: lame machine this week If the weather Is fine. Mr. Vandewater has a field of wheat that will thresh fifty bushels to the acre. Other seasons he has had even more than that. The! whole Peace country will average. It Is said, 25 bushels to the acre. Much of the land in the Peace Is covered with light poplar or willow, which is easily cleared. Every where we went there were large fields of newly-cleared and broken land, some of them ICO acres in extent. These will all be cropped next year. Farther away from the railway, the amount of new land is said to be even greater than where we went. The whole route of the visitors was carefully planned. At sex smlth the party divided, some going into B. C. and others remaining in Alberta, and giving more time to the experimental farm and other features. We were at the ex perimental farm only a few min utes and there we were greeted by Miss Olga Kolosoff, formerly an employee of McRae Bros., in their art department. She rode with us as far as Orandc Prairie and returned with her employer, Mr. Albright, director of the farm. We regretted being unable to stop long at the farm, but evening was fall ing and we had to be in Orand Prairie for a meeting. Land of Opportunity Mr. Albright seemed a very ca pable man. He gave an address at the evening meeting in which he showed that he had a clear grasp of Alberta conditions and the vast- ness of the country and Its possl bllltles. While still as confident as ever of the future of Prince Rupert and of the oDDOrtunltles that exist there, I also feel sure that anyone who likes grain growing- and 'can stand a cold winter would make nd mistake In going to the Peace River. It Is a land of opportunity. They have excellent roads, schools and other facilities. Before long these will Improve. The Prince Rupert delegation was more convinced than ever before that the Peace River country is one to which Prince Rupert should link her for- tunes Is cut and laid on the ground in I them so, Our Interests are wenucai and we took every occasion to tell Economy Specials Get the Habit CALL AT THE CASH & CAKKY AND SAVE YOUR NICKELS AM) DIMES Ensign Marmalade 4s, per tin Oolden Wax Bean ...2 for ; Spinach, Malkln's Best 2Vi, per tin Spinach, Malkin Bt 2s, per tlrf Date- 3-lb. pkg Extra Special 4 pkgs. Rlnso, med. reg. I Wearever Pan, reg 45c 35c 22c 18c 25c .41 $1.05 Total valuo $2.M SALE PRICE Preserving Poaches per crato ... Preserving Prune per crato ....v.v. Field Tomatoos per basket .;?P Small Pickling Cukei per lb ob Corn per doz. Orecn Beans doz. for 51.00 S1.G0 81.00 45c 20c 35c 8c 50c Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Ilupcrf, H.C.