CLASSIFIED HABIT Etryone rttdi the Claulfled Ada If you low. ftdvertlM for tt. If ynxi find, locate tbe owner. Whatever you need, advertlae for It Clf'.T TUB (I.ASHIHKII IIAIIIT. Boston Grill l yL2i' . PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1029 PRICE FIVE CENTS NEW DEVELOPMENT IN CALIFORNIA RANCH M Prince of Wales Is Heartsick of Mine omer auempi is oeing made to in- duce congress to make this city NEWCASTLB-ON-TYNE, Jan. 31. -The streets 2? "p1;!; . i'le the station hotel were filled with cheering crowds ! now enjoyed. Th- Commer-u the Prince of Wales left at 9 o'clock this'morning f or f al.c,ub f tW" fc,t' mfing , . 'n the matter, but it in Dying Bishop Auckland area, in the county of i-k Durham, i on strongly criticized by many of th ;i last day of his tour of the northern coal fields. ; wnem of fishing boats and no- ., . . . , . , , ' body seriously expects the change The prince expressed himself as heart-sick and some- to be made, times horrified at the conditions he had found. He was The business people of this city, ir' ply touched by the bravery and patience of the suffer-who are working naturally m workers . In a remark today to the mayor of Durham !Se,r ,.?'a tn fIh'w aid: "1 have teen deeply touched by what 1 have seen f," :' bravery and patience and hope of these poor people. - the halibut is cat off. The I T been Very difficult to know What to do to solve this - t i) ressincr nroblem. I am T nm if vmior tmL-o enma tima Tri nonnlo T have J, Ueal ((11 CtVa A v allUOV WWV OViW btil'b A aew VVJ'IV s v w during this tour could not nuiiv It was wonderful . " STflfT MARKET - WAS BEARISH ; AM oUVER. Jan. 31. The market had a bearish trad- f u ly today in sympathy with ii markets but firmed up m .I Oreille after opening at han $1 lower cloned strong- ves McDonald gained 26 and Big Missouri one. ... - iiiam . uicw on a iniue w i Cosed unchanged. . . Pre; w:is freely orfertd anl lost - and Silverado illpfwd )1 Prospector Tells About Mines of Babines and i . UlStriCl IS that .SMITH ERS, Jan. 30. At ' f Omineca branch of the B. C. Chamber of Mines, I at- ndi J. Higgins, the well-known Babine prospector, was - principal speaker, his subject being the Babine buver Kinrr and Victoria Mines, while the whole question of de- 'Mopmtnt of the Babine Range in a mining way was also . ,.i 1 "Paddy" told how he had cr since la, and in tnis distnci lor uie pusw icma. 1 followinir the "irame" lie had 1 ' ted in the Couer d' Alere n'r, (ho Boundary, the East: ' Wi-it Kootensys and all the - ! MISS SMITH ' WAS IN AIR LONGTIME ' W YORK, Jan. 61. MkwW-to show If K Ui the prospect 1 I' ' tn Smith, 17-yenr-old flyer, of bain a mine. '.ki! lhe solo indurunee record " i'!nc in Mitchell field early this " u ning after being in the air 13 hnu s in minntna 4R Honrla Tho previous record was I'A ' ills ii m nutM. held liv Miss i m an... , .'Ufc III llllllt lllll , , at Condition 1HqyIIYS' sure thines will be riehted. have been nicer to me per- , - "at v L. aiVk timmriiw? m i-rWi The Salt Lakes tonight will give you scope for real skatinjr. The ice is in p-r- feet condition and five in- ches thicks Jon' en got two hour. sWRhi MB cup 01 nui conn w - tween the rounds of tbe lake by Tolng over on the Salvage Princess. Two trips to- niirht. nna at 7:30 and the " . . . . ;Mond at a. IB returninff DO- T 'K Si JTAek. worth a. Says Feature of I r rr n . 1 Ul'eS tiaVe Uepin 1 the January meeting of been prospecting and mining ' way up to Alaska, and no where hart ho found a? good surfate showing as in this district. It is 1 In tliA a yery easy mawr w a ing ai o aoove zero in Vancouver Imo-iiitains her? and fnd veal at g o'clock this morning. Kami uood showings of ore. But. on loojw reported 18 below. Victoria the other hupd, it Is very hard to ,eC0rded but 8 degrees of froat. git the money to develop pro- The forecasts are for slightly ris-p ct. l.iio mines. Without money ng temperatures. ;th pro poctor hns 10 isku the other fe'.lnw givo him. It takes $100,000 develojiment on ly any prospect to unow hor It In worth Siuu.wu or nf th Ilabine Range, tt stretches from naseiioo .. through to tha Topley secuon, ',..! it ha ahown Itself to be a mincm litd blt all the way thi-onuh. "I'addv" nrospecvu iv n ,. . 11 llllllllUTI Wll 1 " Northern and JEALOUS EYES I i KETCHIKAN ON PRINCE RUPERT '"KETCHIKAN, Jan. HI. An- fishemen are not beguiled by the arts of the interested ones, but have made their own represents- tiona to Washington, strongly opposing such a move. BISHOP GEBDES CONSECRATION I NEXT SUNDAY! WINNIPEG. Jan. 31: -For his consecration, Sunday as Bishop b bt the far north diocese of the MaclkenlJe Uiver 1e, Arcndea. , , P f Tn,nn.n eon arrivad in Winnipeg this mornin by the Canadian National Kali-: Ji way and was welcomed by prom nnt enurenmen. lie was c- ... , . , ,1 TllTtl Miaa Beatrice Terry, by Kv. Donaldson, rector of Trinity Church, Halifax, and Mrs. E. A. Mclntyre, of the editorial staff of the Canadian Churchman, Toronto. After the consecration service Bishop and Mrs. Geddee win leave on their honeymoon, ; sailing from New otk February 14 f th Holy I And ' TherMackemie River Diocese is the largest in the world, with an area of 600.000 square mlm, andt mshop teod win oe r.wiatva, : Irn mlnutMring to the spiritual nd the scattered population i.e a uiian MllaAaa tunrlf am T T at will ke hJg hfMdqwrMa at ChIp. ewyan. EIGHT ABOYE AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Jan. 31 T,nw temperatures continued on the j)rmn Columbian coast this morning, . the 1 thermometer stand- EIGHT D0UKH0B0RS MOVED TO OAKUM VANCOUVER, Jan. 31. The eight Doukhobors who were sentenced at Grand Forks to six ...... ....r.-.....v... ob structing r"1 police officers 1 ,r were re- , moVed 0akalla Jail todny Jail- era nre ineetlng their wishes to the atrir vt'ireinrinn mpr PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper ' LORD Bl'RGHLEY AND HIS BRIDE Above is Lord Burghlcy. Br son Hd heir of th- M.'iroois anfl - ide. the formed Ladv Man- Scott, church following their weddin D ; , 0:1J T" lupuaai lu uuiiu l France Beneath Met With LONDON, Jan. 31. A chorus of approval generally has greeted the revival -by the government of the project of a tunnel under the channel to connect England and France . Dover views the proposition with apprehension trnrn a if viomnint Tr monn0 vnin nf tha tn1 Aa. a w w iuattu iiiVHUJ JX Vast .AJVli ULW dares the harbor board register. The bulk of the cross-, channel steamer service runs There is no disposition in and tne townspeople townspeople take take the tne harbor extensions to handle may eventually be revived. MRS. NORTHCOTT SAYS SHE IS NOT MOTHER OF ACCUSED SLAYER RIVERSIDE. Gal. Jan. 31: Mrs. Sarah Louise North- cott testified from the wit- ness stand today that she was not Gordon Stewart Northcott's mothar. She hesitated long ovar answer- trig Gordon's questions re- t Hardin their ' relationshin ; and when she did apeak her voice was a little above a whisper. Young Northcott' is undergoing trial on mur- dar charges. . KARL DURHAM DIES DURHAM, Jan. 3l-The Earl of Durham, 'who stfftceded to Peerage only last 3lefnber at the death of his Ufn blother.'of sympathy and respect ..Which uir.i i4huuioii vnue ;- mr.,,i it fain s f imous Olvmpi hurdler, Mari hinno.-.. i,f Pviitor arA Vita as thpv left St lpmini- Ttan rerpmonv 1 UUI1C1 LU Dover Straits General Approval from Dover. Dover to hinder the scheme comforting comtorting view that the the Kent coal export trade COLO WAVE ' ON PRAIRIES WINNIPEG, Jan. 31. The cold witve continued on the prairies today, with Medicine Hat and Lethbridge and Edmonton reporting 38 below. Winnipeg registered 14 below. ! GENERAL FOCH IS Nl)j M) WKLL I0UAY PARIS. Jan. 31. Marshal Ferdinand Foch, who has been re- covering f : om a recent illness, has had a setback, owlht' to a flight pulmonasyi oigealih, ,(t resume a complete rest. CARD OF THANKS Relatives and friends of tho late Donald McQueen deaire to express their appreciation for floral tributes and other tokens were received at the Wasrtl and since his death. Every School District V to be Assessed Under t ? Amendment To Act Hon. Joshua IIinchliffe Introduces Bill Into Legislature . landPattulIo to Speak On It Next VICTORIA, Jan. 3. A bill amending the Public Schools Act was introduced into the legislature yesterday 1 y Hon . Jo3hua Hinchlif fe, minister of education . Provisions in the bill include the permanent appointment of a woman officer of the department to enquire int'o the living and social conditions of various' rural -school districts. Another provision will wipe out school districts that have been relieved from the paying of any school taxes. n thn past where rural school trrs hud less thin $150,000 as c sable property no part H - of the teacher was. paid he a at jet. Ii was paid by the . ivince. Under the amendment hree mills on the dollar assess- viAnt will hi, waiA Kv all- rtlatrltl u -hich hither o escaped. This is to h th. minimum tnr for whobl , purposes. I Provisjofrs-alscr rrtade- author- i,-ing the trustees, If they deemed ft wie to do so. to Provide eye- glasses for Indigent pupils if re- quired. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co., Ltd.) The following quotations were bid and asked: Bayview, 4's, B. C. Silrer, 1.30, 1.40. Baaver Silver, 17, 18. Big Missouri, 1.70, 1.71. Cork Province, 28 Vi, 24. Cotton Belt, Nil, 57. DunweTi. Nil, 18. Duthie, Nil, 70. George CoWr,v5 ULQ0J Georirla River. M 40. Gladstone, nil, m. t Goicoay Wv. 5 Grandvlew, 76, 7GV4. Independence, 10, 11. Indian, 7, 7Vi Kootenay Florence, 2S, 2',. L. & L., 4. 5. Inter. Coal & Coke, 35V&, 3G. Lakeview, Vh, 2. Lucky Jim. 20, Nil. Marmot Metals, 7Vi. 8. Marmot Gold, 8. 8Vi. National Silver. 20, 21. Noble Five, 71, 72. 'Fend Creille, 12.95, 18.00. Porter Idaho, C7. G9. Premier. 2.16. 2.18. Reeves McDonald. 3.75, 8,80. Rufus Argenta, 3GV4, 37. Ruth Hope, 56Vi, 8. Silver Crest. 10, 10 Vs. Silver Cup, 46, 47. Silverado. 1.00. 1.20. Silversmith, 12, Nil. Slocan King, 6Vi, 7. Sunloch. Nil. 3.75. Topley Richfield. 55, 56. Toric. 2.10, 2.20. Whitewater, 2.15. 2.20. Woodbine, 3y4, 3Vs. . Eastern Slock Noranda, wiling at 62.50. Sherritt Gorden, selling at 8.40. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Jan. 31. Wheat was quoted on th local exchange fihday at $1.MW LARGE CAll.lRF.T Special Dmnera Thursdays and Saturday Dancing every Hatutday nlzht from 9 to 1Z. Dance Hall tor Hire Accommodations for Private-Parties Phon 457 URDER CASE SIR RODMOND ROBLIN WEDS 'Seventy . five - ear -Old roi ormer rreraier oi isianuona to Marry Woman Ac. countant r no xr.fn.VlR c. Jnn aV sJr Rnd P Kob1l( fonn4,r , f Manltob. aml Ethel M. Leggett of this city will be married on Tuesday at the WlKshjre Congregational Church. When applying for the marriage license. Sir Rodmond gave his age as 75. Miss Leggett gave her age as 48, and profession, public accountant. FOUR INJURED IN B0B.SLED NANAIMO. Jan. 31. Four persons were seriously injured in a bob-sled accident here last night when their sleigh crashed head- on into an automobile intersection at r itiwmmm . ana wauace Streets. The injured are Ted Rummjngs, who fractured his lft Je ' and possible internal injuries; Elsa Be vis, compound fracture of the left leg and may lose the limb; Norvina Kivella of Chase River, B.C., with cuts and minor hurts. TROTSKEYGOES TO TURKEY AS RUSSIAN EXILE LONDON Jan. 31: Leon Trotsky, once a powerful Iluaaian leader, was reported in the despatches today to be on his way to Turkey as an exile. An exchange telegraph despatch from Riga said it was first proposed to court martial Trotsky but that Idea wa.s dropped because oi his popularity in certain cirelee. LOCAL OFFICERS IN REGIMENT PROMOTED TO RANK OF MAJOR The Canada Gazette announces the promotion of Captain Percy G. Tinker, D.C.M., and Captain Charles V. Evitt to the rank of major, thr order being duted early last August. I