r Kutraite. Eart FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Blue 361 2nd Ave. and 4th St. UNION STEAMSHIPS la KUL W " MB LSMUlfS K-rox. raw-. ao l LlMITEDt It. St. M. a. i. to Af -at. far all llilnal? I imr. Taa m. oaraao. mmiu mum rw th Hn aaa . rrtarr BaprrC. B.r. trrt nt, rtr. far IMOl'Tm. TIlTOtU. U I MI. aiart Inj. tK, FlSaay 3I wttt Lum ikn. .-raw-am. uu i94-w. ri wfA4A Va mat, aaaeay sua. . ( 19 td .. K. M. SftTM. ..- Pnar Bftrt. BL . B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert aUk kas. WraaaHi aawf iapmt. . Marts M scansr mn lltoKi 15 feud 6 Setter Bread. SI. Canadian National Qric Largtft Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE latitat ! raiM v at rear ia Axi Kta, vKtaamv; sunu. aa laliriiaai aafW. rack rKBMt. 9M aja, ra tM ar sa ara.-ata aaMa4Mi. iaaaias. Iw NIMCItt t MM1I Ojl'taX CakURMrTlK liSia artaCal. f.untGii TB.iro u iv it rwrMt ai rear La. t!-vV. atl MMl -TIKWAI at tt:3 am lot ratCC OLUat, BSMONTON. lMrt.U. ai Bwnt &atta CMaiU. 1 it iaita AOCry UJL ATKAWMItr UMS Tirket Office. S Third Ae, Priar Rapert- IHrnne 2 Tl 7t? quality is always the same L ;,ily Nws' Ads. Bring Resulh Stiaa. H.j Nabob Red Plaea 2Sa. tias i...... Yoor Car SI.Tt' SIJS Alberta Market P. GAMILA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 23 ir 4d WHAT IS IT t keeyr yJ alwayai look- wefl aadj fmartly rent- OUR SERVICE PHONE &19 to hate year clothe prated. We can for aad deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We hare fiae Fall and Winter Suitings aad Over eoatiags on ha ad. Com in today aad let as take your measure. Catting, workmaashlp, style all gaaraateed. Best cattrials aad reasor able price. Ling, the Tailor Phone SI9 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Si Cart-tge. Wareeousing. an M-htfi Team or Motor Serrke CoaL Saad aad Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Jloting. gage- ASBMOAD . Virk" w 1 Hudaoa's Hi Specials PEACE RIVER itin loU. Coapare these p ices .ni nn. rwt with ttL marf wiu.uvose yea pay tor ane oy the tin aod yen will find that there is a hi? sarins by baying in ft-tin lots at the prkes qaeied below : Nabob Tomatoes Is, 6 tins .7c Roya! City Peas Sfae , Stiu Soyal Cite- Green Beans 6 tins 95c aad tight scrab. Could Hot Sleep Heart Would Start Pumping and Pounding Mrt Tri p Arena, Ma-IM. A-.. C;. .V artf. "I was t i It II 1 1 vf. my heart I roaid aat '"p I . : wskra up ia lb aigat seKaaung. v- A : nnv beart a.lv ' i m to try Haft nlitarM - t. ag them and I tr;'h A? asy I a aafletaat anaaii Ai. Inwkar I or.:T taak twa boaas. Frii SO- '-oa at al drwegjais saa daalftm. or -.,Iad dirart oo twarpt of pnr by TV t. Vilbura Co., Led.. raeooto, tWD aad 97.10 oa kxrai bosiae ced that he will iiiiaiwhillMi r -this, ml.ll Smith wV tet wtk wdj - bet the ttfcer two eaaai- SeriarTa-in Naatber 2." urs will aUad agaia. WeaflWlaw: Charles Far- ? rell and Gnu .'..saen in Rev. David Donaldson, meal "Featf." ,..aited Church jastor. iddreaeed s r - Pi.v. tawkika Panuera' Institute 'It": ..ITTTT II .u- saer rnoay evening " tce aww-Jt of -Co-opwauon." ahWr !item on the program inc laded orchestral selections, soto. by i. ', . M. Day, Mrs. Stephen Hoim1, si rotnaaa. R. H. Moon and l B. C. akCorfceJL and aceor- isjs aoioa by E. A. Ailea. Prcoid- the chair ki kit ) atteadaacc "Pr? rt wrK:" . tofte Far Away ; mi ttere was ietoBa8 leadiagr mm-e h-uses. Dfetrttt ' WM. BAL-'.GN i Thrra Thera was waa onhr only oa oae The hooae aad effecta of that the popaktioa of the Meek Thomas S. Waftaa, a farasrr ia has doaMed within the past two tag wiiwawwe aaanet. were camv mn. snd taat it ia whaliv da ilettly destroyed by fine last Ayiaer 51 Crw- tias iPeljdent OD A1U rta for its hMi week. .Vahah Red Pitted CJstrriea : SBMS coaaectiani aad sappiie. f " 23,6 .tfaiw.i a.... $.; Alberta, Mr. Tuck saya. law J. M. Johastoa shipped a ear- B.1.u,8.o.iir- " the whole trade of the ana, aad waa as aay Wjwt. raam waaai 6Bj-f4 '. is solely with the cities of Al- The Central' IMerior d)rala J ai' , . L;"' "''" 'I lS,rn the stores aid hows ewry i1 WBWlRaf. t .aVUMiipcnM-a. . ,,hi Krno-ft fmm AfherU i;-." : t."TT T" ' aad grain and livestock produced George t: Kott is orious!y ill Ooyal City Strawhtme Ss. j j te market by wa re and is not making aa good I f " o( that proTittce. "We never ptogfeaa as might be h'd for.' ruppl i Otr AprioU--a. any ofTtclat defegatioa fro. " UBS f -l Br.h TaJa.k!s Ii.UHn Uhey's Pears &. tias . $15 NalMb.Stfted Peach 2'js, parties have ia f berta and Saskatchewan and we ' have had visiu from the boards (of trade aad other orgaairatioas 'of the prairies, bat no one from uawys uparags sips ncsuc ltfce eMMt mimm C . tf '. to worry shoot . - mw: Rayat (Spfcica 2s. I believes that freiM esmld 6 tiat - be taken in from the coast by Heiaz Spaghetti Haain siae. ! a j -j trk. p. Ki : ai- How Best to Use Vicks VapoRub After the Flu Late Whiter Cetda are Dsablj Ihajiriw this Year; Oaafl Let them get a Start. r.Lj M i. M at prMeBt by ; avoid pnbuhowlv oh a 98COND ATTACK OF FID If ywa catch a fraah eaid. aoat iheep it overnight. If paawihia. g thorn aad go to bed. Take a laxative aad a hot Isewaadi. aapfa hot wet towels over threat aad chest an til the skin is thoraaghly reddened. Thea rah vigorously with Vicks. Spread oa thickly aad cover with want flannel. Leave th eseVcoferiag loos, so that th vapors, released by the body-warmth, may he freely inhaled. At the same time. Vicks ,aets throagh the aUa Kke a poal-Uea. ! Kspaat this treatment every faar haaru. aat tightly, aad stay m bed aatil the cold is broken. Coatpiet rest helps the body throw aff the cold aaore qaickly. Mothers rspeciaity appreciate Vicka for the ehiMrea. As it ia afHo4 CrTxV,y. ft ean be ased trwi an J of without uri.-t-t:n dfliiat di?'tioni. aa too mu, h ".I-. -in" . apt to do. 8 Hmem1ir 1 1 PREVENTS THAT I I "SINKING" FEELING I i TH registrjK the Garthpoot ia a gal- Bkach eejoyed. Is :ited aad that rrBef may sooa be forthcoming for fraaea water pipes which have heea genera! throaghoat the city. Last night's lowest thermBmetr reading was 11 above acre, toe LHgby Island -Mtorolgical station reported this morale r. Atr 8 sun. a light tali ai snow 0f i -va-s fctofded at Uigby I la ad but her wa no snow in town. Week-End Specials 104b Sacks Floar 4s. MalUa's t thM Wild Ro-- Pastry Straaherry We t tlaa B. C. Fresh PaJkt Extra .2Sc tdaaea $1.W Large Siae IHrMa Grapefrait S for U Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 Fishing Opens ussx Soon BE PREPARED AND PROPERLY CLOTHED We have a splendid liae of F'yds in MASTER MECHANIC BRAND which we can sell for 2ft to SO per cent less. ALSO MEN'S KIR OVERALLS The Mogal. inJUck aply. Reg i-:r 12.25. Special, $L.M. i V 1 Montrei' Importers THIRD AVENUE I MILK MILK r reh Pateatited Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DBUViJRY rhreaxhout the City. yaimIdairy Telcphofle 657. Thursdav. J i Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westhohne Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 7 & P. M. . LEATRICE JOY IN ine Dine uanuoe A. With NILS ASTHSR and STRONG CAST. COMEBY-HOP OFF." The Seieea's Most Evtra riinary I Orebe-irai Nmab.r --AnzeU Mi TOPICS OF THE DAY. 35c and 10c Friday sad Satarday V FARRELL IN " AZTL." w;tb Gmi Nissen. t i4 TAe Letter Box APPRECIATION 815 Prteee Ave. VrcWria, B. C. BerffagnSc. VMglBg pietBre "King of King's," that w iitown at tie Westhotae Tkeatn" on Janeary Z. 22 and 2S, I . itiid like to tay that the admission charrts for came at the Royal Yktdria Theatre, here, week of An. U if., ranged from 35c t ijstf and Ift) orchestra was carried ceanectjon w'th it Col.' McMerdie shoald be con-irr,itoEkte tor the excellent bread of picture that h his shown, in the past few months WE UK AT THEATRES ! Capitol r ihe Michigan Kid" vrith Rente Adoree aad i i Conrad Kegel. Westhsume: L. atrice Joy in T IHeay ( Bofynar tare Opftoi- -Ksffst E. B District News VANDKRHOOF R. M. Taylor. . sje.t: E MICHIGAN KID' BY REX BEAt H Starring REN EE ADOREE and CONRAD Y. 4 ficrff actios, and i otfanae in the gold cam: a if a. odow g-siabier aad i crooked mine sup- !!inj- for tie heart of a wonoerfal jirl, the toi or' i ftoaffh-ea Ua Hpa. and the Hkhigrfa' Kid waa rea i: th:n- 35c. 05c COMEDY AND NEWS TONIGHT AT THE CAPITOL coming Fridav and Saturday WM. HAINES IN "EXCESS BAGGAGF. appoai at . t " " VICTORIA, . an ..: -Deter- lfce ewnkipal ewrt of reTtsioa , JgJ) fitnfc figSE35SS3WMt 'W' miBed to P tit ; vemeBt to t tkt local fotewr Hot. t stimulate tatsw of the reaca t fitter it.ver tre area i ji Lrith aiwbia Jfow. Lacw aad BtK haw; IS ABOUT OYER :fo of - a road parAxMi the hlf opaa "";ajifaBtlrr Drapa. Thermometer Pfe W'i3T .aaaaaaaa awM, ttiaw Chace After Pliiea Oaorfa, - I , rw of FriM K H Tack k ir- vi k vita TBe bMH Ot a aetttim afaWl bv 630 of the United Chatch af the lactKi 'T fathMs 0ws:f ttaa-l With 72S reaiafei voters of the the year aa triet. chainaaa. & A. MiteMI: the barometer dropping iii nJZi yesterday anraiag to wefferyrothaw d nr ai k... w j t .r ... i; r iaa metanr arooM uaaa aorw- flMR-i rit ..n...Ki i- t. 7T. 1 . twia n u hr!y to ewUrij, a distinct mod- sratioa was noted this morning i i 11; - t system, of therovinca. Seeaty The anairipmlity of the vQiafaj JZTZrZ Ust fir. mite, would he thtwagh f Vaadethoof fiaiahad the f-W fjf prairie thence by water grade to Ceatral British Columbia. ; The petidea stresses the point IAjC Eyes cf - What are YOL R e laying to-d I Yaar tm ha no Bar tpaak tky : and Uaprr. Thar do'r- yoar phrcC - Arm aW dw. TV. at aaal W ian 11 i. lahrt At i Tr? a Kalar 4a1y iirn iirn l.f l.f a a iaiw air J rt p.. aWaifaf Carxtrta- 'I BAD Are your eye r . little different' : test than many? That ia the ki-.i a special Intrrr-asually satisfy tomers . In fact, if the aueased. and r1 really what is ner-i aare we can sui: Leaiws ground for each eye when Many aieaed ia Princv L John Bulger, 85c. Dessert Specials For Year Caacnien Thee Heal Bnr. PINEAPPIJ-Ubb :t tins RASPBERRIES Reyui W tig. .HrirmiES Regular S tins 'OGAKBERRIES K x 3 tins KARS Reguta PRICOTS Reguki 3 tins Your Order May 1 RIDE OF ONTAKi 5s. regwliur 1 00 NTARIO HONEY' 3 bottles MussaUem Grocery l.im'tf I" 12:'. 5th Ave K n EYES -1 'J v.