F 3 * See ches a THE DAILY ‘NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. by The News SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, To United States and other countries, in advance, TELEPHONE 98 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — Contract Rates on application. in advance, per year $6.00 DAILY EDITION. Preventing Speculating in People’s Food. If by collective purchasing or by any other means the preme Economic Council can keep down or reduce living they will be of great service to the world. Stuart Mill and all the economists of the world there is no good and suflicient reason for a.rise in prices when there is a scarcity |* Notice to Advertisers * of material. The tendency is that way, Casual advertisements z for insertion sat Concerted action is the only means of accomplishing it. 2 ; a ior - ne é snouit e in ie rices > base 2 COS , : and not o1 Tr Prices should be based on the cost of production : { } om naan athe habens tee: e the demand and supply. If an article costs eighty cents to mi Changes in advertisements # and ordinarily sells at a dollar, it should continue to sell at * should be on hand before *# even though there is a scarcity of the article. * 5 p.m. on previous day. * , af — aa s article * * is that after some person has bought the article ceceeaneeseeases he finds someone else needs it worse than he « wi 2 ae, on for a dollar and a half. If the selling price set by regulation and selling at a higher rate were illegal it migh prevent speculation, but it may not. Legislation along these lines would be experimental and in experiments no one can calculate all the possibilities. SEALED TENDERS addressed Lhe Quarter of Million indersigned, and endorsed tT for wharf at Stewart, B. C.,” will be received Peace Loan Proposed. st this office until 12 o'clock noon, Wed- +11) : . : e , 1899, ff Thy A quarter of a million dollars is to be raised from a big peace ems Rg on gt Hg EH, B— joan in the autumn. Already preparations are being made to get} ,5ECCMe Bee onepact can ee : , : . ind specification and forms of tender ob the machinery in motion for giving the people an opportunity to tain xt «" st a ’ subscribe. The money must be raised, understood, bie Sa a a | oe ; must be raised in this country. B. C., at the Post OMees, Van B The Dominion Government will Comntry | es esd bene teanen be a into its confidence very soon and explain where the money is to | Pepartay me one tm 56 area be spent. Naturally the people right Hach tender mast be scosmpentes by ; nh accepted cheque on a eh ere ank and proper expenditure the money will be forthcoming; is ay al ‘ to. tn der of th re . . Pub KS equa v0 o not the cash will remain in the pockets of the people. amount of the tender. | Wat nds securit Ol W ar Bon4ds and if Soldier Settiement make up an odd In Australia. < nae pat cae Se a The Commonwealth of Australia grants It | bank cheque for the sum of % “payabl ' the ler f th ' ter bli leases its Crown Lands and as well aequires privately owned lands] yoac 4 will be returned > in and leases them to soldier settlers at a smal) annual rental. tending bidder submit a regular Advances up to a maximum of $2,500 are made to set K DESI There is some discussion now as to the adequacy i ° Pal Work and it is likely to be raised to $3,750. Loans for permanent im wa 17, 1919 Oe provements extend over twenty-five years; l MINERAL ACT. equipment from three to six years. general line policy e : adopted by the Commonwealth may summarized CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS lowing terms: “The land will not be given away but will be made : = . lilie JOke on available on easy terms. Every acre of land will eventually have Joui"'s a to be bought and every sum advanced to effect improvements or a oon + aes ae to be used as working capital will have lo be trict es is not to start off as land proprietars but to provide the means of }yyt-“Vaey -” omen een a comfortable living and ultimately owning a farm.” If], FAKE Nurick that} A. , act ,ould be stated that the States furnishes the land and the Com-|icss c. D. Carter, F. M. | 2 monwealth loans the money to the States to be in turn loaned to]f* #.M. Marte FM G. xe . the soldiers. oe a, | . M - No - ‘ el F.e ( . o Sixty As in Canada, each applicant is required to demonstrate his| days rom the date her » the fitness “and aptitudé for farm life and those who require further | Mine Hecowder for a bert Catetuins training will be given this at training farms established in ihe Ja wu Grant of the above Sts ; ‘ z 2 : . ai lam . . cs A further take hotice that action, un different States, and allowances will be paid for sustenance dur- |aer section 8%, must be commenced before ing the period of training. me iouanes of such Certificat tia It is estimated that the sum of $200,000,000 will be Dated this 25th day of J 19 : : A. I for the establishment of soldier settlers in : emernimenneromseee a There are: several forms of South IN PROBATE ree yo Monday, August 4, 1919. ee John} THK DAILY NEWS IN THE SUPREME COUKT Wales, South Australia and Queensland, LUMBIA given. The settler pays a rental Ol lin THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA the land and receives a perpetual lease which is inheritable. TION ACT periods varying from 10 to 35 years the land The jin THE MATTER OF THE : OF soldier settlement policy of the Commonwealth and of the States} }iyp'! ChARB, DECEASED, txts is a modification of the general settlement policy which has been: die edie - . ! VOTIE tha in . in active operation there for many years. Hos F, McB. Young, made 18th day rd 1919, | was appointed Adminis Ce ps _— wa ator t the Estate of, Willia che ora ! and all parties having un against the said estate are hereby require : furfiisei sane properly ve » te t f Mesers. Patmore and Fult Prine: Kuper B. ¢ on or before the rue e . . f August, A.D. 1919, and all pe lebted 1 the estate are requir« peas Ride in Comfort the amount f their indebtednes i" forthwith, 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your THOMAS McROSTIE = : Dated this 23rd day of July Service Day or Night ~~ TAND *™? “sera ste. ROYAL HOTEL SvERINON ane UE Sixth Strect DIVERSION AND USI TAKE NOTICE that W. KR. To , whose address is 558 Empire Buliding, Seattie, Wash, will apply for a licence lake and use fifty 50) feet per second (25,000 acre feet) of water eut of Clear Lake, also 7 . ’ known as Clearwater Lake, flows rince u rt usic tore Sesterly and drains into Kitzault Rive, sbout twenty-four miles from its mouth . rhe water will be diverted from the stream MARK In THE WORF North of Vancouver The Weber Piano Thomas Organs OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor “Everything in Music.” LATEST POPULAR 80N3S AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Kepaire to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Ris wastes 6 vOKS Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted. THE GES) KNOWN TRACT Prince Rupert Academy of Music With the Store. Bows rehaired. in Connection The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs The Heintzman & Co. Piano All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. EL. VAUGHAN So" "sro eh one Prince Rupert Music Store Players a Special group of mineral claims thereto and to th Water ment Bulldings Victoria, W. KR. TONKIN notice is July 12, 1919 the Rast Half %) of Ls Coast District intention to issue, after the publication hereof, 4a fresh of Tith is dated the sixth Land Registry OMce, Irince Rupert, B June 18th, 1648." + Siete T-RASH ‘Byer | BITES ” CUTS & SORES EIR) [44 RES at @ point about 300 feet from the of Clearwater Lake and will be mining purpose upon the Last mine deSeribed as the Last This potice Was posted on m the 27th duy of June 1019 f this notice and an application pursuant 1914,’ Water ground A copy will be filed in the office of Kecorder at Prince Rupert, B. ( Objections te the application filed with the said Water Recor: the Comptroller of Water HKights wit! Partia » within thirty days after the first appearance this notice in @ local newspaper By Jom Pedersen, The date of the firet publication of this Agent IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh Cortisente ase for Range Nori E 18 HENEBY GIVEN that tt is my expiration of ne 1) month from the date p> firs Tithe to the above-mentioned lands in the name of Albert F. Young, which Certificate of July 1011, and is Humbered 619-1 H. FP. MACLEOD Distriet Registrar of Titles oo eee ee eee eee eee MAIL SCHEDULE * sees ee ee eeeeeeerere For the East. irdays at 9:30 a.m. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. for Vancouver: mouth used for Chance’ Chance” be of For Anyox: CUMEEFS 65 665s secveede 10 p.m. Vednesdays .......! fe. 109. 0 BOGUPGRVS 6 cc ccvsivoess 10 p.m. From Anyox: MOOOGEE oc viccdccccives p. m. RUPSGRSS 6c ccaiisecr cosece Deol DUES sic katbeiesearee p- m. ‘or Port Simpson and Arrandale, TAMERS cock cvesscrvne 10 p.m. from Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. eee Pre ees Poe p. m. For Port Simpson and Naas River points: USED 6s bccn bec he o¥s 10 a. m. From Port Simpson and WNaas River Points: SOGMPGESE 6c cctessiocccs p. m. Queen Charlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island poiats: Upper Island points: City and Lower Island points: Fortnightly. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Fortnightly. For Skagway and the Yukon. Ayril 28th, 9 a.m. From Skagway and Yukon. April 22, and May 3rd, a.m. COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIAA TION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATI TONY LUCICH, DECEASED, INTES TAKE NOTICE that in Order of fi f dune, A.D. 1919, 1 was appointed Ad ministrater of the estate of Tony Lucicl to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the ist day of Septeniber 1919, and all parties indebted to the es tate are required to pay the amount their indebtedn to me forthwith Dated this ¢ day of July, 1919 J. H. MeMULLIN COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT - and ADALINE EDITH KILBURN, DECEASi INTESTATE forthwith, Duted this 30th day of July, 1019 J. H. MeMULLIN, _ Meal Administrator DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS thence south 80 chains, thence we commencement NEILL McLEOD, Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18, 1919. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS commencement. EDGAR DAVIS Per a Browa, Agent Dated May 18, 191 SKEENA LAND KECORDING DIVISION] DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Oliver Brown for coal an troleum on the West (ow Hiver, commencing at 4 pest p mile south of the southeast corner of north 80 chains to point of commence ment. OLIVER BROWN Dated May 18, 1019 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Island, in the vicinity of West river; con point of commencement WILLIAM TRARGER, Per Austin Brown, Agent, Dated May 16, 1049 ‘ Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-| Saturdays ’......0sse05 2 p. m. BUMGRVE ..cceccscvcess 10 p. m. TUCSGRYS 06.6 cicseeees 5 p.m. TOGPOGRTS 260 seccee 10 p.m. From Vancouver DUNGETS sssscdovseses 10 p. m. Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m Frid@yS ....ccersecveees a. mM.) BOUUragays ..wscsecce 10:30 a. m.| ee ters Ta ee ee Bank Money Orders For settling small accounts Y —where it is not desirable Z Y to pay by cheque . Business Houses as well as Individuals, regularly use the Bank Money Orders issued by The Bank of Montreal. . ST. G. LEE, Manager, querer iii, > Capital and Reserve, Columbia today. Are you the largest s The F isherm witl Wednesdays .......... 10 a.m. A. T. BRODERICK, ‘rom Masset, Purt Clements and ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS many | are the largest mons: i Those Who Sail the Seas . i] boat-own< eft -MOr>ron Hy Prepare for that big fu Open a saving UUL HEAD OFFICE ——<— y Js =a te Perry, WINNIPEC —— Prince Kuper: $s, 800, 0 0 vy Total Asscis, Nor. 30th, ‘1918, over $153 3,900,000 ers in British count is the e of yours. ses UNION BANK OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, . Manager. pe Se ee “p. m. “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ECOMME? MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economical method of Lo S50. j These Money Orders are payable \ bank in Canada (Yukon except cities of the United States ar . | Great B $5 and under 3 cents Over $5, not exceeding $10, 6 ce Prince Rupert Branch - remitting arge at any br Newfoundland, a gotiabl and Ireland ’ not exce¢ raW ot xceed A. W. Cameron, Manager Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m. From—Saturdays ...... p. m. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Honour F. MeB. Young, made the 0th day deceased, and all parties having cilaime against the said estate are hereby require: OMcial Administrator IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF rAKE NOTICE that in Order of His Honour | McB. Young, made the 24t! day of July, A.D. 1919, | Was appointec Administrator of the estate of Adaline Edith Kilburn, deceased, and all parties baving claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the ist da) of September, 1919, and all parties in debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me 7 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that Neil McLeod of An you, B. « machinist, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petro leum on the West Coast of Graham Isiand in the vicinity of West HKiver; commencing at @ post planted at the southeast cornice: of © L. 1081412; thence east 80 chains chains; thence north 80 chains to point of TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Davis, of An yox, B. C., electrician, intends to apply for THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON GAY, OCEAN FALLS VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. July Stewart ith, 26 “ +e Beer Clemer _ Ma ' : & Southern Queen Charlott Istan TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Mondey, W*dnesday and Prince George, Edmonton and Winn all points east WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT &. PRINCE JOM: MEIGGR SS. PRINCE RUPERT pL $.8, PRINCE GEORGE SAILING FOR ANYOX. ‘AD PRINCE ALBERT Sth and nd, 16th ar lirect AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 5626 Third Avenue. y CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Ure athe ® Le Las ~ Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer 8.8. PRINCESS ALICE For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattie from Prince Rupert During July and August eve For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, During July and August S&S. 8. PRINCESS MARY Saturday at Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert Monday at CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN For rates, reservations and sailings, SERVICES apply W. C. ORCHARD. Genera! Agent. 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. permission to prospect for coal and petro leum on the west coast of Graham Isiand in the vicinity of West River: Commencing at @ post Dianted at the southeast corner of C.L. 10,312, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of Victoria, B.C., occupation machinist, Ww terids to apply for permission to prospect of Graham Island, in the wenntey 2 ee anted one 1 10312, thence east 80 chains, thence south PHONES 130 ang 423. Georgetown Lumber Co. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Centra! B. C. FISH BOXES & SPECIALTY SPRUCE Consult Us. CEDAR 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence Per Austin Brown, Agent TAKE NOTICE that William Traeger, of Anyoxs, B. C., cecupation machinist, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following de seribed lands on the west coast of Graham mencing at @ post planted at the south east corner of C.L,. 10312; thence weat #0 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to For Comfort, Courtesy and Service THE SAVOY HOTEL Fr. T. BOWNESS, ona Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Home Cooking Running Hot CANADA WINNIPEG, MAN. at over > aj 11:36 a.m making ¢ |! south Phon® 290. and Cold Water