PAGE EIGHT Acnit for all Mramshlp Unm. lri sT"TT i T If I Support the Horrie Theatre arid keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 AND 9 P. 31. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2:30 1. M. . "MOTHER KNOWS BEST" An adaptation of Edna Fcrbcr's famous story which was one of the most discussed books in years. BARRY NORTON, MADGE BELLAMY, LOUISE DRESSER AND DISTINGUISHED CAST Another pf the big ones shown recently at the Cap- ' itol Theatre Vancouver. ,'. - Orchestral selection "THE SONG OF THE FLAME" AESOP'S FILM FABLES Matinee 35c and 10c. 50c and 15c. Child's Lucky Ticket will be sold at the Saturday Matinee. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 5.: Kippers THE OAINT1KST BKEAKFAST VlMIM Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Itupert. U.C UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED hallliiit irom ITInrr l(uirt. lor V.OCOtVnt, VICIORU, Swunn IKiv Im(1.I. Alrrt Hat, rle. ' " ' " " lurlat. 3Ao p.m. lor V.wroi vnt. VICTOaU, Hunlt. Alrrt har. rlc, Irlrt.iy mldnltht lor A1.H-K ARM. ANVOX. STfcVAKI. WAI.KH ImAnU. IJKT HIMI'SO.S, NAAh II H Kit, Sunday S pm. 113 Ind Armor. O. M. fMil ll. Ajtrrn. rrllw-r Kut-rrt. U . Throurh llrkfU aold .o VlrUrla and Sralllt. and liatKXt rbrrkxl tliruuKh to dritlnatlur CANADIAN J (PACIFIC - -( f-. B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrlilkan. Wmnsrll, Junraii and Skajway Kli !k, S3; .Manli 9, 20. To Vanrwmtr, Victoria and Scalll I'rbriiar) 13, 2; .Manli 13, It. ritlNCKSM KOVAL I'oi llutrtlalr. l'Mt Ik-IU llrlla. Oituii lnll. Naniii, Alrrt liar, Camnlifll Hltrr. Vancouver and Victoria, rtrry Irldar, m p.m. W. C. OltCIIAIIIl, f H:KltM. AdKNT Cirnrr 4tli Slrrrtand 3rd Avrnur, I'rlnrr Ituprrt. Il.l'. J Full Inforinutloii from I'lione 31. Canadian National Q7ic Largcfi 'Railway Syftcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Halllnca Irom I'ltlNCi: IllTEHT (or YANCOUU:!!, VlCTOIttA, ttKATTIX. and Inlrrmrdlate polnti, each I'ltlUAY. 0:00 a.m. lor NTEM'ART and ANVOX, each UT.DNESIIAV. 10:0n p.m. tor NOKT1I AND bOlTII QL'KCN CIIAIU.OT'I K ISLAMiS, lortnlfhll. PASSEXOEIt TKAISS LEAVE I'ltlNTF. llt'N'.KT Eacli , MONDAY, WF.llNE8II.tY and 8ATUIM) AY at 11:30 o.m. for PIMNCE OEOIIUE, Wi.MO.STON, WINNII'EQ, all olnU Eattrrn Canada, United Hlatn. AGENCY AM, OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone f8 CarUge, Warehousing, ana ' 'plstrlbullngi Team or Motor Service ' . , Coal, Sand and Gravel We Spcciallre In Piano ana Furniture Moving, MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, p,;brn TO BE LOCATED SUPERINTENDENT PRINCERUPERT OF UTILITIES la llojaM D.D.n. It prnMntM tk. ikla. alat Mid bMlinf dM lirltatMl tlawwi. A SV aattl pnTM iu awrlt or jom diaiiiat tiTM ynr aar iek. 0.0. D. mm atht iatta. (Cnaal)tI)Xiai.BMpJ Intelligent Battery Service 3Q Let ns take cire of your battery problems this winter and you'll find an end of "ciiHBlng" at the car that won't start when the weather is cold. We repair and service old batteries, and can sell you the finest new ones made. S. E. Parker LIMITED Ford Dealers DOMINION TIRES 3rd Avenue Phone 83. r "Mother Knows Best" BARTHELMESS "Mother Knows Best," which may be sees at the Westholme apain tonight, is one of the finest pictures shown in the city for a long Jipie. During its reeeirt iun at (hq Capitol. Vantouvef, it?)dvj capacity hVufceV nightly. The atoty tf engrossing and j the actfn superb. Madge Kennedy, Louise resser and Bar.y -Norton do fine-work, -Miss Kennedy's minakrjr of famous stars being particularly effective. The theatre scenes accentuate the Jbiightness of a bright picture. ASK INSPECTOR GIVES AMAZING PERFORMANCE Celebrated Star Proven Himself Marvelous Actor in "The Patent Leather Kid" M! Molly O'Day Wins Personal Triumph Film Is Instant Hit at Capitol Richard Darthelmess gave the most amazing performance; of his career in "The Patent Leather Kid." First National' great story f love, war and the prize ring, which opened last night at the apitol Theatre In choosing an actor to play The iKd it was necessary for the meeting of the Prince First National to find a man who tv. i .v. the n Radio Js r, . . . -At That Department at Rupert nadlo Ass-niation held in The Kid is was necessary for Victoria be asked to have an in- tha ritw r-;i rhomhor ln.f 'at the same time one who was a spector located at Print Rupert , ht wjth jj r McRae pregid. finished actor, capable of creat- io serve an tne nortnern part or jng a oJ tiunks WM Meor. ing gympathy for a character who the province was the gist of a ded to j j y. .uperint.ndent during the greater part of the, resolution passed by the Prince picture almost cad and 1 of utUitjes for thl. apiendid work appears a Rupert Radio Association at its he and h,8 aM,stanti Gunnar An. a coward. meeting last night Thl? reeolut- derson had towarda cli&Q, Barthelmeas was a happy selec-j ,ion Willie sent to Superinten- up nAlo interference and tion for the role, for he again i , 1 . . f Jilf i5 . V bringing radio reception to its' demonstrate that he is one of and to Major Edwards at Ottawa. perfection. j the great actors of the screen, In introducinc the matter, ores- In moving the resolution II. tYand his portrayal of The Kid is. iident D. C. McRae outlined the I'ullen paid a omplimnt to Mri'one of the finest bit of screen ac- ! correspondence which has taken Wttle in M fficuH "work he hadjting that has ever been recorded place between the association and ne and" the large amount of ! on cellulolt!. the department Mr. Haughton time and traubW taken by hinij In "The Patent Leather Kid" had told him that there were In regard tb ft". For a good many ! this talented youth even excels only four inspectors (or the prov- who formerly were unable to use i his marvelous work in the part, ince and they had already 300 their sets. Mr, Little had made j for the role of the Kid la the best complaints from the city of Van- radio reception possible and al-j he has ever had. couver alone. Mr. McRae said he though there wtre stil. some dif-. Pretty Molly O'Day plays op-had replied that while in Van- faculties and a certain amount of posite Barthelmess, and as the couver they had 300 complaints noise at times, in a general way j 'esult of her work in this picture from 300.000 neoDle. hore in the reception was now good com- wins a personal triumph. 8he Is Prince Rupert there were that Pared with what it was formerly, many complaints from 7,000 The resolution was seconded by people. jDid Reith and carried with ap- Letters had also been received . . . frnm Tr nn CI art t era 4a nin., f the President-McKae in putting the waenuuea ifi- Uie,ejxlceKQl , ipeeWfs, oiie of those Ttwpe sentiment was echoed by a sum- j ber of others present j WEEK-END SPECIALS I ORANGES Sunkist . 60 for $1.00 GRAPE FRUIT Sunkist. 1 3 for 25c APPLES Delicious. j Per box $3.15! APPLES Yellow Newton, J. P. i Per box ,..$2.25 APPLES Yellow Newton, fancy. Per box $3.00 FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT 2 for 25c CAULIFLOWER Good white. At 25c AND 35c RHUBARB Per lb. 15c SPINACH Per lb ..ISc LETTUCE Firm heads. 2 for I.......'; 25c CELERY 2 for ...35c PROMPT SERVICE Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 017-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Box 575. WHAT WAS IT The Customs Officer eyed the bottle suspicloashr. "It's only wmmonia," stammered the passenger from the Continent. "Oh, is itriseid the Customs Officer, taking a long sniff. It was! Public Opinion. Skin Sufferers Try This Test A Pur Antjteptic Treatment Ai T" tonanittd with th aaoa of a Naff uu iirainf iin wmrn mm I Oaf f ra- job the lorn, rnuta. at Uin iIlaMM? Tu tl. easily the screen find of the year. A large and excellent company 1 is seen in support. This is a pic-, ture that you mut see at once! The big new serial "Tartan" . ji- ... ,ui ! motion exoreaaid pleasure that Chapter -"Flames of Hte") , If atx Inspector weV located at th rv,c AWered by Mr. Little, and Myfanwy Campbell, popular Prince RuDerlhe could serve the had en put on record by the as-: loeal danseuse in a classical toe jwhol country including ; such soctatton. He haa done exeeJ-1 c?iTi ' i ' lent work. -i Stewart. He felt that the north daoce, "Pas Seul," another great Capitol show" that is "a hundred percenter." j WONDERFUL TOUR TO ! MARITIME PROVINCES The personally conducted all-irute' four ,to the Maritime! Provinces, "The New Outlook Maritime Ji-eial is one of the most complete and attractive tours of Canada's eastern provinces offered to the public. The' tour will leave Toronto via Canadian National Railways special train on June 17th, visiting Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, a steamer trip up the Saguenajr stiver, thence by rair to the principal , towns and cities of the Maritime I I'jovinces. The trip will be under: the direction of the "New Out-, look." official publication of the I United Church, and will be per-! sonally conducted by Dr. Fallis. Western Canada passengers will use special sleepers to Wlnaipeg and special train from there, joining the main party at Toronto. A beautiful illustrated booklet descriptive of the tour, has been published and a copy wil be gladly sent you free upon request to Dr. S. W. Fallis, 299 Queen St West, Toronto, or apply any Agent Canadian National Railways. Motorship Bellingham, Cant J. 1 K. Anderson, arrived in port at 6: TO this morning from Ketchikan i with five carloads of frozen fish, j mostly salmon, for transshipment 1 cant over the Canadian National Railways. I Short of Breath Smothering Feelings Choking Sensation Mrs. II. Day, Dartmouth, NR. rntta: "For over a year I was troubled with smothering apelli and abortnea of breath, and it was impoaaible (or me to walk, even a short distance, l caiwo of the choking sensation which followed. After tryinir vain, I .1 a i him nmnv treatmenU. In ilci'li'd to try and in a surprisingly ahort time ther did me much goJ. lVioe COo ir box at ail druMiMs or deatow, or mailed direct on rei-eiht of price l.y Tl T. Mitburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. I r CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! Warmth CAPITOL FINAL SHOWING TONIGHT "The Patent Leather Kid" From the Fnmous Story by tlupert Hughes, Stan n Richard Barthelmejs ' ltV tremendous! A thrilling story of i.u, j: WAIL and the PIUZK KING . AND I1IG SERIAL "TARZAN," CHAPTER -MVFANWY CAMPI1ELL Popular Danseu . Two De l uxe Shows, 7 and 9pm, 50c and 1" NOTICE Free pann to the Capitol for one nun , fciven to person attending theatre this week who u'u. . to number of feet of film ucd In the bigFridav-s i u ture, ' THE PATENT LEATHER KID " KSKOORKK-sLWIGHLM TPXVI1 QSV yRTTVHG EZOFVH Solve the Mysterious Message Win a Car Emm l-Mff. 11' Iitiuu, iiv-4n tim. Utt It Rovnart F1yir tirUi, l iris, Ttaact. farToroa'., Cauda. ai'rn;i,i.n to braak lit I'lna I4ik ft) inc mard. Lnlur m mnatid u dr)Mt a nvHUr al frrat inirtaa to Ike .'Md l'Mk bat, oalM to ftifaw traM dmtapni, hr wai lomd la Ian4 atar tUlilai Udac ni.iinl to tar mrnt Kadi Ktaaacatliat Slatan aiKl trinunittrd tat laawua lacauav. Tfct sirv wtc m ia cd aad la ha BaMr at foM M tins) nc U. Ia tbr iborr pictart ytm tra a km rnitint the tneauff. Cm ytm nl II r arr (.nuiuta to aaha ta afjafctriata jir y.ii hvp oprnft th wiy to bfiaf tjK .r d i first pfu winnrr Tbr Ur'Uham contaiaa 6 wofd aiw) a a aaui al hit.t' to iwty aar ia CaaaJa. TWra air k grimt and eara aroap of eltra Wa traatiaud Inxn la caaa iimniaai a mrd. tat ail (mm fona tat inwplut ainaaat lor iaaunw, tat tana vma vat wmnraii at iKEtu aaa taoau tcaa CIVSS. CHWtueX I MMO ifoao A CU T If yoc raa talvr tV.i prttt. It win ukr i : v vtty iiitcrrkli-f 1.. at tBaadiaf yaar tim aMubrl aWa Iron A i Irttrr brglnniat ti . f' & ' XJ; W-, aad to on IV la tac Hplnkw Mr v. aadlar vaira aumt. r Tata ytm matt tm'r aaaiaiiiaH it tat rutii , 1 CTTb-. E !; aa . aacli lata Intm br hmUn i. lac to tat aaaikrr. If roa raa oMr l- -antvrr vMhnat dp44y, law ta tispit rulfv, be u.- ANSVU AT ON witt snctAi noun- TUB BIGGEST LIST OP PRIZES EVER OFFEBLD Send no Mornv PRIZES tu. tuzi mm -m ptMWtt A C . .' I i ti. . Z "...(wlwiutMir" f- . U'Wi -4 n c4 . . rm tm tm mm : luhTu , 7t w m A ' ''.- r 5 ua. AN yfc' - ,4 rmx M mm ,w I J I t. Writ vmM la pta aad hk, Mng oat aidt at paprr only. Wntt yanf Rama aad ad drrai la tbt Vattoav rai h1 earatr, ataliaa abrlbrr Mr.. lln.,orMa. Fill aartatal ete ytm imh ia wrttt aa a atpanM tatrt. Io nnt anal fancy, drawa at tmwrittrn tauka. I. Conlntanta muit be I! ytan or am. Kawlaytai of Fbalipi-RalHrtaoa C., Wradi cr rrlativpi of rtaploytrs or any. ont amnrctrd with tab com ny rannot RHaprit. J. ConlnlaaU any anbma U many a tarrt aatwm ta tha puMlt, bat only oat caa ba awAnVd aprlat. Diffarrat nrnv. hrn of a family taaat aat com prte aa oaly aat prlat will be awardad (a a holy or hotnw M MANY mi AOOD AVAlM RtO RULES OP TUB CONTEST! Why V7 Art Giring Away Thaa Pruta f3.000.00 Prlta A"d Tib moVni trntory rr-qairra ntoirra nttboli ef athmibiai aad taia ia aa hontMto-osdaaja absvf board tM ol aaVrftaaai at a modern way ta qatrtty Mlmalitf Intrttlt la tat I'baiat Knhrrtaon Srrrfct acraa Canada, If ytm trad your aaiatr ImtardUlrly and an rmratfal ia wla-alaf at least 100 poinU far your tatryyouafrrrlvta fiprclal rromplnoa tUwatd. 4, To r-madt I'v a Torort. . cinntcii"ii w aatn - I caaian. ' aana i .1 lib u '. br a. BtlllTI ' toliy. Ikrrrto. Jtl ,.. r C'T.fl pnirttx li't aprllinr. . wntinc ' 1 ' Kinlj K ( ' arlrr I..-of ti .( aan!' 'I givrn ! ; THIS 13 NOT A SALES CONTEST Note: Sptti.l Sutfritt Arit for Promflntn. If V - 1 PmiU Antvrr ttOnct Without Any DtUy. PHILUPS-ROBERTSONCO.,DtpLl69WelIinitonSt. W, 1 Qlioi'G B.ead6 BcM1 Bread FLOUR r waaiB-tja.wata, 1 T " I I' "' '. IU , toroalov,u