1. i .. v 0Kc 7b Banish COUGHS 1 BRONCHIAL TROUBLES Take sJH PEPS tablets give off agreeable and highly germicidal fumes that bathe the throat and breathing passages and allay soreness and inflammation and ward off dangerous colds and chills. By treating the throat and bronchials direct, Peps are ahead of druggy mixtures. Their pleasant balsamic nature and freedom from opiates make Peps safe and ideal even for children and weak-chested old folk. 5 when shopping a Peps in the mouth soothes the throat and relieves that annoying and persistent cough. THE BREATHE-ABLE THROAT & CHEST KOICIK Uo. bI (eonUlnlf 31 llr-Jaokt4 PIPS UbHtl). Pf tt dni(g1t ttarM. I , r ' Ambition nukes P'IfeJ I successful men h' -. j(ECfo I I out or barefoot L I, J B Turn your visions into realities by means of a Bank of Montreal savings account, as thousands of other Canadians are doing. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets in cxcc&s of 870,000,000 P. C. PATEKSON, Manager, Prince ilupert Branch. HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 DRY BIRCH " JACKPINE AND CEDAR "V Single load . $3.50 Double load SG.50 Large sack .j t50c, RotWVood Cuttings. LargeSd . ...hi ..if..., J.tSjJJ COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Raggage Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue on Mining has been resumed at tht iilver Cup property on Nine Mile Mountain, near New Hazelton, with Foreman Thomas Movris in charge. By the first of next week t is expected that the mill, with which the property has been equipped, will be turning out concentrates. Opening of this-mill is being awaited with considerable interest. An extraordinary meeting of the fhareholciers will be held shortly when, it. Is expected, plans will be mpde for a campaign af expansion. From .the I.X.L. and Emma groups, a short distance from Usk. which :e being developed und: he direction of J. M. Hoar, sonu. beautiful samples, containing al most 60 per cent bornite, have beer. obtained. These sample cmi from the upper tunnel on the Em ma, where there is a conslderabtt body of the same class of o:e. The work on the I.X.L. and Bm-nia groups, now closed down for be winter, will be resumed in the pring. Meanwhile, Mr. Hoar is itking a trip to Califo nia. Development work is proceed ing apace and with good result Oil the Columario mine, formerly THE fAtL NEWS News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT New Ore Body Struck At Owen Lake; Topley Silver to Be Diamond Drilled .Silver Cup -Mill Opening Next Week beinr? develoned bv Frank H. Tavlor. The ore was en countered at a depth of 50 feetand was continuous for the six feet sunk before it was decided to explore the showing ito ascertain width the ore and still had a solid face. The exploration to as certain width will not interfere with the program of sink- 'Ing to 100 feet. Work on the Cole" ' p-operty n being cnrrled out by feet long. From these tunnels a us own separate plant. .Meantime, the main plant is operating smoothly on the Wrinch group and the tunnel started a few years ago by the Federal Mining & Smelting Co. has been extended 70 feet. A crew of 50 men is now employed and even they are anxious to invent money in the Owen Lake : Directors of the Tpley Silver, aMJftnitig the Topley Itichfitld, have decided to discontinue work for the present and inaugurate, a program of diamond drilling in the to determine location and x;ent of the ore bodies. Angus iScaton, who was in charge of op-t i-ations, left this week for Vancouver.- Development of this property has so far been confined to sinking a shaft and, from this. Home high-grade ore has beer opened up. The bodies located have had such strength that it has been suggetd to start shipping from the property. Recently, however, it was decided that the extent of the veins could be deter mined more quickly and cheaply by drilling and work has bee uuspeniled until the future p tram is thus determined. cross-cut runs to the other veins and, up to the present time, the ore developed is very gratifying. There is plenty of ore of good values and its character is such that treatment shouid be a very easy matter. The aim is to get a tonnage developed and put into a mill which it is now assurer Will be put on the property dur-ftif the coming season. For some months the Columario has been working 20 men wtth drills In jhetu'nn!s.' Iteeently, it was de-erae&Tto put oh "two shifts and everything evraHo be in read ings to go when the- compressor broke down and parts had to go to Vancouver for repair. This means: a dejay.of 'aiiweek or two. As soon as the compressor is ready again, two shifts will bt put on and about thirty men employed, The tonnage of ore will be developed rapidly and, by summer, the comoany should be in a position to operate on a large scale. Fashion Fancies A Modernistic Sports Dress That Is Unus-ually Striking 1 if - A the combination. ;.jof gray and dull beige, since the advent of ' shade caljed grege, is beepm-Ing more and more popular. Whether wnetner or or not-you. not-you. think this U UtMM j . v . v...v. crviw ivui-siiu-a-ualll I i , . .ii-ia Mti. II TTtnormarnaKrra a-naicuoua une Ample" fdnds hsr been forthcoming to carry on quite an extentive development campaign. There are five parallel veins on the Is another.' qiiestion-i-but of its smartness there fcn be no doubt. The ?sport drees illustrated here is of gray, dull beige, red property and the centre vein was and black Jersey, all In modern' elected and two drift tunnels Istic splashes and bands. Tpe nave been driven on it one be-, skirt is all black and pleated ac Ing a&O feet and the other 600 roes the front. UNDER THE LEAGUE TARLE 1 jt, Wa , fell w STRKSBMANi "This fellow's had his feet constantly under my seat, and I'm obliged at last to trend on his toes!" Kladdersdatch, Rerlln District News SMITHERS PRINCE GEORGE recent cold snap. During tho past day or so, the thermometer has hardly dropped below zero. Alf Holmwood, newly elected M, C. Wiggins, judge of court 6f -revision for drhrheeft ahd Flsrt George districts, has-been holding court during the . a 1. . t. 1 T 1 Ui.... t f mi i,ii. led chiirmdn of tli board oM The crew had drifted Six feet into rounds for oats and $2.15 school trustees here. V. It. Cleri- 1 t m 1 i. I A . . t. . 1 j 1 i j iL for wheat. .nue was re-eireiwi w me nc- ..J retnrvshln. Substantial reductions in fire 11 i Insurance rates In the business .Saturday, are class Ca(lw rrince Georg,. High &ij nasi wee ui run i' laser. an-rjusi jast even eveniriK in ,, u. , derhoof and Prince George.teouth Fort (iin,. i 1 : 1 . .1 vuue a numoer 01 appeals nave t, . Arta,,. been., made-against what are in preparing a foundation for a 1?."": new generator which will be in- " ' stalled at the round house to sup- I to be excessive valu- A Very extensive Ore body has JUSt recently been Struck) ply current for railway and town 1 to deal with the question of the Cole property of the Owen Lake holdings Which areiconsumptlon. from The generator Moncton, N.R. was gating Prince George. a lodge building In brought here Smitr.Pi- merchants are navimr F- & Saunders has been elec- A community t danci from Virtnv . -J . " " ' U Will the office m, i u with the business ,.t r"1 den. . Weather has been moderating ; section here have been decided .Known as tho Safurdi HRrP rilllXHll-rilUl V lUllUlYlIlM MfVFII Ul fcM. " derwriters, It Is understood that P. Burns Co. Ltd. may take over, under lease and operate tho creamery exalted ruler of the Elks" ldgent Vanderhoof. in this city, announces that he -- 1 calling a special meeting short- Isobel Tyner and Merle Mai The regular monthly the Women's Am.. .-' ' Prince t;eor,. H,litill mm unrriHKin u Mrs. O. Haydcn J. R. Hi., Izen, has st.rt at Santa M I Oft I ' furir.w'-. Usher of th.. Prin.e FLU-GRI DAILY NEWS' VICK V .VAPOR Onrlll SHOPPING SERVICE for Out-of Town Subscribers To serve its women readers, and particularly those who live at a distance from a retail centre. The Daily News has instituted a Shopping Service. The Daily News is read by hundreds of women living far from any urban facilities far shopping and it is for these that this shopping service is primarily intended. Of course, The Daily News Shopper will attend to the man also, although he can buy a pair of braces anywhere. Hut not every? where can a woman get a bit of lace matched or a piece of ent' broidery thread or the thousand and oiie things that make up the difference between a woman's wants' and a man's. The Prince Rupert Merchants Carry between them Stocks running up to $2,000,000 and while it is not possible to purchase everything in this world in Prince Rupert, most things art available by return mail. None of the Prince Rupert merchants can possibly advertise everything they carry in stock, but if the thing wanted is to be got in this city, our out-of-town readers may be sure that ine Daily News Shopper will gel it when asked for. If any of our wotuen readers cannot get what they want In their nearest store, all there is to do is to write to The Daily New Shopper, stating what is required with whatever details there may be, enclosing the cost, and if it is in Prince Rupert, The Dauy News Shopper makes your purchase. Thte Service Free to our women readers ahd is the outcome of many Individual rt-quests made to our staff on their travels through the wcj "j seasons past. This service has been appreciated in these Inmviuu eases and is now extended to all with the hope of the same appreciation. So Do Not Hesitate Do not think you are Imposing upDn The Dally News. Our shopper is awaiting your requests. THE DAIHEWS PRINCE RUPERT B.C. If your News does not arrive Phone 98 before