buy, Aujrusl k, itZd. TmS-DAtLY NEWSi PAGE PTTH in the Moon - i net Rupert people CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & F OUND i a it slight feels like foretaste where they'll " THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. K" . . t. v theif WleKir wante. ri yet folks it was away less i 00 in Jhe.ahade J-eterday. would it be to try 1117 . says it would be nice to itidlher fifty years to see romi's of the Terrace high- i-i.'nj'ft. ! Prince Ilupeft has every ' organization they can i 01, it has been suggested thi-rc be n I'rlnce Hupert . ,n.i Association formed, : 'i. -rubers of which will dine m r on the evening's when wives are out at afternoon u people want to tax the big v ho has most of the money he js like a cow. The more he gives the more susten-he must consume to pro- it. 'ernoon methpd invented by the nes Association far train-, -hands to eat sardines. stuck exchange Is rt i rovkles a means of res-I. iftmUing for those who . ire about night clubs and ..M ini to go to Tia Juana. LA Nil A CI Notice of Intention to Apply to Leae Land Prtnoe Rupert Land Recording ' t Prince Rupert, and altuate fv.uth west coast ot Wales Is- . 1 1 Boston Island. .t.c- that Anglo British Oolum-. :.(? company Limited of Van-li C . occupation. Salmon Can- : : ds to apply tor a leaae of the n nwrioea una: loresnore; ""VritNMEST I'llOPERTV FOR SALE "NTOus will be received ny the ', "' "P to Moiay, July tSthJ ' ' r the purchase of the Proytn "e Launch No 2, now located ' Rupert, n.c. 'iiars of Launch are as follows; ; 4f a- , Tonnage 18 1 o Tonnage .12 1 . "i ith ao-34 H.P. Type PPP. 1 Engine.. ,, f"y be Inspected tt Prince B c' on application to In-r w spnier, B.C. Hollce. Prince Be ' hl,'l"' or any tender not necea- ai'O'pted. V. A. ROLLINS, r Purchasing Agent, TTm. D,, v"torl B,c- B'.m "'T, ,0r. rrrlv,l! tender, for the Inu, -, . 'r ratfiidrd lo Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoy, able holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMGAU.UM LAKE LODGE Terrace, H.C. Spend Your Vacation at ' ' Ralum Lake K. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, n.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at Skidegate "iTiiur at a put planted' on U U1L vyi(-inntB w . tvnt oi WaJe uiand facing reservations resrauons. .m extremity of Boaton Xalanda; -y rhaina rollowlng high water .nrt South one chain to Low irk thence Weat forty chalna . . low water mark; thence North poat; and containing Ten ii. : or leaa. t U BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. UUITED. W. B. Walker," Afitnt. :d Uay Una. 1S30. L.IND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Leane Land " Prlnoe Ru aperv Lnd ReeerdHas I iTince Rupert, and aHuau S"Utn Weat eeaH of Walea U-mile South East ot Bartlett i.'.nce that Anglo Brltlah Oolum- Company Limited of Van- Be. occupation, Salmon Can-u?i.(t to apply for a lea of tb cKwribed land: foreanore: ' " Queen Charlotte Land Diatrlct. '.'! (Una Dtatrtet of Prince Hup ' uate near Klaehwun Pomi, i. Ulniid ' .?ioe that Bufetve H Simpson ''i. UC. occupation, cannery- i to apply for a leaae of the j. ilexoribed landi: FVreahore. ' ' ins at a poat planted about utheaaterly from the N. W "f lt No. 1741, Orahnm Ialand; ' u'i! 10 chalna; thence north 6 - i" low water; thence eaat 10 ' lie ice south S chalna to point 'iiiipucement, and containing- S " or leaa. M.iv nth. 1929. I UKVE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry White, Agent. Wireless for MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I: SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL' FRANCOIS LAKE For Rent By the Week or Month '"-"" Partly Furnished ' ' Apply Mrs. Henkel 1 -Francois Lake Lodge , Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Pert Clements and Queen Charlotte i&mjrJffi&Clr. hire cars and trucw from r :-k But of Bartlett Point; s nth Eaat forty halna follow- water mark; thence South 1 'iiairva to low water mark; North Weat forty chalna follow-atcr mark; thence North Kaat ' :n poat. and eontalning twenty li re ur leaa. ' BRITISH COLtJilBIA PACIONa CXJUPANY, UMITEO. 'W. X. Walker." Agent. May 22nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lean Land YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. R.C. LAKELSE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS Is opened to guests. The lodge is situated on the shore at Lakdse Lake. Good fly fishing for rainbow trout. The hot springs eon-tain Lithta which is fine for rheumatism. Cottages for rent J. Ilruce Johnston, Manager. SKEENA LM RECOKIIINQ DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the Brltlth Columbia Flatting; Ac Packing Company, Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation. FOR SALE FOR. SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns I and Co. Ltd. tf H'OR SALE- Iron and wfroden pal- I l .A - t s t . ivyn, aio ivm ptc?M tnaiunff . Apply Dally ; I' - -A. SX Uox xx. FOR SALE Twenty-three roomed apartment house, completely furnished. Apply Mrs. White, 427 Fourth Avenue Bast. (180) good condition. A bargain Annlv Box 212 Dailr News Of WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs ' Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. i J70j WOMAN WANTS WORK of any kind. Good plain eook. Phone Green 698. (179) HOARD AND ROOM BOARD month. And Room MS per Phone Green 21 G. Xf L.IXD ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l.eae land In the Prince Rapert LatkI Iteeerdlnc DUtrlrt of Prince Supert, and attuaU one mile Bonth taat ot BartleH Point on the South Wat oooat of Walea fS'TieST jnsTtonSSM r&i . flbed -. laada: tor-. foreahore: rorenhare, attuate fronting on Lot ! 2, Range S, Ooaat Dlatrlot: Ooiiunenclnf kt a poat planted at a potm on the ; aouttierly boundary of Lot 3, Bans S. dlatant about IS chalna from the aouth-: eaat comer; thence N.SSt to the production aoutherly of the eaat boundary of lot ; thence northerly to mean high water mark; thence westerly and south erly following mean hign water mar, to the point of commencement, and oon- Commenetng at a poat planted one mile South last of Bartlett Pc'nt on the South Weat coast of Wales Island: thence Enat fort Chalna following high wnter mark; thence South Weat tire chalna to low water mark: thence Weat f'lrty chalna following low water mark; thence North Bast five chains to locating poet: and containing 90 acres, more or lesa wohino ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACK! NCI nnrrisn Columbia rimwo company, umited. J. ILASui,r21l?Ag.ntn)- "W. r Walker.- Agent. Dated 34th June 18J9. Da'0 "T ni- 19sa- BRINGING UP FATHER FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished flat. Ap-'puticrR ply Jlussallem wroeery. (r.f) FOR RUNT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. ' tf. FOR RENT Fitrntshed suite,! Summit Apartments. Phone Iilue 315. (tf)j FOR RENT Modern house near business section. $25.00. Annlyi FOR SALE Three-roomed house j 215 Fourth Avdfiue E tf and lot, corner Ambrose Avenue i and Sixth. Apply Mrs. Whit. j ru" i-Auioraowies. pianos' 139 Fourth Avenue East. 180 FOR SALE 8 sets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. ttn Mn teLui Ifnl. 3:F0B 8AL8-Six H.P. 2-cyllnder brtdge is dertribe,?''-")11 "eneQr.y: terttyl eyde Wilson marine engine in Terrace 9 a.m.. Monday. Wednesday and Saturday, $2 retain. Rates, $3 .25 per day. Write for all special weekly rates. phonographs and sewing mach ines. Walker Music Store FOR RENT -- Furnished house-kaeplng rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two;and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phine Red 444. (tf) fice. an I FOR RENT Furnished five- FOR SALE Fishing boat W. TM! 52 feet long; beam, 13 feet! 30 b.p. Frisco Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1' condition. Phone Bine 159. tf, FOR SALE Heintxman piano, bedroom suite, library table, I table lamp, kitchen set, bed, I small rug, smoking cabinet, cooking utensils, etc. Phone Blue 505 or apply 339 Fifth Ave. W. (tf) AGENTS WANTED MEN And Women make $50 weekly selling Duponts Cinderella Damask hemstitched, flannelback tablecloths, stainless, no laundering, looks and wears like linen. Write JI. S. Campbell, Empire Hotel, Win nipeg, for information. PERSONAL Christmas Greet Cards Agents watned to orders for the finest line shown in Canada. Regal Co, Manufacturers, 810 dina Ave.. Toronto. WANTED etiae ewor; Art Spa- roomeu Dungaiow wnn nam Alfred Street, near Dry Dock. Phone Green 241. (179) CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic is : recognized in forty states of she! anion . This recognition has been , sought and gained by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It, was not until 1016 that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DR.' W. C. ASPINALL. 6 and 7 Exchange Ittock Green 211 Phones Mack 283 Open)Ivenings CHIROPRACTIC Adjustment our newpfuhr better results. J Packing ComDanr. Consult aeenrmntr to FORMRY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR HOYS Ganges Harbor, R.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Roys taken for holidays Moderate Fees , Prospectus on Application LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lea iJind 10 Charlotte Land District. IplMMCuuiml&itrt cfVaH.1. '"5", bit nI SmwluaSmo aT. Uwl Kwordlng Dlatrtet or Frtnft Itup-I-Li'.r.' . ,J", .art. and altuate new the mouth of Ma. , t. i..T7 .hi. w-hi x. Limited. Of Mtaeett, n.O . oocBpaUon. aalrnon canneri, in tends to apply tor a lease Of the follow ins oeacnoed tanas: raresnore. Commencing at a poat planted near the southern end of Hidden Island: thence northerly 10 chalna; thence easterly S chattta; thence southerly 10 chains, followJng low water; thence westerly to point of commencement, and 1 esntanttng a acres more or less . I LANQAIIA nSIUNO & PACK1NO I - CO.. LTD. j Henry White, Agent. Dated May 11th. 19M. Tt" V M bO WEAK LSrr 7. Plffl I UfeT) UfeT) ,Ea .Ea TME.C.1XTH TMEXXTM DAY- DAY T FrfOM TM OltT V P aJA' M I I etOPOOSE 30PPOE VNUU NUUlt-VQlTWILU 1 VL QlT WILLj. COOUDM'T EVt VC.IlW-l Ml UW BE, S S HALr HAUP AM SN OU OUVt OR. r A W VvAM r riri "iM I v COOLE COOPLE OF OF PeAHUT PeAHUT bHE-a?&- HEA-lA-f'l ' in-' H , AUCTIONEER RUPERT AUCTION MART. VVe buy. sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, et General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just prior. Black 120 arTJ we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE ANI TOWING i "If it's on or under the water we do it" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Dlvtng and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows (of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Enrtains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van lilerek, Eaathope,' Hicks & RsRantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributor Coolidge Propellers Phone, Dav or Night, 564 P. O. Box 1511 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Taints, Glass and Art Supplies . 0. DOX 120 PHONE 22 SOME BARGAINS l CERU-FIEI) USED CARS CHEVROLET Sedan $500 CHEVROLET Sedan $450 &ator, prfedBC ; FQRrVSedan R. E. EYOLFSON CHIRljuiETpR B23 Tnlrif jAvenfie Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1924 . ' i' -i EDUCATIONAL ..,$275 Good Terms and Sixty Days Ser Wee on All Used Cars ROSS & MOORE. LTD. Chevrolet Dealers LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leave Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording T Dtatrtet of Prince Rupert, and altuate ; oat mile South Eaat of Spit Point on ttte Eaat abore of Portland Oanal. Take notice that Anglo Bntlab Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation. Salmon Can-nen. lnteixla to annlr for a leaae of the following described landi: foreahore: CMnmeaclns at a poat planted one I mile South East of Spit Point on the , Fast thore of Portland canal; hence Eaat fV VIIIUU. 1W1U. 1U HIU ..L. uwk thence South S chalna to low water mark; theoce Weat 40 chalna following low water mark; thence North S chalna to loeattog poat: and containing 20 acret, more or leaa. ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKWO COMPANY. LIMITED. . -W. E. Walker," Agent. Duted May 22nd. 1920. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to Apnty to Lca land In the Queen Charlotte land District, Land Hecorluig District of Prtnae Rupert, and altuate at A ml ton Point. North Dundaa Ialand. Take notice that Langara Fishing 4c Packing ComnanT. Lltotfted. of Miaaett. B. C . oocupatkm, eaunem, inteooa to apply for a leae ot the following described landi. : Poreehore. Commencing at a post planted at the extremity of land on Amleton Point, thence westerly 20 ohalna: Ulenoe northerly S chalna to low water: thence easterly 20 chains; thence southerly to point of commence rM tit, and containing 20 teres, more or loam. LANOAHA FTBHINO H PACK1KO CO.. LTD. By Its Agefrt, John WTHlam Mreh00M. Dated Jane 7th. IOM. , i . 1- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hallln'tfrom Prince Rupert tot VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanson llay, rtutedale. Alert flay, etc.. Tore- day, S:30 p.m. ror VANrOIJVr.ll. VICTORIA. Unit-dale. Alert Hay. etc.. Friday midnight tor ALICK A KM. AN VOX, BTEWAKT, Nasi Klter, Port (Simpson, (Sunday, 8:00 p.m. For POItT,MMPMN AMI iVALES ISLAND. Thursday. D.mL 123 2nd Avenue It M. SMITH Agent I'rlhee Rupert. B.C. TlVongh ticket told to Ylrtorla and Heattle .and baggage cheeked thronth to declination. CAKAOIAfi skeen: B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES KMI.IVOS FKOM ritlN't V. RITHtT To Keti lilkan. tVranrell, Jnninii and Skarway Anrutt t. .1. 9. 12, 16. IS. 3S. t8 To Vnrirouver. VI -lorla and Seattle tont S. , III. 14, 17. 11. 21. . I'KINTKSM MARY Ocean Fan, etc.. Vaneoorer and Victoria every Friday in p.m. Arenta for all ttramsnlp Llnee W. C nitCIIAKD. GKNFRAI. AflEN'T Srd Ate., Prince ttunert, D C rhoni 31 Canadjan National Qfte LargePt Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Hilling from MtlNCF, RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VIcroitlA. MCATTI.K. and Intermediate point, Mondays, Thuradaya. 4 p.m.; Salnrdajs, 1 p.m. For A.NYOX and STEtVART. Mondaya, S p.m.; Trldaya, 4 p.m. For MASSF.TT INXET PORTS. Mondaya, 8p.m. For SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE IML..U8, fortnlchtly For UKAOH'AV, Urdneedaya, 4 p.m. PASMiNOKK TRAINS LEAVE rRIVCL rtUI'ERT Il.tlLV EXCEPT SfMlAY at 11:30 a m for PUlNCF. OKOItdF, EIIMON-TO.V, INM1KI. all polnli Eastern Canada, United Stain. AOENCY ALL OrEAM STEAMSHIP Ll.TT.S City 'Hcket Office. 52ft Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 26ft FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ninlntr Room nitpa. rhnatr. . (field Suites, Simmons Reds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum ' ,Rug,s . Ranges and Kitchen ilardwnre. We Invite you to call. i MacKENZIE FURNITURE PHONE 775 A L.ND KLCOKDIMI DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the BrltWi Columbia Fishing Si Packing Oompaav, Ltd., ot Vancouver, B.C., occupation, fishing and packing. Intend! to apptj for a leose of the following deaerrbed foreahore, situate fronting on Lot 10, Rang S, Coast District: OommeDftng at a post planted at tne aoutnweat corner of Lot 10, Range S, Coast DUtdet; thence wutft 5 chains; theeoe In a owyh- easterly direction IB chalna: thence In a south-easterly direction 2o chains, more or less, to high water mark at a point distant 10 chains, more or less, westerly from the southeast corner of Lot 10: thence norttowectertr. following high water mark, to tho point of eommeace-mcnt. and containing IS acres, more or Icia. BRITISH COLUMBIA FUHINa A PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. BuohneU. Agent. Dated 30th June, 10. VO-Q ARB OM THE ) A KttyBO AUAO-TO- I i 2 L V LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaoe land la The Stlklna Lattd Recording Die-trlA of British Ooturntjla. and atMate ismt ftrte half tdOe Westerly from the! mouth of the Tulsequah Rlyer, which' Into the Taku Rlrer about alg tnllas 'up-stream from the Alaska Boundary 'Una. Take notice that I, James B. Stapler of Los AnsMes nnmiostlaei Mentne ea.i ! glneer. Intend to apply tor pfrmwsion I to rMirohosc the following described j lando: Commencing at a poat planted one half nitle Banterly from the mouth ot the TulaeefOah Rlysr, thence Bast 90 obaino: then North 20 ohalna; thenes Weat SO chalna; thence South 90 ; chains and containing 40 acres, more I or leas. j jAun n srriMwai BTAPLam. I Dated June leh. IMS. .114 llill.ii ,i rv 390 LAND ACT .Notice or Intention to Ap!y to Leaae Land In the Queen Charlotte Land Dlatrtet. Land RaoordlnK Dtatrlct of Prtnc Rupert; and altuate near the mavth of Na-den Harbor, on Maaomda Ialnd. Take notice that I. Author Robertson, of Maasett. B.C.. ooeupatloa, mill owitef, ItttaSids to aply for a leaae oi the Sottewis dfanbed land: .... Oommenclnt at a poat oUnted near the aouth east corner of Lot 2719. Maaor redo Ialand: thence northly 10 chalna: thence easterly 5 ohalna to low water; thence foil owing low water aoutherly 10 ehotM; thence westerly to point of com nvenoament, and containing four aerea, more or less . ARTHUR ROBERTSON. , By Henry White. Agent. Dated -May 12th. 129. LAND ACT Notice of Intentlitn to Apply to Lense Land In the Queen Charlotte load District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of M assets Inlet at tenam Mils Point. Take notice that Langmra Fishing & Packing Company. Limited, of Maasett, B.C.. occupation, salmon oawiers. in-tends to apply for a laaaa of the following described lands: OomaHoclBg at a post planted near the rxirlbrsst corner of Lot S0. Orsham Island; tbsnee westerly 10 chains: thence northerly S chains: thanes oasasrly It chains following low water. thence southerly Chains to point oi cut, ia oon taming s acres. LANOAHA FISRIKO & TACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated Ms 14th 1949. UND ACT Notice of Intrntlen to Apply to Lease land In the Queen Cbanotte UN DUtrlct, uura taeooraing outrict or prince Rupert, sad altuate a aa unnamed point on the northeast of Zsyes Ialand. north of IIW saslera exiretn.o . ; u- ,...n uned la as on Zayea Island Taks notice that Eugene H. Simpson and Author Robertson of Uassett. B.C.. occupation, esjuiorymen, intend to apply let a lease of the following described fends: Foreshore Commencing at a post planted 300 feet south of high water at the extremity of the shoes-mentioned unnamed point: thence east 30 chains' thence north 8 chalna to low water; thence westerly 20 chains: thence aouth to mint of commencement, and containing 30 acres, more or 'ess. EtrOCNS HUMPHJU.1 SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBKRTON By the Agent John Will lam Uoorehouac. ntsted Jane Tth. 1999. By George McM&nm WELL- Ml. -blX A, lOAF OF BKVV 1M IT- CT HE? 77 LAMB CHOP A-sl A