i CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Eferjon read th CUulfled Ad. LARGE CABARET It you lose, tdverttM for H. 8pecltl Dinners Thursday! and It you find, locit tht ownr. Saturdays Danclnf every Saturday night Whatever you need, advertise for It from 9 to 12. V Dance Hall tor Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations for Private GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. Parties Northern and Central British; Columbia's Newspaper Thone 4S7 A. 'i PRINCE " RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS .1 TWO ROYAL PROCESSION STOPPED BECAUSE SNOW IN Prince of Wales Acts for His Father At a State Levee at Palace LONDON, Feb. 26. Snowfall this morninir broutrht ilisappointment to Londoners 3i vvaies drive m siaie irom uucKingnam raiace to St.; James Palace to hold the season's first levee on behalf of ling George. Because of bad ivas canceneci ana tne rrince istance from his residence in brilliant scarlet uniform as a He was escorted by members of ficials in glittering uniforms. The scene inside the palace was a brilliant one. It was he first time the prince had acted for his father at a levee. t MENINGITIS ON STEAMER: welve Persons Isolated In Seat- lie Hospital and 134 Are Quarantined ;t ! I SEATTLE, Feb1. 26. Twelve K-rsons stricken wltn spinal men-ngitis were isolated today in the ity hospital, while their 134 for- companions in steerage of the Kcr ir.crican mall liner President Mr. :oln were quarantined aboard the sb,ip. The first and second-Ja?3 passengers left the ship when ih: berthed last night unaware J the disease had gained a foot ed in the steerage after the Ihjn left Yokohama. One nun- lr:d and elevsn of the quarun- Jned passongers are Filipinos and Die remainder mostly Japanese,. TWO CHILDREN I AREDROWNED idle Girl at Port Haney Broke Through Ice on Small Pond PORT HANEY. Feb. 27. largaret, aged 5, and Reta, aged , children of Mr. and Mrs. rat ' ;rr, drowned yesterday! were ... . ... ii ancrnoon when the ice on a smaii nnd on which they were sliding roke beneath them. The water ;.3 only about three or four fectj n depth and about 300 yards from lie Carr home. A neighbors liild, aged C, gave the alarm. The bodies were recovered. WATERWAYS BILL DROPPED OTTAWA, Feb. 2C Following debate In tho house of commons i which both Premier King and onservativo Leader It. B. Ben-1 t'U took Dart. T. L. Cliurch. onservative of Toronto North l Tve3t withdrow his motion asking i he government to nroceed with' ejrotiations for a treaty wltWh'eltf nltcd StntM rMnortlntr Ihn St. cr development as n nubile WHEAT PRICE TODAY , VANCOUVER. Feb. 2G..Tho u, mieuv on exenange vouhj- A "ty titHERMEN who hoped to see the Prince weather the state procession I oi vvaies warned the snort: York House, wearine his. colonel of the Welsh Guards. I his staff and household of TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL MET II. E. PAWSON RE WAGES The executive of the ' ' Prince Prince Rupert Rupert Trade Trade and and . "H"r wmhi law niMtmes : 7.J ii. ti. i'awson of the I'ower Corporation of Canada at the City-Hall to secure from hfrn . an expression of the attitude ectric stoek were purchased on of the company toward sign- margin by II. A. Talbot) speaker ing a union agreement, . iof the, Manitoba .Legislature, Mr. Paweon met them on previous to the consummation of eVery question and the mem- tbe Seven Sisters Falls lease, to bers left well satisfied with the private company. This , was, the attitude of the company. the testimony given by Mr. Tal-' Those present at the meet- jbot today before the Royal Coming were S. D. Macdonald, !mlsaioa Investigating the enm-president; James Black, vice- Paign funds chances against the president; Frank Derry, sec- Bracken government. retary; J. J. Gillis, J. M. Morrison and T. Black. ,, STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) The following quotatlopi "were II. C. Silver. 1.10, 1.25. Bayview, 3 Mi, 3. Big Missouri, 1 JO, ,1.92, Cork Province,- 17V5. .18 Cotton Belt, ff7,' 68. Dunwell, .Ky-Nil. ?, Duthie MlnM, 60, 34i : , George Copjier.' 9.50, 5.58. ' Georgia River, 54, 54 V4. Golconda, 1.00, 1.05. Grandview, GO'a, CI. Independence, Nil, 10. Indian Mines, Nil, 7. Intern. Coal & Coke, 37, 38. Kootcnay Florence, 10, 20. Kootenay King. 37, 38. L. & L., Nil, 5. Lakcview, 1, 2. Lucky Jim, 17. 18. .Mohawk, 5,(fS.'u I lA'. M ( Morton Wlffy. ft 4r Marmot ltU'e'r Gold, T, if Marmot Metals, 5, 6. Nnt. Sil. G. S., 18Vi, 20. ' Noble Five, C9, 70. Pend Oreille. 12.90, 13.00. Premier, 1.93, 1.95. Porter-Idaho, 59, 03. Rufus-Argcnta, 3f. 36 Vi. Ruth-Hope, Nil, 45. CreHt- 9- lt?,. S verado tons., i.iu. Rlocan Rambler. Nil, . 0. Snowflake,' 28, 29. Sunloch, 3.25, 3.50. Terminus. Nil. 10. Toric, 1.00, 1.40. Whitewater, 1.20, 1.25. Woodbine, 4Vi, 4. Oils Fabyon Pete, 7W, 74. ALASKA LAW FORSALMON WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. The senate hill tp amend trie Alaska Fisheries Art was pa.Hhed by the house yesterday and sent to the president, Under this measure it would make it unlawful to preserve for sale as a food for human consumption any salmon unless it shall have teen canned. Fnltd. ired, frozen, smoked or dried wMhin 18 hours after being caught. BOUGHT STOCK AT WINNIPEG Relieve Uumor Thit Stork Vfouhl Co Up Rut Lost $3000 0n l)tau.jf. - T: . " mBST.i . ' .WINNIPEG, Feb. 20: One; 'hundred shares of Winniiwg EI-i 1 i he witness tesuiiea tnat his loss on the transaction was $3,000. He said he had bought the stock on the gossip of the street nnd around the corridors of the House that it would likely go up. TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. I). Johnston Co.) InternaUonal Nickel ?-?9, Sudburv o i, Basin 11.40 a leWrUUOordon , 8.70 Tcck nughes 9VG5 M.P.ARRESTFD ATOTTAWA a)U Auger Charged With Of fence Against n Woman OTTAWA, Feb. 2C Louis M Auger, M.T for Prescolt County, released on a bail of $1000 last iiTght following his arrest on charge of committing a serious offence ngalnst a young woman was In custody again today. Unon arraignment in the bolice rourt today, it was disclosed by J. r. Kllehle, crown attorney, that AugtT had been illegally releasedl'jnec would be consumated.' Did The criminal codp in tils type of w v.. ii l it 1 1 Ji j x . premeomirt of Ontario. The con - tentlon was upheld and Auger was ordered held in custody until protcr ball had been arranged. A d tho same for the other prov- Springfield today faced tho remand of one week was granted, inces. Mr. Bennett was speaking worst flood condition since 1913. Mr. Auger was arrested by de- at adjournment. Tho debate was (The city was without power be-tectives as he left tho parment on Mr. Woodworth's .resolution cause of the high water. Buck buildings last night. In an Inter- view ne uenieu mat mere was any. thing to mo cnarge and said tho les ald about it until it Is cleared up tne, Better. Launching of Britain's Newest Cruiser II.. M.S. Dorsetshire, the latest addition to the British navy, launched recently" at Portsmouth, latest in 10,000-ton cruipers is Echo of Seven Sisters Falls Scandal Reaches Federal House and is Discussed by Members OTTAWA, Feb. 27.-J. for Winnipeg North Centre, charged, in the house last , night that Hon. Charles Stewart broke his solemn under - taking given to Manitoba members in the federal house! that there would be no lease granted on the Sqven Sister , Falls power site until those members had b(& consulted. I Either the word of the minister is sacred and that mm- ?stfr anpnVs nn rifrm1f nf tViA pnhinpr. nr pIsp trm tfin nf trip cabinet solidarity and the honor of lh8 house becomes a thing of the past," Mr. Woodsworth said. T.' '. Bird. Progressive of Nehion condemned the principle of handing over the natural resources to a private Interest by order-in-council. i Hon. Charles Stewart declared he had time and time again con- suited Manitoba members. He had tried to see Mr. Woodsworth and :t was not his fault if he had failed. I believe the lease is a' good one Mr. Stewart said. He added that he had nothing to do iwitn tho act,on of th UraekenU Kovernment or tne situation it. a!'ound itself in. . Hon. R. I). Bennett wanted to Jknow. whv thero had hin no much hurry in nrrivinir at an air- 1 moment with MniiiiMiA nf iYa , basis on which the return of the n.,i.rl nf iht ,.,. 11110 iiuuj aitj icuhrmi iu 0 ' , . Ir- Stewart retortMl that 1 the' government had been prepared to advocating that no disposition the natural resources under the control of tho Dominion shall be effective until ratified by the parliament. j England. The Dorsetshire, the shown sliding down the ways. S. Woodsworth, Labor M.P THEIR grounds. FIRST FISH SPECIAL : OF SEASON LEAVES ! The first fish, special ,e- press train of the season ! pulled out for the east at ss 11:15 this morning. There were ten refrigerator cars filled with some 200,000 pounds, of fresh halibut which was landed from the . boats arriving in port from the banks for yesterday's ex- ,4 change. "All the local fish buyers contributed to the nil in merit which was the first blg' orio to go east this year. SPRINGFIELD IS FLOODED , . -J - SPRINGFIELD. Ohio. Feb 2fi. ofjCreek and the entire city water supply was cut off. The down I town-section was under three feet Iof water. Factories along the river bank were inundated. Two Fishermen Swept from Deck of Vansee by An Immense Sea Reporting the second fatality of the so far short-lived 1929 halibut fishing season, this time a double loss, the big Seattle halibut schooner Vansee, Capt. Chris Peterson, arrived at Prince Rupert last night from her initial trip of the year to the halibut grounds. In the same storm which caused the loss of a fisherman from the Canadian boat Takla and damage to the vessel, the Vansee was swept by tempestuous u f of Alaska and two of her fishermen, Martin Anderson, i!g"d 37, and Brungo Svensen, aged ?4. both of Seattle were hurled overboard and lost without further truce. The immense sea which raked the vessel also carried away eight dories, 18 skates oi goar and smashed all the boats and railings on the Vansee in,t. Captain Peterson said the J"nt,e ?n Pn an manu-Vansee W! in the Provinf W Pa-amoant was fishing with a small ?ed, 'f a 8econd rcading by the of gear out. The sea was .. so very rough. Suddenly the ,e'8'at"r.er eteda?; , boat was struck by an immense j, T1n bili. hd 0' M d!rect t comber whfch swept fief amid- Ject the ndering or aid to the ships and aft, carrying the: two xtpnt of 11 a ton to William men with it. One of the men Cooke and Co- Canada Ltd., now came up not very far from the cnsed In manufacturing various schooner and they made toward ',nes ,n Vancouver. The amount hrm, expectfng to pick him up, bat ol the subsidy is limited to $20,-he disappeared before they reach-! 000 a year and (not t6 exceed ed him and did not come up again. The younger man was a brother in-law of the captain and had fished for two seasons The accident happened in the Gulf of Aluska, about 70 to 80 miles from Kodiak Island. The sea that struck them was the only one of its kind. This was Captain Peterson's first trip In the Vansee, taking the place of Captain Andrew Olscn, who is now fishing his own boat, the Electra Ten men were aboard the vessel, five of whom were on deck and one in the pilot house. They were ha"'iRJf 'n iter when struck. JJrf Jn layoff t Seattle a few dayi for repairs hfnri rtnrnlnir to thp flshlne MARSHAL FOCH CANNOT LIVE PARIS, Feb. 26. The Associated Press is informed author-atively today that the condition of Marshal Foch is considered hopeless and that death arrears to be only a question of days, a week, or 10 days at most. KILLED RESULT OF ROLLER SKATING ON THE SIDEWALK VANCOUVER, Feb. 26. Betty McBride. aged 11. while roll - er-skaling on the pavement on 7th Avenue was accidentally knocked down by an auto and fatally in- jured, dying two hours later. W. H . Harrup. driver, is charged withi manMauchUj AUDITOR WILL GET j LARGER SALARY; .- 'obsolete of the Canadian destroy- VICTORIA, Feb. 26. A bill ers Patriot and Patrician was an-was introduced by the legislature -nounced. The Patriot goes to which proposes to amend the Thomas W. Ward Ltd., of Shef- Audit Act so that a maximum of $8000 a year may be paid to comptroller general instead of $6000. LlVi LONDON seas on February 20 in the STEEL BOUNTY BILL PASSES VICTORIA. Feb. 26:-;A bill $100,000 'in five years, the term Iof the subsidy, Minister of Mines-W. A. MacK- enzie explained that'- there was now iron apd steel serap enough available in B.C. and Alberta to warrant the development of the Industry. NO CHANGE IN BONDING PLAN Efforts of Alaska to Secure Business byiSjuppresHjng Prince . Rupert Not Successful OTTAWA. Feb. 26. There will be no change made in the arrangement by which American fishing vessels ship their catches through Prince Rupert in bond to the American market, it is an nounced here. The suggestion to make such shipments liable to duty did not meet with much favor at Washington. It is also announced that the whole fisheries question as between United States and Canada is under review of the two eoun tries. 2000 MINERS IN CANADA YET OTTAWA, Feb. 27. Of the 8409 miners brought to Canada under the harvest movement last jear, 2000 are still in Canada, the minister of immigration stated in the house yesterday. , CANADIAN DESTROYERS HAYE BOTH BEEN SOLD OTTAWA. Feb. 26. A sale field, England, and Patrician to Nejberand Marcus, Seattle. They will be broken up.