PAGE EIGIIT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre TUESDAY 7 AND 9 P. 31. BETWEEN SHOWS AT 8:40 P. M. Monologues, Dancing and Other Turns Not Musical. First Prize $10; Second $5 LOTS OF ENTRIES HEAPS OF rUN! nun at a PICTURE PROGRAM SLlGHlLY: USED" With May McAvoy and Conrad Nagcl. COMEDY "FOOTLOOSE WOMEN." FOX NEWS 50c and 15c. CUMIN U SUUiN THE IWMK TUWW EKS. V COAL Your choice KDSON (ASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also ItuIMcy Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prii.ce Rupert Feed Co. Dr. Alexander PHONE 57J Br.fVEB BLOCK DENTIST MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on, Vancouver Stock Exchange on -' out stockist board daily: , We can give instant service In buying and jelling" Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. .,v;.t , We also have facilities' for accepting Wheat orders ou Winnipeg St jck Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert. RC. Try a Daily News want-ad. , ! UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED halllliM l"nl l'tl'' Kuftfrl., i.f VANtOLVtll IICTO&IA, Straonn IU. liutrdalt. Alert luj, rtc lunlat. SJWt i in. lor VANCODVi:iL VltTORU, Hut'dalr, Alrrt ftnj, flc Irlday mldnltht lor AI.ICK ARM. ANVUX. STl.V-'ARl MALtS ISUVU, I'OUT BIMI'MI.N, NAAh UIVtR. PunrttJ S p.m. . , II Xnd Anu. R. M. SMllll. Agent. frlnre lliiiert. U.U Throuth llrkfta aold .o Vlrtvrla. and PeilUe. an4 bascact rbrrkxk (hrou(l to drttlnatlor B.C. Coast Steamship Services uwir ! r n. r. . N mailings irom rrince iuperi To Krlililkan. Urnnxrll. Juneau and skasway lil. . 23; Marrh 0, 20. To Vanroutrr, VlctorU and Seattle I'rbruiiry IS. i7; March 13, ti. I'KINCESH KOVAL l ul r.iitrdalc. Irnt llellu llrlla, Ocean I all", Nainit. Ali rt lluy, Campliell Klrr, Vancouver and Victoria, every 1'rIUay. in p.m. AlnU for all tjteainihlp Mnea. J lH Information from W. C. OKCIIAItll. (iKNKKAI. AdKNT Cirner 4th Htreet and 3rd Avenue, Trlnce Kuitert, II.C. I'hone St. Ran ad ian National Q7ic Lurgcfl Kailioay Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN 'SERVICE HallltiKa Irom I'RISCE lUTI'UT for VAN('Ol!BH. VICTOUIA, HKATTLK, and Intermediate ointi, euch IIIIDAV. 9:00 a.m. lor HTEWART and AN VOX, each WKDSEMIAY. 10;0 p.m. lor NOItTII AXO SCItTII (Jl EES CIIAIII.IITJ E ISLANDS, KortnUhtly. I'ASSENOEIt TRAINS LEAVE I'ltlNTE KITEKT iMtU MiMAV. HEUNESDAV and SATURDAY at 11:80 a.m. for ritlNCE ni:oU!F, EDMOSTON, tVINNU'EO, all polnta Eaitern Canada. Lnlled Mutea. AflENCY AM. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Tlrkct Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2G0 ' WEEK AT THEATRES Tuesday Westholme: "Slightly Used." Amateurs. ,, rnitohjjGilda .Cray in Wednesdawuid. -Thursday, Westholme.: "The Cop." wjth WilllanvBoyd andJac- queline Lograi air. in Juvenile Oratorical. Capitol Capitol : : Lon Lon Chaney Chaney "Laugh,. Clown, Laugh." . Friday and Saturday nihiiT tfith I&harii Berf- nett and Doris Kenyon. Capitol: Corinr.e Griffith in "The Garden of Eden." MR. CASEY'S PROPOSAL iiditor, Daily News: As the wood cutting scheme which I proposed, and was accep-; led by the workless workers on. Sunday evening is entirely de-t either the public or the unfortu nate workers, who at present are destitute. We are to offer the public Jack Pine and Hemlock, cut in stove lengths at ?10.00 per cord. Red Cedar. $0.00. If any desire it in four foot lengths those prices will be reduced ?1.50 per cord, everything delivered. The Casey Cartage Co. plies air tools, does all th ing and cuts thd wood in lengths, with ., their power conveys the en to anu sup-haul-j stove ' THE DAILY NEWS 7r FINE COMEDY IS PRESENTED ! Local Talent Scores Success in Stagingr of "Green Stockings' for LO D E. The rippline three-act comedy "Green Stockings" was given a splendid presentation by local' tal DAZZLING FILM AT CAPITOL Beautiful Gilda Gray in "The i. DcvjUl)anccr'itCapilol " "Tonfglit Only ent before a crowded audience in age desert of Tibet; the the Capitol Theatre Inst night un- stations of the Himalayas; der the auspices of Mysterious lamaseries, the sav- it. u , the j In omun, inougn not entering until nny were in ciwrnc ui twu a year, thereby, aviating theecQBd act nR(1 a heavy n and make-up ad Mia Mary need and at, th.e ,sme time Ket-,fr0Jn Qn B acqultte1 hopt actod ,n the ting value for .money. Phone all orders to the , Grain Handler's Union, Bue 627, or S03, Casey Cartage & Fuel Co. GEO. B. CASEY. I special: SEEDLESS RAISINS 7 lbs. CHOICE PRUNES C lbs. . . 05c TABLE FIGS 2 lbs 45c TABLE RAISINS 2 pkgs. ...45c MANCHURIAN WALNUTS 2 lbs. ...... 45c CALv SOFT SHELL WALNUTS 2 lbs. i. 75c SOFT SHELLED ALMONDS 2 lbs. ............;....'...G6c himself in his usual capable man adapted Others In Cast A. A. Easson sustained the character role of Robert Tarvcr, prompter, were usherettes hill the Municipal dust-laden plains of India; Delhi, Chapter, Imperial Order, Daugh- the old mogul capital; nautch ters of the Umpire. The effort, houses and narrow streets thron-which was crowned with much.Hng with colorful native life. ne. j success, reflected great credit not wonderful background and t oniy upon xne memwrs 01 me cusi mood jor a sensational story but particularly upon Mrs. Shel- Jet where have you ever seen iti ford of Municipal Darton, regent & , man Chapter underwho.e personal dl- di. q rection it vaS staged. Several . , r... ...u...i. , .ill HUH, UB 1UI itO VJYdUI.BC, nillV.Il 13 new performance on the local am- , h ,f th forbidderi lateur stage were introduced ana , ' . . .. , , city of Lhasw Wmle there ho ! notable among these were Mr3. :ir t. sh.riJNi nH Mr P. fi 'acquired an intimate knowledge TlJ 1 ptitY RnY ! Dawson, who distinguished them-'f the customs and manners of i liC Litlltl UUA. 1. xvith aHimv In th. these strange people; and he also I leading roles. Every member ofi ard a story which gave Mr. i the cast contributed excellently to n idea for a motion picture, making three hours of solid enter- j He also learned other arruzin; , I tainment and the audience was not customs. Whfle, stuyiug ut Gy I slow in expreasing its apprecia- antee be beard of, a tion of a notable achievement on serie 'where the' monks buriec ' the local stage. thenjsfeffee, aliwj. Ob a visit U .Mrs. 11. ti, bnauweii. in mc this monaatcry lie saw severa. a I t i - . 1 - " . . . ... ,w roie c oi ueJia v""i 1 rarauay, ", au"'' mauuen oi of the me monks moans actually actually Dractltini praciumi nonrfPtit fnr it success unon nub- . , n! t rnfl S trTbr ief 1 v oldest daugM of an English faro-l this horrible form of aelf-morti. set out the terms ot tne agree- v.. ...,,,, jtftn (1 tl mAnt an that all mav iudtre fori . . .... ..... i UP ..... . - - ,riea 0H a ujmeuii ana neavy roie themselves as to whether or not i . u i in cells under the earth. From New York cabaret to . , a Unii icii nine w uv- 4l.u a. vmmt I. 1 the temples of the fcast Is a wo nr ntfpmntinir to Axnloit . . , . fai w.w .--.-n . na.i riui ha anthiia .trt. .nn q u . . . . ... " r r' ,pv n. u.lh nil. IMBIH.. I . 1 1 . 'i of the audience for her perform- . . . . Gn "vered that d.atance. be-storm ance from her entry out of the wcred dancer, dedicatee in her slicker and oil skins coming a to the Godde lr- ln R T-,bet- to the final curtain when she cai- ,i tv. u i r u,. .n an latnaaerie. The atory was vented Colonel Smith was her written by this young man, Harry consistent reward. Hervey. Mn. P. G. Dawmn. -is the Show. Tonifht Only virtuous Aunt Ida from Chicagu, The name of thia picture is and the unwilling partner in Celia "The Devil Dancer," and it was Faraday "immoral" schemes, produced by Samuel Goldwyn shared honors with the leading 't shows at the Capitol tonight lady. It was also Mrs. Dawson only. saw, ideput to the general public, al- i . from though she had been previously en- work and" divides, SOrpO with the joyed in smaller affair"- Th men after the Government lloyal- roie ave hr lull opportunity , to ty of 35c per cord is paid. i exhibit, marked elocutionary tal-tki. .-. t':' tn?tni nmnosl-' eat first aa a horror atrickeu I tion. It is based upon immediate "; -v. '..i. ,r,,i am fr rah. Most mystem and, (finally, as a jolly i i j v-..-.uu fnP n'inouriaie. "''"TrarnrJ' Jame. Fr..u.W. as Colon! play. These were loaned by Mrx H. 8.1 Parker. Furs were loaned by William Goldgloom and suitf for the men by Bryant and Greer. George C. Mitchell, as staiti manager, contributed much to lh success of the production. Mis Etta Roiiertaon and M. J. Doug- COra 0 WOguvlfl .in? wumisc v,v , '.',, ' y I .k. t nn.tnmln East capac capacity of ner as the gfuff, tltough soft- Sheiford Darton waa cashier and hearted, military man. To stK Mfes Laura Frizxe!!, Molly reles, he has become particularly Ore, France Cross, Lucy Pills- bury, Jean Grieve and Willa Dyer After the play members of the cant and others who aeateted were a most hnglifh fcjngustiman nav- entertained by Municipal Chapter ing political amoiuon. wiui mam , st , jance jn the I.O.D.E. hall, ed skill and much of the comedy Mrs Darton expressed the appre- devoivea into nis capable nanus, i catjon 0f the I O.D.E. to all Miss Margaret Palmer, as Phyllis tho8e who nad agisted in making rarauay, tne youngest oi me lour th i,v and announced daughters, was hia demure finance jtnRt tne objective of 200 desired ana aiso iook a prominent part in tp cler ott tne jebt on the han the action. 1 had been more than realized as n . A . i-onaer "uou liiewea aiy n.Hu nf th f f ort . Daneinff wa. uoc oom to tne Keen aeiignt oi tnt- enjoved untl, 2 t m. with musk auaieirr as tne lamer oi tne tour by Mrs. J. S. BlB'sk. Fred Wells. KJrlS and J. A. lenff. as Admiral r,.v Rtmn and Jack rfo Jiir Grice B-tired. handled another wrnd, ana delicious refrethments cnaracier roie wim muwi apiomo. were Mrred. Mist Maixie McDonald made a, dignified second married slater Sis Mfret aizrz: s birthday of founder niricwiuv till ( M auu niuunvu sister. Dr. J. R. Gosse and Wil- FILBERTS f lLUKUTa 2 i lb9 109 1i 45clliam "' ""' Mitchell were www cast as young POPPING CQRN-2 lbs. .....25c me" ln,)i,fhf.r.f rts' JERSEY CllEAM quious V;. .Y,,, butler, " Jul McCORMICK McCORMICK'S SODAS 2 pkgs 45c BRAID'S B. L. TEA J 2 lbs $1.55 1 Teapot Free. BRAID'S COFFEE 2 lbs. $1.25 1 Teapot Free. FRESH VEGETABLES ARRIVING EVERY BOAT. Mussallem Grocery Co. i Limited 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTiNDAIRY Telephone B57. as an obse efficiently completed the cant. Beautiful costumes worn by the lad'vi were a pretty feature of the LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Servicu Coal, Sand and Gravel We Spcciallee in Piano and Furniture Moving. Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom He pays the highest prices. OF BOY SCOUTS WAS SUITABLY OBSERVED The seventy-second birthday of 'Lieut. -Gen. Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell Bt.. K.C.B., G.C.V.O., brilliant defender of Mafeking during the Boer War and founder of the boy scouts organisation In , 1908, was suitably obtierved by the , Third Prince Rupert Troop of Boy Scouts and Wolf Cuba. Games were played under the direction of Assistant Scoutmaator F. Burdett and Rev. W. F. Price of First Baptist Church gave an interesting talk on "Doing Our Good jTurnH Every Day." After partak-j ing with zest of sandwiches, cake ,and tea, the scouts sang "God Save jthe King," and were dismissed after having spent a very enjoyable evening. Emm i CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! .WAUftn 1 : h PITftl TnnicrYif Onlw GILD" AG BAY IN Devil "Dancer" What a love story invested with a personality th ,t chanta and a beauty that thrills Dancing! Ii,tx . eating love! Menace! Advcnturel And again--; dancing, dancing, dancing 1 COMEDY NEWS 2 De Luxe Shows. 7 and 9p.m COMING SOON "LAUGH, CLOWN, LAI (ill You sec our used cars on tjic road everywhere. W. Uiey arc always running, and running strong. 0:ir used car bargains arc Teal baxgnins for the rc i -w. that they are thoroughly checked and insipid V fore they arc sold. TIIK FOLLOWING USKD CARJlARfJAINS NOW AVAILAHLE FORilNSPECTION 1927 Dodge Sedan, leathoijiUpholsqrx - sr,:' " 192G Essex Coach 1928 Model A Tudor Demonstrator .. f-' in 1927 Ford Tudor, good equipment l-'V'-"" 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivory 1923 Dodge Covered Delivery S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES I'hone w Stand Mavy I Sii never A varies. m Lat foe I DEMAND Rupert Brand" ippen "THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W. Prince Rupert. D.C. SiMONDS Inserted Point Saws Mads from apeclal trel.and tempered In our own crucible steel mllli. aiMDMM CANAQ. ftAW M. it Mart Mtl-factory (of all year MWinf Economical for r, 1 ble-mi" owner.