qeiuay. r eurtrary suy ivcv I IK.ric.Al ILL J 7 id f Donald Gray, bariton i) :S0 ".Sleepy k;a. KYA THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE 'J Radio Broadcasting "gin DAIEY PROGRAM Tuesday, February 26 i i I'm T.'T.-'V 5 10- American Artistic En- f) j MrMit'on Institute of ien: i t- , n L llf IV I- V 11" 00- :o. and Gordon KDYI KEX KGA, KYA, KMTll, KLZ, K1JYL. Nights,. KJIt, t-,00T7Neano!'tan KEX, KGA, KYA, KSITK, KLZ, 9:00 New. Haven Time Sig-nals, Pacific Artists Trio, KJK. KEX, KGA, KYA, KMTR, KLZ, KDYL. 9 :S0 Woodwind Enaemhln KJR, KEX, KGA, KYA, KMTR, C OO- ABC' NetWork. Paul Whit- '"""-"""cmtr airings, Her- 'Sj r..t.i it man nenin a Kecord nir ft 3:00- AVrigley's Royal Cana- nuiLl- T 1 -1 J f . . full orchestra accompaniment. KJR, KEX, KGA, KYA, KMTR. 9:00- American Salon Orches tra, Francesco Longo, director, Ani. rkan Artistic En KJR, KEX, KGA. KYA. KMTR. Soloists: Dorothy Lewis. 9:30 Charmed Land Male Sin- Orwtad. jrers, KJR, KEX, r KMTR. i u -j a'hmlt Mr-UK nun. aju, iu;uv vie Mvymn KGA, KYA, and his uver Ind and !sa," G:00 Majestic Theatre of the Liborius Hauptmann ,tr Kjn KEY k'P.A KYA KI.7. INSPECTOR OF RADIO COMING u fuciML'-Aaion orcnesira. vt:tn wnvt mtK2 " New ltaven tlm r- i f a I nd mal KEX. KffiA, KY KDYL. o K ninn Novel KjA, KYA. KXi tgABsrioa U4 "UlfNVrm? KHZ. . reent and that It t it .1 i xv ay ii ....... Ki in direct KJR KMTR, KDYL, KLZ. upon radio broadcasting for its -a IQ:00-"Show Iloat Frolic," an success." he said. "It is not a , kr nil ntrn i KI7 jvoa, ma, u, Kt, j,,,,,, R,wr Show question of trying to sell more .. Dot pulls alongside the levee tickets, but is an experiment in Wth a load tf humor, comedy business. We want to find out Thursday. February 28 anJ rapl(J.flre n0Velties. KJR. how successful a show of this Vic Meyers' Recording KKX, KGA, KYA, KMTR, KLZ, kind can be without radio facill- !.r; KJR, KEX. KDYL. a a supplement." " Novelty Program, "Thci - - - :oniss," KJR, KEX. KGA. 0 Sonera- Program. K.li;. ffiH&lmS lit: A VVA t.'fTt Ann nciin Ai'Uattc En 1 -ic Sulnists: Virgini'u Stroiu ( l)( nald Crav. KJR. KEX. Mr A, KMTR. , hr-itlii-lea of 'Rata." Skoi-.h, KJR, KEX. 1 i A. KDYL. KLZ. h.MTK. ! i); hunters Male KI'.X, KGA, KYv, Kl.. K HYL- rw Haven Time Slg-n; :in Opera Company 1 ctihrnfal awompani-J.iroues Jou-Jervillc, dU I IV 1 K. KriA. KUA. KYA. ir. K'jA. KYA. KMTR. KLZ. f) Novelty Piano Dh: Knnf f Xr llnlonn Duo, Hill. IR. Kl: Kf'.A KYA. KMTR, 1 '1 M... m ikRrr:H)i ni. I .... I. ii. I. I.- v . - Friday, March 1 D- American ArtLtie En- l . .... .. , KFX. 00- Viv Meyers' Dinner Mu-KJR, KEX, KGA. 9- Leo C'arrlllo Program & Srmuil Kcmin's niohnntrn KJR. x KGA, KYA. KMTR. KLZ, VI. 00- Musical Marathon, ndn- r v nroirrnm bv Hermnn lA t'VA i'llrrn t n trt.ft "Eyre and Mask," KJR, RADIO THE NEW HOME MAKER RADIOS ARE GREATEST OF ALL ENTERTAINERS AND EDUCATORS KEEP FAMILY AT HOME The rndio Is liccoming almost generally usod in this northern country. Many in the homos and campa are now enjoying inUrtainment that even a few months ago was npt thought .of us in the. :elm of probability. : , The Radio is one of the best memns produced to keep iiie young ieople at the home firosidc at night. It also keeps "the old man" in at night and homo life Is coming back. The Radio Is not only a great entertainer It is also a great edueator. Evary home shoirid have a radio, pa'llculrly In this part of the country where reception is improving., and whore and educational are few and many f o ms of musical programs far between. The family sit in thHr easy chairs near the firend music, play or lecture comes in over the air; no effoit Unrequired io enjoy the program. The Radio is a real .service and source of enjoyment ask ''"Kolstcr Radio i. recogniied as one of the best on the market. S. E. PARKER, Ltd KOLSTER DEALERS HEARS ENGLAND VERY OFTEN ON TO TEST SETS; SHORT WAVESET Leaving South on March 5 and Dave Eastman Telia More About Will Go Through to Prince i His Reception rrora Long George- I ' Distance nans onir uiu uom uour, President D. C. McRae of-the' t KJJ K KGA K Y A K r 7 KJR, KEj, KGA, KYA, KMTR. KifT KMTR, KDYL. Knvi ' Ka'.KLZ' Prince irlnce Rupert Hupert Radio Hadio Association Association at at Jfl,Z. KDYL KKX KGA, KYA. KMTR, KLZ, " . ' nirecior. gl)YL. KEX KGA- KyA. KMTR, Dave Eistman, who on Saturday miunight heara i-ommunder i n.nn ru. , has had a reoly to his latest letter tfyra broadcasting irom his base . v j j'flivn, :!: ' divisional superintendent of radio' for further Information in regard KL' for British Columbia, stating that to his shot wave set, said that for A. L. Gray, one of the radio In- the person looking for musical en- ispectors, will leave there. March 5 tertalnment he would recommend for Prince Rupert ...... to investigate that they . buy the ordinary i ii long pn. me matter or radio intenerence. wave eei as soiu commercially, un Mo 00- New Haven time signals. Soloists: Agatha Turley ,Ie wil1 not come direct' but will the other hand, anyone looking for nji:: d quartet and Instrumental soprano and G. Donald Gray, bari- toP off- Presumably at Ocean experimental work could get more hi: ,rui':, uhh, nin, i tfin ivaiia nn thn wotf inTPrPHt irnm a snnrx wava aat n KLZ, rn KDYL. vi iune, rwju, nr.A. - . "rj .lZI C. "t.Vl " I DIVR. 10:00- American Phllharmonlr fchc t.ra, Fraocesco Iongo dlrec ur 6:00 Viv Meyers' Recording Pr,nce Geor& . . . ha . formed . a ra He said that the short wave seta . A 1 1L it i Orchestra, KJR, KEX. KGA Ul association and has also re- were more mcKy tnan ine otners,; . T.nn a o, . nueeted a visit from an Inanector more difficult to tune in and the! . o!o:,l: Dorothy Lewis and ' "TT" , ' " ,V. and has been told that the same Nations from which they receive U , i . i i mn win viaii mai city. f"""' ime i c' Pr-IHpni MiRa ,,. Knhe long wave stations. Some- 1100- Vic Meyers' Recording ZS ?i?' "' wHt. t "..tli i C times they are on the air and ..i... h i.. jua. rwiA. n.iiK. hL. " v v (,.. :r;i in a program of lat ppiiuiar aance music, kjh, kka, , KYA, KMTR, KDYL, KLZ. Wednesday, February 27 00- Ani"ritan S.ilnn nrrh. , i.Lr,r"r:::'3---r'vxiu' The advantnvP of thP hnn b-oo raio HgBociauoN ana, ii mere " v o.uu "Thp ine TrnnhiHniir." JTOUDaaours. SQ . . , . wave spms tn bp that thv arn Iqist: Gordon Onstad, tenor, KJR, KEX. KGA, KYA, KMTR. 8:30 Reverie Hour, Melodiea m peea, asK lor.an inspector. . .: , The proposalJi that one of the I s-. . . run n hear hni night nlirnf and anH day Hav and onrt In in all all fjr inspectors, he located in a"d rlncc k,"! Micaher are. not . .. . f ... ir , n ... . i r j iite Rupert, nuycri, br ur In in some some other oincr . ; tr, r finrt'sco iongo. a rector vw ,a, iuuki, aim i ,.,i.it. v. suojeci to static conait'ons. iax1 no i . : .-Mrairiu luriev. wonrann would work the whole country loutii to Ocean Falls. This would be a Urge territory and would keep him buoy, it is claimed. Mr. McRae says that if we expect to get help in this part of the wintry we must go out after It-We are entitled to an inspector us there are an immense number HI' 11. AJlt. lrA.. J'iA. MA. IVAl 1 IL. .-i.f 1 ' i 11 ..a, ivi licanse.feeis. i (omeiiv SKeicn. ivjk. nuniiav. niarn :i a In.strtjmental Ensemble, gram." KJR. KEX. KGA. l Ji. . . d H6n Onstad, tenor. 5 :S0 Cathedral Hour. KFX. KGA. KKX. KGA. KYA. KMTR. ill' i paying Pro- " KYA' STRIBL1NG-SHARKEY KJ1V FIGHT WILL NOT BE BROADCAST FEB. 27 11 lv h X KI.A KYA KM I If mm A w T . i Itfftlf J IJ 7 iuLu.i.tfu limit k.ik tv t. a . lv in rn r i.ari'v. vh '-iirHaiu KGA. --? lent an .treasurer oL Madison tr Wmblupanv iuare Garden . ous Ru4(ilan. violinist. In recitaj. nIW that th far9n an KJ II. a KKX. KYA.'.'KMTK. JWi not to broadcast , ,8:60-"nariers.Cftrnra," Hu- whih will be staged - a k 11! i' l . . . ap is Qf-vexper d6es es not not s( sTg- Timlt' ifiA8Amerioir' Salon Orche-iBlfy Intention of the Garden to tra- FrancesW Lonjro, dlrecter, -bolfsh broadcasting from its fut KMTR KI.7 , AiiK, nw, K(;A nvm Mi-ncn thjg v 11 in s'i wa gram from ure programs. "We are trying interference does not seem to bother Mr. Eastman, who lives on Tenth Avenue East. He gets stations from all parts of the world and particularly from a couple of stations In the. eastern states. One station which comes in often here is 5SW of Chelirwrford, Essex, which is on the air three nights a week and can almost always be heard. Mr. Eastman has wrote to the station telling him of the splendid reception he got 1 , , ... from there and received a reply I , which intimated this was nothing J OP? I RFfFPTlfiN out of the L lXLLl 1IU1 ordinary. He told him not to trouble to report again, as fJQT VERY GOOD IN ne go 1 inousanas 01 letters ironv all over the world and had not' time to answer .UliSnjMw, AIL last wee7wBt5856cl sta tfons were jtettffigv practically Homing iru.c4Simani says ne war geijing wonaOTUUirepiion, a $yttday msWSheti' thfcjecepti His tptrtej'good . re na on ave STILLAFEW COMPLAINTS Radio Fans Annoyed by Receiving Sets That Cause Caterwauls In Air England has prohibited the sale of regenerative sets that cause the squeal which all raaio fans know and abhpr. Unfortunately there are a number of these sets In. .Prince Ruptft Sind the owners' seem1 to 'be always busy. conauered the Dominion conquest by . " peaceful penetration." Since the first . Victor Radio announce ment August 10th, thousands of owners have brought the joy of the New Victor Radio into their homes. They are proud of their sets. And why? Because in designing this New Victor Radio, the well'known Vic tor standard of "quality first" was ob served to the letter, and the purchasers profited bv it. This standard has resulted in world leadership for Victor products. Where music is known ' Victor comes first. Statistics prove it. Victor Talking Machine Company of CanJutaXlmlted. ' ORTIIOPIIONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS WEEK.JUST ENDED Following two week? of wondor- nil re niion. the nasi week ha i,een anylhing but a good one. ,' S. unday night was the only night vhen receplion was really good. I although there were occasions! . i. L. It . A 1 J -I. !.... ' mien 11 was uuL uau, bucii aa inn- atuidsy night from 12:30 to 1. when good local results were ob tained. ' THE JURYMAN'S LOGIC A lawyer once asked a man wh had at various times been on Small several juries: "Who influence you most, the lawyers, the wit ne?es or the Judge?" He expected to get some use-' ful and interesting information from so experienced a juryman. This was the man's reply: "I'll tell ye, sir. 'ow I makes up my mind. I'm ljUfcTtftaa and reasonin' malT ant- M Ain't Influenced by dlryfhing ftie'Hiwyers say, nor by what the witnesses II XVII Wi,reCePly; . nor by, Wt Judge .because, they keen jt to get 7Vi J lYcL through and their wails .and cat-jV' "V, V ...... JjCJ .ti.v.LJui.il 'done nothin, whys New rec?H1ng ets 'are being juirchasqd, by local people and .this ad'ls dally toithe number of local radio fans. The more there are the .greater will become the demand thit conditions be made I perfect for reception. t jCHRGINn BATTEirs ARE AN NN9YNCE Complaint is made of nome radio men going away and leaving their bitterles charging all eve ning nnd thus interfering tvith th ricerit!on of those Irr'the neighborhood. Doubtlen this is onlv !tlioughtkssne and It onty needs ' to be drawn to their attention to .Insure that it will not occur ngnln. Ucented under fviKnti of the Radio frequency Lahorttoriet Inc. If "he &WI he there?" And 1 bring 'w IMTn guilty." n There are not T many of t them, i. T-". , but sometimes they seem like n' . thousand. They are an Annoyance to several hundred legitimate! Uncle Sam paid four cents an radio fans who operate their sets acre for 1.000,000 square miles without broadcasting to their of land, when he bought the neighbors and interfering with Louisiana Purchase from France, their enjoyment. The total purchase price was Those who have tried to run $2,2G7,G22. ' down troubles in other places . - have found that the most common local Interference is that of electric irons with loose connections,' oil burned motors with sparking brushes, and 'different household Had 17 Boil is On His Neck Arms and Legs Mr. A. L. Willos, Sapton, Man. writes: "I had been blhercd will boils for about two yours. I Iimi cvcntecn on my neck, arms and Ice-I tried all InniU of me li me, hut nuor of them nremrd to help tno any. 1 then uaod two bot'M S ci' and I hnv nevrr Ikvh bothwe.) nilh any boils tinea then " U, U. n, is miaufactiiriHl only lv The T. Milburn Co., LU., Toronto, Out. Pj jf MGHBOr MODEL AudioriuJ Victor Radio DfdlfTi trt cfjermt the Highboj ubintt, c(aOy ieiifnti for them, iwih lubtt-tUcirk-dr ntmi iftiet, the Hew Vrror Rddio, Combine let of tubtl 4nd "pluj-tn" toril, tetij 10 flu m to electric uxet, for $485 McRAE BROS, Mi VICTOR RADIO RECEIVE Thousands of radio owners all over Canada have taken the guess and uncertainty out of "B" Battery power by standardizing on Evercady Layerbilt "B" Batteries. Three sizes now available the large 45-volt size for all loud speaker sets; the medium size (45 volts) for low drain acts, and the 22-volt Layerbilt for long service wherever a battery of this size is required. Your nearest radio dealer can supply Eveready Layerbilt "B"Batteriei in the size you need; alio, Eveready "A" and "C" batteries. Canadian National Carbon Co., Limited Vancouver TORONTO Montrtit WinniptK Oumiiy Uvtrtady Battery Station CKKC, Toronto Wort Bi(ead& Belta Bidd. FLOUR qmlmtrMkyMWrSlill RS