aturt'' F February 9, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE LONE WOMAN FLIER ARRIVES HOME FROM AFRICA I, 'i , v. il'c of Sir Abo hi her ur rival at ' ill' her flight in a v Hailey has been : r Jlend'-nt in .ii. i iiMikeil ahj ir i ihe A; .tie au.l I van hoc cal-(l;i v. also to take on it 1 1 iiruary 22, or i i liing commence, ii I.,- first boat will b ' :i the! catches, :i - iuiie possible tha ul Irwt may be In i. i idv ance of that date i " et for a big Ma onsidsrable prom more generally pfn-n mini of the pae 4 ail ;00.,l Cediy tf i .ly by Capt. A. At u!iittng hr for hal-'. 1 he Cedrlc did no last year, butafreufl ( ' asoa trolling aratnid ' cold spHI is'rtfport- l'i! rather hard floor 1 1 pleasure vessels We had too much lo ir gadpitv In at 'wo canes consider- e v,un done and the H;i!iiy i.-: !.,, mtii w nb her 'i-ovdnn ATi)drriti:e, England, at tiny Moth ;l;uie from Capetown, awarded the coveted medal ot i:ai Air Society as the greatest woman flier in 1928. Waterfront Whiffs Set Forllalibut Fishing Season; PJcagurc Boat ; amy Sold ; Herring Seining in Full Swing V.W halibut fishing season will ODen next Friday n ft i ni!g is now rapiuiy getting into reauiness lor moment of another year's outfitting, fishing activity . Much optimism is felt on the part '..'. men by reason of the fact that cold storage over the continent are low and good prices arp There will be quite a rush to be first on the .1 tnt back to port with the initial catch. Al- . Movement of bonis - r ;h! has commenced. 1 careless ones have been looking pt . ( ni ls TarkvolU. i about for alibis. i c . Capl. Edgar Ar-...Mtrrdiy for Ketch-.'it .. take on ice, . M t the f rut local i lay. They will -cward bank. I; i ieuay or Wedne. i. iefo u many local oi closer banks, .ay. Many 8eattlf their way north . . - i i oi lpiese 10 can nere i , rrh?ttanc: ii ght and took I is! port befoci ,h Triin weir Cruiser Nancy Soil Sale i announced this week of the well Vnowa loeal powur iruifl N.ndfby George Rn ie to AlexJ i. Hf' A comlartablt.- and speed i.tltfrcjeli tie Nancy if 28 feet ior.MmrW is equipped with a 16 anewMrqn me?eup 0 1 1 . mmmrniS shop, which was upset by the big of coal for Albert & McCaffery gale several weeks ago, has beenjnnd left Wednesday morning on put again on an even keel this her return south via Cassiar can-week, althoueh no attemnt wns nerv. where she' unloaded tin made to raise It to -Its former ele-' plate The Prince, John, in po t vation levej with the road. No steps have yet been taken, to right the gasoline tank at the -Union Oil Co.'s station which was blown down In the samtf hurricane. i The trolling boat Half Moon 1 has been on the Suga ways this j week undergoing overhaul prepar- uiory to the resumption of fish- I inir. Captain Kohrt is whiling away pa:t of the dull season by engaging in the building of a skiff for Capt. Tom Smith, new owner of he Ringleader. He is doing the job In the Suehiro boat building establishment. One "of the next overhaul jobs to be undertaken at the plant of the Star Welding will be that of the 1G h.p. Vivian engine in the local halibut boat Unome. Capt Uave Ritchie, owner of the Unome, is expected back shortly from his holiday trip to his native heath in Auld Scotia. jCapt'. D$lfFrTftee-oUhe Scrub ijf another df the local halibut Skippers who is expected back soon from a jaunt abroad. He has been spending the winter iaJfew hWm as was. During the absence of D. B IT.nn whp.left this week, to spendg 'r months engaged in researcnf work at the University of ManWsf; .mm in winipeg, n. n. iir-kies ry will again take over the dtH ,les of acting director of t frfnee Rupert fisheries exer mental station. J- Bacon, head of the Bacon lk-.l. 1 I 1 A . isiici ic leiuriteu iu njr i lI"St4; alter a comparatively brieff r.nca4ntne lr m-el Rupert Rmvlngr. ,.m cove .v 64 , a . considerable ,tj... , amount "v a i.fc i-i,,!.' TKm W VI knowurr pe rikl .met gitmlTy came here frora bavlM been -saifatd north MobUy. Later ha4 Uw possession of T. C. h, from whom Mr. Korfa based he aayaral years ago. popaUr tocul oM man now has tie of the snappiest little pleasure yachts in the ha bor. The Mas sett Canncrs big f sh .cker led way is expected to re-urn to Prince Rupert about the .1 of February from Vancouver, here she is having a new 120 i. p. Bolinder full diaael engine aatalled to replace a 60 h.p. rise o-8 tandiird gas engine which vas placed in the company's small-r service boat Delphinium. Th Hk h . p . Frisco-Standardi engine,, ormerly in the Delphinium, is' w Vb.Vg offered for sale. While ie new engine will not materi ly the speed of the Jed-way, It will give her much great-' 'howfer fot towing purpose, etc. "With her Wrw motor, the Delpbln- tin is now able to run on snout ne mi'es or so an hour. Capt. Shorty Huptlln, commodore of the Mastu tl Citnners fleet, has had .hurge of the installation work, both in the Jedway and Delph-in urn. . C. 0. Kowe's Cow Bay tank or nrly half a century the quality of Blue x H Kibbon Tea lias been uniformly good, because a n It hat come from the same choice plantation! in m j 'ndia and Ceylon. Inaiat on Blue Ribbon Tea, m Simply refuse aubatltutea. a J Good Creferf and XJ,rf pfcktS" 1 " fcg WKVCX r ramy rteita mm fotindland, where" lie, a flttcy other .good 'fish reared Thp United States government vessel, Seal, with members of the Alaska game commission board. ar:ived in port Wednesday night :rom Ketchikan and spent Thurs day tied up at the floats of the racific Salvage Co. The vessel made other calls here during the week. got 11 the way (o England and De.njJ ween s iimc ai nis naiivw, lfftna. :i Esie Countj about 40 miles from London. He was ealfaj .ome on account of the illness oT is Btother, who, happily, found to be making a good ?-oveiy. Speaking of conditions n the old land, Jim expressed he bellrf that, if the felkf here, o a whole, had half the pep that n:e is required to have in this leek of the, woods, they would be iblr to find considerable to do anc" times might not be quite so 'ad. Of course, there are serious industrial conditions which are not conductive to p osperity and the country is groaning under a jurdw of taxation. Development it transportation was "one thing 'hat the local fih curer1 nfervelled it in the old country. 0,ne hard-y knos he is on a' train there until he is dashing over the land- a CO miles ah hour or more. While he had ah' enjoyable trip. Jim, like the most of folk who leave Prince Rupert, says he! ;iad to -9 back again at the oli' grind. While over there Jim had ntended looking up our old col-tge friend. Sid Webb, former popular editor of these column. "Time and space." howevr. did not permit which Sid. who has been taking Fleet Street by worm tneae many moons, will un derstand. Herring Fishing With weather moderating, her- ng seining at Port Simpson has gdii been on in full awing durhig So past week. The seine boata Azu-lto, Capt. Ole Skog. mid Zn mil, t-apt. it. Gammon. ar fully .rupiod there and regular deliv-i rles of the fish aro being madt to port. The herring are unusual-'y fat anJ prime this season and tlie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ia usijik many oi mem fo ' ia Ve'l us for halibut bait storage. George Smith, wharfinger at the government wharf, has been able to return to his duties toward the end of this week after having been laid up at.hls home for the most of the last two weeks with u dose of the flu . P eigbter Salvor arrived from the soirth with n enriro l plant for Albert &' McCaffery CapU Jud ThurbeHlias'g-ivfeii the contraqt to the Atlas Boiler Works for the tank of his new halibut boat and Johnny Wiilke-, blacksmith, has the iron work job. Good progress is being made with the construction of the fifty footer at the, piani in Cow Cay. Sea Maid Hack The Prince Rupert halibut boat ing 20,000 pounds at Vancouver for prices which are reported to have made It worth ufe While. The diesel powwed eineboat Faith of Sechart, west coast of Vancouver Island, under charter to the Bradbury & Yelf concern La&d witluCpt. Al Woie in com-Imand, nTediit Prince Rupert Vr l' i i . i -r.l j irjenrine joum on inuqtuay aiver- noon to engage in nerring,jjsn- Ing. t j After having spent since before Christmas in Seattle and Vancouver on commission business, Nor" man L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fish-r ies Commission, returned to this week-end, unlpaded a cargo j I'rince Rupert this week, and of coal at the dry dock power' er-.ves today to make a brief trip o Juneau before returning to his post here- fop tbtfieasoti. The local 'halibut boats Nuba and D. S. T. have been on the grid of Edward Lipsett (Prince Rupert) Ltd., this week fo painting and hull repair work preparatory to the opening of the fishing season'. "La ,Peche Maritime," published in Paris, France, has an excellent Sea Maid, Capt. lienor Dorreen, 1 account of the work of the Prince has returned north in time for the opening of the flhjng season after naving spent utmost a mumn in the south, during which time she made one trip for black cod, land Rupert experimental station There is, however, one break which shows a sad lack of knowledge of the geography of North America. It speaks of the "fish-1 .Ties experimental station of the biological board of Canada situ-' uted at Prince Rupert, near Hal-fax." i APPLIED KNOWLEDGE Teacher An anonymous per son is one who does not wish, to be ,kown. Who's that laughing n the class? Voice An anonymous person, teaeher. The School Journal. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. v Phone 580 DRY BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double load $6.50 Large sack .v. ; . ... 50c Box Wood Cuttings. Large Load . $3.50 COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg -..'... $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $1155 Alberta Sootless Large Egg . . $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump .... $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue 't ... , . t-.''.f ;' , 'ft, ,Visn v. M. tit world tour. 'THE Sun Life Assur- i ance Company of A Canada, with its world wide connections and its representatives in five continents, provides facilities and service for its policyholders, when travelling, almost consular in character. Its activities form a valuable introduction for Canadian traders in lands where its .scrupulous fidelity in carrying out its undertakings has established for Canadian BASSADOR for CanadaAbroaa "In every important port at which I called, I found :- two great Canadian institutions the C.P.R. and the Sun Life." So said a globe-trotter recently. "The Sun Life of Canada is international. it MS fauna in almost all lands and is well thouAhi'of." A former president of the National Life Underwriters' Association, after a business methods a high and enviable reputation. It furnishes people in foreign parts with protection, carefully based on mortality experience in the particular locality involved. The Sun Life, like Canadian banks and transportation companies', is both an interpreter of, and an advertisement for, the people and products of Canada. It is an , ambassador for the. Canadian nation. " m LI FE ASSURANCE- COMPANY Sfc OF CANADA- HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL FOR PARTICULARS RKGARDINO ANY POLICY WRITE OR PHONE S. J. JABOUR NORTHERN R. V. REPRESENTATIVE, SUN LIFE OF CANADA