1911 Local and Personal News In Brief MOIR'S PAGE & SHAW'S NElLSON'S GANONG'S PURDY'S CANDY IN GREAT VARIETY In plain boxes, in fancv boxes, :n bulk, all fresh! you 11 find a wonderful s lection to choose from to d1( aso both vou and her! imes Ltd. Jfic Pioneer l)rutfisls THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8t,20C SELVIG BROS. MHAT MARKRT 3rd Avenue ' .! Phone 7Ga MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Suoifiltv ' '-!0LlV(! feftY SAUSAGES our make Krcsh every day. Superior Quality. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors DIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! t A Size for Every Use A Hundred Use for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY. THIRTY. SIXTY IIKTTBH (HW'KKR CHEAPER literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors tor B. C. MOIUMSQN TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO. 'A L.IM1IKU v f i Mm' rw rrrisat iiimibi VASrOUVf R. II, -" HOLT SrlMin KrloIM I rfnulMiiink. rrtae titan BEST SI" Specials for Children CHILDREN'S WINTERWEIGHT COMBINATIONS-Natural color. Sizes 22 to 32. Per garment . 1.25 BOYS OPEN KNEE TWEED PANTS-Lined. Sige 24 to 28. Pair &1.UU 12 ONLY, BOYS' 2-PIECE, ALL-WOOL TWEED SUITS One shade. Special, per suit S5.J t) BOYS' GENUINE FOX SERGE LONG PANTS - All: sizes. Per plir 347c) (URLS' KNITTED WOOL CARDIGAN SWEATERS-In blue, crimson and sand. Sizos 2-1 to 32 Price 2.25, S2.50 Fraser & Payne 3RD AVENUE AND GTH STREET SCALE !OF, CHARGES The following Is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices GOc. Cards, pf,Thankfv 12. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral i. Flowers 10c ner name. Marriage and Engagement announcements J2. 4 t. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. 11 - - Social in Catholic Hall, Friday 18. at 8:30. . . mission 50c, 12 This afternoon's train, due from the east at :30, was reported this rooming to be on. time, Ewart Lyne (IManlt, Capitol Theatre)' teacher of pianoforte, Studio -10 Federal Block. Phone Red 701. tf Hear M. M. Stephens dtMOM Jthe . nublkhed Financial State ment at' Moose Hall, Wednesday night. 12 James Calvin returned to the city on the Catala thin morning alter- hwrfng. made' thej round trip to Alice jArca and ether aorthern paints ., , . Canadian Legion, Ladles of the Royal Purple. Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary. Gordon's Grocery, Electric Bakery and Rupert Bakery- , Underwear Health Brand Ladies' Underwear Pure Wool Combinations 2.50 Jabour Bros. Ltd. PREINVENTORY RALE Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. hone ' Hear. M. M. S lthepablftjied F: j mnt, at Moose I : night I Stephens' titscuss inancial State- Hall, Wednesday ... 12 0. C. Walker returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a week's business trip to SUwatt L.O.L. Whist Drive and Dance, Metropole Hall, January 17, $.00 priie. Gentlemen 75c. Lad ies 80c. Good time for all. Owing to small attendance, the annual meeting of the congre gation of St. Pauls Lutheran ("hurcb, called for last night, was i-ostponed until a later date. II. L. Batten, well known Van-, Eagles Whist .Drive and Dance. I couver mining engineer, arrived January j?l. .. . Jin the citf from Stewart on tfiej Catala this morning and will pro- C.N.R. Employee Mh Annual ceed by" tomorrow morning's Rail. Moose Hal, February 8. (train to, the interior. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf H. F. Kergin of Aliee Arm, M. ' ' ' L. A. for Atlin, is a pasenger , BlkaVwht touWment Monday i aboard the Catala today going night ight In Elks' ilome at'80. Ad- through to Victoria where he will attend the session of the legls- ature which opens next week. Adjutant William Kerr of the Salvation Army is expected to return to the city toward the end of the week from a visit to var toot corps along the Skeena River. Union steamer Catala, Capt A, . Dickson, returned to port at 10:90 this taorning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points of eall and -wiU sail at 3:30 this afternoon tfir the south. Sam Deechamps, well kfown't Stewart Brining jnan, who if, at prifettl3VlrVe;p; operations 1'. V' 'jg.'paiwetrger aboard the Catala . - TleweWymeting of the today going through to Victoria. Fireside Club of First Baptiet! - Church "was again called eff last pMeengers disembarking here evejrfjMt '.on account oi. the flu from northern points on the outbreit. steainer Catala this morning in- eluded: R. Sraurthwaite. Leo Con- Acknowledgement was made at toll, D. Storle, 0. C. Walker, E. last night's meeting of the hos- Krpesvwag, Alex Dodds and H. pita I board of donations during l, Bhtten. from Stewart; James the recent Christmas season from Calvin, from Alice Arm, and Mrs. the Order of the Eastern Star, Van Winkle and Mrs. J. Pottin- ger, from Anyox. Miss Jean' Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, reported at last night's board meeting that the hospital was very busy just now. Many of the nurses had been ill and those who were on duty had been working long hours. There had been a toneiderable number of severe influenza eases in the institution. The regular monthly meeting of the hospital board was held last night in the hospital. President James H. Thompson occu rred the chair and those present Wtie: Aid. Wm. Brown. Aid. G. P. Tinker. AflL W. Jflf'fireer. H TVS,' V It' f iT 4 w Dr. J. P. Cade, directors; H. W. ; Birch, managing secretary, and ! Miss Jean Harrison R. N., lady superintendent Passengers going through from northern iolnU to Vancouver on the steamer Catala today include: T. Sullivan, Sam Deschamps, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McLean, S. P. Fltagerald. Mjs. F. Young. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. McNeill, P. J. Tay- FLU is now Epidemic! Compared with 191. th! rpldrmlc. M far. I mild; and yrt. In p4t of vntlj Inrrnwrd a-jmtUy, the Vkk labonilMlr rr one more Hr ruling nlflil and tUr u mrrt th mirrirnrT drinand for morr and mure Vlrk VpoRab. How best to use Vicks VapoRub . i 1. Afe A PREVENTIVE Several times a day, insert Vicks up the nostrils. Also melt a little night and morning in a bowl of boiling water and Inhale the steaming medicated vapors. This helps to ward off germ-iafec-tion. 2. IF A COLD STARTS If possible, go home and go to bed. Take a laxative and a hot lemonade . Apply hot, wet towels over throat and chest until the skin is thoroughly reddened. Then rub vigorously with Vieks. Spread on thickly and cover with warm flannel. Leave the bed-covering looe. so that the vapors, released by the body-warmth, may be freely inhaled. At the same time, Vicks also acts through the skin like a poultice. Repeat this treatment every four hours, eat lightly, and stay in bed until the cold k broken. Complete rest helps the body throw off cold more quietly. 3. AFTER A FLU ATTACK Physicians udvlse that the chief danger 4n this epidemic Is after influenia. Then, more than evr, colds, attacking the weakened system, may lead to brWchithv' sinus-trouble or pneumonia. This is especially true of children or old folks. Heed even the slightest cold as a danger signal. Vicks is especially valuable he c, because it is applied externally, end so can be used freely, as often as needed, without upsetting delicate digestions, as too much "doa!ig" is so apt to do. destructivenessof fire and Water is ' .SUBJECT OF DEBATE Edward Kane, the Judge, decided that honors wereleven in the debate befoie t Salvation Army Young People's Legion last night on the'destructiveness of fire and water. George Almon, assisted by PVank Pierce, argued that water was the more destructive, while an exposition of the destruction by fire was iriven by Capt. E. An- Ingdale. E. G. Langwllle and ?.fMlJ! f ,,i",rPieJS Geonre Ktitus. from Stewart; II F. Kenrin and Angus McLeod, from Alice Arm; Johnson Russ, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS from Kiinollth, and Wong Jin Sum Mr. and Mrs. Nick Caviglla and R. G. Dickinson, from Anyox. -JL-, ill 1 WMKKKKSKKttKtKSSfWSSHtKtttHKK H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. January Special Clearance Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 9 3RD AVE. & FULTON STREET. land Mrs. William Kerr. After 1929 Candidate's endorsed by Trades &. Labor Council For Alderman W.M.BROWN , S. D. MacDONALD For School Trustee JAMES BLACK R. T. J. ROSE Headquarters: Fishermen's Union Hall. For Carx, Phone Itlack 211. Your vote and Influence Is requested in support of the above rnmlldutert. 12 Acts at 2 ways once VAPORUB the debate- refreshments were served. '. ; " v Edward ; Kane vtts-: elects librarian of the legion. Next week' j meeting will take the form of a paper chase, weather Leo Contoli returned lo the city on the Catala this morning from a brief business trip to Stewart Union freighter Chllllwart, Capt. W. W. Mounce, arrived In port from the south At 2 'o'clock yesterday afternoon and", after - - - nr discharging a small parcel of Lfreiffht sailed later in the n for Stewart. Dr. Alexander AT YOUR SERVICE PMONE SIS nesNKK IILOCR DENTIST W. J. E. BARRIE Solicits Your Vote and Influence for School Board EDUCATION EFFICIENCY ECONOMY