mom re, Mineteen Year Old Lad F: at Says He Helped to Kill Boys at Riverside Farm T J f BRAWLER FOUNDERED, i 1 n i . Ruth, who was buned to death in Dr. Kinder's home here, Chief of Police Milmore said he was satisfied with Kinder's statement. T'i-J- JJ UmA lilwl) with CREW OF SIXTEEN LOST . a t 1. since mi. Wrince Rupert One of Three ' ' Different Gates to the Peace River Says C.P.R. President In an interview, said to have been given to Paul Read- u ... ....i .nuunmnnrmnr in i iie i hiiiiiiiiiaui wv - in).:, a .siiecim uuhcbiuiiucii. ------ 1 . i .1 i. i pim inn h ndson's Hope there is not a place wnere in i.ridged. North and south of the river our branch lines I Im extended westward and as t .. tit 1 1 f v link- lltl ,1. wlopment brings tncreasen . the I'arsnip mvor vuv - 11 iim llie time lor conaiuiu-iuK " i ii outlet through the mouii-i . i i - ... im nuiv arrive. Jie snowru , . . - .i - w a line mtgm one uay uo w- ie.i westward through the Peace . i . Ot . t at iit v iiusn ami on w dwitbiv 1 ... ii ttw.-n tin of th rortianti PHnee Geonre and the Canadian Pacific at Lytton or Ashcroft. "There are three logical gates lo the Pacific." he said. "Vancouver which is well situated, well , h..l. how another line might run equipped and has the advantage oi uih from with the Canadian Kationai in ONE acclamation i many m&yors; , Whole Council and School lizard i Chosen Yesterday in New ! Westminster. i . i REEVES AI.SO ELECTED KKKNBORO, N.C., Jan. 15. Declaring that he Contests Avoided in Scleral .Mun!-, ( -onion btewart Northcott kill four of the phi Wren cipaiuic muit m icMcr- , .;.!!! in California, Clarence Robertson, aged 19, who day'H Action :. nervine in the army, gave himself up last nierht ... - -ute nere. following mayors were elected by !c air that several months aero he obtained a nass acclamation yesterday: Pr the government hospital and went to the farm where New Westminster a . , Mlt was Stayinc and NortllCOtt offered him S3000 Gray and the entire city and Nelson Winslow at Northcott s WineviIIe members of council ranch. &0UNG IRISH 'PROBE DEATH PEOPLE DROWN: , JF IN. .....1 !'! .ii W U.S ' rum Jan. 15. Thfee ; WATBWOWN. Mas.. JtCi. IS. Welts council ;i i he children. His story is being investigated. .and sehoorfcoard. v-""0- 11 Mor- orth IVKRSIDE, Cal., Jan. 15. - Sanford Clark, 15 d .f age, nephew of Gordon Northcott, told today, orandFo ke t. a. Love. th" witness stand of beating to death with axes of Greenwood T . M. Guiicy und! three jrirla were After questioning Dr." rSdward councillor. Uossmuth, Bonne- H. Kinder, the Boston dentist, for Esquimalt James L. Rick , last night while re- rour hours concerning his rela- Tadanao E . M. Stiles, a danre. The boat Hons with Mrs. George Herman ; they were riding appar- ized. Kelson R. D. Barnes. ! NanaJrjao F. A. Busby. ' Trail Herbert Clark. Itoeves were chosen by acclamation in the iattowteg municipalities: Sovtfa Vancouver (Matrlet J. XwFroauae. '" j. CeldMMMHB W.' H. C. MerrinJ and all other offices. Sainton E. C. Maynard and all DOHERTY HONORED AT EDMONTON BY BOARD OF TRADE 'MS (IE, Norway, Jan. 15. . PAWS, Ja... 15. Georges EDMONTON, Jan. 15:-Fred j v. received here today that Clemencean, premier of w DnWrty, immediate past pres-l : sh t awler Thomas Hardy France, has been i confined to ws fct of Edmonton chamber! . . (I in the Artie Ocean and home several nays w v of 16 were drowned. i grippe. of. Commerce and manager of the i Kay al Rank, who has been trans ferred to Calgary, was honored by members of the chamber at a banquet tendered him in the Mac-donald Hotel. s Eulogistic speeches from several of the prominent citisens of Edmonton culminated 1n the presentation to Mr. Doherty, who is leaving soon for the southern city, of & beautiful desk clock, the presentation being made by John M. Imrie. y Some 75 persons were present (i. li. van Allen, president, oc- . . u.vwa tifnm rnmo : - j . l. L...i Hcattv is said to have mmcaiea mat """l1.1 :ui,iru ",e l,,u" r ... t ti nnfw rtiio nf which was I lo. u ai trates to tne reace iuvci wu"ji , ll.n.uirh Prince Rupert . . . .... IniT ATT DT1AT The Peace River District," Mr. Beatty pointed out, is nil nViU IVUil by the river itself ana lrom i-eace 1 niyw AUTO DRIVER SURRENDERS Theodor Hoggs Says He Wns Mun At Wheel When Knyc Was Killed VANCOUVER, Jan. 16: Walk- Finlay Forkes alang a steady flow of traffic Inward ,lng into the police station late - and outward. Prince Rupert, j yesterday afternoon Tlveodor 4- I PUBLIC MEETING Wcstholme Theatre Wednesdny, 8:00 p.m. S. P. McMordle, candidate re-election as JIAYOR, will address the electors. Ml eundidates for public of-i'ii-e hit invited to speak at this meeting. 12- 4 which is less used but nearer to iwKtrs, kou iweniy, win tne ioi the Orient, and Stewart, which at I ice that hewatOhajlfiifw: olibai present is hardly known at an. ,The national dividing line between the eastward and westward flow f traffic from the Peace River country, he said, lay through Spirit Diver and Grande Prairie. As car wnifti nn and Killed Edward Kaye erf Granville and Pacific Streets early Sunday morning. He is charged with manslaughter and was released on $5,000 bail. Bogga is a son of Professor T. namdation and uroduction moved ,H. Beggs of the department of ! westward from thia line the con-(economies In the University of 'sideration of a new road through jB. C. and is a studet at the un-. the mountains would arise. The iversity. He appeared in police . .. , ..... T I ll.t. I...- .1 j opportunity ior lower graueo nun hub uruiuK cnargea witn another important factor prompt- manslaughter and was remanded ing it. for wwk on 6,000 liail. MINE STOCKS-. AGAIN MOVE SirJfcr at Reeves McDonald Cairseci Flurry in That Property VANCOUVER, Jan. ISt There Is a pretty general ad- vanre in mining slocks.hcre today. Reeves McDonald has ' been affected favorably by news of a new strike at the property which has given the stock quite a boost. THREE ROYAL INVALIDS ARE King George's very slew progress was continuing. Queen Mary's cold was much better and she had practioally recovered frem her in disposition. The princes cola also wn much better. Beth the prince and his mother were confined to their rooms. The King enjoyed a comfortable day after . James Carruthers. lose their lives todtiy from suffocation when fire destroyed their home in West-mount, a suburb of Montreal ! BETTERTODAF CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Ev-ryone reada the Claulfit AO.;e CAItAKET If y iu lose, advertlne tor it. Special Dinner Thursdays and "x i Saturckiys . It y u find, locate the owner. Dancing every Saturday night WiKitevor you need, advertise for It tA1 from 0 ta 13. Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations for Private 1 (JET THE CLASSIFIED IIADIT. Partlee Phone 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vo. 11. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TU ESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS THREE FUSES TO GIVE UP SALVATION ARMY NO RBDUCTION OF ORIENTAL LICENSES VANCOUVER, Jan. 16: Pending the ruling of the , lriyGaej1 n 1ke -matter I of the Domin.on risberies f I denartmcnt. thev will not re- l duce the number of licenses issued to Oriental fishermen thia year, was announced by PROPOSAL TO CHANGE METHOD OF ELECTING I MAYOR AT EDMONTON EDMONTON, aJn. 16: Abolit ion of the elective office of mayor and the election of 11 aldermen instead of 10, one of whom would elected mayor by his fellow members of the council, and the ) striking out of property qualiil-j LONDON, Jan. 16. The three cations for candidates for civic oyal invalids at Buckingham Pal- office, will be charter amend-j ace were making progress today. -ought by the -city at the ! -t.tju!,nritAtfvlr that '"nfuu,," e'n if recommendations of the bylaws committee are approved iy the city council. GENERALFOCH ; IS NO BETTER the issuance of the bulletin which was the first since last Wednesday PARIS, Jan. 15. The condition to record a definite improvement of Marshal Foch, suffering from in his condition. ;a heart attuck. was reported stationary this afternoon. The HIRAM L. ' PIPER .morning bulletin reported a alight attenuation nf eymptcin. The i apt i ipp in nnp LOST LlrE IN HKh .ute of the heart and renal con- I dition both presented ameliora- MONTREAL, Jan. 15-Hiram tlon. This condition n L. Pijier, president of the rail- Brave and another attack wouM wav sutmlv rommuiv bearluE his cause the gravest forebodtMgS. name, and his wife sister of Sir NEW BRUNSWICK'S NEW LIE I 'TEN A NT-GOVERNOR AND HIS ADVISORS Plant at Tod Inlet to Again Operate After Helng Closerf r VICTORIA. Jan. 15: Because of the growing development of the nrovince. preparations are under way by the B.C Company Limited to reopen second plant at Tod Inlet. were concentrated at the new Batnberton plant, on the Malahat tide of Saanich Inlet. Announcement of the doubling up of capacity at the cement works was made by Edwin Tom-! lin. managing director of the com- POSITION v.... ) : (loverrmnt while , were bci -worn ii ..- .M r ! ; tne t. to right : Hon. Lew..- Smith, Min t'-r of Ai'iicu'turt ; Hon. A. J. man N. Brunswick Electric Pow r Commission; Hon. L. P. D. Til Secretary; Major-General H. II. McLean, Lieutenant-Governor; M ('. I). Richard. Miaister of Lands and Jin lie Works. .N w Brur-...? x. uv: .un-ini ,. n. i, ..i' tl.e Provincial -. ut:vr 'ouncil i mined ian ly uiter he had assumed office. Left f. per, Provincial Secretary 'I r usurer; Hon. E. A. Reilly, Chair-y, President of the Executive 'ouncil; R. S. Barker, Official lor E. J. Lounsbury, A.D.C.; Hon. J. B. M. Baxter, Premier; Hon. .i n. -. !.'. Dixua, Clerk of the Executive Council; and lion. D. A. Stewart, Minister of Pub- General Booth Refuses to Retire and Strain Causes Relapse Today Major J. A. Motherwell. LONDON, Jan. 15. It was stated in well-informed Muv,tH circles this afternoon that General Bramwell Booth's re- . i I rli fm.H-jia ViiorVi minnn nf tVia RlvaHnn Armv UK)C a rp- i ifusal to retire. SOUTHWOLD, Jan. 15. The strain of the past few days is reported to have affected the condition of General Bramwell Booth adversely and he has suffered a minor relapse which is leaving him a decidedly sicfc man. CEMENT WORKS jPOPETALKS. IS TO RE-OPEN1 OF SITUATION i ROIE, JLm. 15: Pope Tius al-a lot oisWsalali) with Car dinal Gasparr, secretary of state, this mos-aing In -whic tte possibilities of the situation in regard to the Roman question were liacussed. 'The conversation fol- Cement j lowed the receipt of various mes- it8 sages lrom America reporting .ihe impression produced thereby ... 1 t tk. ..U''""" IIUUUIK.CIUCIH, Uk Btch.rGardenS.d ha. been j , I . t . iaie ior me isi ven wn, wkhv-cement production operations Holy agreement been reached between the See and the Italian state. NEW KING IN AFGHANISTAN Pny- , i NEW DELHI, India. Jan. 15 "The prospect of steadily "-The abdication of Amanullah as milnif ripvflnnment in British r a ru . : i 1 imirp KILL Ul' IW W1IFAT HIIUAI . , ' niwiMo in th next few vears ! .,..1..., t 4 i in. v.....".- . - jvanui i uuuii ywvcriuijr . uh VANCOUVER, Jan. 16: The hM prompted the B.C. Cement kr fsince Inayatullah. price of wheat here today was Company to put the Tod Inlet was jmmediately crowned king in $1.2014. Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited for the re-election of S. P. McMordie, as Mayor Eronomlral Administration And No Taxes On Improvements ! plant in readiness to take care of the business when it comes," i)fr. Tonvlin said in his announcement W nnt vat nulla tin to m- ipacity at the Bamberton plant,: .... n 1 1 . PPL I wnicn is a,uuv oarreta a oay. in capacity at the Tod Inlet plant is 2.000 barrels a day. The joint capacity of both plants is 1,500,-000 barrels a year. The consumption here has been running about 600,000 barrels a year. Preparations to open the Tod Inlet plant are taken as a precautionary measure." I his place. a PUBLIC MEETING In the interest of M. M. STEPHENS, candidate for Mayor, will be held in MOOSE HALL WEDNESDAY EVENING at S p.m. Candidates for Mayor, Aldermen and School Trustee invited. Come. e