PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. We stholme Theatre MONDAY AND TUESDAY 7 P. M. GRAND DOUBLE HILL HOOT GIBSON in "Riding lor Fame" AT 7:30 P. M. Conrad Nagel in "STATE STREET SADIE" WITH MYRNA LOY. AT 8:50 P. M. "RACING BLOOD" NO. II, with AI Cooke and Alberta Vaujjhn COMEDY "SLIPPERY HEAD." FOX NEWS Orchestral Selecton "THE THREE MUSKETEERS." 35c nnd 10c. j Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert . ., DRYDOCK AND UfoM Biead& Belt' BMad. FLOUR makMiirmnaSIillimierSlill i HIP Y ARD Opt-ruiinir I..T.I' 20.UOO Ton HumIiiik tirj Dik-k Kiciineers. Machinists, Boilermakers HlHcksmilhM. Pmtrii .linkers. Founders. Woodworker. Etc BI.ECTIMC AND ACETYLENE WKl.IMN'. tjih plant ! jif equipped handle all kino ot nE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. MAKING PHONES 43 and SMS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sallinp irom I'rturr Uuprrt. Vut VANCOUVF.It. VIlKlltIA, n-n IW, llutrtialr. Alrt lUjr, He. Turodat. 3.30 i.m. , nr V.M Ol Vtlt, VICTORIA, Hut' d.ilr. Alert tor. ltw Friday nililmcht. for Al-lffc AKI. AMItt. MIfcV AUt. WALK ISUMi, l"tl tlll'M., NAA KM l it, Sunday. n.m. 13 VS Atruur. K. M. hMiTII, Agfni. rrtnre Itol.rrt. U.U Thibh llrkrt kola to -Victoria anil xralllr. and iMCfcatr rbrtktl iltiougli lu UfMlnatlur ilk B.C. e.i Coast Steamship Services $22 CANADIANj PACIFIC ,u"y Saili Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kntrhlkao. Wraiizrll and NWniwar January It. 26. Tu Vaiu-uiiter, Victoria and htalllf January , 16. 30. I'UINCfcSS KOYAI. for Hutrdair. Kat ISHIa IWIla. Oram Tails Vannv. Alrrt liar. Camplitll HI tor. Vamwunr and YUtorta. ftrry tHiIuy, 10 p.m. Asil lr all sinwhli Linen, l ull information from W. T. ttlttllAHD. (I KM. HAL AflKNT f'TiM-r Ith Htrrrt and Sid Avrnur. Trlncr Kueii. U.C. Phone SI. Canadian Mational Qfie Largeit Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE IMllhta. from I'll I Mi; KlTI.ItT lor VASCOIAKII. Vlt.TOItlA. SEATll-U and Intrrmrrilate point, each UtIDAV. !):txi am. lor MTF.U'AKT and AM'OX. rati; Ui:i).ll)AY. 10. 00 p.m. Tor NORTH AM) MRTII qiTKN CIIAUI.Orit: If l.MB, FortnlKhlly. PASMAflKI! TKAINH LEAVE HUME KITKItT Lath MoMiAY. v:iMl)AY and s.mmiiAY at 11:20 a.m. for I'MME URUIKIE. LilMONTON, HINMl'IG, all point Uuitrrn Caiudj. I nHrd statm. AflKNCY AM. OCEAN STEAMSIIll' LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert- Phone 2C0 ALDERMAN Wm.M.Brown Respectfully . Solicits Your Vote and Influence for His Re-election as ALDERMAN 1929 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE SOLICITED FOR F. G. Dawson FOR ALDERMAN 1929 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE SOLICITED FOR CEOrme FOR ALDERMAN 1929 ALDERMAN P. H. Linzey Respectfully Solicits Your Support in His Candidature for Alderman 1929. ALDERMAN G. P. Tinker Kcpectfully requests the favor of your support in his candidaturti tfor alderman R. F. Perry Asks Your Support for His Candidature for Alderman Upon His Post Record. LL Benson THE PHOTOGRAPHER f . FOtt yLI)EitMAN 1929 ; z:i Specials FLOUR Any brand, 98s, . . .$4.60 V I I I i ! FLOUR Any brand, 49i, . . .$2.35, j PASTRY FLOUR 10s. 2 sx $1.15 JtOLLHI) OATS 6-Ib. sxV ...10c 110LLED OATS B & K. 7s 55c PILCHARDS Is. 3 tins ....50c PORK & BEANS Hodlands. 7 tins .1 $1.0K BAKING POWPERrr-Malkin's. 12 oz. ft .25c COOKING APPLES Per box $1.50 Mussallem Grocery Co. i Lim'ted C17-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 THE . DAILY NEWS Ov WEEK AT THEATRES Monday- and Tuesday Capitol:, Corinne Griffith in "1 he Outcast." We8thp!rrje: Hoot Gibson in "Kftllbf 'ftr Fam'e Conrad Nirel in ! "Shte Street Sadio.!' Wednesday and Thursday Capitol: "The Yellow Lily" with Billla Dove and ' Olive Brook. 1 r. Westholm: "The Wreck of th IJipprus." .--r- ' v v 'Fridflnnd Saturday Capitol: John Gilbert and Joan Crawford in "Four Walls." Westholme: "Street Angel." "The Masked Menace." (Serial). i GRAIN STEAMER HINDPOOLSAILS Sixth Ship of Season Off Today With Full Cargo for U. K. or Continent The British teum-r Hindpool, Yiact- Rupert's sixth grain ship f the season, sailed this morning for the United Kingdom or continent with a full cargo loaded f om the Alberta Wheat Pool's i levator. The steamer Adra is now loading arid will get away later in the week. I The grain movement to the port from the prairies is slow in picking up following its recent cessation owing to the elevator being full. Thirty carloads arrived yeste day and 56 cars were reported this morning, to be on the division west "f' Jasper Padc Wtstnd here. . . . , No further boats for local loading were reverted up to .this morning. 1 ' ,i f SERIES OF PAPERS ON CHIN STARTED I MIsh Alva Garnett Speaker Before l United Church Y. P. at Home I of Miss Edna Vickcrs I The Young People's Society of First United Chnrch met last eve-1 ' ning at the home of Miss Edna ! Vickers, 212 Ninth Avenue East. I George II Stocks, the president, occupied the chair, and, after the regular business and devotional I period. Miss Alva Garnett read the i first of a se ies of eight papers i on China, which will be given by various members of the society . j M;ss Garnett sketched briefly the characteristics of the country and its peoples and referred to the' missionary work being carried on: the e by the United Church. After the reading of the paper,' games were placed, and' delightful refreshments were served by the hostess. There was a good attendance -of rafnbfzs. . , !:! m '!. . HOTEL ARRIVALS Central W. Land and C. Roberts, city; A. Hansen, Killmor Spruce Mills. Royal B. Johnson and George John- son, city. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures nre right. So If our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20 i. Night Phone: Red 317. ANNUAL REPORT FOR HOSPITAL Financing Statement Considered ' .and Passed pn to General Meeting on January 29 The hospital board last nijrht considered the 1928 financial statement and passed it on to the annual meeting for adoption. The tatement shows the finances of the hospital to be in good shape with a smill surplus on the year's operations. January 20 was set as the (lute for the annual meet-in? of the association . In connection with the annual report, a discussion on fire insurance arose. II. B. Rochester questioned if the institution was adequately covered by 140.000. $30,00 of which wa on the building. It was felt that the pro tection on the furnishings him' equipment might be increased jA'd. Greer suggested that the buildinff hould be depreciated at a rate of 7 1-2 per-cent instead " 6 ner cent annually . Reporting for the finance com mitter for the month of December, Aid. G. P. Tinker mno'in that -ece'pts h.A total'-"1 $.'71 :!.!: While expenditure had t."" iis'RR.W rpavnT a surplus "f $178.86. Therp Hr been 'fi'2 pr1'fnvr f pW.dy- II. to. Rachestar augesfcd. in -onnection w th the readintr of accounts, that, In future, det; i' or the various Item be given, in a-dition to the mere amount anri name of the creditor. NEW STERILIZER AT HOSPITAL NECESSUtY Action in Regard to Matter Referred to Incoming Board of Directors Reporting for the house commit tee at laat night' meeting of the hospital board. Aid. William B own stated that Uta operating room steriliser was in bad hai and probably would have to be replaced. Miss Harrison, li'dy superintendent, gave further details and stated that the sterilizer wis to small in liny case. It would prnhab'y cost some $1500 to put in a new one. The matter was referred to the incoming board with the sttggest'on that a special meet ing be held if necewiry. Ald. Brown also reported that the foundation under the nurses" din!ng room hud been temporarily repaired by L. C. Eby, Joists, studs and sills had been found to have rotted away. An order of .''0 new blanket-had been reeeived ami liad been found to be ve y satisfactory. An Up-to-date Optical Dept. We pride ourselves on our complete ciU pment for accurate testing of the eyes. No longer must we replace lens after lens in front of your eyes till we find the correct one. Our new automatic instrument can change to any combination in a second and does not tire you out. Mr. Jack Bulger took the full course requl ed by law cuverii.g six months in 1925 and got his diploma with honors. We aubbcribe to the leading weekly and monthly optical journals and any new methods are always noticed and adopted if suitable. We are sure we tin suit you. John Bulger The Jewellers LINDSAY'S Carlage anil Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana distributing. Tcum or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Grave We Specialize in Piano nna Furniture Moving. Tuesday, January 1:,, n-s I J ii iiiiMB ami WITH CORINNE GRIFFITH . A Heart-Appenllng Story of a Lonely Girl of thcStreet TONIGHT AT THE CAPITOL Coming Soon "The Yellow Lily" With Cllve Brook nnd Billie Dove. ID S i cod iH, (mm owmll PEA. Hjybjy STHai ft Sim gbj prnprrtr BEAK, Wfllthr kuibind W Jid Kti'l pmiiwno SAW. itljufff Cyo Guard the Family Health ' if r! ( A 7 The man who careg hvo plns for iho health of lm family houUl. Immediately Investigate the home heating question. He will find WARM AIR the HEALTHY WAY of heating the home, and he will be led to the McClary Sunshine Furnace as the most efficient system of sending the fresh, moist warm air circulating through the house. It costs much less to install this guaranteed McClary Warm Air System than hot water or steam systems. And It saves a great deal of coal, as the "Vcntiblast" Ring ensures that ALL the fuel is made io give ALL its heat. Burns any fuel, tool For health's sake sec the famous 310 Furnace S? GENERAL STEEL WARES Product 1 Daily News' Ads. Bring Result