Monday, January 7, 1929 Man in the Moon If you have nothliiK else to be proud of you ulways have ancestors. You cup spin an wjjd, yarn you like about thf ifi. ' ' ' Lave is what urges .a .girl Jx quij a job at $150 a month to marry a man who earns $125. Cupid in the only person who thinks two can live us cheaply as one. The best families are with ancient, mortgage. A Aid. press was equally good. those Did you hear about the flapper Who stayed at home at night, And kept her face fr,om powder free, Yet was a lovely night? Neither did I, my vorthy friend But I may yet meet one Of those old girls. It's wise for all fashioned Jrfnd of to shun. In looking back I feel sure everibn 4 1 haffl a Merry Christ Ten Years Ago In Pi I icr.Kuprrt January 7, 1919 committee consisting of G. B. Casey, Aid. Thomas More people attended the ies here last night than mm MINKKAI. ATT (farm I") (Neettan Al (d) NOncE OF APPUCATION FOR Uate In Claim Lawful hoadev MINKS UMfTfb. IN NUBrtwr oi tNOIKUm heartar'a fle OOLD miners certificate: STOID. miW mfyihvo,&?R Certificate No B7080. inunil at the end of alit day from the de heraof to annly to the Mlalni Recorder for n Orrtlflaat of InuirovaaaenU for the mir-ooae of ebtelnini Crown Oranta of the aoove eiaima And further Use netlct that action under aeetlen 81 of the "Mineral Act Best matsrlals nnd reason- t able prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT f urnished housekeeping rooms by ;he day, week, t month. Phone lied G07. tf rOK RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs, end sewing maehi ines. mas except perhaps a faw of the bring results. turkeys .and even in that case . the ghosts' of some of them mast have c hue Wed at the hard time' they gave the oene plekors. The scarce reason airplane are Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished close in. Apply 215 Avenue East. FOR RENT rooms. Apply eery. triEfc ui rnuut au tf Housekeeping Mussallum FOR RENT Four and Five room, hcc.ted suites, "Summit Apartments" now ready. Phone 96, H. G. Hclgerson. Ltd., or Clue 315, for information. 26 A Daily New want-ad .will in Prince Rupert is that " Kanse s a mi no one has yet been offering Limited lUm k. v tnr tor. ,iii.., occupation down and ten a month StAkf M I Mention to A holy h lMr Land In Fringe Bupert Land ilecordlna Dl the antilh ... nt r.u T.i. I . ... " mmi uwim, MJ )WH I III ' vu noMca that BUlmor Spruce Mttla. . of Vancouver. Brltlah Columbia. manufacturers, intends to a leaae of the folio win de- acrioca lanaa: . Commenclnc at th nortbaaat corner of Lot Sa3C. Banae. 5. CD. thane aouth- trlv 38 dereea 10 minutea eaat 800 feet, mora or lesa. to Kw water mark: thence aouthwoeterly f Jllow,: g low water mark to a point due saat on trie moat eaaterly point of an unnamed laland: thence , northerly following th tlmutaittaa of th lion to me northeaeterlr point of an un- i I named laland: lhanee northartrlr to hlih water mark: thence in a northeaateriv direction alotsg hlah water mark to the a. T P. Rallwar rlcnt-ot-wa: thence eaattrlv alona Ue aoutnern tocundarv of i he aald ritit-of-wav to the nortawaat M-if.i.i i ,u ! , i, icornrr of lot aaifi: thence Collowlna the jn.ucrKin hbu aiq. . u. aarr:e;m;;.,lu oi Uia aald lot to the pnt c4 recommended to th. :itv rmmril t cn-menoatr.ent. last night that a board of fuel 1 commissioner be appointed here ' t regulate, the price of coal and' tliut permission be sought from! the provincial government to op-; crute municipal coal yards. I I Uulkley and Nechako Valley lands will soon become available for settlera. The first areas in the Land Settlement districts will be allocated next month. A good deal )f rich land will be among that offered. BiLuiort areucjc uxua umitbd Doted December ttnd B X. Morasn. Asent W.tTEIf NOT1CK IHvarmion and tit Taka netto that Btuaaor tenaiUtfla. 1 LUnlttd whtaeTMreka laniVRmter?' MuUdimr. T0 OcanvUla St. VasmtMrtr. B.C . will apply for a licence to te aod ' oar luu.ooS'Of water out of to unnamed aufrara. whteb Uowa aoulhcrly and dralna into the head of Porpolae Sarbeur. half oiUe norUveaat of Lot SSSe laMtlt C O. The water wtU be dlvertod from Up 'tream at a point about half 1 mile distant from ita mouth and will be uaed for induilrlal Durooae unon the land de-kcrlbed aa Lot tots. Baoae S. Ooaat Dia- !lr,ct ' ; . . y ! Thla uotiee waa uo" on -the around on i he 32nd dav of Daoamber.' 1 inn. A codt of thla notice and an aaajuca Uon muouaat thereto and to te water ever Act' wlil bi fTM In the office of the went befere in one evening in the obicction. to uia antication may be history of Vrince Rupert. The West hoi me Theatre wa showing w''n with the aald wmwr wmiuer or ith the Comotroller of water tuenu. f-arliament Butldinaa. Vlctoila. B.C.. ... v. Mm, . mum r ft . . ... -, . . . , Willi, II UIUIT U T , T. ..ID -. a m fine pictore With C harlie ( hap- anc f thla notice in a local newaaaper. II- i ,l. i j loaia.. nil 1.UOH smocfe MtLM. LDU1KD. in i lie jneuar roie anu inw ADollcant. Flame of tht Yukon" at the 1 BTI I MORtJAN Aent Thr date of the flrat oubUoatlon of ' : n!i notice la January SUi. 1MB NOTICR KUXTIOX PUBLIC NOTICB la hereby, alyen to lu clcctora of the Hunieipaiity or wi i f l'::nc Rupert, mat I , ... . 1- - I .lu,nM a. tk. tJtVW fractional moskai. clahis ait- olftci citv Han. Prince bup- the the AUIn ALlIn Mlnlna Mlnlna Dlvlaion Dlvlaion oi of ... u.c . on the Utl da of January Caaaiar Dtetrtot. Where located. The Bob fBM, (t lw o'elosk r.jan. for the oef-fractional .Mineral Claim on Taku Arm. of wune aeraona to renreaent X"S ."Ere rra Uen,VUWr and AKmen ad Mineral Claim on Wann River, adtoinlnu aoq to. tee north of the Jaos nne Min eral Xre mode, oi nraninaoiwn v,.H ha aa followa The eandUlatea ahaU be no writing: the wriuns ahaU be hv two ec irootaer and livtr d to irSftieS'l or or uie muu.iij.? ,h. nta m I nm nmn r 1bV of nomination: the j i) ni of t :. ,U l wrltmc ma? le In the fonn man nered 3 in the .kMui; w cipal Klectkn Act." and raaldence and occupation or .t name, onol earh irn oronoaed. In auch atifllclentlv to loeniiiT manner aa i'Ucn,,nof,Vah'i..0be,or5n,J muat be commenced bafara the laauance " mv, dav of January. IMS atl of auch eartlfiMte of unnrnveanent. 7 rh.mtvr City Hall. Prince Dated thla lat day of January INQINCR CHAD ItllfM. LTD.. irmi oV.i.i h i- of whlcn every ootwh-j- IWn .MM ... M. McR. Fraaer. Aavut WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dreat-edT OUR SERVICE PHONE 019 to have your clothes pressed Wo call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit : We have tine Pali and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and lot us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, oil guaranteed. hehy 'nJiuTred to fake notice and'swrern himself acoorainaiv. OIV1N under mt hand at Prlnee Bup-i r thla 4th dav of January. Il. E. F. JuriBB, Returnlne Officer. FOR SALF Delco automatic non-battery plant 110 volt, Hi KW. direct current One year- old and in first class shape. Price $300.00 cash. Apply Port Simpsoni Hospital. house, ! PmirthlFOR SALE Seine 307 boat "Hazel L," 44 feet by 12; 25 h.p. Cor FOR SALKLot .CO, Block 3, ', CHIROPRACTIC WestviewiAUin Avenue. Snap $175.00. ' O. -P. Smith. General Delivery Vancouver, B.C.- 5 FOR SALE Nice 3-room , fur nished ehaek, right, in town at. .sacrifice. Must be soldi Apply I , WANTED PiANO TURING PIANO TUNER Work guarart-teed. Phone Green G99. 315 laland to the moat northweeteriy point ori WANTED Painting Calcomin WANTED Maid wanted. Apply 303 4th Avenue E. tf RESULTS COUNT CONSTIPATION, in the majority of cases, the causg of tjiat tired i Ifellng, headaches, 'C Serves, in somnia, catarrh, theumatism and a number, pf jother troubles, is eaiQIyuovtTeome by our new form tlieletic and' spinal treatment. Results guaranteed in every case, except those requiring surgical aid. Consult ' R E. EYOLFSON, D.C.. Ph.a! Phones: Office Blue 85. . Res. Red 589J Daily News classified adver-j tising brings results. ; MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can give instant service in . .buying, and selling Mining .Stocks, on Vancouver .StokiBxcb(nge.-v-.- - We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing- Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johns on Co. Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, ILC. BRINGING UP FATHER THE DAILY HEv73 PAQE"SEVB2 ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, L FOR SALE SALVAGE AND TOWING If It's on or under the waler we do It," PRINCE RUPERT SALVAUfi & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and,i Genera Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. lias engine. Fully equipped Bargains in Gas Engines and all in good condition. Ap ply Wm. Leask, B.C. Metlakatla, Van B,erck( Easthopei IIicks & FOR SALE Sawmill, boiler, engine and planer in running order. Priee $1,400.00. Would consider good car or power hay press as part payment. T. R. Tomllnson. Cedarvale. B.C. jBallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night. 561 P. O. Box 1561 CHIROPRACTIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE' fitted up to. give you the best of ing and Paperhanging. Phone (Green: 241 Phone Green C99. 315 IThone 3 INFRA-RED-RAY ; GET WELL' I ! Bv .the uses' of these Annrnved I Frlaaell's Butcher shop, or, call idrugless: and scientific methods Red 251. 9. lyou wiif una inui mis omce is CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkthr General Handy Man. furnaces antUStpves Cleaned-and 'Repaired :PrinVe Rupert, B. MILK ?1ILK Fresh Pastsuriied JMilk and CreanYfoally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTLYDAIRY Telephone 657. Trappers & Buyers Centlemcn: For twenty years you have been getting good treatment from (Joldliloom. And-Hold-bloohv is, im tho., market', for everykind of fur. - f t Fori i square' deal'brin your j, FURS to Goldbloom i The old reliable house p. ROWE'S SItEET METAL ! WORKS 1 We have meed our office and showroom to 319 Third Avenue, where we have everything in tflheet metal pipefittings and fur naces. Phone 310. Box 4G7. 319 Third Avenue I C O A L ALBERTA HARD SMOKELESS j We keep it under cover, there-! fore you get value for your money. ALSO LADYSMITH, WELLINGTON AND TELKWA COAL Sand, Gravel and Cement C. C KETCH UMi-CO'tLTD. piiomni.i'.- Oeneraljllandy' jitanj Side walks, fences., rep'a ted Grading or any other, odd jobs, contract or otherwise! Phone JQ1,..., ' V STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS service and satisfaction in these ' vanronw branches of DRUGLESS HEAL-, pVuiert : SS ING. I Friday ss PrlnoeM Royal .. lO pu I Consult DRiW; C ASPINALL 6 and 7'E.xchange Block Black: 283 OpenvEvenlngs -' -f-j . - Frldaya a. Caldena 12 mWalfhi Jan. 18. aa. Prlnceaa Mary . Jan. tp. aa. Prlnceaa Mary Jan. m p.m. p.m. rron Vancouver j Sunday aa. Oatala 4 pjo Wrdneedar aa. Pr. Rupert 10.30 a jr. Friday aa. Prlnceaa Royal .... 4 pjn. Friday e Cardena pm Jan. 13- a. Printeaa Mavy . . .rr.NooB Jan. ae- u. Prlnoasa Man . .oon Vwk l"ort simp-ton and' Naa Ulyer 8uBday--u. Catala . . . i J 8 p.m rriMn lur. HlmpNoii and Naaa Rlvrt Tueaday ea. Catala 11S0 axa. tor Stewart. ITnnler, An ox af)d Alice Ann . ,! ' Bwday aa. Oatala 8 pm. ' Wednesday Prlnre RupertQ pm. rTroin Stewart, Premier, Anjor. and Alice Arm , Tueaday aa. 0atla 1S0 am. Frldaya as. Prince Rupert . . jS am for tjiieen Charlotte Nuind Jan IS as. Prince John .. .10 p.m Prince John 0 p.m. ' riMii Queen Charlotte Inland r Jan 10 aa. prince John t.a.miU jan. m a, mnoe jonu ...a. r Alaxka , Jan. 13-m. Prlnceaa Mary .v. from Jaft. W erhsSWalrt.i. Jan -SO- hb TMneraa Mart . ; Tn Vanrwuyee - Noon'4.1 noon p.m. p.m. MAIL SCHEDULE r'or the Eaat Mondaya. Wejaeadaya, Baturdaya.mat eloaea 10b0 am from the Mat Bundaya. Tueedaya and Thuradaya, mall dve 3:30 pm Via train Wednesdaya and S.Uur- daya 1030 am. Tuesdays W P-a- Prtdaya Mt am. FrMaya l pxa. C.P.B. Jan ie aaWI SO .....,. P.m. S-tedaya Wedneadaya . Prtdaya iroin strwari Frldaya '. i..jtt nm . ...loio an. --..-.--.! an pm a P R Jan.: 19 and 3d . joi .. t.aajflT Ami Sunday Wedneftdi 'lMO-am .6 ajn Sundayo 7 pm rom No Klyer-Poln Tnaadaya " am To tjneen Cliarlotn- Jan. 13 aiM D 'from (ueen CharMte Jar 10 and 44 a.m. To Alaska Kffiite Jan. 13 aad as a.m. iTom Alakk Peewta Jan. 1 aad SS P.m. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS WIFE: "Henry, Henry! Someone's trying to get the car out of the garage." HUSBAND (who knows will soon get discouraged!" his garage) : "That's all right, they The Passing Show. FOR A HEAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Blue 389 2nd Ave. and 4th St. By George McManus - ' dowMAWOHHU rllHKf-rUiriir I If I (CIT OUT OF-THtO I I I f I THlMKTHtE Ot4t THiNtqTo g& amd DO IT raTHCQUICKSrO I kiTCHEK) AN' 1 I W DO l TO MOVE AVJ LEeVSR IB T p 3or