n Lw -Tim DAiLX. HKWS FACE ft IF"?' - i.i J M& DEMAND '""-EST likes Buckley's Mixture and EVERYBODY everybody benefits from its remarkable powers in instantly relieving and positively ending Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup or any other ailment of the Throat and Chest. The very first dose relieves and there are 40 doses in a 75-cent bottle 1 Keep " Buckley's' always at hand at home and at your place of work. Druggists everywhere sell it under a positive money-refunded guarantee. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 ,ol LEYS- I XTU Acts Like a Flash -A Single Sip Proves It Large Size, 75c; Traveller Size, 40c ;AND YOXJ WILL MAKE THIS RESOLUTION ONGE YOU HAVE HIDDEN IN.TIIE More Pep More Power More Comfort Tian Any Lij?hl Car Ever Huilt. They Are on i', Displdy at Our Showroom. . . Sf E. PARKER. LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIKES Phone 83 "Rupert Brand" ers- THIS HAINTIKST HKKAKRA8T WMMV Smoked Dally br Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'rince Itupert. ILU. Advertise in "The Daily News' COUNT STUDIES THE CARIBOU I Tolstoy Says HcThinksJlerds Are ( j Increasing in I Number " ! I WINNIPEG, Man., .Jan. 7. Fires and the slow creeping in of civilization are responsible for the changes in the habits of the immense herds of caribou that roam the br:en lands, ' according to Count Llia Tolstoy, grandson of the great philanthropist and writer, who left Winnipeg over the Canadian National Hallways this morning for Timagani, where he will make a short stay before returning to New York after nearly five months in the wilderness of the Northwest Territories. Count Tolstoy was in charge of the expedition sponsored by the American Museum of Natural History to study the migration of relurnpd east a week ago, but Count Thlstov and Mr. Onscl did hit reach Winnipeg from The Pas in . . i ' 1 mini jrnicruiiy . ; ' With the party was George Yan-dle, Arctic trapper, who has not seen civilization for 15 years. His first re-action to Ii was a pair of i fancy spats with zippers. I The caribou of the barrens have jmade moie changes in their habits in the past three years than they have done for a century, Count Tolstoy said. Some scientists and old-timers were of the. opinion that the herds were deereatlng, but he believed that they were increasing, but were moving further away in their' great sweeping circles. On this trip he saws herds numbering thousands of heads, but the big herd did not come within the ken of the explorers. Count Tolstoy strongly advocates' the usj of aeroplanes for the study of caribou migration. The party left Winnipeg for the north on August 14 and went fron Sturgeon Landing, a thousand! miles by water, as far as..Reuv. Heer Neultin and Windy Lakes, j Ninety-seven portages wefe neccft- j ' ary . The return was made wf th dogs bought from . the Eskimo 'Wonderful animals, these Eskimo logs," laid Tolstoy. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU BUSY Local Ilrnnch Placed 64S During Past Year Men The local braneh oMhe Employment Service of Canada had a (lightly busier j-enr in 1928 than In 1927, according -to -annual figures which we Issued this morning by the supe4jUendent, James M. Campbell. Thetf flee was responsible during the year for placing C45 men in rfgular employment, as compared with 455 the year' previous, 'arid' found casual employment for 27G men, as against :456. . An During the year IhtrflfTvero uewMippnrttlohftW' w'6Vk ahfl ."770 ro-applications, as compared with respective figures in 1927 of 1251 and 5798. Doth thee figures ndicate that therf W8' slightly ess unempIoyrnenMntheCity dur ing 1928 than the. eaf previous. At the samo time, "employers in the district made use the office by giving 945 orders for workers, as jompared "with 86Hn 1927. Trans fers (n the zone numbered 57 dur ing the year. The office issued cheap transportation certificates between here and Prince George to 137 men, as agnlnst 111 last year. The harvest excursions took 385 men from tho city and district during '823. as compared with 3S4 the year; previous. Miners for Anyox, Stewart, the UienlraMnterio.- and otHec parts of Uyi,dtrjct, and loggers, tie raak-prsfand pole makers were chiefly given employment during the 'past year. There are now about 50 men on the unemployed list here, including quite a few transients who hve recently arrived 1n the city. Tie camps in the interior are, as usual, taking quite a few men just now. Willi a revival oi inausinai A Youthful Design That Achieves Rare Chic the caribou. He was accompanied brunettes, i&dhi delicate combin by Horace' Ashton and W. J. Ca- atfonZnf whue. .pale . chartreuse.' sel,: photographers. Mr. Ashton rrrtfH u ii i .:m m ii mi ULLgaLE. 1111. If ST .j.The dress is white chiffon with petals of chartreuse and gold,, which QoJors .are repeated In the bow falling from the attractive Louisehoulanger neckline. The wrap'bf ermfhe is" lined in ch'art- "nJ l? '4Uta a.iinili' too prohibitive for your purse, try the same wrap in white A Sports Dress That Is Not Sports Dress Here's a paradox a forma sports dt-'ess! But it is an interesting paradox, so we won't quar rel with the designer. The model creating so much excitement can safely be worn at Juncheoitjoc.even informal afternoon functions. It is of ban ana-colored' -flat trope, trimmed with a narjjpw ,bpw of. 'cocoa brown. Tne tilouso it embroidefr ed illl over in'gold'meUl thread, and thsWh'-ik finely plaited and quite short Local Items x F. 1 Kaggerty sailed from Uere last night on the Catala for .tewart The kobdry dock is reported to be figfiring on the construction of ttpi for the Home Oil o. wMchMt' has bren rumored or some time, is coming to open jp her. No confirmation of the eport u available. H. C. Frascr, Inspector of A. Wilson presided at fne pipe activity in the district forecast. ! organ ant! played "Gloria" from prospects are that 1929 should be Mozart's Twelth Mass" as a vol-u good year from the standpoint i untury. , lev. A, Wilson occtipied ofemyrnent'. J the pulpit. 1 ' INTELLECTUALS ANDPARTIES (Toronto'Globe) IsnhStTdn-iervaiWe flatty lack- Jultjn Jnjejlectuals? The Ottawa Journal apparently thinks so and the Evening Telegram disagrees. To quote from the telegram: up. How are yon getac to tfi the young itvtl!ctuaM electwl. We-will-leave-these two Con and gold jn.aS'Auyiiiy. lormai .;ervutive puiMin ., ligut out ens.emhle ai.tlm season has AeenV between thm . the question of whether or not Oxlinru medui-ifsta, with. a. profound knowledge f the rlari i " .-ci TIMBER 1928 I Amount For District Not j I-arcc as Previous Yrar Spruce : .v. .".. . . . . .-. Spruce Interior'...1.. HemloeW'f .'..'i . Balsam J .""fiV. i. . . :. . . . lt)le (lineal 'ft) .... PilcsOedofvlhjkirtt Cordwodd'-Wfilif ..!'. Shinirlallolts YYords) . rfSSrocdflS' v.: Total For Year as Accefdinff to' the repe-fl of the tstrict,o,rtcr the timber seal- wd ip.,the prince Rupe.rt distriet for the year 1928 was DlOSB bd. ft For the month of Dec ember the amount sealed was 4,-855,757 bd. ft. The scale for 1928 is not as large as last year, but owing to the increase of timber activities next year will likely show a decided rise. The following Is a detailed statement for the month: vheok, preached-at-Uith-servicea Piles -Spruce yesterday in First Presbyterian , Piles Hemlock bd. ft. 81,118 868.2S9 2,103,897 38,24 G ,903,614 415,913 184.975 ' .JMW7 01ft 1C . 31,867 117 Timber scaled for the year in "detail is-as follow; bd. ft Douglas Mr 2,431,442 Red Cedar 17,204,698 Spruce 3W05.9G2 Spruce Ihterior 1,322,713 Cottonwood 1,483572 Hemlock 33,009,128 Birch 1,795 Balsam ;137381 Jack Pfne' ..:. 105432 l'bles (lineal ft.) .... 2,810,343 1,082 9901 Church which is temporarily .PS lea Cedar ?48,420 without a pastor. At evening scr- Cordwwd, (corfts) .J- ll. 1 T1... W V oi.i 1. tV-li. Wllllr r6ft sang "Tho Lord is My t Railway Ties Ffr . ihcphrdtas a vojal duet... . i Rail wajT.Tpil .Hemlock The Church -7 . .... .. I liUIlwayMrep; Pine . . . o E Waited' jtenci P repeated the1 'Christmas , fulpwoda' cantata "The King Cometh at evening service yesterday to good advantage. Owing to the absence of the . choirmaster, John S. Wilson, who was suffering with influenza, certain of "the numbers had to bo omitted. Mrs. 1,940 173 3029 22,792 i)20,000 7G2 1,442 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Girl fsr housework; to live in. Good family. Call Black 127. 10 LOST Purse containing large sum of money. Finder please phone 19 or leave at Dally '" ,NAVs,"ojfifH. - Ttetwmir Jkl: - 1 tacular fitshion. A large quantity ! has been optioned by in Howe Sound Uritsnnia) Mining 0. i Three crew- art- engaged in samp ling. Meanwhile, no details of the transaction on the property are being. revealed by the purchase. , Nererihele, their entry into the ', Alice Arm district will give a decided impetus to the mining in dustry there. Rumor are aflat that other well known properties may be acquired. the 1 em would eern to be just the propi- (on that' such a big concern as How Sound would want. A considerable amount of underground Mr. W. II ned on Wednesday after spending a few day in Prince Rupctft Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Agar and I iday, Jshuh. ..IH news oi uic mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Erickson Confident of Rufus-Argenta; New Com-pany for Stewart Formed; Howe ' Sound Co. at AHcc Arm B. 0. Erickson, veteran miner and prospector of J . ... PneflnnH Pnnnl rlictflnf lfthl llthnm nflA nf tha .1 , I The Ottawa Journal is down- x uwim va vuomwv, v Hu...u.1vuivm ium.i cast because the Conservative on the Rufus-Argenta mine is named, is COntidPt!" ': party does not send intellectual the property (Uutus-Argenta) will yet become OW 0 l giants to parliament, it yearn dividend payers on a large scale in the Bear lim i . t, t " for the day when some Tory phil- fW u.iB nn k anthropist.will go. out among thej V, K . . . V 1 i "" "uu" 1 '' schools and college and pick out J. F. Duthie interests m the various working, paitu u aH Dngni young men wao win k" , oil me iiriuftsun vein, wmuii ib I'loviu uji uiau ut r up into a superior brand of Tory statesmen. And with these as shock troops the Tory party is expected to overthrow the hosts of Libevilism and make of Canada an ideal country. "But again the old treutte loenM of very profitable we has been located and more is certain to bo development work ha, frttitiil h 1at'aJ nmnt r.U ncU out UIMM it A mii stale Mr. Erickson. i . mi in . 1 wwvvi i group, Alaska, on the Alaskan side of th boundary, one mile airline from .he Premier. The president of the company is Brigadier-General J. Duff Stuart, while Colonel Krederitk M. kydec, fB.mer Ub4- pwrt ip Greek, would win votes autew-tonsul.general at Van or me . ,n Tn'lon 'ls that the inte'llectual in-fluence is 'less important than practical oxerience in promoting , rosperlty and growth in Canada. Ability to split hairH on matters of status and constitutional theory fit.i a ma.'i for public of-lice in Canada lest than does the knowledge of how to get an extra bushel of wheat per acre or more eggs per hen, or how to reduce the cost of producing a ton of steel ingots by fifty cents. Prattfefel men' t Ottawa, whether' Conservatives or Liberals, re--Nore -desirable In this .Xagej of our , nalienal life than bright young theorists. couver, is secretarjHreaturer. Other director include George L. Maclnne. William A. Snera and II. L. Glldemet-kte: . W. 8. Ha-can, M.E., is the company's engi- erected and has alrouu concentrate. A i.v The Canada ConwIMated Mlnwi V1 Ltd.. wftti rapiUliiaUon of ft,- tm eijr a wfc n tl Rnnumment of n . TtHe M lives Ud A perverse eeetoraie wan .i. v.ri. min. U, tw """ about its at th mnf vote for n,M ow.. incJadilHt tht Cnt .ize. (i " ....... nine miles from iiyuer. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Itupcrt Mr. ami Mrs. Thm- , IRpaa. lMnee (onr-: 1 D. D. Munre ani W i Jjfflfthera; Mr. and Mr-Hinkener and child, H ' Griffith. A. C. Knight, i IsMntlt, F. I. Hftgan. I M ln. R J. Marshall. 1 i and Ml IWity MarMili.n . , i .u the the Dwun . . by company are ,. C- . , mine New Denver; YmiMVilix.c,H,w; miae, Ymir; III de Oro, Sjianish 1 Creek; and Thelma, Nicola. ! 1 Jame Herfftml. Charlt c . . ' IMnW. J. IL Hlack. K. H IMul ocwrei men mn kii ntm nun 1 . ... recently te ca ry o dpmeflt. G,rge Lund.- 1. U rri . it'.. I Flewfn, G. E. Brown t l Msrals. Victory Cow Vancouver where Mr. Agar wuiiunjti Stales. attend the convention of Chevrolet dealer there this next week. Mr. Agar intends visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mr. Win. Vande4(p.at.'rarkrille.y '' I., before returning north. A,Tiarmlhaer leit on Thuri Mr.' Percy Skinner visited with friend Thursday. home In Vancouver. of Usk, here on The new extension t the C M. U.depot here I finlhel and Tef race now has a commodious waIt-4, Ing jjom. The upper p4irt of the building nlso makes additional living room accomodation for thel agent' family. Miss Reid of the high school staff returned on Saturday; after spending her holiday at herj Mr. Downing and children, who have spent the Christmas vacation .at Shame where Mr. ' Downing stationed, returned to their hQino here on Saturday, Miss Hester Wright, of the public school staff returned on Satunlny Bflcr spending her vac ation with her brother In l'rlnce Ruiwrt. Miss Hlliot Head who has been spending her holidays at thof homo of Mr. and Mr. Walker fn l'rlnce Rupert returned home on Saturday. Dmmld McLeod of Vancouver, Central Mm. Jsho MekMl. P it h wl; J. p. Kmm1I. Kdsoi, ' l(o) at Joha de Htergemmeaax, Tt rr.. C N. It TILMXS l 1190 SA. Irom le kii 8wAsf. TUmsj tfHi Tlurwi'T' 30 pjo. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TERRACE I left on Saturday for his I 1 after visiting here over th MacDonald retur- Yar with bis sister Mrs. I ltlchmond. Joe 8p(tl returned on S; day after spending the past son, Charley, left on Friday for mouth travelling through t it Ml Ruby Krikevsky of Prim Uujrrft who ha spent her va Ion at th homes of Mrs. J. 1 "Agar and Mr. M. A, Greig turn4) home on Sundaf. MWs Cecelia .DenMins .i(Miued on Sundayie Tumtt studies at the Prince Uupe ademy after sending her i day at her home her. R. M. Cory was host to a m. bef of friends whn he i-m f tained at a Jolly bridge. psrt hl lAthclof home on Friday lilng: Vaccination of a number the children rf the dlstrit been performed daring th' atlon. In most instances dmirpd MHiiilta haw luwn olil.i d ami the children are read " start school again on Moni'v Th irutnlmn nf (h Ani'li'.'1 Church children' choli ,r the guot of Mr. and M lAttrv oa. Krlflnv'.Svsnirlir il ' llvl lirhMlll ruirlv f I hMf T ll""' hero. Game and dancing enjoyed and delivious rvU- msnta were served. Michael and Frank Mon' of Prince Kuirt who hav' the Christmas vacation n .:il It'll' tlf home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. AH" left for their home on Suml ' Mis J. Donald and Mi' Warn left on Sundnv i a few days in Prince ltujx '