RESIGNATION PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. TWO BYLAWS TI ESDAY, ALDGUST 5. 1919 TABLE SUPPLY ROWERS TRY A - ' y ’ 1a ¢ *% [erat oaryeyte] TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE) PivVE th FISHIS SOLD EAT BRITAIN | OF TREASURE) TOBE VOTED | GR ; A WILLBE OPEN = SPININ SHELL) = ON EXCHANGE ‘AT OUTS ARE ‘enna telnae - eee ON AUGUST 21 \s. ©. Gavigan Interprets .Advice|After Five Years of Inactivity,|About Ten Cents Paid for First of &. ©. dehneen. | Of W. E. Williams to Council Lapstreak Boat at Rowing | Class Halibut—Good Catch rained Relations Between Two . Ratepayers to be Asked to Approve. as Right to Continue Club is Taken Out. of Ground Fish. Countries Over Purchase of | MANY NICE THINGS Raising of $750,000 Loan peoseang ter hanging idly to -the| o t of th ity of eae Tle ang i aly 7) 1 | nh account o 1e@ scarel 0 German peer 9%. ae OF OFFICIAL for New School. J. C. Gavigan this morning anc) f°! of the rowing club house! cars and ice, very few boats ees via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) the following is the formal The schools bylaw for the|/20UnCed to the Daily News that forthe last five years, the light/large wontyse = yesterday ret \yres, August 5.—Dip-|letter of. resignation from E. D.}raising of $150.000 for the eree. |" id Keep open his confec- Seewenred® | Hear boat was an rene at the Fish Exchange. The ms between Great|Jolhnuson, treasurer and collects ion of a new school building } ind ream business rte “et ore < ange Sa [cold storage bowgat the Oued as d the Argentine read the City Council at the Acropolis Hill will be voted on by Cvenins @rrer 6:30. He in- « : “i 8 ah: a \° aaah Lote a ~ | the respect meeting last night the ratepayers on August 27 with preted thg advice given to thes *" Senlens on me: lapetveak |0.2 and'S. cents Bae tip bag Se orted to have been | herewith beg to tender my! \. Woods as returning officer “ity Counel last night by acting |, oe re od Sams aaa moon ! a SS ne es ae the result « i esignatiogeas treasurer and co A letter has been received frémi' f olicitor, W. E. Williams. as oe it remained for the “big four aygeon was sold to the Royal tive Argentine (roy lector and acting city clerk of thei W Ps» Hinton stating that the G - it 7 tha Here wa v engages break yesterday. They [F ish Company at 10. 3 and 9 cts. > German Steamship city of Prince Rupert, to be effe iT. P, would have no objection | [byte ae, WOR. Le ak Does Kine: " he ‘A Ww "eal end She Cee een ee pee nea. \ugust t4th, 1919, having | the property being used for school 7 SNe ine oreem are iaveke J Mt: 1 1 J : rae ee \ 5. ack ae ty oa A Argentine newspaper says accepted a position with the pro-| purposes, might handls \s he eonsidered) oem Te yer ne cn 5 cents, The Roald, Kouyasu, | cause of the Argen incial government | Another bylaw to come before the public demanded that they was not an easy matter get-| Nuba, Ingred H. were bought by nment's hostility to It is with great reluctance that|the ratepayers at the same time |*!0™" ible to secure fruit in|* oz shell out of its resting|the Atlin Fisheries for 10 and 5 lue to British capital- 1 take this course, but feel in duty|is the resurfacing bylaw. to vaise |tle evening 1 sell it as al we. It is forty feet long and in} ‘ents per pound. Fe ee eee wetee tide Tine tai ' order to allow it to clear the posts| There were 130,000 Ibs. of ntine. bound to do so fo rr the benefit « i short loan for the pavement of ide line for the commodation. . . p | ‘ : , . ‘ld Tower, the British ‘my wife's health | a One of the new companies in.|° ns hae oom = io Peete pont 3 river by boat yes- " 1 s here have offered Lior h e Aa a nated ae lcorporated this week is the Kle- 4 , ay i ’ ; - : ' - ball at i ee ae . NEW BUILDINGS ARE es to the United State es ye is the oie iod a war,{an* Company, Ltd., with head ' 7" 1ing Is anticipates | fhe other duties of the official help DrMg Gown which it has emerged finan-|! th rs a re ; Sea Z mee ‘ - the recommendatior f the |i! be to collect the road tax and ABOUT TO BE BUILT Vitle e once s rece aqescripes : arieiit bivh © ‘ ‘ pte nd By carefully study- the News by Harry Hanson who/f:nance Com fl t was decided oa o rhe appointment 0 DELIVER GOODS th of can sea ee ieee is visiting there now. jl he thadr : _ lot sale — wee, o Addition to Rooming Mouse and money, the future will be aes os rhe new company is given wid i ra —o. - Pie . Pee . The tug Commodore which ar- Two Cottages are Latest BY PARCELS POST and will be & soabaates of 16s powers. It has the right to en “ ae on MA. be a. Soe and) rived from the south a few days Building Permits. taxa ; ind an inducement for gage in any of the enterprises — |axo sailed for the Queen Char- a A eae ie ; - a. eS iconnected with mining, smelting, lotte Islands yesterday. The latest building permits r. P, Telegrages dustries to come and do busi-}, illing, refining, and also with \t the wity council meeting last FD cai bit Mo by the city engineer are to August 4.—The ness in the metropolis of centrallin., conduct of sawmills, tra night George 4. Woodland the | the Grand Trunk Prinee Jobn Mochida and James Krikevsky. ‘ided to sell British Columbia. iways, boats, power plants or any |p Oil Go, was requested by/is expected from the south today, | rhe former is putting a three- y supplies at Aocepted With Regret. other business connected directly |resotut to re-einploy al &i-jcalling at the sputhern Queenj|storey addition to his rooming them by pa Alas an Casey moved that the!/,, jndireetly with mining. neer he steam plant at the}Chariotte Island points on the|house on Fraser Street at an esti- to help reduce jresignation be accepted with re- The operations of the new pOil tanks. way. jmated cest of $4,000. This will gret and that a committee Com-| cern will be chiefly at Usk on the oe ibe quite a large addition to the i tof the mayor and two alder-|Kjeanza river where a good deal Yesterday fternoon a sito The Grand Trunk steamships |aiready good sized building. The INVITE PRINCE men should prepare a suitable|of money has already been spent |time after two o’elock the C, P, R,| have sailings to Stewart every work is being done by Mitchell & testimonial to Mr. Johnson for|and work is now going on. steamer Prineess Mary arrived injalternate Saturday and Friday |@yprie. his eflicient services te ia iport from the south with a large|for the rest of the summer] James Krikevsky is going to .R.H. of Wales to be Asked to \iderman Roehester spoke of] In eonneetion with tenders for |tourist passenger list for Alaskan|months. This week’s sailing is | pyild two cottages on 8th Avenue Visit This City in the Course the loss the city had sustained.| wipe eable invited by the City |points. on Friday. land Tatlow Street. One will face of His Tour. Ihe ild be a long time getting | i, was explained last night that} ——— —___—__—_ Mets we ‘on the street and the other on anyone elise as faithful. While|ine water main was being put to- rhe tender of Mr, Hill, a re- \ large scow load of cables has/picnth Avenue. The cost is esti- of Alderman they were sorry to lose him they|cether on the shore of Shawat-|lurned soldier, for the purchas arrived from the Queen Charlotte mated at $3,600. decided last night were glad he was getting some- lians Passage and would be hauled lot f block 6, seetiqn _ oes week tee The yp rsa ; 7 - eens te var ~ Rynascat j ‘ across with a donkey engine. rhe ~ o ae “ee a 7 on 7 have been used in tying the Davis BUILDING INSPECTOR i the Prince of fhe mayor remarked that ourjtwo_inch wire rope was threade |Council at its meeting last night. . this city. The loss was the provinee’s gain. Mr. wot the main and used for] ——___— rafts together. i ae n will be forward. Johnson had placed the financial |) auling it. The tenders were re- EKasy chairs. rockers.” bed sain” dinibicediieat: illceedianiiadiadid saa (ew Official to be Appointed by the proper sourees. status of the city on a good stand. ‘ferred to the Utilities Committtee!springs and mattresses. lite’s le numiler of wooden. sleamere ter City at Salary of $160 ing and would do the same for the] with power to act. Big August Sale. is sale. These were built during a Month. FIRES IN CHICAGO provinces 3 war time and particulars have ; : - Alderman MeRae said there wi as | 1 been sent to the local American| 0 the recommendation of the Se ee pe ceukt Mp. Sehasen a. nagrt wae) * t Consulate to which anyone inter. | Housing Committee, the City \ugust 5.—-Scores of in his work. He always did wh wi REGULAR CEALERS ested may apply. Council last night decided to ad- ess as a result he thought was right and in the , x" : vertise for a building inspector en fires in the Six interests of the city. The power schooner Tillamook jat a salary of $160 a month. vest of the stock- Alderman Perry endorsed what is in port today discharging 10,- The duties of the new official thought that the ilres the others had said. He thought REY CRANPA 000 cases of salmon which will be | will be to inspect the buildings aiary origin, the extra services which he had Do You HAFTA § shipped to the east. The salmon |g roing up in the city and to see given the city recently should be BUY CHEWIN => was packed in Moira Channel, ‘that they conform in every way to AIRPLANE FALLS rewarded, GUM FoR- = Alaska. As fast as the ship is | the building regulations and es- -— Mr. Johnsen thanked the Coun ALL THOSE unloaded a train is being made up} | pecially the buildings on which ‘la G. 7. ), ‘Telewraphs,) cil for the kind expressions and cows? S of previous shipments. ithe city has guaranteed the loans \ugust 5.—A Caproni/said that he had done only his E 7 a 7 oe lunder the Dominion housing from Veniee to | duty. Phe H,. R. MeMillan Export Co.,!seheme, 1 14 persons on board. Lid., has been incorporated to| es sround and ¢ ; ar ’ carry on h general timber and ex- UNNI G led, ee ALEX M RAE BACK port business and to manufacture | ‘SALMON R N UP lumber and to do all such things TLANS CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT HOME FROM OVERSEAS jas are subsidiary thereto, accord- SHAWA STREAM a ing to a notice appearing in the 3 se aie ~ "9 Inspector, Collector of Road Another of Prince Rupert's re current number of the B. C. Ga. Visitors at Shawatlans over the Vanes “ Licenses. turned soldiers arrived by the satte. week end report that a mogt pic- the Acting City Clerk, on} Princess Mary from Vancouver oe turesque sight was witnessed at wnphieaus ty pet | yesterday afternoon. Alex Me- \t the City Council last night|the entrance to the passage while HNs BOn. ane with references Rae left this city early im ‘17 and jthe city clerk was instructed to they were returning home late in Acting City Clerk Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince “pert Coal Company, Pt Phone 15. EMrresS Monroe Salisbury _“Mugon, The Mighty” h-Canadian Drama, full and action ~ Fees Hy mi Magazine -Yon 8-Moran Comedy ! ml 80 W 7:45 cents and 9, went out by EF, Cavenaile who is now ranching in Terrace, Alex went to Anyox bul returned a short time jafter and left for Vaneouver to join the forees. His brother John Mcliae returned home a few days ago The bovs had seen each other while on leave in the old Vancouver where he Canadian Field unit he re- all his fight- to joined up with the Artillery with which mained throughout ing. Before for overseas known in the leaving Alex was very well city, having worked for a long time with the firm of Stalker & Wells, When this fiem was bought country, Carhartt's overalls and gloves. Agent, J. F, Maguire, Smith Biook. | “BY AwES a WESTHOLME THEATRE ang the rk ot of the world’s best pictures and our splendid concert orchestra TONIGHT == ———ae) West« Fields BILLIE BURKE rmerly of the Pollagd Opera ( || The Make-Believe Wife Gcetantiiey eview 10TH Episope 4- Big Acts - 4 || LIGHTNING RAIDER Present Two Shows, 7 and 2. 15 "Aandi SSc. and 25c. | Mrs. i late The mayor stated that a telegram |Ltd., forward a letter of condolence | Peters on the death of her husband, the eity solicitor. lhad been received from the Gov- ernment of Prince Edward Island asking that the mayor convey to |Mrs, Peters their sympathy. > ee passing through the city on the Princess Mary yesterday were Messrs, Sterret and Eckman of the Canadian Fish- ing Company of Vancouver. They on their way to Ketehikan and return by the next beat. here the men had the op- the loeal operation, They were Jas. L. Lee the Atlin Fisheries, Among those are will While portunity of seeing plants in shown around by manager of the of this city. the evening. Salmon were ecrowd- ing in to get up the creeks and packed close together in the nar- row channels. As they darted to and fro they left a long streak of | phosphoresence behind them that lasted for a considerable time. Ww hen they jumped from the water ‘it appeared as though a streak of lightning passed across the sur- face of the water. ee CHK Ce ee * * * WEDNESDAY * * a * > Alice B. leaves .P, KR, * * Boathouse at 11 a.m.and # * every 30 minutes there. * * after: * * * *. eee eee eee eo