Thursday, October 3, 1029 OFF TO SCHOOL WITH A JUMP READY FOR STUDY OR PLAY SHREOOE iSSvsiSiJJJljijJrW " M mm mm mn mmmmm (canadian; pACinc V With all the bran of the ivhole wheat So easy to rIvc children a warm, nourishing breakfast. All the food elements their growing bodies need'ln such a delicious, digestible form. Saves mother a lot of Work and w.irrv. Fortify Yourself Now Against Those Winter Colds With a Bottle of Rurn Honey and Cod Liver Oil V,, ' j" i ;" A well-tried remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, etc PRICE, $1.25 PER BOTTLE .1 T7fw Pioneer Drupe isis THIRD AVE. 6 SIX! H ST. -TELEPMONfi 8?, 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED tunings from llliw Ruwrt lor VAMOt ttU. Vlt'IOUIA, MraitMtn lwf. Ilutrdale. Alert liar, tic. Tun- iMr. S:aw p m. ! tor Vami)1i:h. VKTOKll. luuifc. Alert nay. mi.. lrkir si Matt Jit lor A I.I It A II M. AXYOX, SinVART. TWi Ither. lNrt Maipwti, hOn- iIaj. S:ou p.m. llllnd Aitnnt It )I 4MITII AlMtf I Tin UlHTt II. C. l lrvutb 'tkrl wM ,t9..K'fl ,f54f,', .aiuJJMMe checked luivwftu w ursniwuwiu mew B. C. Coast Steamship Scrvl SAILIJfrfSPftrof PRINCE HUrERT DENTIST ces To Ketchikan. WrangWl, Juneau and Skagway Oct 9 19 30 To Vancouver! Viftorta and Seattle Oct. 2. 13. 23 Princess Man-- Oceans Palls, etc., Vancouvt-r and Victoria, every Frld iy, 10 p.m Atents tor All Strsunhlp Line H C Orchard, General Afcnt, Snl Ave- Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National QTjc Largcft TKailway Syficm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE HUPKRT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate point eaeh Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. Tor ANYOX ana STEWART, each Wednesday, 4 p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, 1 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnl(htly. IWXSBMJF.R!Sf I T..WZ mlM'f. WI'ftKT UAILY EXCEPT HtMl.W at 1ISM I'MINC'B Ot:OltlK. i:lMON- TON, UlSMI'Ut. ll flWnti BkMern lnl. Inlled Mtr. ' AGENCY All. OfEAM WTtAMMlir LlfTS City Ticket Office, 52S Third Ave.. Prime Hupcrl Phon 26 Coal? Coal? Tkr adxanlisr f law fkt o put In our wlntrr upljr, tl!OX and I'ANslIlV-HKLLlXU-TOV n anT quantlllr. ANe lluur. Hay, drain and Irwl Prince Rupert Feed Co I'llONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander rnoNE Ms nCSNEIt IILOCK N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats aay sis or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling: Roats For Sale I generally hate a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' wlnler quarters. Agencies any engine required. . Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 129 Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. J. It. Gosse. Fhone 68G. , Ninety-five cent sale, Friday and I Saturday at Jabour's. ' ' Chas. - P. Balagno, teacher of pianoforte, has resumed teaching. (tf) Supper will be served from 6 o'clock, at the Catholic Bazaar. AdulU 50c. Children 25c. (230) Don't forget the lacture in the Presbyterian Church tonight by the Rev. M. A. Stevenson MA.,' Ph.D. i Col. J. H. McMullln of Victoria, superintendent of provincial police, arrived in the city on this .afternoon's 'train from the Interior In the course of his annual Inspection tour of this district on which he has been accompanied by Inspector William Spiller of this city. j Mrs. Maud May Cornwall of 150-Mile House, Cariboo, has been; granted an absolute decree of divorce from her husband, Gilbert, Eyre Cornwall of Kamloops, whom ihe married at prince George in; 1918. Babe Bishop of Prince Rupert was cited as correspondent.! The decree was granted by Chief Justice Morrison in Supreme Court In Vancouver. NOTICE Players' Club annual general meeting in Elks' Hall on Friday. October 4 at 8:30 p.m. Election of officers. Program and refreshments. All interested are cordlallv llnvtted. (231) ANNOUNCEMENTS United Church -Anniversary; Banquet, October 7. tf j Mooseheart Ladies' whist drive1 and dance. Oct. 11 at 8:30 prompt., Admission 75c and 50c. Elks' Patrol Team dance in Elks' Home, Oct. 18. ' I 1 imi ij ... Roral Purple Tirpie 'Bridie. Jvmst anrJ Dance, Elks" Jionie,-Oo 6. Presbytsi WAX LUNCH ROLLS Each TOMATO SOUP-Camp-baU a. 2 Una .: ROVNTREKS COCOA 4s. Tan ROWtfTRBE8 COCOA Is. Tin BRAND'S A-l SAUCE Bottle OU8 QWN BLEND TEA Per lb QUAKER OATSChina. Limited quantity. Pkg. . TOILBT ROLLS a tot PASTRY FLOUR "Wild Ross. 10s, Sack KSLLOOO'S ALL-BRAN Large packages. Pkg DROMEDARY DATES Pkg PURE MARMALADE 4s. Malkin's Best. Tin 5. A Eagles' whist drive and dance! l"T 1 w I Moose Annual Basaar Nov. 21 and 22. YES! We Have j See Our Window Display of I McINTOSII RED APPLES i The finest table apples jrown in B. I J II. Priees right. Order now while our ranje of sizes is complete. lfSPA$HfcRYj I CLASSIC CLEANSER Per tin STRAWBERRY JAM 4s. King Beach Brand. Per tin 65c 8c 10c 25c 25c 49c 32c 60c 30c 30c 57c 20c 20c 53c Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Hisht I'HONE 55 PHONE 56 ' r 1 I psBsBBssWBMEBCa7(SWn THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIR EE re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on V ICKS VapoRub E. L. Bliss of Toronto, vice-president of the Christie, Brown Biscuit Manufacturing Company, and Mrs. Bliss and daughter, Miss Muriel A. Bliss, arrived in the city yesterday from Vancouver and, after spending a day here, proceeded east this morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Swanson of Worcester, Mass., were also In the party. Eight yds. white cotton for 95c at Jabour's 95c sale. For real values as Clock Sale prices, visit Richmond's Louvre tomorrow morning. Eagle smoker tonight. Elks Home, 8:30, good program, refreshments, etc. Everybody Would you like a bargain? Richmond's Louvre have them at their Clock Sale tomorrow morning. Don't miss It. Boys' pants for 95c at Jabour's sac sale. normous Bargains Being offered at Jabour's for Friday and Saturday Do Not Overlook This Opportunity to Save! See Our Windows Jafoour Bros. Ltd. TJiiOW can you tell a good rubber - boot from an inferior one? Sometimes not even an expert can do that without taking the boot apart. So that you may be able to know true value at sight, we are now marking our super quality footwear with a bar of blue rubber bearing the name "Dominion". This -is. a guarantee that the boot is made of selected materials that it is reinforced at every point where biots usUally wear or give way that it will give you longer wear and more comfort. Look for the. Blue Bar when buying rubber footwear. It guarantees you best value for your money. A Product of ' - ' DOMINION RUDSER COMPANY LIMITED Early Ad. Copy is appreciated V. This Pile of Coal is in Albert & McCaffery s Yard Phone 116 and 117 Prince Rupert i ( l. rit'o ' , I ( , iiifi A) mm DOMINION is your protection inbbd' footweat Made in Canada WORN THE WORLD OVER n