aturdajr, October 12, 1929 Over fifty million packages are sold each year. 'Fresh from the gardens1 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! L T. PiVER'S FACE POWDER Assorted odors and shades. Formerly $1.00, how 60c. On yfw Pioneer Druggists THIDD AVE. tf SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8't, 20C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ttoilliits t'cuni I'llnce. lluixrl tor VMM )l'tll. VIC OKI A, Mtanaon Ifcij, Uutedale. Alert Hay. etc, ru radar, J;3U p ni ror VANIOU'-LK. VICTOKIi. Iluledale. Alert liar, etc.. fthltj midnight l or ALICE A KM, AN VOX, KTLtYAItT. Naas Khrr, l"urt Kluipwu, ban-dar, 8:vo p.m. 1ZI Snd Ateuue K M. SMITH Agent IYIne Kupert, II. C. llrvuih ticket (old to Wclorla as4 Seattle .ami luciase theeketl through to destination. (canaqianT PACIflC B. C Coast Steamship Services, i. SAILINGS FROM TRINCE RUPERT Tit Ketchiltan. WrangeU, Juneau and SkagVray Oct: 9, 19. 30. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Oct. 2, 13, 23. Princess Mary Ocean. Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents I or All Steamship Lines H' C. Orchard, General Agent. 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Ran ad ian National Qfo Largcfl Kaihoay Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday. 4 p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, ,4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. 1-AStnr.NtlLK TKtlM LEAVE PHIVCl rtl TKUT DAILY LXrr.lT HI Nil AY at 11:30 a m for PHIXCL (iLOKHf. LDMON-TON, IVINMI'LU, all'imlnli tatlrrn I'anadit. lulled Ma I en. AOKNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMMIir LINKS City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave. Prime Rupert Phone 2G0 LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap 320.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruco Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. .". .$25.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to 14' S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Window. Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, I). C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Retail Yard, Cow lmy, Telephone 423 Coal? Coal? Tttkf nilvnntnge of low "price 'o put In your winter supply, KIWON nml CASSIIlY-WiaLINO-In any quantities. Also Hour, Haj, and I'eed. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'HONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander rilONE 473 HESNEIt 1ILOCK DENTIST i LocaK Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dance tonight at 9 in Boston! Hall. Gentlemen 75c. Ladies free. Accordion mu3ic by R. Anderson. Classes In Jesso work, lamp shades, etc., every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon and Wednes-i day evening. Instruction free. Mc-, uae Bros,, Ltd. tziuj Olof Hanson returned to the city on yesteruay afternoons train from a brief trip to Smith-crs on business in connection with his' timber operptions. Miss Cathie Irvine, who has been spending a three weeks' holiday in Calgary and Vancou ver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Fred Bustln, who Is engaged 1n pole contracting east of Prince George, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior for a brief visit. Ills wife resides here. A. R. Holtby, B. and B. master oi tne Canadian National Kan-ways, returned to the city on yes terday afternoon's , train from a trip up the line as far as Shames on omciai business. m C.NH. steamer Prince George, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in port at ii:30 tnis morning irom van couver. Powell River and Ocean Palls and will sail "at 4" o'clock this afternoon for Stewart and Ketchikan, returning here at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening and sailing south at 10 p.m. Making her final call of the season at this port. C.IUt. steam er Princess Louise, Capt. Thomas uiiii, is aue m port tomorrow a: ternoon southbound from Skag-way t Vancouver. The steamer Princess Alice, which is due in, port next Saturday morning north-1 oouna, win matte two Aiasica trips before the steamer Princess Norah comes on the run next month for the winter, on a fort-ntahilv schedule. I NOTICE Grain Handler Tlnlnn Prinw Rupert, jWttl hold a meeting Sunday at 7 .Rjn. in the King George Hotel. All, interested please attend. I Vlti IZ38' FROM MONTREAL 'lit ( li.Tliourt-SoutluiupU'ii-Antwerp Ort. 34, Nov. 3S Montclaxe Nov. 7 Montr, To riierbourit-WHilliamplon-lljiiiburg Nov. II Montcalm To llell' 40ct. 35. Nov. S3 ..Ducneie of "York Oct. as, Nov. 38 MtaatdOM Nov. 1 DuchaM of Atboil Nov. 8 11U Nov. is Duchea of Richmond Liverpool only. FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg-Southampton Oct. SI Km press of Scotland To New York Nov. 33 Empress of Australia AdpIv to Aisnu everywhere er J. J I'OHNTER S'.tanuliip Oenl. Pass. Aftnt CPU station. Vancouver Te'ephuno Stymour 2630. CANADIAN SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL TO I'LYUOI TU IIAVKK-LOMION Auruii:n. O; 11 N v 8 Aun.';i'i. Oct. 1" Not. 15. -a.i'r Oct 25 Nov. Si. Alsunla Nov. 1. ANCHOR DONALDSON FRO.M MONTREAL TO l;LLlAST-l.lVi:HIOOL-tlLAK(HIV. tntonia. Oct. 11, Nov. 8. Athenla. Oct. 18, Nov. 15. Letltla Nov. 1. Andanla, Nov. 3S. FROM HALIFAX, N.S. TO lI.Y.M(ll'TI.ll.VKIM.ONl)ON Tuscanla. Dec. 0. TO IILLFANT-LIVKUPOOL-OLVMIOYV Athenla, Dec. 14. FItOM ST. JOHN, N.B. Til lK.l.ltT-l.lVKHPOOL.lU-00'iV Athenla, Dec. IS. Reculur sailings every week from New Yvrk sr.d Boston to Londonderry, piaecow. Liverpool, Oobb (Queenatown), Plymouth, Southampton. London, Cherbourg and Havre. Mc:iey Orde, Drafts As Travedlera' Cheques nt l'wev raten. "full inor-matii-n frrin Local Ajwnti or Com-rvuiv'' PfCc- AM Hastings St. V.. Vnncmcr, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIREB Don't Pity Poor Young Men PitV'Poor'Gld Men ' -''rri' I I,, li'it hearth and itrcnth GIVEN young people who are poor should Dot be an object of pity. Rather should one itrive to arouse ambition in them. It U the poor old folks that require help. You know of poor pM mothers who are shifted around amongst tons and daughters for three or four months at a time, because they have no financial means. Well, then, do yon yourself want to be in this position some day? Do you want your wife to suffer? Not if you can. help it I Then, provide now for an Income for either or both of you while your earning powers permit It. A reasonable premium win enable you to buy substantial protection In a Confederation Life Policy. Write now for pamphlet entitled "No Matter What Happens" which tells how this may be done. Address: Confederation Life Association Head Office: TORONTO ' Branch Office: Cll-Ci;. noger nulldlne, VANCOUVER. mff Mrs. Andrew Grant and chil dren have left for Vancouver where thev will tDend the next two or three months visiting with relatives. ' J. E. Archer, manager of First National Pictures, Vancouver, is a visitor in the city on business, having arrived last evening on the Catala from the south. Ewart Lyne will give an organ recital at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday next, October 13 at 9 p.m. This will be the last opportunity of hearing Mr. Lyne on the organ, as he is leaving here very soon. A verv fine urogram Is ar ranged and the full Cathedral Choir will assist. Do not miss this; treat. " (238) Having completed 'Tier calls In the Skeena" RlVef," Union "steamer Cardena. Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived in port at 4:45 yesterday af-t '- noon from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. The vessel had quite a large list of Skeena River cannery workers going south. t ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Patrol Team dance In Elks' Home, Oct. 18. Royal Purpl Bridge, Vhlst and Dance, Elks' Home, October 25. Hill 60 Annual Bazaar, November 2. 6. Presbyterian Bazaar November Eagles' whiat drive and dance, November 7. Rupert Bast United Church bazaar, November 7. Premier Orchestra Whoopee uance, wovemDer o, I Anglican W. A. Bazaar, Novem bcr 14. Moose Annual Bazaar Nov. 21 and 22. United Church Bazaar, Decern-' bcr 5. Relief from Eczema DX.D, is the Perfect Antiseptic For qvkk triirt from rrtitnt, rhatrt skin, rlmclM, DloUfcea. Hfe othrr ikls trouble! pair the par tooling liquid D O t. Clear, tanlM, It prortrstra to nkla and annthra as hml Ik tlaran. ITCHIN'O KTOI-8 I bo MOMKrT'Tlin FIRST COOl. I)ROI"8 TOPCU TUB SKIN. A Sftc Imttle pmn tta turrit ar your dniigi.t rives your nwuer hack. U.O.D, rivet iki ktultk. (VKaUrIUU.Uuai)). V. 1. McCUTCIIEutt, DRt'UaiST. Olt.MKS LTII. SUITS! SUITS! . ' l) II (.' n ; " - MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style ' All Guaranteed NUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED Wo Deliver to Any Part of tin City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 019 Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 686. Oddfellows' whist drive and dance, Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 8:30 p.m. Metropole Hall. Admission 50c. (239) Mrs. C. E. Cadden of Hazelton, who arrived in the city Thursday afternoon from the Interior, sail ed last night on the Princess Mary for Vancouver, i Mrs. Green arrived in the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to pay a visit here with her daughter, Mrs. Hubert Ward, Atlln Avenue, Westvlew. J. A. Clark, manager of Claxton cannery, and Mrs. Clark and child, were passengers aboard the Cardena last evening bound for Vancouver where they will spend the winter. James Martin, well known Mas sett merchant, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morn ing. following a business trip to Vancouver and will sail tonignt on the Prince Charles for the islands. A. L. Clements, assistant general manager of the Union Steamship Co. Ltd.. and Mrs. Clements. ar rived In the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon irom Van couver and will embark aboard the Catala here tomorrow evening to make the trip to Anyox and Stewart and then south. It was planned to have a foot ball game this afternoon between men from H.M.C.S. Vancouver and local representatives, but unfavorable weather has precluded its peing neia. mere may oe an in door rifle shoot this afternoon be tween men from the destroyer and the local Royal Canadian Naval volunteer Reserve. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SYVANSON and BESNER . Proprietors Central A. K. Brifht Terrace: A. Jacob-sen, Ocean Falls; George H. Potter, Vancouver. '-. Prince Rupert ' Miss Laura Chase, Mankatl;! Minn.; W. Chatwin, F. W. Hughes. J. E. Archer and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Clements. Vancouver; Francis O. Bird, Smlthers; ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Munro, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilton and family, Sun- nyswe: H. Putt, usk; ueorge u Brymer, Toronto. Royal S. Robinson. V. Montroy. A. Mil ler and W. H. Thome. CNJt.; A. Thomas. Terrace: George Smith. Winnipeg; a. M. Jensen, Prince Rupert. Savoy P. L. Stafford, Smlthers; James Gray, Prince Rupert. N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under rtfof where rain will not trouble; build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Boats For Sale I generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Moor-, lng spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with ' a better accomodation? PHONE tsaeaasBP.z GREEN 129 S.D.Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO.. Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock changes. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 13U Prince Rupert, H.C. urcK Services S7 PETER'S CHURCH, SEAL COVE Canon IV. F. Rushbrook, B.A, LiTIi, Incumbent Children's service and Sunday School at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30 p.m. Friday at 7 pjn Boys' Club.. Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 10 a.m. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday .School at 2:30. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Rev. R. M. Stevenson, Mj, D.D., Ph.D. Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Male voice quartet, "Still, Still With Thee." BAPTIST CHURCH Minister, Dr. F. W. Dafoe Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "HOW TO KNOW CHRIST BETTER." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening worship at 7:30. Subject, "THE CONSCIENCE AND ITS CLEANSING." A cordial Invitation to all. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "ARE SIN, DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited. Reading room, 215 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. FIRST UNITED CHURCH ' ' Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B.A. , !1 M'inh'l ' o.- " u :!' it I'-a Mornffrg'worshlp at 11 o'clock. SundaySchoorat!;l2:i1'v lt '",n ' '&,cntrigiseMcc ' at 7:30. Young Folks of St. Peter's Are Now Organized kYoung people's activities In con-, nectlon with St. Peter's (Seal Cove) Anglican Church have been organized for the winter. The girls meet on Tuesday evening; the younger boys, Cubs, on Monday evenings; and the Scouts, older boys, on Friday evenings. Mrs. Robert Blance is leader of the girls' organization with Miss Ida Boddle as captain. Allan Hill-Tout is scoutmaster of the older boys, with Alex Geary as captain. Canon W. F. Rushbrook and Reld McLennan are giving Instructions to the younger boys, who have not yet.elected their captain. Water of the Dead Sea Is five times as salty as that of the i ocean. from Montreal Montreal Meotraal ILItfat llalilai Jaetwe llalilai HaKlat llalilai HaWai llaliiai HaUlai llalilai llatrfai llalilai ' Andania" 'Aacanie ' Laureatie" Oarar II" 'MaranrrfjofJ" 'Met antie" " raaalaad" " nsriin-"Tuwasia" -Oadrie" "(iripabelra" 'r-nderik VIII" ' Ut ." " A taenia" " Haltie'' Mooseheart Ladies Whist and Dance About two hundred persons were In attendance at a successful whist drive and dance held last night in the Moose Hall by the Women of the Mooseheart Legion. There were nineteen tables of whist and prize winners were: Ladies' first, Mrs. Sam Haudens-chlld; second, Mrs. Richard Giske; third, Mrs. Simon A. Swanson; men's first, L. O. Richardson; second, Joe Garon; third, A. M. Cam eron. After cards, delicious refreshments were served and dancing followed until 2 a.m., with music by the Premier orchestra. J. M. Morrison was master of ceremonies. Mrs. P. J. Ryan was convener of the committee In charge, others on the committee being Mrs. James Weir, Mrs. Richard Long and Mrs. Charles M. Nlckerson. Mrs. Einar Larsen presided at the door, being assisted by Mrs. II. Skattebol. CHRISTMAS SAILINGS TO THE OLD COUNTRY Book, now to mr. moic aucummuoaiion THROUGH SERVICt TO THL SEABOARD Dal. Not 22nd No nd Nor Mti Not Uth Not lots Not Kih Vn Slh D.S. Dm 1M. 1)M. 8th 6tk Stk IM. Mth 1Mb To Ulaiow, BaHaat. UT.rpool Itmonth. Ham. Lonofen Utugo". mllait, Liverpool CariatiaouBd, Oalo, Uoip.nbaf i Heriaa, dUTMiat, Oalo lUaigow IMIaat. L)Term PlTBMMk. ClMrbwt. Aatrp QueosMSan. CtMrlwuri. Itrtm.fl nymoulh, Haira. Lonova Sunnitoaia. otaonbacs. UearrM Ckriatiaaaukl. o, op.nka(a C4MniM-M. l)aaa IMlSrt, Urripnei. OkH. QiM-nrtown. IrfTanwo' Get full particular from lotal Atent or write It. r. .McNatighton, UWrUt rawtrnfer Agent, ITInce Kupert ! :anadian national SIMON OS Inserted Point Saws The special steel used is made in the Simonds plant and is the same wear-resisting steel that is used In the most expensive cutting tools. Simonds Saw Bits hold their sharp edge under the most strenuous use and give exceptionally long service. 11 Simono. Canada Saw Co. Ltd. MONTRKAL T. JOHN, N.1, VANCOUVER TORONTO