1919 ruesday, August 5 EMPLOYERS THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA has been created to grade the various classes of warkers—trained and un- trained and to place the best in the country at your disposal, through a system of Employment offices from Coast to Coast. THE PROTESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SECTION exists place you in touch with Professional, Business and Technical workers. THE INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT ed to has a representative in each of these offices to render whatever special services may be required in the employment of the RETURNED SOLDIER Tel. No. Cranbrook, 10 Baker Street 80 Fernie, 162 Victoria Ave. 73A Kamloops, 246 Victoria St. 495 Nanaimo, Windsor Block 787 Nelson, Royal Bank Bidg., Baker St. 149 New Westminster, Board of Trade Bidg 189 Penticton, Shatford Block, Main Street 251 Prince Rupert, P. O. Drawer 1674 553 Revelstoke, First St. W 70 Vancouver, 140 Cordova Street 8S. 2873 Vancouver, Alcazar Hotel, Dunsmuir St. S. 3459 Victoria, Lang!cy and Broughton Sts. 839 Vernon, 235 Barnard Ave. E. *" 292 THE DAILY NEWS ARMY AND NAVY VETERANS PASS RESOLUTIONS Ask for Bonuses From War ine | i — D. W. MORRISSEY Phone 573 WILFRID KELLY P. O. Box 1664. I R rt ¢ Company ‘Z re stoek n hand thar ey bank, takes this i giving the public a grade value for their cold fhe prices set f h be maintaned until tisement is changed, wl i further list of good \ follow I} | . absolutely f cash ne No €.0.D irging to a t wil hese j . Ly i] made Dy aut n : eding | hase Mil Seans for Be. ; d vn $1.30 Det | case $5.10 la olm’s Best is 60c. .8 $1. 15 | $2.85 be pe ib 55c. 16 oz 2 for 35c. ae 2 for 35c. ‘ork and Beans, tomato sa 2 for 25c. te beans 5 ibs. for 50c. ee per gallon .60c Biscuits, all varieties, per ib : 30c. Strawberry $1.25. Iiin ‘ is, $71.00. Red nt, $1.00, Naspbe vy, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and $1.00. ‘ireen gage, is, $1.00. Flo vs $2.80. «48 $1 50. i0s, 70c. iloes, 2%s, per case $4.50, per d n $2.40, per can, 2 for 45c. t s, per case $3.75, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 36c. sses, Domoleo, 28,..... 30c. ‘is .40c. 5s .60c. OD, A ES 6 hee 6 eb ave o'e Soa oe {8 ib. sack for ...«.< . $2.00 Prince Rupert Grocery Co. = ~* See ALBERT @ McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line We handle Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber B. C. Mill’s Fir Lime Cement Plaster Brick Shingles - Laths | Albert & McC affery, Ltd. SOP eet The La Casse Bakery BREAD BUNS PASTRY Wedding Cakes a Specialty Have you tried our 30 Fruit Cakes? Florence, Genoa and Sultana PHONE 190 3rd Avenue Contains no alum Farmers. Constable Logan who was in | Montreal! recently to attend a meeting of the Army and Navy Veterans and who is now hom: — _— — tells of the work accomplished at ! t 4 be taken up. Applica- INFORMATION WANTED the gathering. A number of reso viol , ed f the pos lutions were passed including one the meantime. Information as to the where. asking the Dominion Government |#! ae Ir : sing it the mayor said |abouts of Axel Hjalmar Arnesen to provide special bonuses f , ' that he had already made up h lias A. Anderson) and Anders fighting men up to $2,500 to be|” ; , he would vote He | Aasgaard (alias Andrew Olson) is paid out of Canada’s share of the ly i nt. if ht the appointments ould desired by Norwegian Vice Con. war indemnity. Other resolutior M vl ide from their own officials. | sulate, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ 38 e ne : ‘Marge were: , Da sf M { TT —_=2 Cost of Living ” (i ~ | th i - Resolved, that the Dominion | ging ' | Government be requested to take] ep Ka . rT UP in a practical way the que ag Ch ah ‘ ; (% i r nl i jtion of the present high cost of|enipn this vear ‘ living and the curse of profits * . . jing, with a view to the reduet { g quite poy i of the former and the eliminat lof the latter. Sa ‘ \ 7 “Resolved, that this convention | we We want every family in town to try lof Army and Nav eterans rep.ia \ os : . f Army and Navy Veterans, rey : OUR OWN BRAND BUTTER =: jresenting many thousands of ex-|Br I : j service men, who were away ithe f Fl a | ot mn the time the war measure was/merfelt | I M i Muay an Saturday Only passed restricting the sale of in won th ate! n ti sland ‘ itoxicants, which measure is Don D ind now matters | we will sell lin force in the Dominion Now, |ha ! ‘ ¢ ith refore, be it resolved, that the 2 lbs. for $1.15 Provincial Governments be asked APPOINT OFFICIALS 7 to take a referendum in each Only 57:c.; Regular Price 65c iprovince as to whether beer and ON FRIDAY EVENING light wines may be sold in the respective yroviness on 7 P atts i ihe ole — Mayor Suggests That Men in} FU] I ERS | } D ' ‘ ratio as expressed a | the inequality of clothing allow- Their Own Offices Should i 9 e ances now prevalent, and in this Receive Positions. || Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 regard the following resolution ! lwas adopted: ‘ I y next the City UCoun- Resolved, that clothing allow- vill held a special ting at anees be made retroactive, so tha ! the matt : I sa lthe volunteers of 1914-15-16-47 und t = te —— lmay bi piaced on an ¢ ty wit ' |men who joined under the Military . Synopsisof « - J iService Act | ' eran te riasormen. | Lands Act Amendments rmes Limited A resolution submitted by th: i Halifax unit was adopted in the te ~~ following form Resolved, tha Minimum of first-class land : reduced to an acre; second-class to the Federal Governme be . $2.60 an acre ito grant to seamen, fisherr Pre-emption now confined to sur- veyed lands only. | jand all those who were engaged o1 Records will be granted covering only | rag Us ss othe! a itab 7 |wish to engage in busin oth ee Se ees eee While our stock lasts we will than farming, a loan equal to that Partnership pre-emptions abolished, a ‘ but parties of not more than fouramay granted under the Land Settle-| arrange for adjacent pre-emptions iment Act, in order to become with joint poueenee, but each aos ' ~—e necessary improvements on respective established into civil life. claims | a Pre-emptors must occupy claims for ot , . ° - o— jn met af EG with every purchase of Rexall Preparations x— acre, including c - 1 4 cult i I it cres . : « . if | fe ceereecwer = value One Dollar or over. 1 j Ss pO rt Where pre-emptor in occupation not { / less than 8 years, and has made pro- . ° ~ — ee ee ortionate improvements, he may, be- ] d k h A nceemeleaneent i] portionate improvemenca, be may, be- Come early and take your choice } It has been announced that Pet granted intermediate certificate of im H i dn cinat i eens and transfer his claim erman, Champion bantamweight Records without permanent resi- | i ; a niin dence may be issued, provided appli Phones 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 boxer, and Jack Sharkey of New cant makes lnamauemeiad to cutent of " 3rd Avenue end 6th Street York have agreed to meet in a $300 per annum and records same each M n ‘ai year Failure to make improvements | ilwaukee ring, ugus , ! : or record same will operate as for- . y feiture Title cannot be obtained in . ten-round no decision bout ee -y 5 years, and improvements . . of $10.00 per acre cluding 5 acres — _ | ? cleared and cultivated, and residence | In writing to his parents m of at least 2 years are required o 4 -re-emptor holdir Crown rant Pasadena, California, ‘ ha Pa may record another ~ x iaontien. he . s dock told of how he had bee! requires land in conjunction with his a or $1 K . f Mont nem without actual occupation, pro- ar ill ar eC C Kniggted Dy the ng oO OU vided statutory improvements made negro following his victories and residence maintained on Crown ° Bru fUn”e eS : se: granted lan | the einder track Paddock wh Unsurveyed area ot exceeding 20 | LIMITED - acres may be leas¢ as homesites; was the star sprinter al the re- itle to be obtained after fulfilling resi- | Electric Engineers and ‘Contractors nt ter llied meet held dential and improvement conditions, cen inter-a For erasing and industrial putyenes We carry a full line of Eleetrie popes s, Washing Machines, . 2 . . s i e as eel areas exceedi! 640 «acr ay e Pari ‘ xplain that h a k leased by one te or Semone Vacuum ( leaner 5, Hot Plate Gar ills, Irons, given the right to the sameé a Mill, factory or industrial sites on Toasters, and Fixtures n the Montenegrin army as timber land not exceeding 40 acres é Ss, 4 t s. in e may be purchased, conditions include Estimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation tenant in the American a ) ees | Sumenes : aan wy anten a Seseaer,nacceesmas MARINE, DEPARTMENT 4 few days ago “Uannonba « ditional upe struction of a road Agents for to t > on 5 ns Baker completed a motorcyel read, met ence ia of alee Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling of 1.714 miles from Blain: price, & made ~~ Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries W ashington-Canadia I lt pre auPrens SAEs GRANTS Mosler Spark Plug ‘Tia Jauna in Mexico in the s The scope of this Act is enlarged to lhe Plue that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights ne . c ill persons join ad . , time of 65 hours and 53 1 i cee Hie Mate oy Bw on Our service department will help you to plan your He made the trip in a nv Ume within which the heirs or devisees Lighting Equipment A full line of Dynamos, - | of a deceased pre-emptor may apply . . with side car attachment a for title unde Act is extended Storagé Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable, Ross was his passenge! | ~~ A ‘ear from the death of Lamps, Searchlights, etc. the first time that a re | Soak ether, the conciuctes of the pre vent We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat aoe , « e s so ec ' been set for the cours¢ “i ‘te . Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while } es relating t re wwtions are : type of machine’ which Ba | @ue or payable by scldion en an your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal.- ised. The course record ! emptio avons rded ir fone SS ieee Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 single seat machine ts Provisior ' of moneve ac . 8 { nut made by \’ crued, dy paid ince August — and é ninhuLes, baat 4, ld : lees —— . Bennett a a = ae” i CS i oe a . aus ase ' nee held w recor town er city k id by members of S oO L for Si ] we ee Ailied ‘Pores Bout ames ection One Lots for Sale me-me ac 4 OU ‘ or ind trex P - t “ i he will att Satara tl ‘ ie aa oe Lot 13, Block 6 G475. Asscased OF .. 0, ses cress, $1,000 in a few days ‘ mbes ; ee ” Lote 4 i4 and 15, Block & $1,800 Assessed . 6,900 the mark | SUB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN Lot Block 4 575 Assessed at 1,800 yw ' ; . } LANOS Lot 2, Block 7 485 Anseused Bt on... ccccears 2,400 a Provision wade for lueuance of Lot 7, Block 7 425 Assessed at 1,700 Fanny Durack and Mina W)» | Crown grants to sub-purchasers of ’ und 17, Block 2 7a0 Assessed 7,800 ‘} Lane i oO will likely be in Vietoria t } pe who failed. "oS “— a THEO. COLLART t to compete in a ea e] rehase, involving forfeiture a ie REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE or next to ¢ I fiiment of condit f pu ase, in WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK ele ider the aus ‘ terest and taxes. V Bu oa — sy | Island Athi \ ere Go not Cini w f orig al par ) ictoria ane sian cel, purel © price due and ta ma) . re ‘ | ! be distributed pr aan iy ~~ soclabllon rhey o whole area ‘ at n b wimmers of Austraiia a made by May 1, 1920 jeen touring the Ame GRAZING h R 4g Graaing Act, 2919. for sywtemats i e meeton Tea ooms : evelopment « du try pro : e vide f graziig ; a re “ See Oe OE Oe 5 0 AVENUE | lh npsey ha : : adm tration der Cou ones wr ~ eae us mag ’ or Annual gresing permite jas =i based The Business Man’s Restauran* 7 trical 0 eat : ulube ‘ v estab wes work at #1 00 a | nd “ ae ao ae aoe REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH . fr ' i : gent. Free, or aii (ree, mite He will have hi ” for eettlers, campers or uevellers, up Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. ind will appea to ten head ih ¥ ! viding cities, openine demnity—Grants Asked for Fishermen as Well as Page 3 TU (ce -ROWDER ..