t rAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, October 12, 1923 1 You'll like the Easy-Riding Comfort of the Ford Car Ford car is one of (he THE easiest-riding cars on the road because of its low' centre of gravity, minimum, jinsprung weight, Houdallle hydraulic shock absorbers and the unique con-struction of its transrerse springs. Furthermore, you arc as comfortable in mind as In body' when you' drive the Ford car. You have confidence in the performance of the car because you know something Pencil fREE Just for bringing us one new subscription. That's all! You will have pleasure in using this ifincupencjh . ft.P of the quality that has been built into it. Kcmcbcr these two points when you select your next car. These are combined to an uncommon degree in the Ford. Come in and drive a Ford car yourself through thickest traffic, up steepest hills, over roughest roads. A thirty-minute demonstration will convince you that there Is nothing quite like it anywhere in simplicity of design, quality, price and performance. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED ZZ ' ' FORD DEX'LERS1MW,l,'"h'M 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN IS MOST ATTRACTIVE ' ;i f. M ' VI 'J. jr FREE!! Boys and Girls This Genuine REDIPOINT ,.m 1 it ... There are still a few people in Prince Rupert who do not subscribe for The Daily News to be delivered to them every day. Boys and girls who secure their subscriptions for us will receive Oi iti ' a pencil. . A Redipoint Pencil Free! THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert British Columbia POTATOES ARE HIGH - General Crop Shortage Will Doost ,lThem More This Winter; Eggs Arc Firm Prospects are that potatoes will be very high In price this winter. Indeed, they are beginning to advance now. which is rather unusual for this time of year, when normally local crops would be flooding the market. The situation is attributable, partly at least to lack of potatoes on the prairies. Thlrfty householders would be well advised to lay in a suddIy of spuds now, even though the price is $3.50 per nunarea. The egg market is firm and ad vances will soon be in order. Till the middle of November the price will be high, though no advance has ret Deen shown on trie local retail 1st. West Indies eraDefrult is now on the market here. It may take the lacc this winter of Florida grape-ruit which is being seriously af fected by blight. Aiany seasonal lines 01 iruiis ana vegetables are now disappearing from the local market with few Following are retail prices cur rent in the city today: Apples Gravenstelns, box $2.90 ID 10 McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c and .85 ! Thnea GrttlMInn Sick Headaches! FRUTT-A-TIVES " Stop Thoso Health-Robbing Pains Mrs. Michtel Coulis, Killaloe Station, 1 Oct, writes: MAfn nine Tnm-t-ttm' lh fctadacba and tid-out fading loon duappearad. and for two year bow I h.v. ba la tba boil of baaUh. Sick headaches that cone back on you time aiter time wilUyicId to "Fruit-a-tives". Mrs. Coulie ffonly one of thousands who have discovered this. "Fruit-a-tives" is a natural medicine, made of intensified fresh fruit juices combined with the finest medicinal ingredients. It always relieves. Try it today. . CONGREGATION HELD SOCIAL Large Attendance at Affair Last Night; Moving Pictures and Presentation Feature of Program There was a lame attendance at an enjoyable congregational supper last mgni in at. Andrews Anglican Cathedral. The proceedings, which were presided over by Dean J. B. Gibson, opened wjth community singing after which games were played T nc nnnaM T?naa an4 IT T inttnln Mcintosh Reds' lb ,12 1 accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Cullin Jn2sang acceptable vocal solos. oi-; r-tfr, ik ftB apples-lb 07 An lntejcsiln? feature of the pro Fruit- Valencia oranges 20c to .55 Lemons, Sunkist, doz. .75 uaiuornia grapefruit loc to .zu West Indies graptfrult, 20c to 25 Bananas, 2 lbs .35 Extracted honey, per Jar .25 Comb honey .35 Dates, bulk, lb 15 Raisins, bulk, lb JO Quince, 2 lbs. .35 Anjou pears, doz 50 craoappies, id, 08 Concord crapes, Washington. basket ..,.... 1.05 Butter, No. 1 creamery, lb 50 No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. 1.45 uneese Camembert, 8-oz. pkg 65 Kraft Limberger. Us 25 gram wai ir.e exniDiuon or motion picture i suitably described, by ijjsnop ii. a. kix. Tne views depicted scenes on the Naas, Skeena and Peace Rivers, in the vicinity of Prlnc? Rupert, and elsewhere in the diocese of Caledonia. After the pictures another interesting ceremony took place when W. E. Fisher was presented by Bishop lax with a handsome chime clock in recognition of his long and faithful services as choir master. Mrs. Fisher was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers by little Miss Jean McLean. Mr. Flshet responded briefly. Community singing was again enjoyed and delicious refreshments' were served, with Mrs. W. J. Qreer, Mrs. W. H. Smeeton and Mrs. Ontario solids 25 Qeorge Rode in charge 1V UVWtMUtl UU11UU aUU , . . Stilton, lb :. 45 1 Kraft '. 45 1 Commander Murray, senior naval Norwegian goat 65 1 officer on this coast, who came Napoleon Limberger . .70 north this week aboard IUtf.cS Roquefort .75 Vancouver, sailed last evening by Swift's Brookfleld. lb 45 the Cardena on hU return tn Gorgonzola. Jbi, 75iquimalt naval station. Brookfleld Swiss, Vi-lb. pkg .30 - - - --- Gruyere ...... . 45 Brookfleld Canadian cheese. ,to? " nirtin ?f Victoria hothou traatoeii "Z .10 Wf , olden Loaf, lb.' 45 1 Ba5ket . 40 rJOUr Pnlriu, ..U n Flour. 49s. No.1 hard wheat .... 3.00 S ' W1 iVirr Pastry flour. 49s 2.95 LwVIuneh 7n Dln tl m IV,. en fJUIJCn JO Lard B. t B. C B. Meats ituui , .u iUJ UU Pure 25 Compound 25 y r fresh pullets, doz .50 ! i fresh firsts, doz. C. fresh extras, doz Local new laid, doz Fowl, No. 1. lb .38c and Roasting chicken, lb . Broilers Peanuts 20 Feed-Wheat. No. 5 and Bulkley Valley 3.25 Oats 2.75 Bran 2.00 Shorts - 2.10 Middlings 2.25 Barley -2.75 Laying mash 3.65 Oyster shell 2.10 Beef scrap 4.50 Ground oil cake 4.25 Baby chick feed' 450 Fine oat chops 3.25 Crushed oats 3.25 Fine barley chop 2.85 Dried fruits- , Lemon and orange peel 25 Black cooklrfg figs, lb 15 Citron peel , 40 White figs, lb ;i5 Currants, lb. 20 Apples, dried JiJr.ii'..'.'. 25 Peaches, 'pee.led U'.Z....,J.liXi.h;.... .25 Apricots, lb. . .35 Prunes, 90-100, 4 lbs .35 25-lb. box 1.95 Prunes, 60-70, lb. .. .15 Prunes, 30-40, lb 20 Evaporated pears, halves, lb 25 Vegetables-New beets, 3 bunches 25 New carrots, 3 bunches 25 Potatoes, 7 lbs. .." 25 Sack 3.50 Parsley, bunch r., 10 Oarllc. Imported, per lb 35 Oreen onions, bunch 05 Cabbage, per lb 07 Okanagan onions, 5 lbs 25 Green beans. 2 lbs. Green peppers, lb Cauliflower, head mr Vegetable marrow, eachX.',. Pumpkin, lb. 55. Squash, lb M 2JJ 1 Red cabbage, lb. io 1 Bulk tnrntrut R lha ot .40 .45 .45 Carrots. 6 lbs .26 Beets, 6 lbs .26 Spinach, lb 06 1 Niterfli. Ham, sliced, first grade 47' whit inn jk. Ham. picnic, first grade 20' yellow ' 100 100 lbs' l nan M Cottage rolls, lb 21 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .60 - - -r Veal loin 45 , Fork snouider .30 Pork, dry salt - .35 Ayrshire bacon, lb. 35c to J50 Veal, shoulder 25 Pork, loin Pork, leg Beef, pot roast 22c Beef, steak 35c to .45 Beef, boiling 18c to 22 Beef, roast, prime rib 25 Lamb, shoulder 25 Lamb, leg 45 Lamb chops 40 wuuon, snouider jo Fish 8moked kippers, lb 15 Kippered white salmon, lb 25 Red smoked salmon 45 Smoked black cod, lb 20 Finnan haddies, lb 25 Halibut 20 Salmon, fresh spring 20 Friday, Saturday and Monday Almonds, shelled Valenclas 65 PARRY Rr $AVF! Walnuts, broken shelled 40 j wri T JU. Walnuts, shelled halves 50 I i Week-End Specials FOR JUICY ORANGES 3 doz MCINTOSH RED APPLES Per box PEARS 2s. 4 tins CHERRIES Red, pitted Per tin ....t ASPARAGUS TIPS tln3. 3 for 50c $2.50 95c 25c Square 95c ASPARAGUS TIPS Picnic "for 95C Take advantage of these prices on aspapgus and buy your requirements now. MARMALADE Malkln's Best. 4s. Per tin 59c Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. wwXMina -xaiii w 1 ui lit y s - flli mMT ' rViyii itMili ' IT Wrt Tl I Fill. AND SAT Two Shows RAMON NOVARRO IN HIS GREAT SUCCESS The Pagan" Comedies, PINK PAJAMAS, STRIPES & STARS ALSO SCENIC Admission, 15c & 50c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30, Admission, 10c & 33c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ppers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE IIUI'EIIT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'EUATINU (I. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers. .Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 COAL! MINE HEAD LUMP-Pcr ton $13.50 MINE HEAD EGG Per ton $12.30 PEMBINA EGG Per ton $12.00 SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER'S SUPPIA HYDE TRANSFER 171 THIRD AVENUE EAST PHONE 580 HEATED STORAGE BAGGAGE COU MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throuchout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, gand. and Gravel We-Specialise In Piano and Furniture Moving. Summer Complaint Causes Many Deaths of Infants Thousand of mother throughout Canrv;! have ucd "Dr. Fowler's" during the paat righty-fomcart it hiu been on the market, and the child'i hie, no doubt, aaveJ by hi timely use, whenever there ha been any dangcroui duturbaiice of the boweli. . Price, CO cents a bottle at all druggiaU or dealers. Put up only by lie T. Milburu Co., Ltd., Turoulo, Out