Page THW DAILY FEWS. : Ke _———— - LOCALWHALE §=§=Auction Sale heidi dnins dite Cup lGot 6 Oh Esa eos) Trip of Vancouver's Business | Men Coming North. Mrs. HALL 2 1 ee un n"r ac Cc Ko 0. appear alongside the speedy little . : a AAS Tdeynels uy els Limited ship with the first touch of dawn > ; a ‘ FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. that crept over the hills. In the 2 9 morning it would come up like a : 8 8 Hun submarine, the water pouring . ; “+4 i off its broad back, and then, after : ; "? One Reason Why. spouting two or three times, it 2 % 13 would eye the ship with a friendly : 9 14 ; look, and keep pace for severa . 9 20 NOTICE po Peserec~orem 2 9 21 — ‘ miles, flipping its tail in answer . IN THE MATTE! . ; a 10 23 TER of an application for . ar reett . . nr ix ' ’ to the shouts of greeting from , 10 24 the issue of a fresh certificate of title to Hdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Ma ; - : 4 : 7 . Lots 45 and 46, Block 1, Section 5, City is d Cunningham. Vice-President ? j OV r these whom it knew to be friendly, : 11 13 of Prince Rupert, (Map 923 - . ; . ; . : ¢ : il 14 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that t ts because they also came up at 5 1 + my intention to issue, after the expiration e x s ? dawn. - ; i of one month from the first publication ‘ : - . . ili . li 17 hereof, a fresh certificate of title Ww the ‘ } ‘But,” said Chris Spencer, why 2 11 18 above mentioned lands in the name of = 0) ; a ‘ . 9 20 Donald Koss and Robert MacKay, which ° : Gurneys commenced mak- did you not call us up so ae . a. - certificate ‘s dated 2ist day of January ‘ ‘ . 11 3 rol ee whale also, Mr - 1915, and is numbered 7115-1 } — ‘ ing stoves in 1843. Still in J)could see this whale also 15 14 i. F. MACLEOD LIMITED ‘ Banfield? The only evidence we . . - ; 5 5 District Registrar of Titles } the same line of business “f) ave of its existence is the snap- : - DATED at the Land Regisiry mice, FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT—MARINE HARDWan: | 1919 Hundreds in use in , 7 . ~ oe Prince Rupert, B. C., this 25th day of Stace Manert me - eee oo : ms z = ea Rca Steamship Suppiles, Gas Engines and Accessories . *, Banfie zed sadly ul > — aaemnren es a 2 16 20 WATER NOTICE Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage towards the endless chain of ° 16 26 DIVERSION AND USE ON SALE AT mountains. 2 17 i cologne PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 9 “Well, you see, | knew he was 2 17 2 TAKE NOTICE that M R. Liltieo, of | ‘ 5 - Ottawa, Ont, . : > 2 . Prince . f red Stor § fjrather shy with strangers, and | : = 6 ee ae en ‘aon oe Registered Office: Prince Rupert OMecs wanted to keep him alongside un- md 17 +. ; pues Se -— = eo ba) 68 Water Street, felephone No. 9! 2 5 er seco! ce Creek. Hardware til we got to Rupert. Here is the 2 17 18 which flows east to west and drains into | Vancouver, B. C. P. 0. Box 1698 SECOND AVENUE last picture I ever took of the poot 2 a a9 a ee : + 2 7 The water will be diverted from the| & Phone Black 114 old boy. : 2 19 13 stream at @ point about 150 ft. below! It was a snapshot of a huge 9 19 14 Cassidy Group on Jas. Nedved’s ground, | and will be used for placer mining pur whale, blowing a spout of wate: 2 19 7 poses upan the Calder Bench Lease de ' a $+ |about 50 feet into the am, and 2 19 18 scribed a8 Hydraulic Placer Mining Lease | ee ans o eal 1 neavolant eve 4 - 19 19 aa a so staring with benevolent e 0 os This notice was posted on the ground) i es i sie - ay <0 on the 27th day of May, 197° wards the camera. 2 19 27 A copy of this notice and an application ° “A beauty, murmured Mr 2 19 45 pursuant Seeee and to the “Water Act is uv F B 2 ce oO * * Bie Cottrell. ~ 20 a, Waler peaaslt a “thn, BP om ao | For the Garden bot a ra ew “| should like to have seen : 4 = ated ate. in said W WP pavers we cy a : : : 9 20 21 ed Ww © saic ater Recorder or with) — ; ; Pool Room him,” said Mr. Paige. ' . - as the Compirolier of Water Rights, Parlia-| NOTICE OF CANCELLATION pecially Suited for ie it: “There you are,” said Jolt 2 20 25 thirty + gen tee aret } ‘OTICE 18 HENEI GIVEN : Rupert soil at: moved to Nelson, triumphantiy, to J. | 2 20 26 this — a ; oat t = : i : : 2 — ; rnd e # 7 tai “ . eel Pere re ere i : ‘ > ’ ALLICO, Applican on Porcher Islan¢ vm Lire 7 721 Thi d Malkin. “Look at the size of tha z ” Ottawa. om, |) e of which appeared in | ' For the ms rast i a . ~ 20 28 By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B. C., Agent imbia Gazette on the th Ma D "ENC " rd ir Ave. : mig and how 2 althy he is 2 20 29 The date of the first publication of this|is careelied CHICKENS ; ‘ > a . e We ( 9 ‘ notice is June 23, 1919 G. RK. NADEN Opposit ook at the clear keen eye an 2 20 a0 Deputy pinist HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER > ” 7 the ruddy smooth skin. He lives : 20 31 ATER NOTICR Lands Departme nt = The Empress}Hotel : , 20 33 WATER NOTICE Vietnrla, Be arernrnrarerererncnrnen ‘ in the water and never drank any- e 20 33 DIVERSION AND USE i5th July, 1919 thing else in his lifetime. There's 3 20 al en ar oe , - 45 TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whese I CIGARS SODA 23jan argument for prohibition. 2 20 46 address is Aliee Arm, B. C., will apply e:. 0 Ey a ‘ aaa 2 for @ licence to take and use 10 second rR * e © Two r t. Beer. Mr. Malkin nodded, but several : — : feet of water out of Tumble Creek, also | a 4 per cen - others standing around looked - os “ a ae oF peek Geek. ee Some mae et PHONE 58 ; . Nie 2 erly and draine imto the hkitsault River, a i unconvinced, 2 20 52 about 17 miles from its mouth 4t head of, “i xX P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave ba JOHN PELLICANO “It never did anybody any a 20 57 _ Saas A will iz diverted from th ea aa* " “" © a ‘ B P B e om e ) good,” remarked Ald. Macrae. 2 20 60 siream a1 a point about 20 chains easter) see 2 20 61 from 58.E rl Lot 319 . i Dis. » ‘es : i p po”? ‘ , 5 corber 0 ‘ 6, as3iar dis What never did—water?” in- 2 20 po trict, and will be used for mining purpose NOTICE OF CANCELLATION oncncncnsnce eee : quired another. a. 20 65 oe 7 — described as the North Star, ; { g = - . ineral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar District. NO s ; ‘ Before the alderman could an- 2 20 66 rhis notice was posted on the ground gues o> entoumay eter certain cr wi ind The N rf Rooms ; swer, there was a terrific. ery 2 20 67 a tis ceie-ake ae asanesiien (St Range 6, Coast District, lying three |} 0 0 , » ; y s a] ON miles o “ach sid of ‘ itsume@all ! Seven-roomed house with from the after deck. . = - pureugs’ qherete ons to (tee Ucvaur, Ast, River, noties Of which appeared ia the |p Oth Ave. and Fulton Street 4 oa : ; 2 20 9 * i re e n © lee the a : ; oe eoor F bath and finished basement. A whale on the pert bow. > 20 10 Water Keeorder at Prince Rupert, B. C ae ee, ee Oe —— @ ’ : ayes : : : i f ca ee. ° 2 a Objections to the application may be} , ae Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. With a bound Ald. Shelly, E. J. 2 20 74 fied with the said Water Recorder or with G. RR. NADEN, : : Deput Minist ‘ na l F G Goyle and E. A. Paige sprang to 2 20 15 the Comptrolier of Water Hights, Parlia-|;angs pepartment, TT Nice large Furnish« 875 00 the aa & ; 2 20 16 mens Buildings, Victoria, B. C,, within) ~ Sheentie B. C.. att J 1e port rail. The ship instantly . vo bo thirty days after the first appearance of | cach date’ '000e Rooms for Gentlemen Very Easy Terms. listed badly to port, and the three 2 20 90 a PD OLAEN Ropiteent or Married Couple: doughty members of the party 2 20 91 The date of the first publication of this eT _ DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND were hastily pulled back to thy : 20 92 tei ee cemmeenrerdenn a 5°22 hip : A etilens see hel 2 20 95 ; . pry Convenic: ; 523 Third Ave. ec oe Sr . ae . rn - LAND AC'l Every Conyenicnc Al é ~ ne, too, said ap 2 20 121 —_ | er er er er er er er eres er eres Bere mr ere " a ey - a Seearenaape - Nicholson, as the ship righites 2 20 : 198 imine - tatentine han 7 ” - ae —a . herself. 2 20 128 IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT, | oeoet tks Mincndiieatic dei ail , . 20 131 RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA, and| : . , e ha one again, 3 eae situate in the vicinity of District Lot 792 ED ‘ . ; : a0 182 on Massett Inlet, Queen Chariotte islands | M@OTICE OF CANCELLATION UMIVERSITY RETURN disappeared completely this time fs 92 i TAKE NOTICE that the Wellace F SOLDIER STUDENTS ‘ a2 ET iE tha ve Wallace Fisher “ and since then no sight or sound 7 2 32 ies, Limited, of Vancouver, British Colum || NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the , > . : 7 9 bia, oceupation canning company, intends | P°erve existing over certain Crows : he Univers ! Ave : . ( 7 38 2 path) tend L ‘ : d PLUMBING AND HEATING has relieved the tedium of th . = s3 to apply for permission to lease the fol-|98 Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Island bia | ; meat ; watching passengers intent upon : ye lowing deseribed lands | District, notice of Which appeared in the : fents in Apt EAGIKEERS s 15 35 Commencing at a post planted at the| Uritish Columbia Gazette on the South Jul > whe enlisted during t Retinnah Geontetad seeing a whale, nor gladdened the s 15 36 southwest corner of the northwest quar-|'%98, and the Srd July, 1913, ts cancelled urs juring estimates urnished. io . " ; ids = ter of Lot 792, Queen Charlotie Islands G. Kh. NADEN tion yea md fh eyes of the mammal's friends in . as 33 District, thence west 20 chaims: thence Deputy Minister of Land proceeding in the fall, : the party. Probably this time he 8 16 4 north 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chain» Lands Department, spelr studies § du ; . On ‘ ‘ . > or les > er » ctoria, B ; ; ) Address, 3rd Avenue, head 3)has gone back, never again to ap- ; = 3 Seanad, tans acai aki: teen dul, 3000 ge RR } of fecond Street. pear as the ruddy dawn spreads 8 26 7 dann 2 tS re Foust eae eiier | students, ’ ; ’ ’ ¢ s sore or less to 2 point of com omplet those Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 over the surrounding hills. 8 26 18 mencement and containing twenty (20 were interrupted by « ; eee av s 30 13 ne ee OT Oe that regular courses i : ¢ WALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITE inue ithe udu ® 20 14 Der Pred. Nah, BC’ie ee . tinued without und s 31 3 Dated 3rd day of June, 1919 rere . ‘ ; ° Sosa edieatationes : ; leaamemien semen Phon® Green 507 1017 3rd Avenue REGARDING RAILWAY 3 32 15 LAND ACT o oe > : , ee e & 8 32 16 —-- 7 W & 33 ° PRINCE RUPERT LAND pDISTRICT—pDIS P y a E . ; TRICT OF QUBEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS e Dalgarno atts (epecial via G.T.P. Telegrapns.) : , TAKE notice that E. M. Lauder, of Queen NOTICE OF CANCELLATION e urvic i 4 ioldacilaaiiaiin il ai —— a4 30 Charlotie City, oecupation teacher, intend — : London, August 5.-—Alfred . > to apply for permission to purchase ine] NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN th: A K Smithers, chairman of the Grand : ° following deseribed land , © IM Treserve existing ov “hand ‘se, C . > Grant s 46 9 scribed lands . . over certain Crown land , Specialists in Light and Heavy Con ys 4 : oni itl . Commencing 4t 4 post planied on the}! te Naas Hiver, Cassiar District joie: e 1 eetian, Repairs and Alterations Trunk Railway Board of Directors 8 39 s2 * south shore of Maude Island, about 700 | Of Whieh appeared in the British ¢ Mumba , rf First Class Staireasec Work and has sailed for Canada. s ae oe rama tenes "ath ae ae er eo NO ees the 25th February ive is | : ‘ . . 2 chains; thence SI —" ——e ™ It is understood that the head ; “ = 20 chains; thence south 20 chains, thene G. R. NADEW yr Getimastes Cheerfully Given of the finance end of the railway 8 39 a8 went 80 chal itil MAUD NUDE | Lands penecemekelY Minloter of Lands. | Phone Green 545 BRICK AND coweneTe suttoine Bf} is going to Canada for the purpose 4 39 89 _ Date June 14, 1019. A. 90 ee FM we ig P.O. Box 102 Office, Fras: of taking up with the Dominion 5 39 #0 MINERAL ACT a . - wea ti ° h Government the matter of selling ma PUSLIS APTS We : Sell : Coal — ——~ jor leasing the system, INTHE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MAT" : : = ; : Fhe. I 4 | ile ioe SOLusneA NOTICE RONALD ¢ PENGL son” pk f ASED ll — nd oa . vuln saled tenders will be ‘ Dialer elim inineaiia ies IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINIS@TRA-| Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, Jimm| underst Teceive by sie 4 }£ H. SHOCKLEY { POLICE INSPECTOR itn “AN OF ens A, Reine aut! yt? ahd may, i vevvveecet ? xy and ineral Claims, situate in the Naas Mining} lots eight (8). lee thy Bee uae GENERAL CONTRACTOR } IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE oF |Division of Cassiar District. — mine (39), Section five (3) ie ie qa FOR ELECTRICAL WORK " GUDMUNDUR JOHANNSSON, Dt Where loeated:-—On the west side of| Prince Kupert, in the Prov = the City of Office and Shop Fraser St. | aula Gata yaet Are Granby Bay, near Anyox Columbia mee OF Britten Go to " s ge ua / that in order of His TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague of Tenders musi be placed i Sash, doors, mouldings and ! Henour F. MeB. Young, made the 241) |the eily of Duncan, B. C., acting as agent|securety sealed, addresaea. oe SUYeloRe) Sas ihenian dimiahs iamsbar-g) Halifax, August 5.—lhe in-j|day of July, A.D. 1919, 1 was appointed|for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt-|marked “Tender Versus: ae w me 6he ™ spector of Dominion Police is Administrator to the estate of Gudmundur|ing and Power Company, Limited, Free} accompanied by a mark« y — “a ways in stock, mh 5 | Johannsson, deceased, and all parties hav-|Miner's Certificate No. 32188-C, intend.|at par at Smithers for an kk ean ' ' ; os . ; imissing and it is reported that the | Claims against the said estate are|sixty days from the date hereof, to Rpply}of the amount of the tender. | ee ° Agent for J, Fyfe Smith's | hereby required to furnish same, properly|to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate Phe highest or any 7 hesitwnod government has been robbed of verified, to me, on or before the 1st dayjof Improvements, for the purpose of ob- | neegssarily be accepted oe "_— = 336 2nd Ave. ; , ‘ = between $40,000 and 850,000, of September, A.D. 1049, and ali u uiing @ Crown Grant of the above claim The cheques of all unsuecesstul : Estimates Given. indebted to the sand eatare are, required| And further lake woties that action, un-jers will be returned to them ae, Phones EN 394 ieaiiael eeeetemanes oto ' mM amount o heir indebtednessider section 85, must be commenced before TERMS —Cash « accep om REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN N ‘. on k tl p | me forthwith the issuance of such certifierte of im STEPHEN Me hoaning: “nde BLACK 367 - Phone Green 268 : ever forget to look through JOHN HB. MeMULLIN provements. oO j 1. Lamps. n . Lene al ified li p 5b OMeial Administrator Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D. 1010.) Smithers, B. ¢ Metal Adunin! : Save Money in j at.ae8 at on Pages. Dated this 260h day of duly, 1919, | HN, CLAGUE, BCL 8 | duly 17, 1000 a ‘i