PAO TWO r - The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ' Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue TT TltlT t tiT If I T". 5 ! . (.tj. i -.iu it, l vuLtun ianaging-,auor I y w t . DAILY EDITION ..lVV.j 'AAVrA'". I '('4 i V BATTLE OF WHEAT The great battle of wheat is still going on. Sometimes the price goes up and sometimes down, but there has so far been no real break which would indicate that either side had won. As the days pass the situation becomes tense, but there is still time enough for the Pool and other holders of grain to score a win. It seems as if no new wheat can come on the market except that from Australia until early next fall and in the meantime available stocks are being used up and more and. more people will be looking to Canada for their supply, t In spite of this it looks to us as if the big holders would begin to have sleepless nights pretty soon. Should the Poollose it will be in a rather parlous situation'. MINERAL RECORD The record mining gross income made this year is largely the result of the increase of copper and lead and not of any very great increase In general mining. The plant at Anyox has been producing as rapidly as possible to tnke advantage of the prices offered for tjieir product. Also the amount received even for the same output is higher than last year. Britannia mine has also been very busy. A lamentable feature of the mining report is the drop Of a millien dollars in the Induction of coal. This is having a.yj&dfM(toMrirtfoVer Island, where the amount ot coal pWucetTmiS fallgh off considerably, aPATTUfcLO'IfAUGHS The despatch received yestopday says that when T. D. Pattullo, member for Prinde' Rupert, was asked if he had been offered 01 federal cabinet position, he lautfhad. . m3reh?Jt0, departing cook) "You don't deserve it but as you pnoh&Sff. taUT 1 m t" & th Jl Cook: "I don't need to, Ma'am. I'm only going next floor. From London Opinion. District News NEW ilAZELTON A successful dance was held last Friday evening by the Haaeltofl Social Club. A radio set and a iKramDhonei were raffled in con nection with the affair J. Morns winning the former and Ml Jane uwafVork of New Haeeiton, the latter, Rntiirrtav baturaay, Tii ucc. 91 zi. iazaA f(,8tlire of tne evcriing's pro. CRISIS IS PAST The crisis in the life of the British Labor Government is past. They have been sustained on the. second reading of their Coal Mines Bill, but It was so dose a vote-'tjjhat thetfelie of the Government was trembling in the balance. It swfihs as if the intent was to show the Labor Government that they could go so far and no farther. It seems as if some of those who could not support the bill, but who did not wish to see the Government defeated just now, must have absented themselves from the House, else with only two Liberals voting with Labor the result would have been different area h being revived through graUfjpttig discoveries tnat nave 1100 ounces of silver to the ton In addition to $14.50 in gold and; nra oak.? news Jajmaay, Decemh., i 1823 LEAGUE IS STILL TIED Illffii Schbol una till Four .tj, flfty-tiOff For InternefUaU ! JiPK4lIon Title.' r.M'.Ti K - t 1 l two Intermediate League- bas ! ketball games were played last i evening; in the Exhibition Hall, gram was an arttusfnp sketch put High School easily beating Naval on by Allen Benof and Mte Reserve TO to 14 in one, while Big Bertha Rock. Four won 21 to 29 over Bankers i ;ln the second which was a tignt The thermometer stood at or, contest. Only a small crowd of below zero here daring the past, fans was In attendance because week, the lowest reading having) of the inclement weather. R. B. been fifteen below. Skinner refereed one game and . ... George Mitchell the other. Dr. aad Mrs. II. C. Wrinch will! as a result of the playing of retarn to Haaelton on Sunday these games. High School and Big morning after having spent sev-iFtrtii are still tied in the stand-eral weeks visiting with friends ijng and will meet agam to decide and relatives in Ontario. Dr. Gor-'the leadership of the first half of don Klrkpatrifk. who has been the season, relieving at Uie local hospital dur- i individual sewing In the Banking the absence df Dr. Wrinch, 1 ert-fclg Font game was as fU6ws: will leave on Sunday far his home I Bankers E. Barlow. 8; Joe in Vancouver where he will spend .Scott. 6; F. Burdette; C. Doriald-the Christmas holiday season. (son. 2: JL Underwood, 8; H. Mac- !d'r4SS." -ja? SUlket, 8 R. school at Ocean Falls will arrive su,r 4 j. ,. j' Mc cr.J?Z? 01 " y,to Nulty. 8: A.rosa. 3; F. Dlngwell. spend the Christina? and New . ti 31 Yew hoJMar " Siting with TW record of spring in the hls Parents jHlgh School-Navy game not SMITIIERS I tWtJe standing tor ie first Interest in the Topiey mining foMowr nur 01 uvc season so rar are as twn mifl HMAtlv on the Tmfov Patters' CTftb Senior W. 6 "ilvw ftrenertv which is birur d- Thfp Two Taxi J veldped by its owners, DMrM Ml 2 lleehan and Charles Matheeen. : t s . The latest discovery is a parallel Intermediate., showing of three veins, the most ... , important of which is a ouarte 23 " 7 vein three feet wide with four-. gtfh Seh teen inches of high grade ore, as SJOJFf nx,Z i Naval Reserve 2 says of which have disclosed over - i 1 Ladies nign ieaa con tern. 1 nu vein u 1 yt iiuw uiiurrgumg uevciopuirni. , Maple Leafs 5 R. C. Mutch has been awarded iTo"er the contract by the postal department to carry the mails be-, tween Smithers post-office and i the railway station. It is under-! stood that the rate accepted was 90c per trip which is much lower than before. L. 2 4 5 L 2 2 3 6 4 L. 1 5 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL P. 10 2 Encllsh League, First Division Birmingham 3, Sunderland 1. Blackburn Rovers 1, Manchester City 3. The local churches have appoin-; Brimsby Town-Sheffield Wed-ted a committee consisting of Mrs, nesday. postponed. G. W. Smith. Mrs. Edgar Wood-' HuddersfWd, Town 0 Bolton ward and Mrs. James P. Downey , Wanderers .2. to auriat th Pansilfain Tarlnn in TjItmIkp HUd 1 DnmUi, 4 in linportani ieaiure IS inai mines OI norwiern ana carrying out unnsimas uneer uverpooi , Arsenal 0. central British Columbia promise to increase their out-iwork thuJ!' Manchester united 3, Leeds uni- put in the near future. From all the Worlc done thrDUGrh- The Hunuaiag.BinJ group ad- Mlddlesborough 2. Portsraouth 0 tUt the district some real mines aw hnnnrl to rwmlr 1BO ! ISatfWfflS 1 .1 n?0 1 .1.. ;W2 H I Newcastle m United 2. Derby Ooun- 1.; ? t 1 it... . . P .-.L tne Dig companies which are developing them do not know Ltd. and it is understood Sheffield United 2, Everten 0. their business. that to the near future, the com-; Weatham United 9, AStenvilla I tmur b viniBHinw win ur cuusiu erabiy extended. The original tenlishLeague, Second Division oi tne fttimmiM aim uarnaey 2. Bradford crtr l 6:oup were George Charlton. WU nam nanaa and o. R. IHHbrook The bridee over the River near here was endangered also expeeted to be in the field. ! Sub-zero weather has contlnuM Blackpool 3. Swansea Ttgwn 0. Bradford 0, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Bulkley Bury 4, Cardiff City 2. ! here during the past week, the low- j Rovers 0, est thermometer readina for the iweek having been twenty below zero. I The city council has decided to 1 submit a $30,000 money bylaw at the municipal election next month to finance the cost of a new unit In the city power house. The junior branch of St. Michael's Anglican Womerfs Auxiliary here has elected officers as follows for I the year: Superintendents, Mrs. H.l enwsea 5. Preston North end o. Mr. rattullo can afford to laugh. He has a. very im-1 by broken Wfh water for Miflwaii 3. Reading 1. Mrtant position today, the next most important tn .that 'tJZ? ?;JT?"J " .,lnh!lra 5- Bristol or Premier, iie receives a fair salary for the work and i ,nf diverted from the structure Oldham Autistic 2, nUs coun- ne nag no resxnenons on Ms actions such as that on a cab- mrZ vhS xiicc iiiuuBfaer. Wp know nntViino- ?Vmif t-Via n1a leader, but we do feel that if Premier Mackenzie King A11 oaseiey and Agnes west Rromwieh Albion 2 stoke wn a meinuer wno win onng cieait to the atlministra- j &wwT IZih " , UOn, he COUW not do better than invite Mr. Pattullo to entryablr l-.nce in the Scottish League, First Division 255 J if i0"- T .re8PeCtS Bl1VSh Columbia SSSSST b7r8ndr Gamers irvriau uc lueci. ie ltjgismture wotHu unaouuteuiy miss him, but there are other good men on the opposition aide who are quite capable of undertaking the work and it would be a great thing for British Columbia people to have so able a cabinet minister represent them in the federal parliament has now receded and further leUcs 0. SOUthamtotnn 2 nhHtnn Ath. trouuie u not anucipatea. j Tottenham Hotspurs 2, Hull were served. was or chestra and delicious refreshments PRINCE GEORGE With Mayor A. M. Patterson ex-1 pec ted to be returned by acclama- tion for another term, indications' point to a lively contest for the four vacancies on the aldermanic board here next month. Aid. Fraser and 1 Rem, whaee terms are expiring, will 1 seek re-election, and Ex-Mayor J.I II. Johnson and Ex-Mayor F. D. ! Tavlor as well as Oeorm Knneriv 1 Aberdeen 1. Falkirk 0. Alrdionlans 3. Hibernians 0. Ayr United 4. St. Johnstone 0. Clyde 3, Dundee United 2. Dundee 2. Partlck ThlsllM 4 Hamilton Academy J.'jcilmar- Heatts 1, Celtics 3. Morton 3, Oowdenbeatn 4( ueeirt Park L St. Men 6. Rangers 4. Mptherwel2. Scottish Leaf ue. Second, Division Alloa K, 'Brechin, City 2. oufieas.2, tungs rarxva,! Clydebank 4, Arbroath L Forfar Athletics z. - - ....a. w. vmiiuwcu . on,- , . St. Bast Btlrllnnshlre 0. Quern nf South 2. . 4,V Albion Lelth Athletics 8. Dumbarton 2 Montrose 1, East FlfeM--Rattfi Rovers 1. Thlrd"Canark l. Stepllousemulr 1, Armadale 2. Sport Chat Billy . " Munfoe. ' Prince George iretary. Frances Saunders: treasurer. "R"1 promoter, is making ar Dorothy Saunders. rangements to stape in the inter- I iior town on New Tear's Day the I The St Michael's Church Women's ' bgest boxing card ever presen-! Auxiliary has elected officers as fol- ,e Uiere. In the main event. lows: president. Mrs. H. Wilson; 1 Oliver Krog of Glschme and vice-presidents, Mrs. Newman and Were Rivtrs of Hutton, two husky Mrs. o. c. Perkins; secretary, Mrs. district loggers, will display their II. Douglas; treasurer, Mrs F. A. 'ares in a ten round battle. MacCallum; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Keen interest is being taken in Van Somers: Thanksgiving secre- this affair and a good deal ot tiry, Mrs; J. C. Perkins; Living money is being wagered on the Message secretary, Mrs. Little; vis-, outcome, it Is said. Rivers comes ltlng committee, Mrs. H. Brawn,' from Luxemberg, France, and did Mrs.. G. Oliver and Mrs. L. Blair. 1 considerable boxlhg in the Old .rTT", , Country. They are still talking in Mr. . Riifi a,., y"1 lttl bJ Sunday Prince Oeprge about matching Jim for CalBMy, where she will spend Jacobsen of Glscome with Benny three months visiting with her Wfendle ot Prince Rupert. tiTAe al1bomol; Prince Oeorge for the opening hockey game ot hbe5?.ecUre birPo5rmaSi the season at Prince Ge5rge on ter WlmblCfl tb be USPH n nridif lnn Phr frnn M,. rJ' al accomodation for delivefyW mill trig held "regu'larlj three times ., , kU uc euuwing up weu, assuring a Cast game (or the opener, food 'he teams for this Snccjinter will be chosen tomorrow. Hocay is rather late in getting started in Print George this year owtog to the long spell 01 mild weatner De-fore winter conditions set in about' two weeks ago. j Vandals are leading the men'i' senior bafkbM Wte at Smith-1 ers with seven wins and two los-: nm while High School is in second , place with she wins and two dej feats. Telkwa and Boku have won I but twice, the former having been! beaten .six times and the latter t seven. Telkwa. however, is mak- inn a much better showing in thei ladies' league in which that town is leading with six wins and two' losses. Pirates are second with slxi and three. High Schapl Is third with five wins and four defeats; while the Whoopee team has failed to win once and has been beat-, en eight times. j The ballyhoo drums are boom-1 'ng for Baby Face Jimmy McLar-nln. that venomous little Vancouver fighter with the smile of an Irish cherub. The clouting Celt from the Pacific Coast seems cer- lain now to head the sparkling 1 card of attractions building for the great outdoor "shots" of next summer. Jimmy has been assured a belt at Jack Fields' welterweight UUe in one of the big ball parks m New York if he can dlsoose of j one more heacUlner with the fer-ttcity and deadly punching power that swept Ruby Goldstein out of the ring In two round last week.' Al Foreman is seeking a return bout with Billy Townsend The de- ! feated champion puts it this way: "I think my showing was good enough to warrant a return matwi. I risked my UUe and lost! tt. If Townsend proposes to be a fighting champion he can hardly ignore my claims for a chance to redeem myself. I will fight him under any reasonable circum stances. I want a chance to prove; to my men as inai i am oetter than I seemed last Friday night. I do not care for alibis. Townsend won and that's alright with me I wasn't at my best. I was worried, too, about my left eye and that made me cautions in using my left hand which is probably my best offensive weapon. I Will welcome a chance to fight Town-send again at any time. If Town--end wants to go south 111 take the fight at any date he names. Twenty-four hours notice Is good enough for me U they object to delay. I know I can beat him when I'm at my best." Toronto stocks '': (CWurtMy S. O. Johnston do.) C. Silver. 00, 1.20. Big Missouri. 56, C3. Cork Province, 4, 5. Cotton Belt, Nil, 32. Duthie Mines. 35, 40. George Copper. 2.30, 2.55. Geargfct River. 124, 15. Golconda. 73, 75. Grandview, 12. 12. Independence, 8, NU. Indian Mines, 3, 5. Intern. Coal & Coke, 28. 29. Kootenay Florence. 7 74. Kdrtehl King, 4V&. 9. Lucky Jim. 6. 0 . Mohawk, 2. Nil. Morton Woolsey, 8, 9. Marmot River Oold. Nil, 20. Marmot Metals, 1V4, Nil. National Silver. 6, 7. ffoble Five. 39 Vt, 40. Oregon Copper. 10, 11. Pcnd Oreille, 2.15, 255. Pioneer Gold, 8Q, 1.00. Premier. 1.62. 1.G5. Porter-Idaho. 24. Nil. Rufus-Argenta, 7, 8V4. Ruth-Hope. 20, Nil. Silver Crest, 5. SV. Silverado, 29, 40. Slbean King. 3, Nil. Slocan Rambler, 5, 7i Snowflake, 11, 12. Sunloch, 60. 85. Toplej Richfield, 2Vs, Nil. Tone, mi, i.uu. Woodbine. 2, 2. Oils A. P. Con.. 1.00, 1.61. Dalhousie. lie. lie. Fabyan Pete, 6, 6Vi, Home, 8.10, M. McLeod, 2.05, 2.16. Hargal 85 XM BserGmV. M. 89. Sterling Pacific, 1.07, UD9. Mercury. 4, 56. Locomotives For the West MONTREAL. Dec. 31: Western Canada will benefit materially by the locomotive construction program just announced by the ( anadlan National Railways. Orders have been placed for thirty rew locomotives for . Dassenffer T?ee Entertainment Pt.nta, t:iau m "UWtt the pavey. iaertnuni, , . tjeachers. the anm,,' r (P, , Tree entertainment . ,. ' School of First 't.t? Church took plan ...; , v ,"r -ante audlmw ,".". ":i"W ata Glaus, of rmr.', visit to the deli),! ,,, gifts and sweets rbm his lavish han For to this h Tk a verv enfov tii, which included t.hf , bers by the chUdn n Roniutlon "S'.nf ;, . Btgek-lngs." Primarv c;,,, Recitation, Ben v.. , Rocitatlbn Bett r ,, Violin Solo, "Stur v i Malta Stegp. Wj. Helen r-.-w. wiiw y tt.atnennc m, At,., . HPCakm, DonaW Fb- Rev. Thomas mo,. "' ,. pastor, presided f Oil VTdh the Dance the Latest ( alt ish Crawl Vancouvc -On with the dat,.. , gnconftned' Certain-, needed to unn: . a.s- j m itte aance ror :hh i Ijvgaonous than th iTne present general n,t card to find. HOTrever relief i.s ;i of the ladies of th -Broadway show ha Cat BuTKlai Crawi ,. ta be "teight. pep." True, the namr nf !.. doM not S'jggetit nr." :fcil!g Thr sttalthv -eat birglar trarsmn'" rteps however nvi thing else vet .!!;.::, Possibly It Ik btr 'hlnk real dawine u fashion about 190? w i and freight service, and ot these, convinced ocularlv -ll1 ill, us. t m-,r f vr a i ii ,- ,-(f !.() Hn ' ' - j twenty-eight wW go into use in'"crawr is any the western region of the ays-the present methd : H(r tem In addition to this, rjve'eae's pastier over a w v- -x. rwitching engines are now in the i i-ourse of construcUO&c Mi Jhelif. .v, Canadian National shops In wLvi tyKly IfHfs " A :i bring nipeg. for service in thV weV;ftflr results. IjOVE h the pliolographtc rcconl of an ' v': w XJL unmunl lcl carried oiit wiili n car in Em ''MSbIsbbw a rcfr'gcra''nR chainhff of the Pacific ( wl '"MUb Tcrniiiinls Lltl. The engine, aflcr bring "0 kP lifnirs in a tcmjicnilure of 20 decree rhn nh t H- (12 degrres ftf frol), Marled rfertlr In l - linlf a efond . . . jirolhR rnrluhel), immI viilion! A doulit, the volalile nl flaahlike rflVrlenry of Il'tii "Winter Grade" Cos. T1U perfectly Iialsncrn eoU westtier pM.lin i V mult 6f cartful Mmly ofdrhinp rcuSrw!iMili. iiml-W- X; Inclement and rripld mndilioitt ami U rnven l