to19 TO CLASSIFY BUSINESSES THE DAILY NEWs Om mt tee es It ee ees eee re ee teem eee oe Daily News Classified Advertise a WRIGLEYS Page 5 ae fF i Agi a — iri it ee oe J ul TED FOR SALE—R d two heat ers 84( hi ed house —— ()F THE CITY |= ANTED to buy Underwood typ: with } ‘ ‘euld ofl A ith | W. J. Alder. “Fruit-atives” Alone Gave writer, in good condition. State| se The Greatest Nam Him wick Rell f price ont where seen to box|/ FOR SALI lhoroughbred Guban e il Q iG |Preparatory Step to Taking Vote 285, Daily News office. tf Moodhound puy Apply 821 / Goo dy -£ d Ruckingham, Que., May 8rd, 1915. On Opening of Fruit Stores ce ys on Ei getipe Pat Street 82 fi an Fe ily Evenings and Sundays. Wanted to rent three of four - “ | roomed house with bathroom FOR RENT | had bel the |OMTY COUNCIL TAKES | Ok Ree Sally Nowe cmos. Sti NTI ne room : ‘ i eeping oomes Ih r } ’ ADVICE FROM COUNSEL WANTED Woman for kitehen pet h. 627 Ninth ee ; aus | work, Inlandew 8: ‘cond Ave, \ West tf i a - en . «? tf advice of the city solici ul he City Council last night de FOR BALE FO! ut With or with an : lav , 0 Phone, Red 58% | i pa _byla classifying | wonpy AT 8 PER CEN'T.on build- — , a — a. POhar” Businesses 10) ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru-|FOR RENT—Office W J .Ald ur i ley may be in a posi _— ‘ ; pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W ~ : a v hh the a store Nickerson. Secretary tf LOST ne pa adays have} I VAI EY beer ed and which, presum FOR SALI One safe. two shov LOS] Ret i I} 0 al il remain closed after 6 | cases counter shelving and — Dp Fruit-a Lhe bylaw governing thern store fixtures Kirkpatrick « : ipe ! ue ul ae GUM ) in ! ai imended rhe Harper. 8U : yore : ' » , | UT] — Sonor oii, aie Sele LE—! a ay Some LiL TST ro a aCe. eeeeee noved | Aldermat Perry wd PVN SAL jeautifi heavy all , 7 | ; P Lf | ol o ided by Alderman Casey that sill en 290.00, Gost more ‘ j ; a T Phone 586 th Va md wo alderme ms _— ns Phot ; ' E I Y oe EE by | nN ; lé 3 | a drat! 1 bylaw Cclassilying | z “pg ve nin ' : —_— - og Som | - Ls "« Lingey's Grocery {2 asa a eTaunat ; " ame Wao was pres Heater, $2. Appl 627 JB hi ens ‘ fl il Capacity as act A vane ae LOS] Gientlemat ( et 216 6th Ave. W. hither, ‘sanieniad i — sisaatheninfile n: Mabente. dine Phew — pass on a petition | POR SALI Old newspape te! Blu 89 181 \ ant your business and $ d pealed only on a coun-| cents a bundl LOS’ 1 t} i a rde} Su ; ; oe hat clase s the ‘ 7" ’ = Mat } 2D | ne at clasp. x there} PICNIC AT LAKES | uas,°2 : ne on cheap junk Sid bylaw it was impossib cae FO a 2 (yf VALUE Fo! Your | ! vhether 1 grocery wv |Finy Tims and Rooters Enjoy Fine = ; seiaiies “ail ‘| led it and farm produc Time at Swimming Resort. FOUND—Key ring ¥ Yale and R ; lhe first thing they had) 8 : » omice b pply Da ° ‘ ; se A very enjoyable pienw was ’ fl av A Mnwtr ; © detine the classes. | Hee $ ; . then those business would | George Frizzell who provided the MISCELLANEOUS eS ae lie ins de jmembers of the Tiny Tims base rHE NORTON : | . : ‘ ‘ ! ORTO The Proper Procedure. oo “ tL and the rooters of the| ipoo. Ha eadaamee i by Alderman Casey what|7UDior League with an outing t iat ai . rs a , Hous ses for Rent = f{wouid de the proper steps to take|*h¢ Salt Lake. ‘The party started] ‘reatment. 240 Fourth Stree 4, pen fi fenit ataséee | p.m. in the Dixie Rupert and F , ee ee ae ; i ‘ ie Truit stores ient hone 93 i Houses for Sale M Williams said the whole afternoon was spent — — = ul . c o hey first tl to do would be| “here in swimming and running | Lots for Sale | a 40 do auld bal dan the Saath. thech oe FARMS FOR SALE SEALED TIGHT — KEPT RIGHT Lumber for Sale }a hie dors could pet [prepared a “ 59 ny mdjc. P. R. FARM LAND Cie ar ee . ' n was sign§d ex len retreshinents lad bes | arm I wel eth il = === the wendore t over by the host It was ~ I ada; low aes i V ener y tired party which returned} niv ¥ i ney } h fe house - tl Navbethong at 9 v'eluch.| . “Nou ; time pay d the - it likely that there wil i b 00 ‘ nd we a n the mother such pienice im the ene I ae ure i t " ! npeaking. 3.¢.Gavi-|fulure, | en 1M A : + ;} were: Laura and Douglas Frizze = Muriel Margare and Mildred Z = € i a } =: F. W. HART sila > by < Lindsay, Helen Hibbard, Caroline} aL is = PHONE BLACK 451. : Retail Clerks Mite he Annie Kelly, Gordon and] \ B i= en IS ait ; . oe 4 Russel Bulg Chester Clap] | sil their | Lootles ind Howard Hibbard = caaian ne i as bol —~ = DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! ‘ ail he neil att tiei Salvation Army. = owling A! ley if — rhey had been working | Publ ia . T = One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your ‘ \ the « tening hour it meetings, uesdays, = ante a , ' 7 , < po. | Lhursdays and Saturdays at ¢ . a = Efficiency THIRD AVENUE pea was understood that a | Suudays at 7:30 p. im. TENDERS FOR COAL = UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT nade to repens! thet —_——_- -—- = = _— nalts tis “Biel de Advertise in the Daily News. SEALED TENDERS address = = eu ik i : | fe gnued and endorsed Vuotat —_— Exe { d this particularly TENDERS WANTED — ee ee a ; wwe = Dr Ba ne = Keep Y« i ; hie i i he iabor rey Tuesday, August 5, 1919, fe the ; =: ° = sneuniaaniiiielianal tall n the-Cour a ALED TENDERS are invited for the} the public buildings throug = OFFICE HOURS = 7 seni es OH Tike On nh Of @ Hall at Smithers, B. | n}t ‘ f British Columbia — , Clas . a \ Casey said that tl ‘ halt of the bea mt Hall Comy uy mil specification and = ; = gars and Tobaccos i: # } a - = om jon Pian ‘and specifications may be obiainecd | tender cam be oan from th = Morning, $ to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; = sail 2} ‘ aw Vi ille : phi 8 le & retary \ = j Age it va » . : a = , = to such a point as to be = =. si : to rae 2 Senent aminien Dantean = Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 = OPE POPC DO HR FOOLS ti Live pubii by pre tende m vwinpaay ail tenders fende v7 not be cor * = BS . th le ¢ ender il wotlt i I orms su lied b wei = ‘ as TOM LEE CO. : he sale of fruit. It a ssarily acte on ™ " mo" | ment and in a cordance with | = Dental Nurse in attendance. ; = orig liv intended to omit places a in the hand oe come oa ecomt ot ke = : = 3 |" "Ki I | a was absolutely | se th Lt ry ats [ “Al thers: B 18 a 1 och : ‘ d cheque on 8 ed bank = Phone 109 for appomtment = ond Avenue, West. ; , ln ; | paya the de i = ; he | hibition against Pine heques fa unsuceess ten. | Works, ¢ qu al to 10 p n = = , He thought it was Will be returned to then Bh Bi we ms - VEGETABLES Bhan 1 Phe prime snctive ta] me -2-_S- oume_s48 — “wer bonds ond“ 0) DOOUAAUUNEAL SEALED Aa CG TU Wholesale and Retail ‘ 4 was pirit of jeal-liy ru oy PROBA rr. nn oman to make a id an a Contractors and ousy n the part the dealer OLUMBIA | : DESAOCHET S re Labor Exchange They a had the big public toli THE MATTER OF THE ADMIN 1 Paes Ween ~ was never) | 10K Aan OF | a ee FOR SALE ince Rupert, B.C, d etua any spite Rig. ae tay ee 1,4 KINE DIVISION CASSIAR LAND Dis ; i ERE .. GIERTS RI MS ‘ OF CASSIA! 47 P.O. Box 725 heme of on ader agains INT! STATE ee : (DISTRICT OF ASS! bs Blo: 14 Geatiteet Wo) i $3,000.00 cash CORO ; j ay rAK OT hi } rk i SOPOPLODOR He did not Ragyens : |Honour FF we ve sung made t KE NOTICE wnat 1, oaes ane Lot. Blot vw eS Ee er UN i 3,000.00 . LPO PPO PMO < een sile % i io eopilesd of July ’ 1914 | Was appol 1) Te graph Creek { on pation rad ” 4 ae yo? — : , 1 | r 4 aed = - istrator to the estate 0 ‘te apply for permi Lot 9, Block Section 1 @ ...seereeees 600.00 re VO ad have the rivilege ot mre t. Glertser deceased i rt Ving described and : . ) ; D ams i* S ISTRY 1 gI es or other - : eee a ina tu rs : y ‘ ‘ eae tf & post planted on th ! i Bl tion | : eee ee cease S ween uri a bag oF Braj by required to furnist sa abou : FISHERMEN, LOOK ! \ fruit after hours or on Sunday to me, on or before the k and 2 miles westerly fron © : E HOURS August, A.D. 1949. and all part fronting the Stix ne Rive Lot 16, Bioek 50, Section 8 @ ...... 100.00 - Cam. t« o : o jebted to the estate are required t ' chains: thence eas Y ‘a : ey oe eee ; @) se your own materials and am a of thett indebtedn : " ; 7 eha ther West } ' } he ' : DR. J. 8. BROWN ‘l. nian wank hanes Gabeets cael” apie ee eee gine so the pent af Sammoneemnas DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. ; , OMcial Lin ROBERT HWYLAND On Smith aaa 3|! M Director. Phone Blue 92.! parca iis gist ea : i ba Ma 1919 = ce v ook, ind A * . ~~ - Phone 464, . a —-™-_— eee aaa. ee occceonmanananiaannaanniannnee IT’S A GREAT UFE IF YON! DOWT WEAKEN —<— GENE oF Hotel Prince Rupert} [* Paget fn | 1s a a F EUROPEAN PLAN MY WORD oe e “i You BETTER . GREAT LiFe ’ : cm - -" 7 ‘1 : $1.60 per day and up. FoR it~ a ' a Seon A GooP SELL ME & GooP ree \F You DONT Xe FIRST-CLASS CAFE re . ~— ‘WO SAAMPOO- | WANT \ COMBS AND BRUSH A ae \ La Carte, lee EKS You “> See ole as (By Zl — HAVE “THE. MOST IN GOOD CONDITION | a. a iA Al K Pp Cooooe. : be es RAL WEAD WHEN (ty GROW > : = Pitt = | °y Th. z : ah . j Z : St. J THIS VOW / - Nee rT. ; Ot. James Hotel _— me at VOTE aa hood fo} i / oe nee : - (LATE “QUEENS") Sr .\\ oar = | | r1\e ¥ Rw Clk eas Yow | — CLASS ROOMB— 3) t i Lal as oe A MY 1) } y » ri : ee ” f. Fe >>. ‘ ‘na Cold Water, \ ,¢ ae SET XevkR HAIR T tes 3. pep oooes ~ , , £ SY cut Once A wees beau” ~ ¢ ~ Gs fe Lng |/ See EREATIN keduced 7 p neecconnccennennnsseanmnn —_— i Dorr ‘a Th) PR : ~ GiIGh aA ee : ; a S\N 2 // =T fh AS YEARLY COeTRAT wb ae, + The’ Vartiand” Boardin House ; > | YSS Vl rr OMS NLS Rey : ; [PMH NY posers Ee th Avenue b eat \ i \ = r Dieiks< a Near Drydock | i \ x eo, Wag: ams *Y Month or Week, Phon Ked 245 ne ee? > — pppoe oeee “ea