N2.73
Tuesday,
November
u,
Tiresome
Cough
Was
Left
By
Severe
Cold
Mm
tiSldrhw.
il'orr'tUJlP.El..
mi.
with
a
sevSrecola
thai
left
mTwith
a
bad,
tiresome
cough.
"Affe'r
trying
different
tough
medi-tines,
to
no
avail,
my
husband
brought
roe
home
a
bottle
of
Dr.
Wood's
Norway
Pine
Syrup
which
started
to
take
at
onc,
and
before
had
taken
several
doses
noticed
a
cliange,
and
when
had
finished
the
bottle
my
cough
was
completely
'
'
gone.
Price,
Me.
a
bottle
j
larrc
famfly
eiie
60c.;
at
all
druggists
and
dealers;
manufactured
only
by
The
T.
Milburn
Co.,
Limited,
TorreOo,
Out.
Look
Forward
To
Very
Interesting
Seas
ion
of
Legislature
i
Early
In
New
Year
T.
b.
Pattullo.
accompanied
by
Major
S.
F.
N.
Moodie,
was
here
at
the
week-end
In
the
course
of
a
tour
of
the;
province
during
which
they
luvt
been
meeting
he
Liberal
organizations
and
getting
in
touch
with
the
needs
of
the
people.
Mr.
Pattullo
said
he
found
the
province
generally
making
excellent
progress.
He
said
they
refused
to
follow
the
lead
of
the
members
of
the
other
party
In
blue
ruin
talk
just
because
their
opponents
were
In
power.
He
also
found
the
Liberals
in
excellent
spirit.
They
had
held
no
public
meeting
on
this
occasion.
Mr.
Pattullo
said
that
when
he
was
a
minister
he
went
all
over
the
country
and
now
he
was
leader
of
the
opposition
he
was
doing
the
same
in
order
to
be
in
close
touch
with
the
people
of
every
section,
"We
are
looking
forward
td,
an
intensely
interesting
session,"
.
declared
the
local
member.
"The
house
will
probably
meet
early
In
the
new
year
and
It
will
be
one
to
be
remembered."
(Court
My
8.
D.
Johnston
Co.)
Bayview,
2,
Nil.
Big
Missouri.
70,
75.
Cotton
Belt.
15,
35.
Dunwell,
Nil,
12.
George
Copper,
2.55.
2.65.
uoiconaa,
si,
siyfe.
Gr&ndvlew,
23,
24.
Independence,
5,
5.
Indian
Mines.
Nil,
5.
Inter.
Coal
Si
Coke,
33,
34.
Kootenay
Florence,
9,
ft.
Kootenay
King,
12,
ft.
L.
&
L.,
1,
Nil.
Lucky
Jim,
9,
Nil.
Mohawk,
2,
ft.
Morton
Woolsey,
ft,
4.
Marmot
River
Gold,
new,
21,
27.
Marmot
Metals,
2ft.
National
SUver.
10ft,
11.
Noble
Five,
45,
46.
Oregon
Copper,
15,
17.
Pend
Oreille,
3.05,
3.20.
Premier,
1.65,
1.66.
Porter-Idaho,
ft,
Beeves
Maodonald.
1.20,
1.22.
Rufua-ArgentAi'9.
10.
Ruth
-Hope,
28,
27.
-SUver
Crest.
5ft.
6ft.
Silverado.
Ntt.
38.
Snowflake,
17,
17ft.
Sunloch,
80,
Nil.
Terminus.
1ft,
Nil.
Topley
Richffeid.
6,
ft.
Torio
Mine,
Nil,
1.15.
Whitewater,
Nil,
33.
'
Woodbine.
2V.
3.
Bluebird.
7.
8.
Oils
Advance,
4.00,
Nil.
A.
P.
Con.,
141.
2.43.
Calmont,
1.50.
1.51.
Dalhoueie,
1.80,
1.83.
Fabyan
Pete,
ft,
9.
Home.
12.50,
13.00.
Royalite,
73.00.
76.00.
Freehold,
90,
95.
Hargal,
1.03.
1.05.
Sterling
Pacific,
1.08.
1.10.
Mercury,
71.
73.
United,
82,
85.
Misappropriation
of
Funds
Charged
Bert
Hanson
and
Charlie
Wallace
Defendants
In
Proceedings
Started
by
B.
C.
Packers
charge
of
misappropriation
of
i
the
nominal
sum
of
$1000
alleged;
to
have
been
advanced
them
for!
me
ouying
oi
iisn
was
laid
trrcity
police
court
this
morning
before
Magistrate
McClymont
against
Bert
Hanson
and
Charlie
Wallace.
The
case
was
adjourned
until
next
Thursday.
Milton
Gonzales
laid
the
charge
on
behalf
of
the
B.
C.
Packers.
Father
Oulette
of
Smlth-ers
arrived
In
the
city
from
the
Interior
on
yesterday
afternoon's
train
to
attend
meetings
of
the
Roman
Catholic
clergy
of
this
diocese
which
are
to
be
held
here
this
week.
Father
Cocola,
Fraser
Lake;
Father
Godfrey
Smlt
and
Father
Joseph
Allard,
Fort
St.
James,
are
arriving
tms
Armistice
Observed
Lastt)Night
For
Eleventh
XoneBy
jfocW.
Canadian
legion
Wir
Great
war
veterans
of
this
city
and
friends,
the
attendance
numbering
men,
foregathered
last
evening
In
the
Boston
Hall
for
the
eleventh
annual
Armistice.
Day
banquet
of
the
Canadian
Legion,
British
Empire
Service
League.
The
ex-service
men
again
paid
solemn
tribute
to
the
memory
of
denarted
comrades
and
renewed
anecdotes
of
the
great
conflict
with
sDeeches.
music
and
song
The
affair
was
most
successful
and
eniovable.
The
proceedings
opened
with
the
observing
of
a
two
minute
silence
and
the
sounding
by
Bug
ler
Ranee
of
'The
Last
Post"
in
honor
of
the
dead,
followed
by
"The
Reveille."
"O
Canada"
was
sung
and
the
blessing
pronounced
by
Comrade
J.
Smith.
The
toast
to
the
King
was
observed
In
the
usual
manner.
Other
toasts
were
that
to
"The
Navy."
which
was
responded
to
by
Lieut.
Walter
Hume:
"The
Army."
responded
to
by
Lieut.
Col.
J.
Vtcholls:
"Our
City,"
responded
to
bv
Lieut.
Col.
S.
P.
McMordie
D.
S.
O.;
"The
Country
We
Live
In."
responded
to
oy
3.
C.
Brady
M.P.,
md
"Our
Disabled
Comrades,"
re
sponded
to
by
S.
M.
Newton.
Several
of
these
speeches
were
eloquent
and
impressive.
Numbers
on
the
musical
pro
gram
included:
vocal
solo
by
J.
Teng:
ukelole
solo,
by
R.
Watson;
vocal
solo
by
R.
E.
James:
vocal
Olo
b
M.
H.
Blott;
accordion
solo
by
G.
Hansen;
male
quartette
by
John
E.
Davey,
Alex
Clapperton
J.
A.
Teng
and
M.
H.
Blott:
mono
logue
by
A.
A,
Connon;
vocal
solo
by
John
E.
Davey;
monologue
by
Fred
Lund:
vocal
solo
by
Alex
Clapperton;
monologue
by
Wilfrid
Jackson,
and
vocal
solo
oy
Wright
Davies.
W.
Vaughan
Davles
was
piano
accompanist
for
the
President
William
Ranee
occu
pied
the
chair.
a
collection
lor
tne
poppy
Day
fund
resulted
in
about
$33
being
realized.
AT7'A.M.
Irf
order
to
get
fish
out
oil
today's
regular
cram
jor.ine
uasi
wnicn
was
held
until
1:30
this
afternoon.
locjfrflsh
buyers
staged
an
early
Sfislon
of
"bidding
on.
the
Fish
Exchange,
at
o'clock
this
mornlne
wrierf
a
Jtotol
of
227,200
pounds
was
dj$rrosdNp(Kas
followj:
American
Dorothy,
25.000.
Pacific,
14.6c
and
8c.
Sunde,
50,000,
Atlin,
15c
and
8c.
Omaney,
30.000:
Royal.
14.1c
and
8c.
Bonanza,
30,000,
Booth,
14.8c
and
8c.
Ilene.
46,000.
Cold
Storage.
14.8c
and
8c.
Viola,
1000,
Booth,
15c
and
8c.
Canadian
-Johanna,
5500.
Booth.
142c
and
8c.
Morris
H.
3500.
Pacific.
15.4c
and
10c.
Melville.
28.000.
Cold
Storage.
15.9c
and
9c.
Bingo,
1200,
Booth,
14c
and
8c.
Atll,
1500.
Pacific,
14c
and
10c.
Tramp,
5500,
Atlin,
15.1c
and
10c,
Another
Sale
At
noon
today
another
sale
was
held
as
follow:
American
Onah.
7500,
Royal,
182c
and
10c.
Bolinda,
1200.
Booth.
17.7c
and
10c.
'
Canadian
Covenant,
18.000.
Atlin.
18.3c
and
10c.
several
scattered
deaths,
Injuries
ana
widespread
aestituuon
today
from
.1
fur-inn
iralo
whloh
tnr
nnr
Oreat
Britain
and
the
surrounding
seas
last
night
and
early
today.
The
wum
vanea
irom
au
to
u
mues
an
hour
with
rv-rnitinnnl
cmt
nf
aearly
miles
velocity.
Storm
conditions
Improved
with
-he
dawn,
tha
sun
shining
brilliantly
on
broken
roofs,
smashed
chimney
potf.
Wll
boards
thrown
down,
windows
blown
in,
and
Armistice
Day
decorations
ripped
to
shreds.
Small
coastwise
shipping,
seemed
Severn,
Dee
and
Wye
Rivers
were
flooded
by
a
deluge
of
rain
and
thousands
of
acres
of
agricultural
lands
were
submerged.
International
Nickel
Earns
Good
Profits
Nov.
12.
Net
profits
of
International
Nickel
Co.
of
Canada
nnrl
aubstrltarv
r-nmranlo,
tnr
the
nine
months
ended
September
ou
were
io,ooo,7D3,
equivalent
to
$1.11
a
share
on
common
stock
after
allowing
for
preferred
dlvi-dednds.
This
Includes
earnings
from
the
Mond
Nickel
Co.
20c.
on
!
Included
with
the
Louvre's
Great
Stock
Reducing
Sale
of
the
regular
Louvre
Stock,
a
particularly
favorable
purchase
has
just
been
made
from
the
Mutual
Trading
Company
of
the
Stock
of
the
--at--
.
'
sum
ucj
.!t
l.'ij.txt:,
'
)t!
.:
the
I'll
lit
m'fi
.11
Dollar
s,
j
'It
Here
are
Yard
Goods
Thousands
of
Yards
of
Silk
and
other
Materials
Lingerie,
Ladies
Cqt$ei$Ladics'
Dresses,
Ladies
Kid
Gloves,
Handkerchiefs,
Sewing
Cotton
and
all
the
other
things
that
go
to
make
the
stock
of
a
modern
store
This
Bargain
Stock
will
be
offered
to
public
on
sale
at
irreplaceable
prices
s,
wm.
mi
isisisisisBa
ii
iisisisisis
n
hl
ssh
mm
isisisisBa
koi
m
in
r