Grotto Sustains First Defeat In Billiard League Last Thursday evening's billiard fixture between the Elks and Grotto was completed Saturday night with the playing of two postponed games. The result of the fixture was 1142 to 1104 in favor of the Elks, it being the first time this KMiann that the tobacconists have. been defeated. In one of the post- f poned games, cnarue paiagno (Elks) beat J. Andrews (Grotto) by a seen of 350 to 178, while, in the. other, J. HiUxnan (Grotto) beat Will Mitchell (Elks) 250 to 213. The standing of teams to date Is as follows: G. Ttl. AV. Grotto, 6 7091 1182 Elks 5 5467 1093 Canadian Legion 5 5433 1087 Thanksgiving Day Dance Is Success Oue Hundred and Seventy-five Persons Attended Moose Lodge -Affair Last Night A successful Thanksgiving Day dance was held by tne Moose Lodge last night in the lodge halL About one hundred and seventy-five peo-ole were in attendance and all had a delightful time. Music was pro- vtded oy tne premier urcnestra ana the dance was In progress from?' p.m. until 2 ajn. At midnignt delicious refreshments were served. Oillls Rover was master of ceremonies and Percy Cameron, presided at the door. Delightful Naval Party Last Night Enjoyable Whist Drive and Dance Held by Local K. c. N. V. K. Naval headquarters was the scene last night of an enjoyable whist drive and dance held by the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. The naval men were la ulnform and the hall was attractively decorated with flags. About twenty couples were in tendance and whist prizes; were won by Miss Nellie Lawrence and Oeorge Howe. After cards, a delicious supper was served and dancing followed with Miss Molly Lawrence playing Ue piano until 3 am. Th committee In eharee con stated of Mrs. Young. Miss Gardi ner, Petty Officer Instructor Young. M. Harris and R. muis. ENJOYED HIKE About fifteen members of the Young People's Society of First United Church enjoyed a hike about two-and-a-half miles out the railway track yesterday afternoon. At the other end, refreshments were enjoyed to lighten the burden coming home. When, voup Child has roup .Rubbed on throat and chest, ,the effect of Vicks in reliev ing spasmodic croup, is, twej fold: (pelts medicated, va pors, released by body heati reach air passages direct; (2) At the. same time it stimulates the skin, thus helping the inhaled vapors ease the difficult breathing, VICKS VAPOR US Grot &NiuiqnJmsu$ioyzajus E3I -TITS DAILY' NEWS Tuaaday, i:, V.T PAGE FOUR HIGH WINS LAST GAME First Half of Junior Football League Season Wound Up Sat- I urday Afternoon - I - The final game of the first half of the schedule of the Junior Foot-bail League was won Saturday afternoon by King Edward High School with a score of 5 to 1 over Borden Street School. High School is thus far out in the lead, en. the, standing sheet. Borden Street was unfortunate in having two of ;the opposing goals made oy its own players Dungate and Wllliscrolt. The other goals were scored for High by Wlngham. Cameron ana Kanaya wnne ttoraen made its lone tally in a scrimmage during whiih the pigskin was uushed Into the sroal. Jack yatopbell was referee and Alex Walters and Gerald Roberts acted as linesmen. The final standing for the first half of the season is as follows: W. D. L. High School 5. 1 0 Booth . 3 0 3 Borden 0 1 5 Regain Lost Vigour With This Refreshing The Beverage Are yon tired, run down, can't sIeepT- read what Mr. John J- Metadfer of 829 Ontario St., Toronto, says: lwmtMruadownlahealrbthat I d KlredoftccovtTT! CDnsxnv1cttitLlnC . Wumo'i Tonic Stoul and m ie cd to bear yitncM to in wooaerful. For 75a you may purchase enough in-rrodienta to make 3 gallons of Dr. Wataon'a Tonic Stout andAle England's old reliable tonics a refreshing, healthful drink, used, for 93 years, t Sold b OHME'S LIMITED M. ALLEN & CO., LIMITED ,1396 Richards St. , Vancouver, B.C. TWO SISTERS LOSE LIVES Morte Craig of This City Doubly Bereaved by Asphyxiation Tragedy in Kansas City' Morte H. Crale received tragic news this morning of the asphyxiation In Kansas City, Missouri, of two of his sisters, Mrs. W. O. Mc- Reynolds and Miss Lulu Craig, and left on today's train for the East to attend the funerals. The home of both of the unfor tunate ladies was in St. Jdsenh. Missouri, but they had been living for some time in Kansas City. They are believed to have died by being asphyxiated by gas which they used for cooking purposes. The' late Mrs. McReynoIds was a widow, Mr. Crale will have the sincere the tragic bereavement. Was Laid To Rest Sunday Afternoon Large Concourse of Friends Attend ed Final Rites foe Late. J. G. Johnston The chapel of the B. C. Under takers was filled on Sunday afternoon by friends desiring to pay their final tributes of respect to the memory of '.the late John Gar-son Johnston, well known resident Of this city, whose death occurred last week. Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe. nastor of First Baptist Church, officiated and W. Vaughan Davles presided at the organ. Hymns were "Peace, Perfect Peace" and "What a Friend We Have In Jesus." 1 made in the Loyal Orange Lodge plot,ln Falrvlew Cemetery, a long procession following the cortege to its final resting place. Pallbearers were Alex Clapperton. John Rack-ham, John McAuley, W. Gilllespie, James Parks and D. R. Barclay. Local Items Dan Jabour sailed Sunday night on the Prince George for a trio to Vancouver. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Charles Larson of Stewart ar rived in the city from the north on the Catala this afternoon. A. B. Love returned to the city on the Catala this afternoon from a brief week-end trip to Stewart H. G. Unwln, well known Stew art mining man. Is a passenger aboard, the Catala today bound for Victoria. County Court case of Ham Goldbloom against Whitehead of Stewart has adjourned until tomorrow. Wrurrobey, ONJf. divisional superintendent, is returning to the city on this afternoon's train from a trip as far east as McBrlde on official duties. Mr. ana Mrs, J. u, Fmsbury. Wll Delia J. J. Littk. manager of the Northern B. C. Power Co.. return ed to the city on the Catala this afternoon from a brief trip to Stewart on company business. C. R. Qllhert of Terrace arrived In the cly on the Catala this afternoon on his way back to the Interior after a trip to Stewart to adjust Insurance on a recent fire there. Father Leray O.M.I. arrived in! the city on the Catala this afternoon from Stewart to attend the annual meetings, of the Roman Catholic qlergy of this diocese which are to be held here this week. Priests from, other points of the district are alQ, here. J. V. Ingram, Inspector of transportation. Canadian National Rail ways. Winnipeg; J. Hutchinson, travelling fire service agent',' Vancouver, and A. K. O. Fremantle. insurance inspector, Vancouver, are visitors In the city on official duties, having arrived here on Sunday afternoons train. Miss Patricia Gwyer. who teaches High School at Terrace, spent the Thanksgiving holiday week-end in the city with her parents. Mr. ana Mrs. a. K. awyer. Miss Alice Plllsbury, who teaches public school at Terrace, 'was also m town to visit with her parents, PREMIER SPEAKS Prcsbvterlan Sunday School Hears Prime Minister; Special Arm-is lice and Thanksgiving Services The loint oaeasions of Armistice Day and Thanksgiving were suitably observed In all local churches on Sunday with suitable sermons I and musical programs. Most oi the churches were beautifully decorated with seasonal adornments. Large congregations attended. . First Presbyterian Church had a new pastor. Rev. Thomas Mc-ConneU. who made a good im pression, and a distinguished visitor at morning service in the person of. Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King. Prime Minister of Canada who attended church accompanied by L. W. Patmore. After, the church service, Premier King addressed the children of the Sunday School eloquently on the importance of religious matters, on Invitation of the superinten dent. John E. Davey. Needless to say. the children were delighted. Mr, McConnell preached on the Armistice subject in the morning and on Thanksgiving In the evening. There was a chorus by the lunior choir in the morning and in the evening, an anthem "O For a Closer Walk With God." by the Senior Choir with J. A. Teng as soloist. The subject of Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe at First Baptist Church In the morning was "Lest We Forget" and In the evening, "The Psalm of Thanksgiving." Very Rev. Dean Gibson spoke on the Armistice in, the morning at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral and in the evening conducted a sympathy of many local friends In I Thanksgiving service. There was special music by the choir. The subject of Rev. Alfred Wilson at First United Church in the morning was "The Promptings of a Sacred, Memory" and in the evening. 'The Thanksgiving of a Patriot." Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook conducted a children's service in the morning at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Seal Cove, and In the evening officiated at a Thanksgiving and Memorial service. Rev. C. Ei Motte. at Rupert East United, spoke- on the Armistice In the morning and, nn. Thanksgiving in the, evening. ducted. l'SAlthe oc casion in the Roman Catholic Church of the- Annunciations At St. Paul's Lutheran Church, the pastor. Rev. J. H. Hanson. Starfed a series of lectures on Biblical characters and there was also special music. NEW PASTOR HERE Rev. Thomas" McUonfieTT for- aVYirtiwe In Ireland, arrived in the city on Saturday, afternoon's train from the east to take ov,er the pastorship of. First Presbyterian Church here for at least a year. Mr. McConnell was a padre in France during the Great War. Ills wife will be coming later from Ireland. Mr. McConneS conducted his opening services here on Sunday. He is the guest for a while of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Massey, Fourth Ave. West. Gus Pearson, well known Alice Arm prospector. Is a visitor In the city, having arrived from the north on the Catala this PALPITATION Throbbing of Heart After the "Flu" Urt. J. Cunningham, Sanlt Bt. Mart, OnV, writea: -'Lat February I IilA a won kttMrlr of Inflncnti vhir.h been f left me nitk palpitation and. tiroLblng OI tbe heart. V I felt very. weak sad tired ao began to take and used about aix boiei and Lave found them help me a great deal, and an very thankful for having found raeh a good medicine," Price, COe. a box at all druggista and dealer, or mailed direct on receipt of rice by The T. MUburn vo., Limited, 'oronto, Ont. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutiing3Yorkrnanship and All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED PRESSED Style AND We Deliver to Any Part of th City. Ling, the Tailor Phonf 649 jfi often relieved' rJ without "doling OVER t? MHUON JARS USED YEARLY Special Purchases By The Louvre Bought at 20c on the dollar, the stock of t,he Nobby Ladies' Ready-to-Wear will be on sale at Rich mond's Louvre tomorrow morning. Although The Louvre stock-re- durtntr ealo k nnv nn this Is nn ! additional bargain event. Purchased at such a low -figure. The Louvre is able to offer these goods to their customers at correspondingly low. prices. If ever you saw a bargain at Richmond's "Louvre, they, are there now, available for you. Here are thousands of yards of silks and other materials, lingerie, corsets, gloves and dresses. In fact, all the articles that so to make up a dry goods stock In these days. And all going at 20c on the dollar. Although the weather was a little duty this morning, it will be better tomorrow to permit you to get down town In comfort, to take , in mis outstanding merchandising event of the season. At. it. these these d should prices, the Nobby stock! not fast long and you would be wall advised not to put off too long-in making your choice of the baraajns which are now available. Advt. Sport Chat Canadian Legion and Elks will meet-in the Billiard League tonight -lth line-ups as follows: M. Andrews (Canadian Legion'' vs. C. P. Balagno, Elks. A. Murray vs. A. A. Easson. J. W. Scott vs. Fred Stephens. O. P. Tinker vs. W. Mitcholl. M. E. Young vs W. Lambie Dailu for YOU Power Cruiser Tseekwa Sinks D. C. Stuart's Boat Hit Rock Metlakatla Passage On Saturday and Went Down in had not returned to port up to this morning. It is believed that the Tseekwa Is In such a position that it wilj be possible to raise her. MET PREMIER A delegation from th Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association, headed by the president, Capt. David Kitcnie. waited upon Pre- tu&rj&ruiturdav afteauMO t a a week-end WUCIt-CUU I i present a memorandum whlcl UUUUU UULWUIU Ull AUSTRIA WILL HAVE 1,,l AT OTifA LONDON, Nov i2. . Government will iiinr.!, AllfJ consul genera! :,t n, DMi!rl George n hunting trio. D. C. Stuart's Dower among other. .tblnns. .asked thaU.-.LQNDON. cruiser Tseekwa struck a rock In efforts bs made to bring about a I Qeorge was Meuasaua rassage near wear- revision oi tne tamr on i;anaaian ; toaay wun a mouth Island on Saturday evenlr.7 halibut enterina the United States i and sank. Mr. Stuart and his co:n- and thai governmr-u? aid he given I cantons- W. W Wratuall p.od to prospecting for fresh herring I Daily News Ernest Anderson- -made shore but during the summer months 1 quick results vr- THE CREAMERY BUTTER Imilk I I- 1 i w; sf?- ii av . R'wr ,,. ii 11: A . H confined tfJ .,: u i civil. his "Want Arts" LINDSAY'S b I jcoBiii tiooa is? FlfOUR Makes More Loaves of Better Bread ! Dr Alexander rilONE 87 J nr.s.vtK mock DENTIST Coal? Coal? Take advantage of low price to put In jour winter lupplj. EDSON and CAKSIDV-WELLINO-TON In any quantities Alw I lour, llajr, Grain and Feed. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Cartage and Storage Phone 68 barrage,, tu Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Cmel We Specialize in Plan ui Furniture Movinc -i The Creamery at Vanderhoof Having Closed Eor the Winter Months From Nechaco and Bulkley Valley Herds is now being shipped to This splendicj cream is churned right here in Prtoc'p Rupert irito fresh delicious Creamery Butter. Here is a Northern. British Columbia product ecfual to trie finest, produced anywhere and at no greater price. VALENTIN Prince Rupert Made by Valentin Order a trial pound to be loft with your; milk bottlo tomorrow. You will like it. . Also Cottage '6hee$e in ijb. package a real jlolicacy. ' . Valentin Dairy Phone 657 DAIRY 11 E LP TUB PIONEER FARMERS TO MAKE IT STICK HELP TIIE-ORTII TO BECOME IDElENUENT HELP TO BUILD UP OUR OWN INDUSTRIES Buy Skeena Brand Butter Dairy