1029 Tuesday. November 12, TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE X MAS CA Or me TAliS bAI Etc., huge ' assortment r.. Tl , . "7jfo? Pioneer Drttejcjisls THIRDAVL& SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONFS 8?f,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Aniline From Prince Humt for TAX Ol'VEIt. VICTOUIA, Wwaiuou uajr, llutrdale, Alert liar, etc... Tues-day. 3:3U p.m. Tor VAXrOUVKK. VtCTORM. Itutfda.a. Alert Hay. etc .. Friday mldnltht lor ALICE All.M. ANVOX. HTKWAKT. Nu. Illter, Port ftlnpon. bun-day, 8:00 p.m. Hi 2nd Avenue B M. SMITH rent Prlnee Rupert, II. C. Tlruu(lt Ocketa olJ to Victoria and Heattlr .anil battate checked through to detllnalloiL. ilCAKADIANJ wane B. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Nov. 9 and 23. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Nov. 3. 13, 27. Princess Maqulnna Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 p.m. Ajents tor All bleamslnp Lines W, C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National QTjc Largefl 'Railway System in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN EKYICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. j For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, I p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. ' For NORTH and SOUTH UUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANlS. ' fortnightly. rMS.sr.M.KH TltAI.Nf LEAVE rKIMV. ftt'l-KHT DAILY EXCEPT Hl'MlAY at ll:SO a m lor PHI. ME (irOKUE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Lantern Canada. InltwJ ptatra. AOFXCY ALL OCEAN STE.tMMIir LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave.. Prime Rupert Phone 2C0 The Peace River Outlet Will Come To Prince Rupert The Cement Sidewalk has come to the Electric Bakery To Celebrate Both These Things The Electric ltakcry Will Have a 15c SALE ON SATURDAY KVERY CAKE IN TlfE SHOP PURCHASED WILL GIVE THE CUSTOMER THE PRIVILEGE OF ANOTHER AT 15c J-lb Slab Caka.at dOc; anther lb. costs 15c 1 dozen Cup Cakes at 25c; another dozen costs 15c Extra Special For the Occasion Sponge Sandwiches at - - 20c. and J. anothjer jr ; ,w FOLLOW THE NEW SIDEWALK TO THE ELECTRIC BAKERY THIRD AVENUE-PHONE 667 ALL ORDERS OVER 50c DKMVfcKfc" advertise in "The Daily News" Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. J. K. Gosse, Thorn: G8G. . Sam JabQur left on yesterday i moraine's train for a .business trlD Itb SmitherJIandl other interior W, D, Vance left .on yesterday itoorrMg's train for a week's business trip to Smithers and other interior points. For fine photo work send your ! i urns to wratnairs Photo Finish ! ings, 322 Third Ave. Quick returns ! and careful finishing. We frame i pictures. r "v. (tf " MUs Eleanor Moxley returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after having spent the Thanksgiving holiday week-end visiting with friends. A. J. Oalland is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where he. will 'remain for some time in excise department work. - A. W. Lipsin returned to the city on the Catala Sunday evening from a brief business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. John A. Hellenthal, Juneau barrister, and Mrs. irellerithal were passengers aboard the Princess Mary Saturday afternoon returning to the Alaska capital after a trip to' Seattle. Georse Simmons, Carcross fur farmer, who recently took south a shipment of mink for shipment east, was a passenger aboard the Princess Mary Saturday aiternoon returning to the Yukon. Edward G. Morrissey, publisher of the Ketchikan Chronicle, and Mrs. Morrissey were passengers aboard Uie Princess Mary Saturday afternoon returning to Alaska after a three weeks trip to Se attle. Rev. F. n. R. Westgate, secretary of the Missionary Society of the Church of England, Winnipeg, was a passenger aboard the Princess Mary Saturday afternoon going through to Carcross on missionary duties. William B. Read, manufacturer of Brgn Mawr. Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Read were tourist passengers making the round trip to Skagway aboard the steamer. Pjlacess Mary which was in port SKurday afternoons m Ma UnAed States unfftu. was dUL Prinsi rv Saturday afternoon return ing to the Alaska capital after a trip to Seattle and eisewnere in the south. J. W. Kehoe. Un'ted States commissioner at Ketchikan, and Mrs. Kchoe were passengers returning north aboard the Eriopess Mary Saturday aftcmoonlafter a trip to Seattle and elsewhSe in the United states. - Jack Hlldltch returned on yesterday morning's train to Haselton after having visited in the city over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. J. Dore. who will be leaving in a few days for Victoria to take up residence. JUMPS FROM BED GAS PRESSES HEART "Stomach gaa preaaed to on my heart I had to get up night. I began ualng Adlertka and have been entirely relieved." R. T. Kruagar. AdJertka relieve gaa and sour atom-eh at once. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel. It removea old watte matter you never thought waa in yoor intern. Lat Adlertka give your lunnili and boweia a FUtAL cleaning and aee bow good yon mil Orer-natnaa constipation' onnet Ltd.. MADE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA The pure, rich milk you buy in the handy St. Charles cans comes from herds in wac ours own wF r a s e r Valley;chlcfly Jerseys and Guernseys.whlch test. Will lit for nuM Book ol Rtclp. Hit tf. VANCOUVER "Support British Columbia Industries" CI Pimples On Face Thought Everyone I Was Looking At Her Miss F. Foster, NaAialmo, B.C., writes: -' I treed tir suffer, something awful, with pimples M mj face, and never felt a if r;watfd'to go out as. I thought everyone was lucking at mo. "A friend advised me to too so I got a bottle and it worked wonders, and after using the second one to look at my face one would never think I ever had a pimple." , Put up only by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont '., Three basketball games at the Exhibition tonight. First game 7.30. D. McD. Hunter left on yesterday morning's train for a brief business trip to the interior. v h ' Miss Lillian Towe returned to the city on the Catala Sunday evening from sr. trip" toVancouver. Get your tickets now.- for the Gyro Hoedown' anrJLpulKrpate in prizes to be given at the Audi-torranvon Fridsw.rTfoYember 15. ' C. , f. ! i ; (263) II. C. Fraser, inspector of schools, returned to the city on Sunday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. Olof Hanson ayefl'nHhe city on Saturday afternoons tram al ter having gone Us" far as Prince George to meet Premier King on his tour of the west. Don Brown returned to the city on the Catala Smomy evening from a two weeksstttip to Kill maat where he instSlfod an elec trie light system at the Indian vil lage. H.J. MePherson. drugfcisl, and Mrs. . - ... . ' W. 1 Whttehorne McPherson were oatiencers returning nortni aboard the Princess Mary Satur- day afternoon after a trip to Van-1 couverj Jue F; McB. Young. L. W. Pat-more and W. E. Fiaber returned to the cltv oh Sat ufdat'" afternoon's a n tronv smitwrstwere anses- o of County O&xm was IthelcU. Louis Legge of Stewart arrived in the city on the Prince Georee Sunday evening from the north and , prnrnf dfKi on . wterday .ati terhoon's train for a trip to Moose ! Jai. Sask. I Olof Hanson sailed on Sunday nisyit aboard the Prince Georgir with Premier King and, party for: Vancouver, At Vancouver, Mr. ! Hanson plans to confer with Hon. Dr. J. H. King, federal minister of health, on matters concerning this I riding. Havinsr in tow a scow for the Pacific Salvage Co. .which she picked up at Bella jeUa Un'on i rreienter cnmiwacic. icapt. Jonn. Muir, arrived In. torC? .i torn the , south Sunday rfabV PJioVgf ter . a , K.i.e of o 1, .oiii vr -vamSi imiai and the Skeepa Rivet., Tnitjesjel is due back nere this arwrooon and wiM discharge powder-, -ind load cottonw-ood lous at the dry Billiards tonight Canadian Legion vs. Elks , g Gyro Hoedown, Friday, IS at the Auditorium. (tf ) Mrs. L. G. Skinner ot Copper City returned to the interior on this morning's train after a weekend visit in thoyXltyu Mrs. J. S. Roglrs.er spending a week in the city, sailed Sunday night by the Prince George on her return to Vancouver. .. Dramatic recital by Elsie Mc- Lahan of Winnipeg at the United Church on Friday, November 15 at 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c. (263) t J. J. Little, manager of the Northern B. C. Power Co., sailed Saturday afternoon on the Prince I George for a trip to Stewart on lenmnanv hilttnPBS j Another very successful Scandinavian dance was held Saturday night in the Moose Hall, piano-accordlon and violin music being furnished by Hanson and Farstad. There was a large attendance and the aliair proved very enjoyaoie. Capt. William Wright, marine superintendent of Canadian Na tional Bteamsnips, sanea Dy tne Prince George Sunday night on his return to Vancouver after a brief visit here in connection with the repairing of the steamer Cana dlan Seigneur at the local dry dock. Having made a special call at Claxton Cannery to load fish. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, did not return to port until this afternoon from Anvox, Stewart and other northern points en route to Vancouver. The vessel arrived here at 5:15 Sunday evening northbound with a very light passenger list. dock for delivery to the Laminated! O AAA Materials veneer mill at NewiOvJUV Westminster. THE FAMILY. HERALD - AND WEEKLY STAR The Family Herald &. Weekly Star so well kfiown as Canada's outstanding farm Mid Itdcjo paper is launching another of their popular Know Canada Contests. In which $3000.00 are being fclvcn as prises. The First Prize is $1000.00. Each week four pictures are published and readers are asked to decipher the Canadian post offices they represent. It is. a most interesting pastime combining' a great deal of real amusement and entertainment with an opportunity of carrying off a very nice: sum of none i In ortecs. v. It is a Contest that wtlWntereet every one of 'our readers and; details of it cin be ha I tr- ths asking. A letter to the Family Herald & weekly Star, Montreal, will bring you all the particulars and a sample copy of the paoer too and.otourse, it does not obligate yoix auKhy way. i ANNOUNCEMENTS Anglican W. A. ber 14. : e Bazaar, Novem- L.OILA.' whist drlvflf rid-UarVee. November 14. Gyro Hoedown lrt" 'Alidltorfum. November HI (tf) Mooso Annual Bazaar Nor. 21 and 22. - i , Catliolic Women's League Social November 27. St. Andrew's annual 'danceo-vembcr 29. bpr 3. Church Bazaar, Decem- RIGHT IN THE SHOULDER 'Truit-a-tives" Did Stop His Rheumatism MR. FLOYD "Fruit-a-Uvea" soothed his kidneys freed hu system of excess acid and poisonous waste regulated his bowels purified his blood and this is why 11,, S. fli,...l tf Nanaimo.- B.C.. a not bothered with Rheumatism any more. "1 suffered with Rheumatism in my houldera and, as most of my friends were taking 'Fruit-a-tives,' I decided to try them. In a short time the pain disappeared and I had relief lor. the first time. I think this medicine really marvellous." If you are bothered with Rheumatism Pains in the arms, legs or back, or with NeuralKi- or Headaches, gei "Fruit-a-tives." 25c. and 60c. a box at dealers everywhere. -nuiLD n. c- Farmers Own Pacific Milk SI JvAPOtHTTO, xt means sometning to use Pacific Milk aside from its un usual richness and flavor. There are 3000 farmers and their families in Fraser Valley intimately entwined with the social and business life of the province who own this Milk and upon whose welfare the prosperity of the province in some measure depends. When you use Pacific Milk your money remains in British Columbia. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, Il.C. Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNER Proprietors Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and -Fifth Sts. i OFF TO SCHOOL WITH A JUMP READY FOR STUDY OR PLAY SHRED DED EAT With all the bran of the whole wheat So easy to give children a warm, nourishing breakfast. All the food element1 their growing bodies need, in such a delicious, digestible form. Saves mother a lot of work and worry. Hit You will like FRVS CHOCOLATE SYRUP ... It makes an ideal icing and filling ... It is pure chocolate, 'milk solids and sugar in syrup form . . . Delightful as a spread for fresh fruits, berries, ice cream and as a bev erage with milk or water hot or cold. ENJOY A TIN A THIS WEEK' HENNESSY COGNAC, BRANDY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. L. B. Warner, publisher of the Interior News at Smithers, spent the week-end in the city, having arrived from the interior on Saturday afternoon's train. He came I here as a member of a smuners delegation to meet Premier King. mo Clouston Johnston, who came to the city to attend the funeral of his father, Ihe late J. Q. Johnston, sails this afternoon on the Catala for New Westminster when he will resume his studies at Columbian College.