G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public during the past fortnight, and them at highest market price. Victory Bonds have declined in value very materially may go still lower. We buy No delay. Insurance Real H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Estate Bonds Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kind can le dock making fees Several boats section, Reasonab Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants light. materiéls is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at s in wood or steel. ed together on one smal! Large stock of repair le Prices. , Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. er >; Our own brand of butter on sale, see Fuller's add. tf a . . * M.M.Stephens js: sists: om wv cure carpet squares at Tite's sale NOTARY PUBLIC 20 per cent reduction. 85 FOR SALE } 6-Roomed modern house and lot English Hill, $2,625, terms. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Ave., East, built in buffet, fireplace, etc., %3,500— ; terms. 8-Roomed house Sth Ave., i W., modern, $3,250 terms. } Double Corner Sixth Avenue 3) and Tatlow St. $1,750. i One nice lot near Drydock $200, j M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE We are W atching lots of People these days ou would hardly believe how our wateh trade has grown and is growing We have years of experience buying and repairing watches Every watch that we to prove up to for it, We sare as much concerned as you are in the satisfactory service of the watches. we sell If you remember these things you will see that you take no risk in coming here for that new watch, especially when we sell at standard prices John Bulger The Store of Worth and Beauty. sell has get what we promise FOR SALE 4 Room House Sewer connections 5th Avenue, Section 5 $1600 2 Lots, 6th Ave., Sec. 5 on the Sewer $600 each Terms McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance - Real Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. ' was * . . Have you seen the Pollard kid and their vaudeville review at the Westholme this week. * * ’ There were many bathers at the Salt. Lake yesterday evening. In spite of the fog which lowered’so rapidly over the water the en- thusiasts enjoyed their swim in the warm water. Some smal! girls heartily enjoyed paddling on the jSandy artificial beach. A petition from J. A. Kirkpat- rick and twemty-eight others was presented to the City Council last night asking for a walk from the extension of 3rd Ave. East near Cow Bay to ith Ave. in the vicin- ity of the isolation hospital. It referred to the Board of Works for report. Use MURESCO, the great sani- tary wall finish. A. W. Edye Co. What Eye Glasses Are For. Cen have many uses, but only one purpose-—the restora tion of the sight to a natural con dition. _— were intended to see well and easily. If you do not then you should make haste to dis- cover the trouble and apply a remedy. an want of a pair of suitable glasses may be all that prevents you having visual perfection, health and comfort ET us examine your eyes and tell you whether or pot this is 80 Fred Joudry {Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office HE DAILY PRESERVING APRICOTS 'f This is the big week for | buying this line. They | are arriving in fineton- dition this year Our Price | $2.50 per crate Rupert Table Supply Co. VAUDEVILLE STUNTS AY THE WESTHOLME West and Fields in Their 1919 Vaudeville Review Make a Big Hit. West and Fields and their 1919 Vaudeville Review opened at the Westholme last night and to put it mildly they were a positive riot. Ukulele Hughes started the ball jrolling as the Wizard of the Uku- | lele. His playing and singing jwas enjoyed by everyone and his |playing of The Rosary on the uku- beautiful. ilele was Next came Olga Yardley, the “Girl at the Piano” as she ig billed. She possesses a sweet mezzo soprano voice and her singing of “Dear Old Pal of Mine” will never be forgotten. Her comedy numbers were also ap- preciated. West and Fields (themselves got the audience from the start. Guy West as a Nut Comedian is a riot and he gets point after point out of his work. Their team work is wonderful and they sing two doubles with nifty dancing that brought the house down. The surprise of the evening, |Marjy and Dody, billed as the jyoungest sister act in Vaudeville, jwere two little kiddies who sang jthree songs and they positively stopped the show. They are cer- jtainly very clever for such little jtots. A Billie Burke feature and | The Lightning Raider’ closed jthe bill. seiiantbiitiniiaeiilinainitaiiiasilinie THE SALT LAKES The Narbethong and the “Dixie” will leave Cow Bay on Sundays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and every half hour there- leaving the lakes at 9 p.m for last trip of day. Fare 25c, pay you enter. Bring change Narbethong will attend to the Salt Lakes business only. Phone Black and Blue 400. tf after, as Special prices for go-carts and Barrie’s Furniture 180 yuggies at Store. Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf eC CeCe ee oe * * * * TO SUBSCRIBERS ” |* — * - Subseribers to The News *# * are asked to pay the de- *#* * livery boys each month # * when they cali, except *# * where payment has been # * made for the year in ad- # * vance. The boys when ~* collecting carry official re. # * ceipts which should al. # * ways be preserved. * * * FRET oR ee He? news. ee ee ee ee ee > Local News Notes me es ee ere ® White Lunch tomor morning. Just arrived, a car of Beaver Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu- reopens row tors. tf . . * Novelty curtains, draperies by the yard, at 20% reduction at rite's sale. 8&5 | 4 | The La Casse Bakery will be Wednesday afternoons 183. i¢losed on Ifrom now on, The geodetic steamer |}Lillooet was coaling all day yes terday at the Grand Trunk dock. survey David H,. Hays, who has been slightly indisposed for the past few days, is much improved this morning and hopes to be around again very shortly. * . - It was a_ disgusted lot of travellers that arrived on the train from the east on Sunday night and who tried to purchase fruit at the dock, but were refused because it was after hours. They could see the fruit but it was be- youd reach because Chief Vickers had so ordered. . oi. ae Iwo cows arrived on the Prin- for R. Me Dairy all ani- box dock cess Mary yesterday Kay of the Prince Rupert It was of great interest to standing around to see the mals being driven into the and then hoisted to the They seemeed none the from their aerial jaunt. ° . . worse 185 Brass beds at Tite's per cent discount. . * * A new launch is now tied up al the Princes Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club, having been built re- cently in Cow Bay. It is of racing model and the bow stands high above the water. When the Echo” is outfitted with a fifty horsepow er Sterling engine a vers good speed will be obtained Crockery and glassware Big bargains at Tite's sale 85 ‘' * Among those returning to th: eity on the Princess Mary yester- day lom Maloney, who was formerly train agent with the Grand Trunk here. For the past two years Tom has been in Se- atttle and has just come north for was a short holiday with friends in the city. He is well remembered here as a great baseball and sports enthusiast, having won prizes at various celebrations held in Prince Rupert. . . Congoleum squares clearing out at cost, at Tite's. i185 . * . At the Royal Fish Company's stand at the government dock yes- terday a small fishing boat was being unloaded and the fish pack- ed in boxes. A number of tour- gathered near to watch the doings and many and varied were the theories which they offered to account for the fish being white on one side and dark on the other. One lady with large tortoise shell spectacles suggested that the sun had bieached them on one side when they were swimming in the shallow water. ists Spec.al for Fishermenr, Swivels, 450c. dozen; hooks 3c each. Ful- ler’s, Ltd. Phone 45. tf Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. Agent J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. AI\NTCHA o\w TA cyool =o oat Arthur V. Thomas ORGANIST PIANIST Studio: First Avenue Phone 15 Hours 4 to 6@.m. _REGLAR FELLER -_ — | _ SALE Children’s Wash Dresse —m LL our Children’s Print and Ginghan Dresses are now placed on the ba) gain counter and marked down to speci ly low prices to clear. HEY run in sizes from 2 to 14 yea and are all new, this season’s mode! being smartly cut and well made. J[NCLUDED are the balance of a lot BOYS’ WASH SUITS, ages 2 to 7, and the balance of our stock of GIRLS’ and MISSES’ MIDDY BLOUSES AND SKIRTS. AS these are all very much reduced price to effect a quick clearance w: cannot sell them on approval, or mak: exchanges. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. ~—\ ! H. 5. WALLACE CO0., LUD. \. — Julge Young wl ha i BIRTH te iti - » : ‘ pected to retur: rh ¥y and Phere was | Joe You, the Chinaman convicted I j Dell, | 235 f stealing shoes, will co »p West, at the Pr for sentence as soon as possibl : lospital after his arrival d white re NEW ARRIVALS IN Ladies’ Colored Now showing at the FAMILY SHOE STORE Specia! Values in Children’s Shoes | ener —ree 6 Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen GEO. HILL Shoes « E. R. TABRUM pecial for This Week VALUES HERE TO MAKE THIS WE! SHOPPING WORTH YOUR WHILE Ladies’ Middy Smocks and Skirts are selling at ! bottom prices. Outing Panamas and White Felts selling at one-third off. HAT Children’s Dresses in Ginghams, Prints and W Muslins. All must be cleared at great reducti See Our Bargain Table of Remnants Third Avenue P.S.--We have received a new shipment of Silk ' Lisle Holeproof Hosiery in all shades Offering . — HATS Jabour Bros., Ltd. The Practica! Shoemen Phone 357 an a | Ee | K'S | Ooch hite | ms and ee