M.GE FOUR clause. as THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News TK1NQE KUTEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published .'Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue I II. F. PULL'Efo Jlanagtng-EcftloV SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month ........... .60 By mail to all pacta of Northern and .Central British Columbia, . paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion ......... 1.40 Transient advertising dnvfr6ht'page1 per inch !, ; . . 2.80 Local readers, per insertjwk-per line ,, ,.....,...(,... ,25 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word .02 Legal notices. eacB WseHto'h', per' 'agate line ........ .15 Or four months for 1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year G.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ....86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION., ti Thursday May 9,a&29 t-..-- - i iit , FOLLY OF DELAY ' The Questions of reparations is still worrying both the OVinnipeg Free PressJ The situation in which the British nations find in relation to the optional clause of the world court , COASTGUARD CUTTERS ON AN ICEBERG PATROL During the spring iceberg season the watchful cutters send out radio warnings and at nignt Keep searchlights qn- menacing bergs in the steamer routes. German people -and the nations that fought' against Ger! veteran jurist retires many during the war. ' This matter, it would' seem, ought l4,4.4.4,4 .,., to have been,;SBttled'16hg ago. It is still k carise of irrita-1' tion and should be settled as soon as possible. It is a' folly to continue to keep open a sore which would heal if left alone. .DIVIDEND PAYEKS People who have money to invest always look for dividend payers. They are so much better than prospects. Just now Home-Oil has declared a dividend of 20 per cent. That is a pretty good start for the company. There are also mines that, pay dividends .in British Columbia and these can always hold their-own. Take Premier as an ex- ample. For a long time it paid 40 per cent and of lateit has been handingout,4 per cent each quarter,orii32 per cent annually. DQubtless.othcr.rainingqwoperties Vill be doing similarly pretty soom . . . j 'nt.iiinl TAXING LOW PRICED STOCKS . at 78, . " ' khai' resigned as one of the Lords J he government hud proposed charging, a 4ai of -ono trf. Apiu1. although he win recent a share oftcjangf erg. On a.ishare,worth, only main technieaiiy a member of two cents that would have meant taking half the property.,,!1 judicial cbmmjttee of the Now this has4jefl4anger.andihe taiU,be,.onJy.a,nth..y CouncJ!-ir'8 ?eah f Tinfnf8 than itfty, cents., , -,i tff lhe finance minister was. well- advised jnimakin?ithei f uutuir, wiuwi wuuiu nave muue me transier 01 very low nricod stocks impossible. 1 ' U-i A. THE WOULD COURT for eligibility of women to. te CtrMa'cftan Senate. HIGHWAY TO has been quit clearly revealed by the recent discussions in While Prince Rupeit .Unable to the Canadian parliament and the debate this week in the1 Scc,ire 90 Mlfc larger j house of lords. A long ago as 1925 Canada, giving rea-j Scheme Formulated sons for the Vejecfcioq. of the Geneva protocol, indicated a! . ... -nMm w... K1 rpjulinpfts tn aitn tha nnfinnol lo uqh v,: in 4.u: ni,e Prince Rupert i unable iirtt T K V , ' wiu-awii t-'t0 wrure the connpcting Up of the attitude of the govMiment and also of the rosilipfl, if mii between Uiix city arid front of other British nations, notably Great Britain,' whicn. lor reasons which seem sufficient to thftm. rln nnt ' anaoa na (letiniteiy afiri6eI WTi& Signature to th", Ko'!o.rg Pact alwa W).!Toek)actisauTOi of her im feins with oher nationR. Thnt means that she will in-"iriably submit thorn to arbitration or to an intfirnnt.innnl court. This being se, what objection can there be to asreo-ing to submit nil disputes involving nuostions of intnrnn. tioral law to the World court formed for the purpose of -'"aling with thoge very matters. Sep Pnre 7. Jr arp a lot cf small advertisements there that lnake't'oodreadingi .. "..'. uvu,ic i uoici us wjiniiui, uu apua on. its DQiraij. rpjrmce. an even more amb'tmu( Canada, howevmjvfiafc not yet igned the clause, f or-'he iijBPd ch ' beim? proposed, v very ffood reason-that 8he doelf not dftsiVp desii'e tn to Vnr trot nut out;i Planned .to ..eonnett'. Unitod - ates with .Alaska, through C:in- A" . The Juneau Snpire says of his: "Bill 10 sunmil cnemaeives lp tne CQmpUISOry jurisdiction i "The nm, o Connect Alaska of the world court. JThia, it ie evident, is a condition which ! ho V'&s by autor cannot continue intfofinitely. jmnb'ip mwbt i aWncting at- Mr.Kinrpi.de this prettv cear in the following ' TliJSt statement which he made to th, Canadian house of com- lZ mons during the dlSCUSSion about the Kellogg pact: j TVi,te Sutherland of Alaska re- My hnn. friertd -will recall tha during the last Im-U"",t,v "n"'""' the tiniteH erial conference a-desire was expressed on the part of the ' m,,,," ,7Pyi,rhd r.t -Tmbkd there that no one part of the BTSJtt ' ish Empire should formally accent the nnHonal c1ans1su.h a highway not oniv because without p-'vintr to the other parts of the Empire an oppor- of tKp ""e tt would have on t"nity of discussing that particular subject. We have ad- touril,t trave1 to the'north. b" " viwH the other parte of the Emoire that'in our jphinioh', au M to develo"T1"t of,tha Canada should sign the optional clause, and w4 aw nr.': j.iwfut itrcivmg commiMiicauons irom other parte of thoi Emnre in refei-ertce thei-eto. We are carrying out ourl unucrutKing ai incconierence not to sign formally uhtf iVre has been an 6'm'iortunity for discussion, but wp'hayii made known that it is bur desire to sifrn the ontional . i . ----- great mlrterj) resources that lie ilong he route, both in Canada nd Alaska. -"Mr. Sutherland say a the proposed hignv&y is now regarded not only as , practicable, but le-J "lares there ft a'demand 'from res- ; den's of Alaska. Yukon Territory md the frtnte of Washington for ...! "ons- ruction of sections of ;ifl Hint will link the Alaskan and British Columitia roads into one uiittnnnua highway.' "Of rMro, the project is fav-cr -I i a'l he people of the north on both sides of the international ,,,..; ,.v Such n road would al most immediately become qne of! he most iflnular Wmugh fares j l h- wir,tMftr hnofers, jflsher-1 men vpA .lowers of scenic, gran-' dnur an' bill-door life. And it. Ivrilllff 'nnnf.tHlt4i) 1mm,noAl.r An' velop meht,"!' f Protects vniit Sinn Health! SfTf pniGlDAlRC Autonvitte Tie-frigrratlon Lrpt foxl lwayi at Just the rich! lfm-rrature to Mifcciurd1 lliclr CiMxIncn. Cct the complete facli at our tlinwrimm. Oper-air from farm electric plant or central nation power. MUCK ROIUNSON ' KI.KCTKK' (K.C.) Limited Vtuicuuver, Victoria C. SHSCjl J. Al.fiKIt HepreKtnlutive FRIGIDAIRE Product of Cencral Motor WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST MEANS TO ADVANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL B. C? PRIZES ARE OFFERED V The Dally ttltes ituggeations a to the bat means of advancing the Ititereata'of northern and central llritish Columbia. As a recognition of .our interest in the subject, we offer three prizes for the best suggestions put forward in a brief newspaper article not to exceed 500 worls. First prlie. JO; second prize, a year's aubscription to The Daily News; and, third, six months' subscription to the paper. A school boy or school .girl is juat as' likely to win the prize for this as is a grownup. Write on one aide of the paper only Wid mail addressed : Contest Editor, The Daiiy News, Prince Rupert, B.C. i. ? i Mi- Th I'M mi THfc William Booth m: MAY 1 TO MAY 15 4 V" 1 Self Denial CO In Aid of Our Missionary and Home Work When called upon please give liberally t ... . e'True purpose of a Budget pVHliY year yw ind a large proportion of th ifHey yu Lf gef. 4it. mul,fr clothing, Bo mttobik .V$ much for things.to iW4or hiiaee fumWrfpgs, htfht what not. -t ' , 'I . - ' Here 1 the way to get the hiWtiojyour nwaey. Keep a budget. Wide vrjiftt yoi can kiftoA to tpnd for each Item, and hold yourself wHWU this amount. Thento get the molt for your budget mQnaj rWflbailfW Uscments carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what is newest and best. They givu you the latest ideas and improvement;. They help you to get more from each dollar you have apportioned 1n your budget nd so live better and dress better with the same income. The true purpose of a budget i to enable you to spend wisely-and only by eareful roadUig of adwttolflg can you hope to accomplish tills result. ' "(.if! Kcad advertising regularly, it. pointy .the ' way to better living. Daily News Want Ad;,. Bring Quick Returns 1 5