Kodak time is Here ! Try a Daily News WANT-AD. Local l li.l.l. !!i " , We' iayfiJifpnr' stpck ! from ths tiny Brownie to the Cine Kodalc. fdr moVlea. Come inland see them. We develop and print pkturea. Dally ree; TELEPHONES 8?, 200 QrmesIlA.- Jic Pioneer Uttterisls THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST Well Mannered Service to Motorists We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Let us take care o your gas, oil anil grea&ing needs: Guaranteed 'work. , .Winako :a.;S$alty i.!oif:puinmag.-imB lor . 1 :t iidm.i' Let ust heljv i ybu today. ' ' " v'''iuAu)OAiiioK.fiu) 1 They Are Good Tires I. 1 M AAA ll&Ukk 11 (A m ad Colds ; vapors innaicu quickly clear head aiftv US VapoRuh A 7-Piece Cut .Glass Fruit 't?!or'Ti2.00 This set is one of our re-ifirt arrivals. The bowl i MgbT TfTCheirwlde nnd"hold, noulv.fruH; or, )reservoa for. Ri peoplo. .nM ' W'slx' individual' wmil dlsh or1 na'pple are1 Ut 6 match with star and fnn-shaped putlerns and are of ihV nwv, rather deep, shape . GLAD TO SHOW YOlf John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Limited FOKD 1)EAlM$T , L-L II - ANNOUNCEMENTS Fair Board Hayseed Dante, May 9. Premier Orchestra Novelty Dance In Moose Hall, May 10. t w nf the season. Tickets,. 75c and 50c, from members or Mc-Cuteheon's Drug Store. "Mother's , liay" Cpurt WfclsU Social and Dance to be "held Sit. urday, May 11 in the Scbut Hall, Bort Clements. Whist to begin at 9 o'clock. Admission, gpntlcmn 50c, ladies please provide. . Birthday Tea, United Church Hall, May 30. .' ' .... FaSt AVorkers W Ftilr"Board. ' Moose Annual Picnic at Dlgby June 30. , Gingham Dance to be held at Port Clements some time In June. So be prepared-buy a bowl - Sunday, 'July K. of r-14, Dipby Island. Our classified section may be of special interest to ymi today. Tr bAtiA NiSws and Personal News In i ' i i I. i i . 4 a Taxi I'honc 4, Dig 4 Tnxi. tf I)c'ntisi'l)r. .1, It. fiosse. Phone C8C. ''Se" hloau' windo for Cor- ,'sets 'this week.' 108 ' Wlces on '' Corset; 1ep'd,"week'"al' .rabduV'H. 108 May 17 Norwegian Independence T)j' Banquet and Social in Moose Hall ut 8 p.m. Music by Premier Orchestra. Admission $1.00. Come and have a good time at the last Scottish dame of the jaeason in I.O.D.E. Hall on Iri- ii;iy. May 10 at H.H0. Ladies 50c. gentlemen $1.00 107; George Hills, who came to the : city, to attend 'the marriage of , his mother. Mrs. V. V. Tattersal. , sailed yesUrday afternoon by the' , Prince George on nis return 10.. Stewart. F! N. Spettlgue, well knownj minine man. who has been ntv a ! trin to New York and the OWi Country during the past winter, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince ;eore for Stewart. FOR BABY Five generations of babies have been kept clean, fresh, fragrant, and free from skin I troubles by the use of baby's mm , 9 I mm SEis.Week Extra Special ! Combination Scnp Deal 8 C; kes Classic Laundry Soap 2 Cans Classic Cleanser 1 Pkg. Naptha Chips 1 Bar Wool Soap, large 1 of the Latest Novelty Crepe Happy Coats. Total value $2 50. Special this week $1.65 Orer Early ! CLEAN-HPSl'KClAIS BBnXX' FLOOR WAX lhj W viwia Jwught a job lot iof.Uio xfljoWaDdJ are of faring it at ViV remarkable price df, per tin j..26c; STAOX LIQUID STOVE POLISH ' . Brilliant . and lairting. 2 bot. 25c T 1 r. LYE Gem. 2 tins .25c KLONDYKE SOAP Per bar 25e LIFEBUOY SOAP S bars . .25c BROOMS Each 40.- SUPREMA POLISH Regular 50c. Bottle ...35c SCRUBBING BRUSHES Each 25c BEST BULK BUTTER 3 lbs, $1.36 GAINER'S LARD A. auperior prodtict, Open-Kettle- rendered. richer in shortening oootent. 3s 60c 5s 1.00 10a $1.95 RED ARROW SODAS 2 pks. 45c l!l.'L OKI', US FOR GUEEN VEGETABIfES, RADISHES A N D G R E E ujNiuiva a ouncnos lue SPINACH Per lb ....10c FIELD RHUBARB 1 lbs. ...25c Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 NOT THE SAME PERSON AT ALL 'Fruit-a-lives" Stopped Pain and Terrible Dizziness Mom. CODIN It "jewns tlm.Mt a miracle the "way "Fniit-a-tivr" benefits women suffcr-ingoi ! tb!!,:ioeufhfe. '1 waa obliged to go to Ik (i leonjso of the trrule J Lumens, and weakness," write mi a uMKine jodto ol raquetvulc, N.E. "lJiiring this trying time Trurha-trves' proved a godaend to am, and bow i am in feet health. vary woman should fellow my ex- amnle and take 'Kruit-a-tiw and tfaay wnikl surely get the wonderful cam thai 1 did." Trrit. Vruirlwilr f nderful 'nk medicine- 3Se. ao& 50c a twx. at. Anarew s society mommy meewng, wonoay, aiay m. I Com and see the Milk-maids and the Farmers tonight. There, wrll be nn galore. Tta. afternoon's train, due from tiae east at 8:30, . was repor - td tfiis morning to be on time. ut. u. u. winer oi . 5j.ewan, after j ) MB ft Wig a few days in thf city. Bailed yesterday afternoen by the. board tfor the opportunity tbe Prist Gwrgfin iis relu?utf .ntWf)i ,M Confereaee . of i north. .( Mis.- H. Lifton of Smithers ar rived in tbe-citysfrora the inter' - the Prince George tonight on his i 1 return to Vancouver. ' ' I i I, At a meeting of the school ' Doara iasi mgnx miss fiercer. feaid that: she wished ti'thsihte! tire Nstwiial Council. ,01 Educa ' ' ' .t i ''.... ' r,u ':' Cfe'v. Alfred Wilsdn and Rev.T.' where thev will attend the an- nual conference of the. United Church. Other clergymen . rem the district will will also also be be going !south. , , J , At a meeting of ithe Bahnl ' heard bsard last iast nieht nJght Princinal I'rincipal Peddle Peddle reDOrted the receint of $20 from tor on thwfternoon's train andJH. McAllister of this city will, will sail tonight on ; the Princeiail Sunday: night for iVancouverj Geortfe tot a trip4o Vancouver. At trie regular monthly meefV ing 0 the school board last Hight the following were present: irnsfpps T. McMeekin, J. Thomp-,1 ,aon, W. Gilchrist, E. Barrie and lira. Spencer, ana miss Mills, anus, Miss Mt icer. Miss McArthur, Miss Vickers and T. Peddie. ' There are three trying periods in a woman's life? when the girl matures to womanhood, when a woman gives birth to her first child, when a woman reaches middle age. At these times Lydia E. rinltham's Vegetable Compound helps to restore normal health and vigor. BUSH'S;: rocertena!::::::: :, I'RINt'ESS SOAP FLAKES ( Pkt. 20c. CASTH.E. SOAP Bar 20c Wl KT'S jayjrjKJNAPTHA SOAP unraiLdpTfti &c iJM&J- S1' -VLKRsWOLIVES 25c Al.YMKMNED CHICKEN Tin 45c XORWKfjyfAN CROWN SAR- DINES'ttna 25c. ILXCELlJWdB IJATES Pkt. 10c la-OZ. J.PaTjRE HONEY 25c NirW f!7! . . !V.951m SAVEET 'JUICY ORANGE 4 dos 75c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 "WE DELIVER :V. . .Ill, XEMO 'Corset week at Jabour's. . 108 Mrs. A. R. Phillips will sail tonight by the Prince George for Vancouver, y ' , Children's tweed coats', .from $3.50 ; Ladies' coats. from $7.95. Wallace's, Friday' and Saturday. 108 Al Smaily orchestra will provide the music at the Hayseed Dance in the Exhibition Hall tonight. I Miss Phyllis Mooney R. N., who has been spending a few days! -at Evelyn visiting with friends, ; returned to the city on this afternoon's train. J R. F. 3IcNaughton. C.N.R. dis-, trict passenger agent, sailed ye- .terday afternoon on the Prince ueorge lor a irip 10 nnyox on oi-j ficiaJ business. He will return to the city on Sunday evening. J. J. Little, local manager for the Power Corporation of Canada, Keeps mp your energy by protecting your health. Rich in the essential vitamins and mineral alts Delicious for any roeal tvith milk or fruits. Sa the paper inserts for the youngsters. sauea yesieroay .anernoon oy me jp,., )rfle outnd win one. ' Prince George for a trip to Stew-, art on company business, aecom-j Rev Father J. Hammond 0. panying officials of the Pwerv i and ve.terdav nftemoon iorporation oi uanaaa. 1 . E. Macdonald, assistant general baggage agent of the Canadian! National Railways, who has been Msiting the city nd district on " : Tradeft & Labor Council regu-, ,ar metIng tonight i07 Special sale of ladies' and children's coats. Wallace's. 108 Everything is set for the big jiayi(Wd Dance tonight. $25.00 in on j,e prjnce George for a trin to Stewart. jshua McKav. Port Simngcm Tnjton t1hi1 riilltv Wnr Magistrate MeClymont this morn m. j j,i noaeession out of 7lL. 'a ... ia tin xsfff nt-n m ill a i in nan iiucu J a u. iiluii Sergecnt Alex McNeill prosecu- ted and L. W. Patrrjore appeared . nf -,,,..-1 lt 1lxl:... HOTEL .ARRIVALS .Savov . George Nelson, Inverness; ii0laA cnv r. .. 'Royal,, J". . Uranfa-iAW! V'.,n?nJ A. company business, will sail byi:.- tn a rhnrir of havinir rHavrfM!,,1im-who ''d tne oelief the Parent Teacher's Association Clark and Wallace .Hamilton, (for use in the High School. Halt Vancouver; A. Mackie, city. of this will be used for sports ! equipment and the other half forjrAMAni&N HALIBUT the school library. Rev. John H. Hansen, pastor of! St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and! Mrs. Hansen will sail tonight on the Prince George for a two! week's trip to Vancouver, Se- attle and Longview. At the lat- ter place they will attend a Lu- theran Church convention. 4 NOTICE : The general public is cor- dially invited to visit the Prince Rupert General Hos- pital on Saturday May 11, between the hours of two and five P.M., which date is beinir observed as National An Interesting Announcement Of particular Interest to all British Columbiana la the announoement of a iterle ot thort talks about B. C. torrasniWhi 'arpSH tk. Theie talk! throw an Interesting .light on 11m developnwnt and proertoa that baa ben going on In recnt yeora. Read them carefully thre Ii a worthwhile message in each srticlc B.C.PRCDUCTS n cr u Brief As the Weather Warms Eat HREDlIEO tfftTi oU the bran of the whole whtat 12 full-size biscuits NEWPROVICE WAS FAVORED Interesting Debate Held by Moose Lodge on Live Issue An interesting debate oh the subject of the formation of northern British Columbia into aj new nrovince was held at the Moose Lodge last nijrht. the decision be-'ng In fav(r of a new province. ,Arguin for the new province were D. C. Schubert and W. B. !na tn8 ,ri(' would have bet- ter chanees for dwelopmenft if the 11 P"duced in the way of taxation and other imnosts were lajdmiairtered and expended by a more local government. An inter-efne sgget'or was that Yukon Territory rarht be included in the new province. ' Louis Afttori and Richard Long, DpeaWrfg in tb negative, held that Seppmmel anHZukoff, Clty.jftf Vle'toHa B. M. Simpson and ,' ' . Cpitral: J,; M. Morron. . , ....... , if iir v n il t? . vv .... r in rt i av viinmuvfr. ii. -..)t...FW, -i --. !Warrn, ctyr. , j Prince Runert. H. H. Laxer, O. W. Pearson, J. H McClearv. J. N. Bennett, John , ' GOT HIGHEST PRICE AT EXCHANGE TODAY; I i Halibut price; '.vc:o r.omewhat lower at the local fish exaftge M morning, when e tntal of 95,- 600 pounds' was said. Highest prices of the day were paid to Ca- jnadian boats, which received up while the high bW r American , fish wee n.'ic anu 7C. ' Arrivals and sales were as fol lows : American-Sunset. 20,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 12.2c and 7c. Dornrn. JGCK) pound., Canadian Fish & Oeld Sterage Co.. 12c and 7c. Canadian Balsac I., COOO nounds. 0-dian Fish & Cold 8tra' Co.. 1 10.9c and Gc. Margaret I., 10.0n0 pounds Pa-jcific Fisheries 12.9: and 7c. i Ca"H. 1.1 00n nound: VlVing, jl., 9500 pounds: and Living- tone II.. '0 000 nounds. Atlin ",,!heies He and 6c. J. R.. 5000 pounds. Atlin Fisheries, 12 5o and 7c. IlLFGM HSHING CHW GAINST IspWf-1' .... ITL I .t.-JI- I lie iuuk nianuiMK lure unuiov Capt. Ole Skog. charged with il- jilep'sl fWng 1n the Pearl Harbor ; spawning area several months aro, camn to a cloe this miornlog In 1 -rnvinr-lal nollce court, when tiicndlrr" Mv'strate II. F. Mc- ;Tjeod dlsmiMed the ehnrire. Milton Goriyalea acted In Skog's de ftth. wWle E. F. Jones apneared on bnhalf of the fisheries "post or nammnTntion would be raore lhan the district could bear. The fudge were W. S. Pawcett After iw debate, refreshments . . . . -Trr Mr1 and a artclal hriUr en joyea. ' . . . cp.ip nT7 ru wrvc Hunuu i s t 1 1 The following is the scale of charges made for reading H- rrtiees: Birth Nntkes 50c. Cards of Thanks. 12. funeral ftouoe l. Funeral Flowers 10c oer pn-i. MnTHaje and Engagement nnnourcemerrtp 2. . f tMt4i,4HMt4 - Had 17 Boils On His Neck Arms and Legs Mr. A. L. Willos, Sapton, Man.. writes: "I had been bothered with boils for about two years. I had aerratcen on my neck, arms and lees. I tried all kinds of medicine, but non of them sremed to hrlp tn any. I then used two bottles of and 1 Intra never Urn bothered with any boils siaca then.'1 P. B. n. ia manufactured only by TheT. MQbura Co., Ltd Toronto, Out. L'lNDsAY'S . Cartage and Storage Phone 6S CarUige, Warehousing ana Distributing. Team or Alotor Service . Coal, Sand and Grave) We Specialize In Piano Jano Furniture Moving. (